[外絮] 公鹿撞倒湖人,老大步履蹣跚已回收

看板NBA作者 (簡單的夢想)時間11年前 (2013/03/29 20:09), 編輯推噓27(2923)
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http://ppt.cc/Y2Cv Bucks beat Lakers, 113-103, as Kobe Bryant, Steve Nash are hobbled 公鹿撞倒了湖人 也同時撞倒了老大和nash 他們兩人步履蹣跚 The older, slower, stumbling Lakers were playing on the second night of a back-to-back, so the outcome was practically predetermined. 更老,更慢,更不順的湖人來了 又遇上了他們最不擅長的B2B比賽 有此戰果,並不意外 What were not expected were dual injuries to their aging backcourt, Steve Nash unable to finish the game and Kobe Bryant limping through the locker room after a 113-103 loss Thursday to the Milwaukee Bucks. 然而神仙打鼓有時錯,仍然發生了意料之外的事情 湖人的後場又受傷了.................咦?我怎麼說了又字? Nash連撐完這場比賽都沒辦法 然後老大一拐一拐的打向.........走向休息室 Bryant was bothered by a bone spur in his left foot, Nash sidelined by what he called a hip spasm. 老大深受spur的困擾..........左腳的骨刺 nash則是因為髖關節痙攣 BOX SCORE: Bucks 113, Lakers 103 公鹿113vs湖人103 Bryant will be evaluated by doctors in Sacramento when the Lakers arrive there Friday, a day before they play the Kings to complete a four-game trip. 老大將會在禮拜五到達沙加緬度的時候讓醫生再次評估他的傷勢 湖人的噩夢客場四連戰將在那畫下句點 He was icing the foot on the bench in the fourth quarter and reentered with 6:47 to play, finishing with 30 points on six-for-17 shooting. He did not talk to reporters immediately after the game but later told Yahoo Sports that the foot "inflamed on me" but "I'll be all right." 老大第四節開始的時候都是在板凳上當冰曼巴 冰敷他的左腳 然後在(科酸和科迷難得一致的共同希望下) 6:47的時候重新回到場上 本場得到三十分,投十七中六............ 他賽後很反常的不接受記者的訪問 不過過段時間後他告訴了雅虎體育的記者 他的腳發炎了,不過不用太擔心LA,他會好起來的 Unlike Bryant, Nash couldn't even stay on the court, leaving for good with 5:13 left in the third quarter. 不像老大 nash連撐在場上都沒辦法 他在第三節5:13秒的時候離場就再也沒上過了 "I got a spasm in my hip and a [sore] hamstring," Nash said, adding that he initially felt pain in the hip during the Lakers' loss Monday to Golden State. "我的屁股和腿痙攣疼痛" 實際上這不是今天才發生的 他在禮拜一湖人大意失金州後就開始感到疼痛了 Nash said he wanted to keep playing Thursday but Coach Mike D'Antoni and Lakers trainer Gary Vitti advised against it because it could "cause long-term damage." nash表示今天他其實一樣有請纓上陣 (告訴冷笑話他只剩現在了??) 但是冷笑話(和nash多年情誼)還有防護員的建議下 為了保護nash的選手生命反對了這個請求 因為這可能造成長期傷害 Nash, though, said he hoped to play Saturday. 但是nash一樣的有拼勁 他說他希望禮拜六能上陣 Bryant recently missed two games because of a severe sprain in his left ankle. It is not related to the bone spur in that foot, a person familiar with the situation said. 老大不久之前因為左腳翻船有兩場比賽沒打 但是了解情況的人表示 這次的左腳骨刺和扭傷無關 Bone spurs and hip spasms, not what the Lakers (37-36) needed, not after their lead over Utah shrank to half a game for the eighth playoff spot in the Western Conference. 在湖人季後賽門票的領先優勢只剩下0.5場的時候 骨刺和髖關節痙攣的消息真是屋漏偏逢連夜雨 But it's not overly surprising for a $100-million payroll filled with older players, one of many realities as the Lakers teeter on the playoff precipice. 不過會發生這種情況不是很令人意外啦 湖人這個一億美金打造的球隊有太多老球員 這也是造成湖人現在仍在為季後賽門票掙扎的原因之一 Another strange but telling truth emerged after another unfulfilled back-to-back set: The Lakers have never gone an entire season without sweeping one, but it might happen for the first time in their 65-year history. 在這一場b2b後,發生了這麼多事 一個聽起來很不可思議但是卻是可能發生的事情是 湖人隊很有可能會提前放棄本季 這將會是六十五年來首次 The Lakers have only one more back-to-back — in less than two weeks against New Orleans and then at Portland, where they never seem to win. 湖人隊只剩一場B2B 在兩個禮拜後打完黃蜂要馬上 再對上拓荒者..........他們好像從沒在拓荒者主場贏過? (沒贏沒關係,但是這群殘兵千萬別給他們的醫生治療喔) Injuries and back-to-back impotence aside, the Lakers were stalled again by passive defense and too many turnovers. 殘兵和b2b的影響先不談 湖人隊本身就陷入了太多失誤和破爛防守問題 They allowed 18 points in the first quarter but crumbled from there, the Bucks posting 35-29-31 the rest of the way. And this after the Lakers surrendered 71 second-half points the previous night in a near-loss to Minnesota. 他們第一節只讓對方拿了18分 然後馬上就開始狂噴 公鹿狂得35~29~31分 拼命得分 再往前看那場對上灰狼輸球邊緣的比賽 下半場狂丟71分 What happened? 發生什麼事了? "I couldn't tell you," Dwight Howard said. "We were supposed to win games like this." "才不告訴你勒~~~~~好啦 我不知道" "我們該贏得比賽的才對" 魔獸說 Howard had 15 points and 15 rebounds but only two fourth-quarter shots, continuing the pattern of being ignored in games the Lakers have lost this month. He now has five fourth-quarter shots in the Lakers' six March losses. 魔獸十五分十五版 但是第四節又變回了大家熟悉的神隱少男 只出手兩次 在湖人隊三月輸掉的六場比賽中 他第四節總共只出手了五次 Nash was having a solid game, 16 points and six assists in 23 minutes before becoming another casualty. nash在短短的23分鐘打出了不錯的成績 16分6助攻 "I didn't have the heart to put him out there," D'Antoni said after Nash returned from the locker room near the midpoint of the fourth quarter. Nash stayed on the sideline, stretching but never returning to the game. "我沒辦法狠下心讓他硬上"冷笑話說 nash第四節中段從休息室走到球場觀望 做伸展 不過他還是沒有回到場上打球 Steve Blake did not foul out again but there were other oddities. In the third quarter, Jodie Meeks missed layups on consecutive fastbreaks and quickly found himself on another fastbreak. So he pulled up for a three-point shot and missed. 小黑這次沒有犯滿畢業,不過有一好沒兩好 這點補好了又破了一個點 在第三節時候 Jodie meeks反快攻上籃放槍..........冏 不過很快的他馬上將功補過又拿到球發動另一次快攻 這次他改選擇直接在三分線拉起...............然後打鐵 In the span of a minute, Lakers fans went: Meeks! Meeks? Meeks! Meeks? Meeks! Meeks? 在這個短短的一分鐘 meeks讓湖迷洗了好多次三溫暖 發出的聲音高潮迭起像這樣 (搶到籃板要快攻啦~) (抄到eills的傳球啦~) (抄到建寧公主的球啦!!!) meeks!! meeks!! meeks!! \ / \ / \ meeks?? meeks?? meeks?? (快攻放槍!? 冏) (上籃被sanders蓋火鍋啦 冏) (不上籃丟外線空檔沒進?) The Bucks (35-36) had lost four consecutive games but got a career-high 21 points from center Larry Sanders. 公鹿隊靠著吃下湖人中止四連敗 然後Sanders拿到生涯新高21分 The Lakers had no such highlights to offer. 看整場比賽不開心,那來看highlights吧~~~ 結果湖人隊沒什麼畫面能剪成精華.......... "We're looking our age a little bit," D'Antoni said. "我們表現的比我們實際年齡好像還老了那麼一點點" Not a little bit. A lot. 不是只有一點點吧 是很多~~~~~~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ckshchen 來自: (03/29 20:10)

