[外絮]幹的好!公牛! 已回收

看板NBA作者時間10年前 (2014/01/08 11:28), 編輯推噓23(29621)
留言56則, 47人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Bulls play it smart in trading Luol Deng 原文連結 http://ppt.cc/mMb2 http://mcwhl2013.blogspot.tw/ 兩手翻翻 CHICAGO -- The Chicago Bulls didn't want to move Luol Deng. They had to. 公牛其實一點也不想交易Deng,而是不得不 That's the initial reaction I had to news the Bulls were dealing Deng to the Cleveland Cavaliers. 這是當我第一時間知道這筆交易時的想法。 They couldn't run the risk of watching Deng leave in the offseason and get nothing in return. And now with Deng gone, the Bulls get themselves out of the luxury tax and save a lot of money in the short term once they waiveAndrew Bynum -- a move that will be done by the 4 p.m. CT deadline on Tuesday, according to a league source. 高層們不願意在休賽期眼睜睜看著Deng離去而啥子油水都沒撈到。現下隨著Deng的離去, 公牛不僅避開了豪華稅,而且跟聯盟的消息,也裁掉了Bynum,藉此也可以得到一筆錢。 What Deng's move does mean is that the Bulls as an organization have decided to go in a different direction. Deng的交易也代表著高層已經決定步入重建期了。 They would have loved to keep Deng and see if this core could have one made another push together. But when the Bulls and Deng's representatives couldn't work out a contract extension last summer, the writing might have been on the wall. That became much clearer in recent days, when Deng turned down a three-year deal worth $30 million, according to Yahoo! Sports. 公牛其實願意把Deng留下來,看看他是否能夠凝聚大家。但去年夏天公牛與Deng的經紀人 對於的談不攏,似乎預告了交易是無可避免的。而根據雅虎體育,Deng拒絕了3/3000萬鎂 ,更讓這樁交易再這幾天明朗化。 In the long term, the Deng deal changes the future for the Bulls. They acquired three more future draft picks in the trade with Cleveland. 已長遠的眼光來看,這筆交易徹底的改變了公牛的未來。公牛在這次交易中至少從騎士那 裡要了3個選秀權。 As reported, a future first-round pick is Sacramento's, and it is top-10 protected for the next two years. There's a chance the pick could become a second-round pick in 2017, if the Kings continue to play their way into the lottery. But the Bulls are banking that with a new ownership group and a new arena in the works, the Kings will find themselves in the playoffs in the next few seasons ... and the Bulls will end up with another first-round pick. 據報導,一個首輪是國王的,而且在未來兩年是受前10保護的,而這個籤在2017有可能因 為國王一直擺爛而變成2輪。但公牛似乎看準了國王在老闆換人以及新球場的一番氣象, 進季後賽的前景看好,而他們也能開心的收下這個首輪籤。 The other layer of the deal is that the Bulls get two future second-round picks, and the ability to trade first-round spots with the Cavs in the 2015 draft as long as Cleveland's pick doesn't fall in the lottery. Bulls GM Gar Forman is fond of using the term "assets" to describe the draft choices he has piled up in the past; that's exactly what he loaded up on in this trade. All these picks the Bulls are hoarding may never see the floor in Chicago, but they could be used in future deals down the line. 在其他方面,公牛還拿到兩個二輪籤,假如騎士在2015時首輪非樂透的話,還可以跟他互 換 。公年GM Gar Forman很愛稱呼這些他一直從交易而來,堆積如山的選秀 權為「貴重物品」。這些選秀權多到都可以用囤貨來形容了,但對於未來卻是實實在在的 。 Aside from the money aspect of this deal, the question now becomes how much will this change the Bulls' core moving forward? 