[外絮] 阿平:Ready to work已回收

看板NBA作者 (尖酸苛博文)時間10年前 (2013/12/22 23:25), 編輯推噓47(4928)
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http://ppt.cc/7W1i Back in July, when Metta World Peace signed with New York Knicks after the Los Angeles Lakers used the amnesty provision to cut him, the veteran small forward said, "I don't care if I'm starting or sweeping the floors, you hear me? I want to win." 阿平在七月的時候回到了老家紐約 在湖人特赦他之後,阿平是這麼說著 "我不在乎我是先發或是擦地板的,我什麼都願意幹!" "你聽到了嗎??我只要球隊能勝利!!!" These days, World Peace isn't starting — he's barely playing — and the Knicks aren't winning. 這些日子以來,阿平有上場的時候都不是先發 而尼克隊也都沒贏 He hasn't played in three games this season, he played more than 25 minutes just once since Nov. 11 and has scored in double figures just twice since Nov. 11. And World Peace is taking it all in stride, saying over and over he is ready to play when called upon. 本季他沒有連續上場三場以上 他也只有一場打超過25分鐘 然後只有兩場得分破十 不過阿平不斷重複重複再重複的說他準備好了~~~ "I'm ready for whatever's presented," he said. "I had a pretty good preseason, and I was playing really consistent. I felt I was doing enough to prove that I was ready. Not to prove, because I don't have anything to prove anymore. This team is stacked. I knew that. I knew I was going to play behind (Carmelo Anthony). I didn't expect to play as much as four. I thought they'd be playing 'Melo a little bit more. I knew coming into the season that it wasn't going to be the same but I was ready." "不管什麼要求我都我準備好了" "我熱身賽打得超棒,我過去也打得很穩定" "我認為我的表現已經證明了我準備好了" "不需要再證明什麼,因為該證明的我都證明了" "這個球隊人才濟濟,人才多到要滿出來了" (特別圈這句,是因為Bleacher Repor特地寫了一大篇酸這句) (花了整篇來說,人才濟濟這句話是錯的) "我知道我必須當甜瓜的後補" "我並不期待我會和以前上場時間一樣多" "不過我認為 甜瓜太操了" "我知道這一季不會和以前一樣,但是我準備好了!!!" He held court in the middle of the visitor's locker room at the Boston Celtics' TD Garden. He said over and over he was ready when the Knicks needed him. 他在塞爾提克的休息室不斷強調他準備好了 "I remember going to (the) Houston (Rockets in a 2008 trade). I knew it wasn't going to be the same. But then Tracy (McGrady) goes down, then I have to average 20. It was like that simple. Gotta stay ready," World Peace said. "我還記得當年我去火箭,我知道情況不會完全相同" "但是那時候T-mac受傷了" "然後我得分平均破20" "就像那麼簡單" "隨時準備好" (甜瓜的os應該是:我不是很喜歡你的舉例) Is he patient, considering he's barely played in the last five weeks? "Patience is a weapon, man. Patience is weapon," World Peace said. "I learned that from my Laker days. I work hard. I'm ready. I stay patient because I know that (through) patience and persistence good things happen to me on the side. I'm in no rush to get to feel a certain way. I'm in no rush to react. I just like to stay ready for whatever presents itself." "耐心是武器,兄弟,耐心是武器" "我在湖人的日子學會了耐心是武器" (why?) "我努力準備 我準備好了" "我一直很有耐心,因為我知道耐心和毅力會讓好運降臨" "我不急於以特定的方式去做出反應" "我就是隨時都準備好" World Peace said he wasn't chasing a ring when he decided to join the Knicks. But would he be willing to play on a rebuilding team. 阿平說他決定要來尼克,並不是想要多一冠 但是,阿平有預料到他會來到一個重建的隊伍嗎? He gave a classic answer. 