[外絮] Number Preview:雷霆 - 灰熊已回收

看板NBA作者 (..)時間10年前 (2014/04/19 01:43), 10年前編輯推噓19(1904)
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原文網址: http://hangtime.blogs.nba.com/2014/04/17/numbers-preview-thunder-grizzlies/ 圖文部落格: http://leelou.pixnet.net/blog/post/32205146 The Oklahoma City Thunder and Memphis Grizzlies both survived injuries that knocked out key players for big chunks of the season. Their reward is facing each other in the first round. This is a rematch of last year’s conference semifinals, a series won by the Grizzlies in five games. Oklahoma City will have Russell Westbrook this time, but the Grizzlies aren’t the same team either. They’ve made some upgrades on the wings and still have one of the league’s best defenses. Here are some statistical nuggets regarding the 2 and 7 seeds in the Western Conference, as well as the four regular-season games they played against each other. 奧克拉荷馬雷霆和曼菲斯灰熊本季各有一名主力球員因傷缺席了大半球季,但他們都通過 了考驗來到季後賽,即將在第一輪中碰頭。這是繼去年第二輪後的再次對決,那個系列賽 中灰熊用五場淘汰了雷霆。可是今年Russell Westbrook歸隊了,不過灰熊也和去年不太 一樣,他們在側翼升級的同時,還是保有聯盟頂級的防守。下面是西區第2種子和第7種子 的統計數據,包括他們在例行賽的四場交手。 Oklahoma City Thunder (59-23) Pace: 97.9 (9) OffRtg: 108.1 (7) DefRtg: 101.0 (5) NetRtg: +7.1 (3) Thunder notes: .The only team that has ranked in the top 10 in both offensive and defensive efficiency each of the last three seasons. .Best second quarter team in the league, outscoring opponents by 10.7 points per 100 possessions. .Won 14 of the 31 games they trailed by 10 or more points. That winning percentage of .452 led the league and was more than twice the league average (.214) for situations when teams trailed by at least 10. .Kevin Durant grabbed 74.9 percent of his rebounding chances, the highest mark in the league. 雷霆: .唯一在過去三個球季都能同時在進攻和防守效率排進前10名的球隊。 .聯盟最會打第二節的球隊,平均每100次球權比對手多得10.7分。 .在31場落後達10分以上的比賽中贏了14場,0.452的勝率領先全聯盟,比聯盟平均值 (0.214)還要多兩倍。 .Kevin Durant掌握了74.9%的籃板機會,聯盟最高。 Memphis Grizzlies (50-32) Pace: 92.2 (30) OffRtg: 103.3 (16) DefRtg: 102.1 (8) NetRtg: +1.2 (14) Grizzlies notes: .Only 17.1 percent of their shots were 3-pointers, the lowest rate in the league. .Courtney Lee shot 50.7 percent from mid-range, the best mark among players with at least 100 mid-range attempts. .Marc Gasol led the league with 14.4 elbow touches per game. .Went 33-13 and ranked second defensively, allowing less than a point per possession, after Gasol returned from injury on Jan. 14. .32 of their 50 wins were within five points in the last five minutes. They ranked second in clutch-time DefRtg and first in clutch-time NetRtg. 灰熊: .只有17.1%的出手是三分球,聯盟最低比例。 .Courtney Lee的中距離命中率50.7%,在至少出手100次中距離的球員中排行第一。 .Marc Gasol每場在肘區持球14.4次,領先全聯盟。 .自從1月14日Gasol歸隊後,灰熊戰績33勝13負,防守排名第二,平均每回合失分低於1 。 .他們的50勝當中,有32場在最後5分鐘分數差距不到5分。他們在關鍵時刻的DefRtg排名 第2,NetRtg排名第1。 The matchup Season series: Thunder won 3-1 (2-0 at home) Pace: 94.6 OKC OffRtg: 106.5 (7th vs. MEM) MEM OffRtg: 98.6 (21st vs. OKC) Matchup notes: .No series offers a bigger contrast in pace. The Thunder have averaged 5.7 more possessions per 48 minutes than the Memphis. The next biggest discrepancy in the first round is Chicago-Washington, which offers a discrepancy of only 2.7. .The Thunder ranked 14th in offensive rebounding percentage overall, but had the second highest offensive rebounding percentage against Memphis, grabbing 30.2 percent of available offensive boards in the four meetings. .OKC scored 130.4 points per 100 possessions in the 57 minutes that Westbrook played against the Grizzlies. He played in the first and last meetings, shooting 14-for-24 from the field and 17-for-18 from the line. .Three of Memphis’ five starters – Mike Conley, Tayshaun Prince and Zach Randolph – shot less than 40 percent against the Thunder, though the starting lineup scored an efficient 116.8 points per 100 possessions in 33 minutes together. .Durant shot 19-for-47 (40 percent) when Tayshaun Prince was guarding him and 25-for-38 (66 percent) on all other shots against the Grizzlies. .See more exclusive SportVU matchup data here. 對戰組合: .沒有其他的對戰組合的節奏差距比他們還大,雷霆平均每48分鐘比灰熊還多了5.7個回 合。差距第二大的組合是公牛對巫師,只有2.7個回合。 .雷霆整體進攻籃板率僅排名第14,但是對戰灰熊時是第2高的,在例行賽的4次遭遇中掌 握了30.2%的進攻籃板球。 .當Westbrook對上灰熊的57分鐘裡,OKC每100次球權攻下130.4分。他打了第1場和第4場 對戰,一共24投14中,罰球18投17中。 .灰熊5名先發中有3位 - Mike Conley、Tayshaun Price和Zach Randolph - 對上雷霆時 投籃命中率低於40%,不過他們的先發陣容在33分鐘的時間裡,打出了每100回合116.8分 的效率。 .當Tayshaun Price防守時,Durant只有47投19中(40%),換成其他人守時,則是38投25 中(66%)。 .更多SportVU獨家數據請看:http://leelou.pixnet.net/blog/post/32205317 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1397843033.A.253.html ※ 編輯: Tendywang (, 04/19/2014 01:46:04

