[外絮] Adelman即將退休已回收

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http://tinyurl.com/kysm6ps MINNEAPOLIS — Timberwolves coach Rick Adelman has decided to retire after 23 seasons in the NBA, The Associated Press has learned. 執教二十三個球季後,如今Rick Adelman即將放下教鞭。 Adelman was expected to announce his decision Monday morning, according to a person with knowledge of the decision who spoke on condition of anonymity because the team had not announced the move. He will serve as a team adviser. 據不具名人士指出,Adelman將於週一早上宣佈此決定,但球隊尚未正式公佈。 他往後將擔任球隊顧問。 The decision brings to an end to a celebrated coaching career that includes 1,042 victories, eighth on the NBA’s career list. He coached Western Conference powers in Portland and Sacramento and also had stops in Golden State and Houston. 多達1,042勝,NBA教練勝場數第八名的輝煌執教生涯,就此劃上句點。 他曾在拓荒者與國王打造出西區強權, 也曾半途夢碎勇士與火箭。 Adelman just completed the third season of a four-year deal with Minnesota that he signed 2011. There was a mutual option for the final year of the deal. 他剛完成了2011年與灰狼簽下的四年合約中的第三年。 雙方都擁有第四年的跳脫權。 After missing the playoffs for the third straight season, and with a wife who is being treated for seizure disorders, Adelman decided it was time to walk away from one of the most quietly influential coaching careers in NBA history. 連續三年無法進軍季後賽, 妻子又罹患痙攣, Adelman決定就此告別執教生涯。 The introverted coach never received his just due while working below the radar for most of his career, but his impact on the league as an offensive innovator is unquestioned. 這位生性低調的教練在生涯中大半沒有收到應得的掌聲, 但作為進攻戰術的革命者,他對聯盟衝擊之大是毫無疑問的。 “I think every coach in this league has taken some of his concepts,” Bulls coach Tom Thibodeau said. “You can see every team has part of his corner series as part of their offence.” 「聯盟中的每位教練都學習了他的一些概念。」公牛教練Tom Thibodeau表示。 「你可以看見,每支球隊的進攻戰術中都吸收了他的Corner Offense。」 Adelman won at least 50 games in a season 11 times in his career, helped turnaround the Portland Trail Blazers in the late 1980s and then built a power in Sacramento 10 years later. He had more modest success with Houston and Minnesota, but walks away with his fingerprints all over the league. 生涯中十一次單季破五十勝, 八零年代讓拓荒者由黑翻紅, 十年後將國王打造成西區強權; 他在火箭與灰狼的執教期間則難稱成功, 但他的印記早已遍佈全聯盟。 “He’s been what I call a lifer,” Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said. “He’s been in several different programs, made them all better, done a heck of a job wherever he’s gone, has always been underrated and has been a guy that players have really enjoyed playing for. That’s who he is.” 「我會稱他為一名終生教練。」馬刺教練Popovich透露。 「他參與了許多不同的體系,讓他們全都變得更好, 不管去哪支球隊都完成了傑出的工作,永遠都被低估, 也是球員們最喜歡為其效力的教練。 這就是他的為人作風。」 While with the Kings, Adelman worked with assistant and former Princeton coach Pete Carril to fine-tune his famed “corner” offence, a precision system that maximized the talents of big men Chris Webber, Vlade Divac and Brad Miller, all of whom were gifted passers from the elbow of the lane. 國王時期,Adelman與助理教練、也是前普林斯頓教練Pete Carril攜手, 將他賴以成名的Corner Offense更上一層樓, 讓Chris Webber、Divac、Brad Miller將才華發揮得淋漓盡致; 他們全是禁區高位的頂尖傳球手。 “A lot of people have run the elbow action, but no one’s run it like him,” Clippers coach Doc Rivers said. “He started doing it in Portland and then in Sac, everywhere he’s gone he’s won for the most part. He’s one of the better coaches that we’ve ever had in the league and a lot of people don’t realize that. And I think that’s too bad. But he’s been good for the game. He’s brought a lot to the game.” 「很多人都玩過Elbow Action,但沒人能像他玩得這麼好。」 快艇教練Doc Rivers如是說。 「他在拓荒者開始啟用此招,接著在國王, 他去的每支球隊多半都斬獲佳績。 他是聯盟中有史以來的傑出教練之一, 但很多人都沒有給他應得的掌聲。 我認為這點太糟糕了。 但他對籃球貢獻良多。」 “I’ve stolen from him, very honestly,” Popovich said. 「老實說,我也從他身上偷了好幾招」Popvich坦承。 Adelman’s career started reluctantly in 1988, when he took over the Trail Blazers after Mike Schuler was fired during the season. The following season, in his first full year as an NBA head coach, Adelman led the Blazers to the NBA Finals, where they lost to the Detroit Pistons. Adelman的執教生涯於1988年展開, 在Micke Schuler季中捲舖蓋後接棒。 下一季,他所執教的第一個完整球季, Adelman帶領拓荒者打進冠軍賽, 但敗在活塞手下。 