他給了一個阿平式的答案 "Listen, whatever team I'm on is never rebuilding," he said. "When you get Metta World, you're officially championship mentality. So like here, officially championship. I remember talking about division (championship). I hear that a lot. But that's not what Metta World brings. Metta World brings championship mentality. That's it. One thing. That's what I do." "聽好啦!!!不管哪一隊,只要我阿平大爺駕到,他就不會是隻重建的隊伍!" "當你有了阿平,球隊的心態就是要奪冠!!" "就像這裡!真正的冠軍!" "我聽到很多人的心態只想要拿分組冠軍,不過這不是阿平要的!!" "阿平的心態就是要拿下真真正正的冠軍!!!!!!!!!!!" "就是這樣!我做的唯一一件事就是要拿下真正的冠軍!" Earlier in the season, he scored 18 and 17 points in consecutive games. He thinks he still has something left. 早些的比賽中,他分別拿了18分 和17分 他覺得他還是三寸釘,有些本事的 "You know you're getting respect when you're still getting double-teamed a little bit. That's how you can tell. The main thing for me is to stay in shape, stay ready," World Peace said. "當你被double-team的時候,你知道你的能力還是受到些許尊重的" "這是你能驕傲的" "不過對我來說,能保持在狀況中才是最重要的,隨時準備好" He's not complaining. 他不抱怨 "When you're taking the challenge, some things are out of your control," he said. "That's not something you worry about. You can't worry about if you're going to work and your boss moves your desk. It is what it is. He wants you to work on this side. It's a similar situation. My desk has been moved from playing to on the bench. It's OK." "什麼叫做挑戰?就是有事情不在你的控制之中才叫挑戰" "所以你不要擔心一堆,這就是挑戰" "你不能因為老闆把你的辦公桌移到別的地方,你就不會工作了" "這只代表老闆希望你在另一個地方工作而已" "這情況是類似的" "現在,我的辦公地點雖然被移到了版凳上,但是沒問題,我還是能工作!" He's not worried about being traded either. 他也不擔心他被交易" "There's nothing to deal with," he said. "What am I dealing with? Getting paid, is all I'm dealing with here. I know some guys take trade rumors a little more personal. What am I dealing with? I work hard. I can still play and I love challenges. "什麼都不要操心" "我還需要煩惱什麼?我來尼克就為了賺錢而已" "我知道有些人把交易謠言看得太認真" "但我需要擔心嗎?" "我很努力,我還能打,而且我熱愛挑戰" "All the teams that called me last year, I wanted something that was going to be an adventure. Something different. China, Knicks and arena football. That was it. What else is an adventure? You know what I'm saying? This is the adventure I'm talking about. Sometimes it's good to be ready for the unpredictable. I'm glad that I can go through unpredictable situations. It's a good thing." "所有的球隊都認為這是我的最後一年。" "我想要挑戰他們成為我的新冒險" "一些不同的挑戰" "中國,尼克,足球等等的" "還有其他的挑戰嗎?" "你知道我在說什麼嗎?" "我在講的是阿平的大冒險" "做足準備為了未知的情況是很讚的~~~" "我能通過這些未知的挑戰" "這感覺會超棒的" That is World Peace. 這就是世界和平 阿平 ========題外話========== http://ppt.cc/wKA2 “How was the curfew?” I asked Metta World Peace. Wrapped in a towel before the game, he cocked his eyebrow. “I didn’t know we had a curfew.” "你知道尼克有門禁時間嗎?"記者在比賽之前問阿平 阿平全裸只包著一條圍巾,動了動他的眼球 "我不知道我們有門禁耶!!" Ten p.m., I said. "十點"記者說 “Oh.” "喔!" He turned and pulled a bottle out of his locker. “Kombucha, the wonder drink, man. It’s great,” he said. “They say it has natural alcohol. For real, man.” 然後阿平打開了他的置物櫃拿出一罐酒 "冬菇茶!!完美的飲料! 兄弟" "他們說這是純天然的酒精,系金a~~~兄弟~~" 心得: 阿平就是阿平,永遠不放棄,永遠看到希望,永遠全力以赴 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/22 23:26, , 1F
一堆老將不退休 讓NBA難看死了
12/22 23:26, 1F

