[外絮] L.A. Teams Monitoring Odom已回收

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連結 http://ppt.cc/i61t The Los Angeles Clippers and Los Angeles Lakers continue to monitor Lamar Odom's progress as closely as they can, and would consider signing the enigmatic free-agent forward should Odom prove that his personal and legal issues are behind him, according to sources with knowledge of both teams' thinking. 兩支洛杉磯球隊,湖人與快艇持續追蹤Odom的狀況,如果能確保 他的法律與個人因素不會影響到他,他們會考慮從自由市場簽下Odom。 Sources told ESPN.com that the Clippers and Lakers -- who both registered interest in signing Odom this past summer until his private life became a near-daily subject for the tabloid media -- will have renewed interest in the 33-year-old if he indeed makes a comeback this season. Odom recently began training again with an eye toward making a return to the floor during the second half of the season, sources have said. Odom最近開始投入訓練,希望能在下半球季回歸賽場。 Sources stressed, though, that neither the Clippers nor the Lakers have had recent contact with Odom beyond calls inquiring about his personal welfare. Odom has a positive history with both the Clippers and Lakers that sources say keeps the door open for a return as long as he can convince those teams he can get back into basketball shape and is committed to resurrecting his NBA career after a worrying string of headlines that included allegations of drug use and an August arrest on a DUI charge. Of course, because of the nature of Odom's recent issues, sources say both teams would proceed "carefully" in evaluating the former NBA Sixth Man Award winner, who made it clear during a difficult season with the Dallas Mavericks in 2011-12 that he feels most comfortable playing in L.A. Odom只要打得像樣,兩隊都對他敞開大門。 不過由於最近Odom的一堆醜聞,兩隊會進行更小心的評估,觀察前最佳第六人Odom 是否恢復以往的身手。 The Clippers currently have 14 players on their roster. They are considering several options for that 15th roster spot, sources say, which is among the reasons -- along with luxury-tax concerns -- that they kept the spot open coming out of training camp. 快艇主要問題點是在第十五人選項上有更多選擇,還得付奢侈稅。 The Lakers, meanwhile, would seem to have the most need and flexibility to sign Odom despite currently carrying the league maximum of 15 players. Their roster is filled with players on one-year deals in a bid to maintain maximum flexibility for a major retooling in the summer of 2014. Elias Harris, Xavier Henry, Ryan Kelly and Shawne Williams were signed by the Lakers to either partially guaranteed or fully unguaranteed minimum contracts. 湖人目前看來很需要Odom,但十五人名單已滿 而且湖人企圖在2014暑假有最大的薪資空間來操作。 -------------------------- 湖人冠軍隊伍強勢回歸!? -------------------------- 第一次翻譯 翻不好請見諒 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/15 22:29, , 1F
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2014暑假真的滿觀念的,只剩個NASH 970萬
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老大不開個好價錢給他 他一定開罵
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老大如果拿個2000萬 3年約,應該沒啥球星會想去吧..
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※ 編輯: s5813802 來自: (11/15 22:38)

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why 一直要找這個傢伙阿 感覺他已經回不來了
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人高手長能控球會抓板 誰都想要 但他只能活在LA....
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2014不只Nash有約 還有N.Young R.Scare
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E.Harris 約1200多萬
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