撇開金錢方面,這筆交易對於公牛未來的主力球員影響有多大。 Derrick Rose isn't going anywhere. He still has three years remaining on his max deal after this one. Joakim Noah still has two years left on a team-friendly contract. Taj Gibson still has three years left on his deal. And Jimmy Butler is still in his rookie deal. Rose 哪兒也去不了,他那張大約還有三年要走,Noah還有一張2年合約,Gibson還有三年 ,Butler還在新秀約。 Rookie Tony Snell figures to be the biggest beneficiary of Deng's departure in the short term. With Deng out of the fold, Snell should get a lot more minutes to show what he can do. The Bulls' front office has been high on Snell since drafting him last summer and believes he can turn into a valuable player down the line. Veteran Mike Dunleavy also may be dealt down the line, given his relatively cheap contract and the fact he is signed for another season after this one. But for now, he and Snell will get the bulk of Deng's minutes. 新秀Snell被認為是Deng走後短時間內最大的既得利益者。少了Deng卡在前面,Snell有更 多的上場時間來證明自己的能耐。公牛高層從去年夏天就一直對他保有高度的期待,也相 信他最終一定能成為主力球員。而老將Dunleavy合約也可能使他最終會被交易。不果現階 段來說,他會跟Snell一起來分攤Deng走後留下來的分鐘數。 The key for the Bulls is deciding what they want to do with the final year of Carlos Boozer's contract. All along, signs have pointed to the Bulls exercising their amnesty clause on the final year of his deal, which is worth almost $17 million. With Deng now out of the fold, will the Bulls decide to pay Boozer to leave? 而現在最關鍵的是公牛打算如何處理Boozer的合約年。一直以來,各種的跡象都指出公牛 會對Boozer最後一年的1700萬鎂動用特赦。現在Deng走了,公牛還要特赦嗎? In doing so, it would free up even more money for the Bulls to go after their big target this summer: former first-round pick Nikola Mirotic. The Bulls were always hoping to sign Mirotic for the mid-level exception, but he could decide to ask for more money now that he is no longer bound to the rookie-scale contract. If he does, the Bulls are even more likely to amnesty Boozer, given that it would free up even more cap space to sign Mirotic. 如果特赦了,那公牛手上的錢絕對足夠去今夏的市場去簽 Mirotic,公牛一直想用中產的 約去簽他,但現在他可以要更多錢,因為已經不受新秀約的控制了。如果他真的開口了, 那公牛更可順水推舟的把Boozer給特赦掉。 No matter what decision the Bulls make down the line, their biggest one was made early Tuesday. Trading Deng is a sign that the Bulls are looking toward the future and not caught up in trying to recreate the past with a core that saw its window for a championship close when Rose went down for the season Nov. 22 in Portland with a torn medial meniscus in his right knee. 不管最終公牛決定的如何,他們已經做了最大的決定─交易Deng。交易Deng表示了公牛決 定展望未來,而不是複製以前的冠軍夢,特別是Rose又倒下了。 Deng was a great player for the Bulls, but he was not the second offensive option on a championship-caliber team. The Bulls decided they couldn't wait for Deng's price to fall back into their range and ultimately made a move they had to make. Deng是公牛的好球員,但對於想爭冠的公牛來說,這個綠葉的火力還不夠。公牛沒時間跟 Deng慢慢耗,耗掉遠大的佈局。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/08 11:29, , 1F
選個喬丹 再來個3連霸~~~~
01/08 11:29, 1F

