[球員] 使用者經驗-Phil比較MJ and Kobe已回收

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espn 原文: http://es.pn/14bYEDJ 只抓最重要的翻譯 "One of the biggest differences between the two stars from my perspective was Michael's superior skills as a leader," Jackson writes. "Though at times he could be hard on his teammates, Michael was masterful at controlling the emotional climate of the team with the power of his presence. Kobe had a long way to go before he could make that claim. He talked a good game, but he'd yet to experience the cold truth of leadership in his bones, as Michael had in his bones." 簡略翻譯: 兩人最大的不同在於領袖特質,雖然MJ有時候對他的隊友也很嚴厲,但他對於 團隊間(對MJ的)情緒的掌控恰如其分。 Kobe還有好長一段路要走才能做到這樣,他打球的技巧與對比賽的掌控無可挑剔,但他還 沒有體認到身為領袖的精髓,而MJ卻是骨子裡留著領袖的血液。 談防守: "No question, Michael was a tougher, more intimidating defender," Jackson writes. "He could break through virtually any screen and shut down almost any player with his intense, laser-focused style of defense." Saying Bryant learned some of Jordan's defensive tricks, Jackson added: "In general, Kobe tends to rely more heavily on his flexibility and craftiness, but he takes a lot of gambles on defense and sometimes pays the price." MJ是個更強悍、更具嚇阻力的防守者,他全神貫注壓迫的防守幾乎可以擋下任何在他面前 的敵人。大體上來說,Kobe有學到一些MJ防守的技巧,但在防守上他更依賴自己本身的靈 活與彈性,但他賭博式的防守讓他有時候付出不小的代價。 談進攻: On offense, Jackson said: "Jordan was also more naturally inclined to let the game come to him and not overplay his hand, whereas Kobe tends to force the action, especially when the game isn't going his way. When his shot is off, Kobe will pound away relentlessly until his luck turns. Michael, on the other hand, would shift his attention to defense or passing or setting screens to help the team win the game." MJ比較傾向於讓自己融入比賽的狀況與節奏裡,而不會去強求。然而Kobe往往會強迫比賽 變成自己的節奏(比賽),尤其是當比賽不如他意的時候。當他失去準星時,他會一而再、 再而三的嘗試直到他的情況好轉;當MJ遇到這樣的情況時,會把自己的注意力轉移到防守 、傳球或是幫隊友單檔去贏得比賽。 談個性: "Michael was more charismatic and gregarious than Kobe," Jackson writes. "He loved hanging out with his teammates and security guards, playing cards, smoking cigars, and joking around." "Kobe is different. He was reserved as a teenager, in part because he was younger than the other players and hadn't developed strong social skills in college. When Kobe first joined the Lakers, he avoided fraternizing with his teammates. But his inclination to keep to himself shifted as he grew older. Increasingly, Kobe put more energy into getting to know the other players, especially when the team was on the road." MJ的個性比Kobe更容於群體也更像個老大哥,他喜歡跟他的隊友或警衛去玩或閒晃:一起 玩牌、抽雪茄或開開玩笑之類。Kobe比較不一樣,他在青少年的時候就比較拘謹。這有部 分是歸咎於他比其他球員都年輕,也缺乏在大學裡培養社交能力的機會。當他剛加入湖人 時,他避免去跟其它隊員麻吉麻吉,然而這樣的情況並沒有因為他年齡增長而退卻,反而 是逐漸變成一堵更厚的牆。Kobe會花更多時間去了解其他隊的球員,尤其是當客場征戰的 時候。 談強__案: Jackson also revealed that the sexual assault charges levied against Bryant in 2003 temporarily clouded his outlook of the Lakers star. The situation "cracked open an old wound" because Jackson's daughter Brooke had been sexually assaulted by an athlete in college. "The Kobe incident triggered all my unprocessed anger and tainted my perception of him. ... It distorted my view of Kobe throughout the 2003-04 season," Jackson writes. "No matter what I did to extinguish it, the anger kept smoldering in the background." Phil也談到2003年讓這天之驕子短暫蒙塵的案件,當時的情況對Phil來說就像揭瘡疤一樣 的難受...因為他自己的女兒也曾在大學時被一個運動員性侵害過 "科比事件"(我到現在才知道他們怎麼稱這件事情)引發了我許多未經思考的憤怒,也讓他 在我心目中的印象受到影響...這事件扭曲了我對他在03-04賽季的看法。不論我窮盡任何 方式去撲滅我心中的憤怒,這把火卻從來沒有熄滅過,僅在幕後悶燒。 心得: 看來肯德基爺爺是豁出去完全不打算回湖人執教了。衝康衝到底! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/18 01:58, , 1F
05/18 01:58, 1F