12/22 23:27, , 2F
12/22 23:27, 2F

12/22 23:27, , 3F
12/22 23:27, 3F

12/22 23:27, , 4F
小丑真可憐 當初還說不想來火箭 呵呵
12/22 23:27, 4F

12/22 23:27, , 5F
12/22 23:27, 5F

12/22 23:30, , 6F
12/22 23:30, 6F

12/22 23:31, , 7F
to deal with那段翻錯滿多的 那是指不是他該去操心的
12/22 23:31, 7F
※ 編輯: ckshchen 來自: (12/22 23:33)

12/22 23:32, , 8F
12/22 23:32, 8F

12/22 23:34, , 9F
12/22 23:34, 9F

12/22 23:36, , 10F
我在湖人的日子學會了耐心是武器 --> 等不到球嗎XD
12/22 23:36, 10F

12/22 23:36, , 11F
trade rumors那句是指 很多人都把交易乳摸看得太認真
12/22 23:36, 11F
※ 編輯: ckshchen 來自: (12/22 23:37)

12/22 23:39, , 12F
Yes, me Lord?
12/22 23:39, 12F

12/22 23:44, , 13F
Something need doing? (蓋) Yes I can do that
12/22 23:44, 13F

12/22 23:51, , 14F
12/22 23:51, 14F

12/23 00:00, , 15F
哈哈哈 想到魔獸
12/23 00:00, 15F

12/23 00:02, , 16F
12/23 00:02, 16F

12/23 00:03, , 17F
"What is it?" "More work?"
12/23 00:03, 17F

12/23 00:07, , 18F
Work Work
12/23 00:07, 18F

12/23 00:10, , 19F
12/23 00:10, 19F

12/23 00:10, , 20F
12/23 00:10, 20F

12/23 00:15, , 21F
Okie Dokie
12/23 00:15, 21F

12/23 00:18, , 22F
Okie Dokie
12/23 00:18, 22F

12/23 00:22, , 23F
off I go then
12/23 00:22, 23F

12/23 00:22, , 24F
Okie Dokie
12/23 00:22, 24F

12/23 00:29, , 25F
Ready to be trade
12/23 00:29, 25F

12/23 00:29, , 26F
12/23 00:29, 26F

12/23 00:33, , 27F
Job done
12/23 00:33, 27F

12/23 00:34, , 28F
be happy to
12/23 00:34, 28F

12/23 00:37, , 29F
12/23 00:37, 29F

12/23 00:42, , 30F
12/23 00:42, 30F

12/23 00:49, , 31F
12/23 00:49, 31F

12/23 01:02, , 32F
12/23 01:02, 32F

12/23 01:08, , 33F
12/23 01:08, 33F

12/23 01:09, , 34F
12/23 01:09, 34F

12/23 01:20, , 35F
do you want to 網咖?
12/23 01:20, 35F

12/23 01:27, , 36F
12/23 01:27, 36F

12/23 01:46, , 37F
12/23 01:46, 37F

12/23 01:54, , 38F
12/23 01:54, 38F

12/23 02:05, , 39F
哈哈哈 我也是看到標題就想到魔獸
12/23 02:05, 39F

12/23 02:10, , 40F
XD work work ... ready to work
12/23 02:10, 40F

12/23 02:11, , 41F
很蠢的獸人語音 想起來都好好笑 忘不了阿
12/23 02:11, 41F

12/23 02:20, , 42F
12/23 02:20, 42F

12/23 02:36, , 43F
12/23 02:36, 43F

12/23 03:00, , 44F
12/23 03:00, 44F

12/23 03:04, , 45F
MWP is MVP!!!
12/23 03:04, 45F

12/23 03:41, , 46F
12/23 03:41, 46F

12/23 08:41, , 47F
12/23 08:41, 47F

12/23 09:15, , 48F
12/23 09:15, 48F

12/23 09:51, , 49F
12/23 09:51, 49F

12/23 10:04, , 50F
12/23 10:04, 50F

12/23 10:15, , 51F

12/23 10:46, , 52F
NBA最值得一看的人物:阿平 aka Metta World Peace
12/23 10:46, 52F

12/23 10:47, , 53F
12/23 10:47, 53F

12/23 11:16, , 54F
12/23 11:16, 54F

12/23 12:29, , 55F
work work XDDD
12/23 12:29, 55F

12/23 14:39, , 56F

12/23 14:47, , 57F
12/23 14:47, 57F

12/23 15:20, , 58F
12/23 15:20, 58F

12/23 19:23, , 59F
12/23 19:23, 59F
文章代碼(AID): #1IjmHicL (NBA)