He had the Blazers back in the finals in 1992, but they lost to Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls. 1992年他率領拓荒者重返冠軍賽, 但這次夢碎芝加哥。 Adelman turned the Kings from a perennial loser into one of the most entertaining and successful teams in the West from 1998-2004, and the controversial loss to the Los Angeles Lakers in the Western Conference in 2002 haunts him to this day. 1998至2004年,Adelman將國王從一支墊底球隊, 打造成西區最具娛樂性也最成功的球隊之一; 而2002年西區決賽的爭議失利, 直至今日仍纏繞他不去。 “In terms of the impact he’s had on the league, you just check out everybody ’s playbook,” said Heat coach Erik Spoelstra, who caught the coaching bug while watching Adelman’s Portland teams when he was a college point guard at the University of Portland. “Everybody has at least some version or piece of his offence in their playbook. And most teams call it Sacramento. He was and has been an incredible innovator in this game.” 「談及他對全聯盟的影響, 你只要翻翻每個人的戰術書就看得出來了。」 熱火教練Spoelstra表示。 當年他在波特蘭大學擔任控球後衛時, 因觀賞過Adelman執教的拓荒者,而從此一頭栽進執教的世界。 「每個人的戰術本裡至少都吸取了一部份他的進攻戰術。 大部份球隊都稱其為『沙加緬度』。 在籃球世界中,他一直是一名不可思議的革命先驅。」 He had a two-year stop in Golden State from 1995-97, where he learned hard lessons about sticking to what he believed in and not letting others influence his approach, and that hardened philosophy served him well the rest of his career. 1995至1997年,Adelman短暫待過勇士, 因此學會一個重大教訓:絕不讓他人影響自己的執教, 而這套執教哲學在他往後生涯佔有重要地位。 With a Houston team missing its two biggest stars in Tracy McGrady and Yao Ming, Adelman used 6-foot-6 Chuck Hayes at centre and took the heavily favoured Lakers to seven games in the Western Conference semifinals in 2009. 當火箭隊失去了T-Mac與姚明兩大巨星後, Adelman啟用了六呎六吋的Chucky Hayes擔任中鋒, 與眾人看好的湖人一路血戰七場才力盡而敗。 His Timberwolves teams suffered a litany of injuries as well, but he still did manage to take a team that had combined for 32 wins in the two years before his hiring and get them to .500 three years later. 他執教下的灰狼也接連遭受傷病打擊, 但這支先前兩個球季總共也只摘下三十二勝的球隊, 三年後在他掌舵下重返五成勝率。 Adelman’s final season in Minnesota was a frustrating one, with Nikola Pekovic missing 28 games, Chase Budinger never fully healthy after off-season knee surgery and a team that beat the Thunder, Heat, Spurs, Grizzlies, Rockets and Pacers but also lost to the Kings, Magic and Jazz. They still finished 40-42, with nine more victories than last season. Adelman在灰狼的最後一個球季依然挫折連連, Pekovic缺席二十八場比賽, Budinger膝蓋手術後從未真正復元; 這支球隊力壓雷霆、熱火、馬刺、灰熊、火箭、溜馬, 同時卻也敗在國王、魔術、爵士的手下。 灰狼以四十勝四十二敗告終, 比去年多贏得了九場勝利。 Now the team heads into a precarious summer, with President Flip Saunders needing to find the right coach and make the right personnel moves to convince All-Star power forward Kevin Love, who can opt out of his contract after next season, to stick around for the long haul. 球隊如今即將邁進一個動盪不安的夏天, 總裁Flip Saunders必須找到對的教練與人事調度, 好說服Kevin Love歸隊。 Michigan State’s Tom Izzo, a friend of Saunders for years, Iowa State’s Fred Hoiberg, a former Timberwolves player and executive, and ESPN analyst George Karl are among the candidates likely to be considered to take over a team that has the longest-running playoff drought in the league at 10 years. Saunders himself could also take over, though Taylor has said he prefers to keep Saunders in the front office. 密西根州大教練Tom Izzo,Saunders的長年好友, 愛荷華州大教練Fred Hoiberg,前灰狼球員與球隊高層, ESPN球評George Karl等, 都是這支領先全聯盟、長達十年未嘗季後賽滋味的球隊教練人選之一。 Saunders也可能自己接手教職, 但球隊老闆Taylor表明他寧願Saunders乖乖擔任總管一職。 Even as Adelman prepares to ride off into the sunset to spend more time with his beloved wife Mary Kay and eight grandchildren, his influence will remain in the league he called home for 25 years. 儘管Adelman即將騎馬步入夕陽, 好與愛妻跟八名孫兒長相左右, 他的影響力依然會在全聯盟迴盪不去。 Rivers still remembers a particular play Adelman ran when he coached the Kings. Rivers依然深記Adelman執教國王時的一套戰術。 “We copied it and won a game with it in Boston and called it Adelman,” Rivers said. “It was great.” 「我們在賽爾提克如法炮製,並藉此贏下一場比賽。 我們稱這套戰術為『Adelman』。」Rivers透露。 「它太棒了。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1398095402.A.845.htmlEvilisGood:轉錄至看板 Timberwolves 04/21 23:50