05/18 01:59, , 2F
05/18 01:59, 2F

05/18 02:00, , 3F
山貓隊:領袖血液?? 為什麼我們看不到??
05/18 02:00, 3F

05/18 02:00, , 4F
[公告] P.Jackson水桶10年
05/18 02:00, 4F

05/18 02:01, , 5F
05/18 02:01, 5F

05/18 02:01, , 6F
05/18 02:01, 6F

05/18 02:01, , 7F
反正鄉民眼中 MJ>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>KB
05/18 02:01, 7F

05/18 02:02, , 8F
有眼睛能看的人 都知道 KB/MJ -> 0
05/18 02:02, 8F

05/18 02:03, , 9F
MJ>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>KB 無誤!
05/18 02:03, 9F

05/18 02:04, , 10F
05/18 02:04, 10F

05/18 02:04, , 11F
事實就是MJ>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>KB 沒啥好爭的
05/18 02:04, 11F

05/18 02:04, , 12F
MJ>KB我想只有部分迷迷才看不出來吧 除此誰看不出來?
05/18 02:04, 12F

05/18 02:04, , 13F
Kobe倒底有多少人討厭阿? 隊友、教練、老婆、爸媽...
05/18 02:04, 13F

05/18 02:06, , 14F
這些東西 前面都有人翻譯了唷....
05/18 02:06, 14F

05/18 02:06, , 15F
智障都知道MJ比KB強 但MJ是神
05/18 02:06, 15F

05/18 02:08, , 16F
05/18 02:08, 16F

05/18 02:10, , 17F
部分前面沒有 有翻給推 MJ>KB BJ4
05/18 02:10, 17F

05/18 02:10, , 18F
05/18 02:10, 18F

05/18 02:11, , 19F
05/18 02:11, 19F

05/18 02:13, , 20F
迷迷:以後請正名 The Kobe incident
05/18 02:13, 20F

05/18 02:14, , 21F
05/18 02:14, 21F

05/18 02:14, , 22F
05/18 02:14, 22F

05/18 02:15, , 23F
05/18 02:15, 23F

05/18 02:16, , 24F
05/18 02:16, 24F

05/18 02:17, , 25F
05/18 02:17, 25F

05/18 02:25, , 26F
05/18 02:25, 26F

05/18 02:26, , 27F
05/18 02:26, 27F

05/18 02:35, , 28F
Kevin Johnson
05/18 02:35, 28F

05/18 02:53, , 29F
05/18 02:53, 29F

05/18 02:54, , 30F
05/18 02:54, 30F

05/18 03:06, , 31F
05/18 03:06, 31F

05/18 03:07, , 32F
05/18 03:07, 32F

05/18 03:20, , 33F
05/18 03:20, 33F

05/18 03:20, , 34F
05/18 03:20, 34F

05/18 03:20, , 35F
會不會他的書沒人買阿 反正全都被報出來了XD
05/18 03:20, 35F

05/18 04:40, , 36F
啊勒 禪師這樣講 KOBE不是各方面都不如MJ嗎
05/18 04:40, 36F

05/18 04:41, , 37F
05/18 04:41, 37F

05/18 04:52, , 38F
05/18 04:52, 38F

05/18 04:53, , 39F
只是最近一堆不知道在想啥的一直說LBJ>MJ 真好笑
05/18 04:53, 39F

05/18 06:47, , 40F
05/18 06:47, 40F

05/18 07:48, , 41F
[公告] P.Jackson水桶10年
05/18 07:48, 41F

05/18 07:54, , 42F
05/18 07:54, 42F

05/18 08:06, , 43F
禪師變酸民了... 哀... 禪師也在PTT總版嗎
05/18 08:06, 43F

05/18 08:50, , 44F
看了最後一段 要他對老大有好印象也難
05/18 08:50, 44F

05/18 09:07, , 45F
05/18 09:07, 45F

05/18 09:20, , 46F
05/18 09:20, 46F

05/18 09:43, , 47F
05/18 09:43, 47F

05/18 10:03, , 48F
推使用者經驗 XDDD
05/18 10:03, 48F

05/18 10:32, , 49F
05/18 10:32, 49F

05/18 10:57, , 50F
完全一面倒 鄉民不用再戰了
05/18 10:57, 50F

05/18 11:33, , 51F
05/18 11:33, 51F

05/18 12:28, , 52F
05/18 12:28, 52F

05/18 13:30, , 53F
本來就一面倒 回想過去 也只有科彌跟科比本人愛比MJ
05/18 13:30, 53F

05/18 14:16, , 54F
05/18 14:16, 54F

05/18 22:51, , 55F
05/18 22:51, 55F

05/18 22:52, , 56F
05/18 22:52, 56F

05/18 22:53, , 57F
05/18 22:53, 57F

05/19 16:18, , 58F
05/19 16:18, 58F
文章代碼(AID): #1Hbc-Soe (NBA)