[外絮] Pop on Mike Budenholzer已回收

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Full Q and A with Gregg Popovich on Mike Budenholzer http://0rz.tw/SKVoF Posted: 5:21 p.m. Monday, June 3, 2013 By Steve Hummer(採訪)/ Chris Vivlamore(逐字稿) On Hawks Blog Mike Budenholzer 上季還在馬刺板凳蹲著,本季已成老鷹教頭。兩年來這已經是第三個 Pop 的副手遭別隊挖角成總教練了,去年 Jacque Vaughn 去魔術,今年 Brett Brown 走費城,還有這個 Mike Bud,難怪 Pop 開季說今年馬刺助理教練團他一個都不認識。 這篇是老鷹 Blog 專訪 Pop, 談這位昔日的子弟兵、老鷹的新教頭,老波難得不練肖話 ,正經受訪就算了還侃侃而談,讓這篇專訪的逐字稿充滿球隊運作的珍貴細節。節錄如 下。 Q. Can you explain what Mike’s role was on your staff? I understand he’s big in analytics and player development. A. He was my right-hand man. He came through the ranks. I first brought him into the film room 17 years ago or something like that, or more, I can’t remember but he started there for several years. I put him on the bench and he moved up. As time went on I depended on him more and more. He became my top assistant, top confidant, but over time he’s just acquired an ability to understand the whole deal. As a coach your primary responsibilities are preparing your team to go win, that’s a variety of things as we know. It's not just O’s and X’s, it’s relationships with players and managing practices, developing strategy and making it fit with the players you have, all that sort of thing. He also along the way really developed a knowledge of the (salary) cap, how trades are made, how free agents affect the group, what's the five-year plan, what’s the eight-year plan. He became very valuable in all ways here in the organization. He’s basically got it all, no exaggeration. He’s a really skilled individual in a lot of areas. You can see how as time went on we were co-head coaches than anything else. Then we would be in discussions with R.C. (Buford) and his group and he said a lot more intelligent things than I did as far as why we should make a trade or not make a trade or whether to add this free agent to our team or not. He's done it all for me, quite honestly. 能不能解釋一下 Mike (Budenholzer) 在你團隊的角色為何?我的了解是他善於分析及 裁培球員? 他等同我左右手,而且從基層一路歷練上來。17年前,還是更早,我已經記不得了, 反正我剛帶他進球隊時,是安排他在影片室,他從剪帶子做起,在那待了幾年。我讓他 在板凳上看比賽,他不斷進步,職務漸昇。隨著時間流逝,我越來越依賴他。最後,他 成了我最得力的副手,也是最知心的好友。重點是這些年的歷練讓他對球隊運作可說是 全盤皆通,無事不曉。 教練主要就是負責幫球隊備戰,好拿下比賽勝利。簡單兩句話,但我們都知道要做的事 何只千頭萬緒。不只是該做什麼,不該做什麼,還有球員關係、練球管理、發展戰略並 適時視戰力調整戰略…諸如此類,眉角一堆。 一路走來他習得一身本領,球員薪資上限的問題、交易的運作、自由球員對球隊的影響 、五年計劃是什麼、八年計劃又是什麼。從一切層面來看,他都是馬刺彌足珍貴的人才 ,不誇張,基上他就是樣樣通曉。他在球隊運作的各個領域都是一號人物,你可以看出 ,隨著時間推演,我跟他可說是共掌兵符(co-head coach)。決定要不要交易誰,或該 追哪個自由球員時,我倆會和 R.C. (Buford, 馬刺總管)和他的團隊一同討論,然後 他會說一堆比我高明的話。老實講,他真的什麼都幫我做了。 Q. There are not going to rename the town San Atlanta just yet but obviously there is a lot of San Antonio influence coming this way. What do you think Mike’s biggest challenge will be in taking what he did there and what he did there and grafting them on another team? A. That is a great question (Steve) because you guys are the Atlanta Hawks. You are not the San Antonio Spurs. All the things that might have worked here doesn’t mean they will work there. I think what Bud is going to take, like any of us, he’s going to take the things organizationally or fundamentally that are sound for basketball. These things win and lose. It doesn’t matter where you are. After that, you take on the Atlanta character. Whatever the skill sets are, the players, what the fan base is like, what ownership has for a vision and adjust accordingly. No matter how you slice it, Tim Duncan makes a lot of the things we did look pretty good. I’m not trying to be Mr. Humble at all. People laugh when I say that. It’s true. You draw a play and it