[外絮] 湖人在季後賽的路上背道而行已回收

看板NBA作者 (簡單的夢想)時間11年前 (2013/03/26 16:09), 編輯推噓30(30014)
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http://ppt.cc/3s21 Lakers build pre-playoff momentum (in reverse) with another loss Uh-oh. Another sham-mockery. 喔喔~~又一次的丟臉諷刺 Coach Mike D'Antoni didn't go ballistic after this game, but the Lakers certainly imploded during a 109-103 loss Monday night at Oracle Arena. 不像巫師賽後 本場比賽結束後冷笑話出奇的冷.............靜 沒有勃然大怒 在禮拜一他們大意失金州後 目前的湖人處於連敗崩盤的狀態 As teams try to build momentum and magnetism heading into the playoffs, the Lakers showed neither while losing a third consecutive game. 當球隊們都不斷調整自己的方向和能量 想要一鼓作氣衝進季後賽 湖人卻往相反的方向前進 他們遭遇了三連敗 Not that they seemed especially worried about that. 與其說他們往反方向跑 到不如說他們不是太擔心LA~~~ "I'm terrified," Kobe Bryant said, sarcastically, of the suddenly sagging Lakers. "Do I look terrified? Not at all." "我嚇壞了~~~好恐怖喔~~"老大語帶諷刺的對目前下墜的湖人隊情況表示意見 "我看起來真的嚇壞了嗎?" "也不盡然" The scoreboard was much friendlier than the actual discrepancy between the teams, the Lakers fully unable to stop the Warriors and again experiencing too many crises on offense with the exception of a late-game rally. 只就box來看,湖人好像不是真的很慘,只是大意失金州而已 但是實際上 除了比賽末盤有稍微好轉外 防守上,整場比賽湖人都阻止不了勇士隊的進攻 進攻上也都沒辦法有效的進攻 "Our offense was anemic," D'Antoni said. "我們的進攻疲乏"冷笑話說 To top it off, Metta World Peace sustained a strained left knee and did not return after halftime. He is listed as day to day. 更糟的是,阿平因為左膝受傷退場 半場後也沒再回場 列入每日觀察名單 (阿平Q___Q,我個人喜歡的湖人球員) Oh, and Utah won easily over Philadelphia to cut the Lakers' lead to one game for the eighth and final playoff spot in the Western Conference. 然後同一時間 西區第九的鹽爵感冒好了,他們輕取七六人 把勝差追到了一場 Also, the Lakers (36-35) fell 3 ½ games behind Houston for seventh place and 4½ behind Golden State for sixth. Good luck with either of those. 而湖人落後了西區第七火箭3.5場,落後第六的金州勇士4.5場 這情況下只能說聲 湖人,祝你好運 The scene that burned in Monday's game happened late in the second quarter. 禮拜一比賽的第二節末端上演了一個令人印象深刻的畫面 Bryant started walking toward the locker room as the Lakers inbounded the ball under the Warriors' basket with 1.4 seconds left. He didn't see the result of Pau Gasol's failed attempt to beat the clock with a three-quarters-court heave. He didn't care. 第二節的比賽還沒結束,還有1.4秒 老大就開始自顧自的走向休息室 湖人的球 球從勇士隊的籃框那邊發出 脖加索進行最後一擊 不過老大沒看到脖加索並沒有成功的做了這最後一擊 他不在乎 Can you blame him? 該怪他嗎??? The Lakers were awful in the possessions before Bryant's walk-off. David Lee cut into an open lane and tipped in Stephen Curry's miss with 1.9 seconds left. Then World Peace threw the ball way downcourt toward Gasol but the pass was too long for anybody. 看一下前一波進攻 在老大走向休息室之前的那一波 湖人隊犯了一個很大的錯 還剩1.9秒的時候 咖哩投球沒中 李大尾 我好怕喔 一個箭步跳起來把球點進去了籃框 然後阿平很快的搶到球想長傳給脖加索做最後一擊 結果傳得太遠 沒人接應 失誤了 So no time elapsed and Golden State got the ball under its own basket. Andrew Bogut scored on a lob from Curry. 就這個失誤 這短短的時間勇士隊拿到球後又很快的得分 Bogut接到咖哩的球 然後一記高拋射得分 Only the Lakers could give up four points on two plays 1.9 seconds apart. 沒人能辦到 只有湖人能辦到在1.9秒內連被進兩球失四分 Bryant was in score mode all the way, discarding the facilitator stuff in a big way. He had 36 points on 11-for-27 shooting and only three assists. 老大本場改轉作老大模式,放棄了助攻模式 二十七投十一中 三十六分 但是只有三助攻 The bigger issue was the Warriors' scorers. Curry had 25 points, Lee had 23, Klay Thompson had 22 and reserve guard Jarrett Jack had 19. 不過得分不是問題 最大的問題還是防守 金州勇士得了好多分 咖哩拿了二十五分 李大尾二十三分 湯普森二十二分 板凳方面 光是替補後衛 Jarrett Jack拿了19分 近四人上二十............ The Lakers' reserves, by the way, totaled 21 points on seven-for-26 shooting (27%). 反觀 湖人的板凳 總共只拿了21分 奇慘無比的命中率27% 7-26 Gasol was unimpressive in his second game back from a six-week layoff, totaling seven points on three-for-eight shooting. 脖加索第二場復出之戰還是打得像隱形一樣不令人印象深刻 只拿了七分 投八中三 Dwight Howard finished with 11 points, 15 rebounds and three stitches in his lower lip after taking an elbow from Lee late in the second quarter. 魔獸一樣交出double double的成績 得到了11分 15版 3針 這3針是第二節 大尾的手肘送給他的 As has been the norm in Lakers losses this month, Howard was ignored down the stretch, making one of two fourth-quarter shots. This time, they had to get out of a 22-point deficit, with little choice but to hoist three-point shots. 本月的湖人開場打到落後已經是常態了 魔獸一如以往的在第四節會被鬼隱 他今天第四節投二中一 不過今天是因為他們別無選擇 它們落後到達22分,這很難追 只好狂丟三分 "I don't really want to even talk about it," Howard said. "I'll just let these guys figure out what we need to do to play. If you want to win games, you've got to play the right way." "我不太想聊這件事情" (你每次接受訪問開頭都這麼說,可是又都說很多) "我只是想讓大家能理解我們該怎麼打球" "如果我們想贏得比賽" "我們必須走在對的路打對的球" Bryant missed all six of his three-point attempts in the fourth quarter. 老大就是老大 第四節完全照著劇本走 出手了六次三分 六球都打鐵.............(其中一球是麵包,沒打鐵) Howard was also displeased with Lee's elbow. 魔獸不太爽李大尾的肘擊 "He got away with a shot, so I'll remember this game and I'll remember that shot," Howard said. "He said [later] he wasn't trying to do it. You can look at the play and see it for yourself." "他沒因此付出代價" "所以我會記得今天這場比賽" "我會記得這一個肘擊" (你想幹嘛) "他說他不是故意的~~" "不過你(記者)可以自己去看看影片,判斷看看" Afterward, Bryant addressed D'Antoni's postgame rant for the first time since it happened after the Lakers melted down Friday night against Washington. 之後 老大第一次對於上禮拜冷笑話意有所指的怒吼做了回應 (某些人愛1on1~~有人不防守放亞理莎超大空檔射了12個三分還中9之類的) (不管啦,冷笑話就是只會球給老大的單打戰術,他沒招他設計的) "I don't think it's time to get emotional," Bryant said. "We've got to just maintain our poise." "我想這不是個情緒化的好時機" "我們要保持冷靜" 心得: 今天沒心得 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/26 16:11, , 1F
03/26 16:11, 1F