01/08 11:30, , 2F
01/08 11:30, 2F

01/08 11:31, , 3F
01/08 11:31, 3F

01/08 11:31, , 4F
01/08 11:31, 4F

01/08 11:31, , 5F
不認為Deng對冠軍隊伍還不夠 根本就是Rose太玻璃的錯
01/08 11:31, 5F

01/08 11:32, , 6F
事實是滷蛋不是當一哥的料 頂多左右手 一哥倒下
01/08 11:32, 6F

01/08 11:33, , 7F
01/08 11:33, 7F

01/08 11:33, , 8F
3年3千萬 有一隻一年就3千萬了
01/08 11:33, 8F

01/08 11:33, , 9F
公牛? 是你?
01/08 11:33, 9F

01/08 11:34, , 10F
01/08 11:34, 10F

01/08 11:34, , 11F
01/08 11:34, 11F

01/08 11:35, , 12F
本來還擔心Taj Gibson上場時間被擠掉 今天看來讚攸
01/08 11:35, 12F

01/08 11:35, , 13F
01/08 11:35, 13F

01/08 11:36, , 14F
01/08 11:36, 14F

01/08 11:37, , 15F
這年頭除了"核心"之外 "接近核心"等級的也會被丟了
01/08 11:37, 15F

01/08 11:37, , 16F
話說 bynum被裁掉薪水是誰付阿@@
01/08 11:37, 16F

01/08 11:37, , 17F
公牛以前好像蠻會弄選秀權的? 還是戰績爛的關係?
01/08 11:37, 17F

01/08 11:38, , 18F
01/08 11:38, 18F

01/08 11:38, , 19F
看了一下原文真的翻錯了 我錯怪作者抱歉
01/08 11:38, 19F

01/08 11:38, , 20F
滷蛋真的只是個中上球員 頂多三當家
01/08 11:38, 20F

01/08 11:41, , 21F
01/08 11:41, 21F

01/08 11:42, , 22F
01/08 11:42, 22F

01/08 11:43, , 23F
問題是滷蛋又沒有要太多 他只是要個1200也不給
01/08 11:43, 23F

01/08 11:43, , 24F
火車被裁掉後 豪華稅反倒還省不少$
01/08 11:43, 24F

01/08 11:43, , 25F
01/08 11:43, 25F

01/08 11:48, , 26F
01/08 11:48, 26F

01/08 11:49, , 27F
01/08 11:49, 27F

01/08 11:50, , 28F
Mirotic 值得期待嗎?
01/08 11:50, 28F

01/08 11:51, , 29F
對雙方都好阿 滷蛋只拿三年三千萬也是太過廉價苦工了
01/08 11:51, 29F

01/08 11:54, , 30F
01/08 11:54, 30F

01/08 11:56, , 31F
滷蛋不值1200嗎 差個200也不肯 公牛老闆的最愛還是棒
01/08 11:56, 31F

01/08 11:56, , 32F
Nikola Mirotic是哪隻呀? 好陌生歐
01/08 11:56, 32F

01/08 11:56, , 33F
01/08 11:56, 33F

01/08 11:57, , 34F

01/08 12:01, , 35F
01/08 12:01, 35F

01/08 12:05, , 36F
01/08 12:05, 36F

01/08 12:21, , 37F
一堆人只知道1200 不知道公牛薪資的問題
01/08 12:21, 37F

01/08 12:21, , 38F
沒有人說過分 是公牛給不了
01/08 12:21, 38F

01/08 12:32, , 39F
01/08 12:32, 39F

01/08 12:32, , 40F
01/08 12:32, 40F

01/08 12:35, , 41F
01/08 12:35, 41F

01/08 12:37, , 42F
公牛不能被DENG拖累!! (但是ROSE的話...可以喔~)
01/08 12:37, 42F

01/08 12:56, , 43F
01/08 12:56, 43F

01/08 13:00, , 44F
01/08 13:00, 44F

01/08 13:02, , 45F
簡單來講就是簽的到大魚就拼冠 大魚簽不下就砍Boo
01/08 13:02, 45F

01/08 13:03, , 46F
公牛這樣搞真是空轉 不過也不是他們的錯 只能$上止血
01/08 13:03, 46F

01/08 13:05, , 47F
但也不到「幹得好」的程度就是了 只能說省錢有方
01/08 13:05, 47F

01/08 13:25, , 48F
01/08 13:25, 48F
※ 編輯: rjean 來自: (01/08 13:41)

01/08 13:41, , 49F
01/08 13:41, 49F
※ 編輯: rjean 來自: (01/08 13:45)

01/08 13:54, , 50F
01/08 13:54, 50F

01/08 14:07, , 51F
拜嫩只有600是保證吧!? 只要在1/7前被裁就不用付剩下
01/08 14:07, 51F

01/08 14:48, , 52F
那麼看好國王前景喔 騎士已經看不下去了趕快甩賣XDD
01/08 14:48, 52F
※ 編輯: rjean 來自: (01/08 15:08)

01/08 17:12, , 53F
01/08 17:12, 53F

01/08 17:13, , 54F
01/08 17:13, 54F

01/08 18:23, , 55F
01/08 18:23, 55F

01/08 20:36, , 56F
01/08 20:36, 56F
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