works better if Michael (Jordan) is running the play than Joe Blow. It’s part that to our success. Organizationally we do some really good things but after those fundamentals that we talked about – participatory approach, no territory, all that stuff is good – but after that you have to know who your people are and you have to adjust. He’s going to be able to do that because he’s been exposed to so many different players from so many different organizations and coaches because me being here so long and my relationships. He’s been around Larry Brown and Don Nelson and Jerry Sloan. He sees things from all these programs that he thinks are good and he adopts for himself. I know there are certain things that he is going to do that he’s always wanted me to do here and I haven’t done it. He’ll have his own head, his own mind and he’ll adjust it to what you all have there on the floor. 雖然亞特蘭大還沒到改名成聖亞特蘭大,但很明顯已經受到聖城很大的影響(譯按:老鷹 去年上任的總管 Danny Ferry 也是馬刺出品)。若論把馬刺經驗移植到不同球隊,你認為 Mike 最大的挑戰在哪? 這問題問得好,Steve,因為你懂得你們是亞特蘭大老鷹,不是聖安東尼奧馬刺。所有在 這裏行得通的事,不代表在那裏行得通。我想,就像我們所有人一樣,Mike 會把對打好 球有益的事,有組織地從基本功做起。同時了解,就算做足功課,比賽還是有輸有贏, 不管你在哪都一樣。再來,你要開始熟悉老鷹的風格,好比技術人員、球員戰力、球迷 基礎如何、高層有何願景等等,然後隨之調整適應。 不論你怎麼看,Tim Duncan 的表現都讓我的很多做法顯得聰明。每次我這樣講大家就笑, 可這絲毫不是我在裝謙虛,事實如此,他是關鍵。你畫一個戰術,Michael(Jordan)執 行的結果絕對比一般人來得好。組織上我們是有些做法不錯,但除了剛講的那些基本功-- 分享互助的球風,彼此不分地盤,這些都很好--但做到這些之後,你還得了解你的球員, 並適時調整。他有這種能力,因為我在這行久矣,加上我的人脈,他有機會跟很多不同球 隊來的球員相處,並隨多位明師學習,如 Larry Brown, Don Nelson, Jerry Sloan。 他看盡這些優秀的系統,以至於他自己也能照做。在馬刺有些他一直叫我做,但我一直 沒做的事,我知道他會在亞特蘭大放手去做。他能獨立思考,且見解獨到,想必能善用 老鷹提供的兵力。 Q. From your earliest days together when Bud was a film guy, did you recognize certain things that were going to lead him to this point? A. I can go back further than that. Before I brought him to San Antonio, I brought him to Golden State in ’92. When Larry went to the Clippers and I went with Don Nelson to Golden State. When I got there, Bud had graduated from Pomano and had played in Denmark – some place that was worthless enough for him to play in – and he was back, a civilian sitting in the Bay area. I called him and said ‘Hey Bud, do you want to help? I said come down to the arena and this is what I’m going to have you do. I’m going to. I have to put these tapes together to put these reports together to give to Nellie (Don Nelson) for each of the games. You can help me. I’m going to put you back in the film room back there. I’m going to tell you what I want and you are going to put it on film for me so I can look, whether it’s pick-and-rolls, post D or whatever. Don’t talk to me. Don’t ask for tickets. Just give it to me and leave me alone.’ He did it for a whole year for me there. He wasn’ t hired, just did it to get his feet wet. When I got to San Antonio a couple of years later, I brought him. I knew then, when I would get the films from him, that he knew what was going on. He really has a feel for the game. That is when I knew I really had to have him with me. Bud 最早開始跟你共事,只是剪片小弟的時侯,你是不是就看出端倪,覺得他有朝一日 能當上總教頭? 我能追溯到更早之前。我帶他去馬刺之前,92 年我就找他去金州勇士了。那時(譯按: 馬刺把當時的總教練 Larry Brown 和他整個助教團都裁了,兩年後馬刺新老闆請回 Pop 當總管)Larry 到快艇去了,而我則去勇士跟 Nellie (Don Nelson)。我到勇士之後, 他已經畢業,去了丹麥打球--對他來講在那裏打球沒什麼用--於是他回國,成了鎮日在舊 金山灣閒坐的老百姓一枚。 我打電話給他:「嘿 Bud, 想不想來幫我?」我說:「你快來球館,我這些事要你來做。 每一場球賽後,我都得把這些片子整理出來,才能把這些報告整理出來,才能交給 Nellie 過目。你可以幫忙。我會把你擺在後面那個影片室,我會告訴你我要什麼,可能是擋拆、 可能低位防守,可能是任何事,然後你會把它剪成影片,好讓我過目。不要跟我說話,不 要跟我要票,只要把我要的給我,然後少來煩我。」 他幫我做這些,整整一年。不是員工喔,只為了得到經驗,他肯幹。兩年後我得以回到 馬刺時,我帶著他。他弄那些影片給我時,我就明白了:他了解狀況。他對比賽真的別 具慧眼。早在那時我就明白,我去哪裏都得有他。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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