04/21 23:52, , 1F
04/21 23:52, 1F

04/21 23:52, , 2F
想到驢屌 ...
04/21 23:52, 2F

04/21 23:53, , 3F
04/21 23:53, 3F

04/21 23:53, , 4F
執教生涯有點背 特別是到了最後幾年
04/21 23:53, 4F

04/21 23:53, , 5F
矮豆人 Q_Q
04/21 23:53, 5F

04/21 23:55, , 6F
04/21 23:55, 6F

04/21 23:55, , 7F
灰狼也好久沒進季後賽了......也不能怪他 傷病 陣容
04/21 23:55, 7F

04/21 23:56, , 8F
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04/21 23:57, , 9F
04/21 23:57, 9F

04/21 23:58, , 10F
臨門一腳國王隊->MM痛痛火箭隊->灰狼 陣容越來越差
04/21 23:58, 10F

04/21 23:58, , 11F
04/21 23:58, 11F

04/22 00:00, , 12F
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04/22 00:06, , 13F
04/22 00:06, 13F
ImMACACO:轉錄至看板 Kings 04/22 00:07

04/22 00:08, , 14F
當年的國王 每個都是Magic......
04/22 00:08, 14F

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04/22 00:12, , 17F
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04/22 00:14, , 18F
永遠忘不了國王隊的球風 以後應該也很難出現
04/22 00:14, 18F

04/22 00:16, , 19F
Bibby Christie Peja Webber Divac 當年超愛的 差點
04/22 00:16, 19F

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04/22 00:20, , 23F
本來就能幹掉湖人 要不是黑球疑雲...
04/22 00:20, 23F

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04/22 00:21, , 27F
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04/22 00:22, , 28F
Kevin Martin也跟了Adelman三個球隊
04/22 00:22, 28F

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04/22 00:25, , 32F
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04/22 00:25, , 33F
例如當年灰狼不要的Corey Brewer 回鍋竟然可以得50分
04/22 00:25, 33F

04/22 00:30, , 34F
我最喜歡的教練 淚推
04/22 00:30, 34F

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04/22 00:33, , 36F
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04/22 00:36, , 37F
執教生涯 每次遇上禪師他就頭痛了
04/22 00:36, 37F

04/22 00:36, , 38F
04/22 00:36, 38F
還有 24 則推文
04/22 04:32, , 63F
國王迷淚推~ 很想念當年的五虎將跟板凳深厚的國王
04/22 04:32, 63F

04/22 04:52, , 64F
04/22 04:52, 64F

04/22 05:10, , 65F
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04/22 05:25, , 66F
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04/22 06:22, , 67F
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04/22 07:08, , 68F
推阿德曼 陪家人是正確的選擇 家人>any
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04/22 07:10, , 69F
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04/22 07:48, , 70F
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04/22 08:05, , 72F
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04/22 08:08, , 73F
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04/22 08:13, , 74F
國王迷 推 致敬!!
04/22 08:13, 74F

04/22 08:18, , 75F
淚推矮豆人 然後我當初怎麼也想不到 國王的精采
04/22 08:18, 75F

04/22 08:18, , 76F
跑位會在馬刺重現 TT
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04/22 08:18, , 77F
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04/22 08:18, , 78F
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04/22 09:01, , 81F
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04/22 09:15, , 82F
推 比禪師有料多了
04/22 09:15, 82F

04/22 09:30, , 83F
04/22 09:30, 83F

04/22 09:38, , 84F
國王迷淚推 謝謝矮痘人!
04/22 09:38, 84F

04/22 10:31, , 85F
04/22 10:31, 85F

04/22 10:38, , 86F
QAQ 我想看他重返火箭取代冰箱啊QAQ
04/22 10:38, 86F

04/22 10:39, , 87F
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04/22 10:39, , 88F
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04/22 11:06, , 89F
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04/22 12:21, , 92F
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04/22 12:24, , 93F
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04/22 12:55, , 94F
國王迷淚推 !
04/22 12:55, 94F

04/22 12:59, , 95F
懷念他阿 灰狼真的有點砸了招牌
04/22 12:59, 95F

04/22 13:28, , 96F
04/22 13:28, 96F

04/22 13:43, , 97F
淚推~~ 喜歡他執教國王的風格!!!
04/22 13:43, 97F

04/22 14:18, , 98F
QQ 國王迷淚推
04/22 14:18, 98F

04/22 14:39, , 99F
04/22 14:39, 99F

04/22 15:11, , 100F
國王迷淚推 話說suck驢屌直到出水了沒
04/22 15:11, 100F

04/22 17:54, , 101F
04/22 17:54, 101F

02/11 17:55, , 102F
02/11 17:55, 102F
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