03/29 20:10, , 1F
03/29 20:10, 1F

03/29 20:13, , 2F
不過不用太擔心LA~ 老大受傷好可憐 呼呼惜惜~
03/29 20:13, 2F

03/29 20:16, , 3F
[外絮] 丹佛上到法庭,老大步履蹣跚
03/29 20:16, 3F

03/29 20:17, , 4F
很可惜 不過也不必太過擔心LA
03/29 20:17, 4F

03/29 20:20, , 5F
03/29 20:20, 5F

03/29 20:41, , 6F
03/29 20:41, 6F

03/29 20:46, , 7F
很可惜 不過也不必太過擔心LA
03/29 20:46, 7F

03/29 20:47, , 8F
03/29 20:47, 8F

03/29 20:47, , 9F
很可惜 不過也不必太過擔心LA
03/29 20:47, 9F

03/29 20:53, , 10F
kobe長spur 重罰馬刺
03/29 20:53, 10F

03/29 20:57, , 11F
03/29 20:57, 11F

03/29 21:02, , 12F
帥又沒用 還不是輸
03/29 21:02, 12F

03/29 21:07, , 13F
早晚要退休 不知到退休後柯迷會面什麼迷
03/29 21:07, 13F

03/29 21:09, , 14F
太高興 湖人快要進不了季後賽了
03/29 21:09, 14F

03/29 21:09, , 15F
老大就受傷咩 奇怪欸 幹嘛一直罵他
03/29 21:09, 15F

03/29 21:16, , 16F
03/29 21:16, 16F

03/29 21:17, , 17F
03/29 21:17, 17F

03/29 21:18, , 18F
很可惜 不過也不必太過擔心LA
03/29 21:18, 18F

03/29 21:19, , 19F
推翻譯 有趣
03/29 21:19, 19F

03/29 21:35, , 20F
03/29 21:35, 20F

03/29 21:36, , 21F
現在是拼季後賽的重要時刻 老大應該要帶傷上陣
03/29 21:36, 21F

03/29 21:37, , 22F
很擔心 LA不過也不必過 太可惜
03/29 21:37, 22F

03/29 21:47, , 23F
03/29 21:47, 23F

03/29 21:48, , 24F
03/29 21:48, 24F

03/29 22:02, , 25F
03/29 22:02, 25F

03/29 22:08, , 26F
03/29 22:08, 26F

03/29 22:45, , 27F
還有灌高的梗 XD
03/29 22:45, 27F

03/29 22:57, , 28F
現在是拼季後賽的重要時刻 老大應該要帶傷上陣
03/29 22:57, 28F

03/29 23:57, , 29F
03/29 23:57, 29F

03/30 00:49, , 30F
03/30 00:49, 30F

03/30 02:19, , 31F
很可惜 不過也不必太過擔心LA
03/30 02:19, 31F

03/30 13:48, , 32F
推翻譯 很棒
03/30 13:48, 32F

03/30 15:15, , 33F
03/30 15:15, 33F

03/30 20:40, , 34F
很可惜 不過也不必太過擔心LAXD
03/30 20:40, 34F
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