04/19 01:49, , 1F
04/19 01:49, 1F

04/19 01:52, , 2F
守住裁判 KD還有8成功力 鬍子可能就掰了 所以重點是
04/19 01:52, 2F

04/19 01:52, , 3F
04/19 01:52, 3F

04/19 01:52, , 4F
04/19 01:52, 4F

04/19 01:58, , 5F
04/19 01:58, 5F

04/19 02:01, , 6F
04/19 02:01, 6F

04/19 02:01, , 7F
這兩隊近年常常碰頭阿 每次都很激烈 至少會打到G6吧
04/19 02:01, 7F

04/19 02:02, , 8F
04/19 02:02, 8F

04/19 02:03, , 9F
我熊嬴的話 我的雕請雞排妹吃
04/19 02:03, 9F

04/19 02:04, , 10F
04/19 02:04, 10F

04/19 02:05, , 11F
04/19 02:05, 11F

04/19 02:07, , 12F
喔喔 找到了 3-1
04/19 02:07, 12F

04/19 02:08, , 13F
04/19 02:08, 13F

04/19 02:08, , 14F
04/19 02:08, 14F

04/19 08:05, , 15F
Marc對灰熊來說太重要了 他的策應跟防守非常厲害
04/19 08:05, 15F

04/19 08:26, , 16F
所以西河是灰熊殺手? 去年沒他就輸慘
04/19 08:26, 16F

04/19 09:31, , 17F
西河:說到守KD的高手 我自稱第二 沒人敢稱第一
04/19 09:31, 17F

04/19 09:33, , 18F
04/19 09:33, 18F

04/19 11:37, , 19F
今年灰熊還有Mike Miller 他的三分會幫助很大
04/19 11:37, 19F

04/19 12:00, , 20F
04/19 12:00, 20F

04/19 12:56, , 21F
04/19 12:56, 21F

04/19 17:27, , 22F
04/19 17:27, 22F

04/19 21:57, , 23F
灰熊多個MM 雷霆有西河在但少了小KM 不知如何
04/19 21:57, 23F
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