03/26 16:13, , 2F
03/26 16:13, 2F

03/26 16:14, , 3F
很可惜 但也不用太過擔心 很快就暑假了
03/26 16:14, 3F

03/26 16:14, , 4F
老大比賽還沒結束就先走了 這就是霸氣!
03/26 16:14, 4F

03/26 16:15, , 5F
03/26 16:15, 5F

03/26 16:16, , 6F
03/26 16:16, 6F

03/26 16:16, , 7F
03/26 16:16, 7F

03/26 16:18, , 8F
03/26 16:18, 8F

03/26 16:22, , 9F
03/26 16:22, 9F

03/26 16:25, , 10F
03/26 16:25, 10F

03/26 16:26, , 11F
03/26 16:26, 11F

03/26 16:34, , 12F
03/26 16:34, 12F

03/26 16:39, , 13F
鹽爵真是太有梗了 XD 影射現場常常感冒唱不好的某人
03/26 16:39, 13F

03/26 16:42, , 14F
你不知道有人感冒是不會好的嗎 鹽爵就是
03/26 16:42, 14F

03/26 16:48, , 15F
03/26 16:48, 15F

03/26 16:51, , 16F
只有湖人能辦到在1.9秒內連被進兩球失四分 XDDDDDDD
03/26 16:51, 16F

03/26 16:51, , 17F
阿信:抗議 他抄我
03/26 16:51, 17F

03/26 16:56, , 18F
03/26 16:56, 18F

03/26 16:57, , 19F
米奇神GM!!!! 無痛升級C 簽來2屆MVP laoda嗨爆
03/26 16:57, 19F

03/26 16:57, , 20F
03/26 16:57, 20F

03/26 16:57, , 21F
四巨頭合體 6W-13L 真的好神啊
03/26 16:57, 21F

03/26 16:57, , 22F
03/26 16:57, 22F

03/26 16:58, , 23F
03/26 16:58, 23F

03/26 16:58, , 24F
03/26 16:58, 24F

03/26 17:01, , 25F
還有1.4秒 老大就開始自顧自的走向休息室 他不在乎
03/26 17:01, 25F

03/26 17:10, , 26F
03/26 17:10, 26F

03/26 17:16, , 27F
03/26 17:16, 27F

03/26 17:18, , 28F
03/26 17:18, 28F

03/26 17:19, , 29F
03/26 17:19, 29F

03/26 17:28, , 30F
很會翻喔 呵呵
03/26 17:28, 30F

03/26 17:36, , 31F
03/26 17:36, 31F

03/26 17:36, , 32F
03/26 17:36, 32F

03/26 17:38, , 33F
03/26 17:38, 33F

03/26 17:39, , 34F
03/26 17:39, 34F

03/26 17:39, , 35F
03/26 17:39, 35F
※ 編輯: ckshchen 來自: (03/26 18:01)

03/26 18:18, , 36F
not at all不是"完全不"嗎?
03/26 18:18, 36F

03/26 18:23, , 37F
03/26 18:23, 37F

03/26 18:24, , 38F
03/26 18:24, 38F

03/26 18:25, , 39F
就不要期待替補能打多好 一分錢一分貨
03/26 18:25, 39F

03/26 18:28, , 40F
not at all 一點也不
03/26 18:28, 40F

03/26 19:55, , 41F
03/26 19:55, 41F

03/26 20:41, , 42F
03/26 20:41, 42F

03/26 20:54, , 43F
03/26 20:54, 43F

03/27 01:12, , 44F
03/27 01:12, 44F
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