[外絮] 都是 Westbrook 的錯嗎?

看板NBA作者 (神遊物外)時間13年前 (2011/04/28 11:12), 編輯推噓32(32018)
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http://ppt.cc/E7!T(原文出處,請搭配服用) In the final minutes of Oklahoma City’s game four battle against the Denver Nuggets, Russell Westbrook made a couple terrible decisions. Decisions that may or may not have costed Oklahoma City the game. And while the poor shots that Westbrook took were in large part his fault, I feel like he is getting too much of the blame. 雷霆與金塊上一戰最後幾分鐘,Westbrook 在球場上做出了兩個糟糕的 決斷,導致球隊輸球。雖然 Westbrook 的濫射為千夫所指,但我認為錯 不全在他。 The reason why I feel this way is because in key situations where Westbrook took a bad shot, there were other people involved (whether it be a player/coach). Looking at the two biggest plays of the game gives us examples: 因為在他做出糟糕投射選擇的幾個關鍵 play 中,其他球員或教練也脫 不了干係。就讓我們來看最關鍵的兩個 play。 (影片) On this play, the Thunder get the basketball with 52 seconds left. Trailing by two points, you want to give yourself the most chances to get the win/tie, and this means get the most possessions you can. In this particular case, the Thunder need to get a two for one. If they score, they get one more possession to go for the win. If they don’t score, they don’t have to foul to get the ball back. 這個 play 裡,輸 2 分雷霆得到球權時,比賽時間還有 52 秒。最理想 的方式當然是儘可能把握追平比數或贏球的機會,這意味著拿到越多球 權越好。所以這波攻勢快速拿個兩分是較好的選擇,因為這樣球隊還可以 把握正規賽時間終了前的最後一波攻勢;即使這波沒得分,也沒有犯規的 必要。 The start of this play is a big problem with the Thunder taking way too long to get in their set. By the time they actually are doing anything that resembles getting into an offense, there is just 12 seconds left on the shot clock. At 10 seconds left on the shot clock (36 seconds overall), Durant gets the basketball with Raymond Felton covering him. Instead of shooting, he gives the ball back to Westbrook, who hesitates, takes a dribble, and then shoots. 這個 play 從開始便大有問題,雷霆隊員們就位花太多時間了。當他們 真的開始跑進攻時,進攻時間只剩下 12 秒。當時間來到 10 秒(比賽 時間 36 秒),KD 終於拿到球,此時他面對的是 Felton 的防守。KD 沒有投球,而是回傳給 Westbrook;Westbrook 猶豫了一下,運球後投 籃。 Westbrook is at fault here for two reasons, with the first being it takes him way too long to get into the offense. To me, it is as if he is trying to run the shot clock all of the way down, instead of trying to secure the two for one. Also, upon making the catch from Kevin Durant, it needs to be a catch and shoot three. The hesitation and dribble throws him off (in addition to wasting more time), and that can contribute to the miss. 這裡 Westbrook 做錯了兩件事:第一,太慢啟動進攻。就我來看,好像 他是想把時間消耗掉,而不是拿個保險的兩分。第二,他猶豫了。對他 來說最好的進攻選擇,是接到來自 KD 的傳球時,來個 catch and shoot 丟三分。猶豫和運球讓他的投籃變得倉促(同時浪費更多時間),這也 可以解釋他為什麼沒扔進。 However, Kevin Durant is also at fault. The Thunder are running a play designed to get a switch and take advantage of the mismatch. They force the Nuggets into switching Ty Lawson onto Durant. They get the mismatch they are looking for and when Durant catches the basketball he doesn’t look to take advantage. With 10 seconds left on the shot clock, if Durant wants to shoot it and perserve the two for one, he can, and it would be a good shot. Instead, he gives it back to Westbrook, and I have to assume he wasn’t expecting this, and that hesitation is a pretty good indication of it. 不過 KD 也有錯。雷霆跑這個 play 的目的原來是要迫對手換防,以爭 取錯位的機會。他們讓 Lawson 被迫守到 KD(譯按:此處應有誤)。雷 霆理想中的錯位出現了,但他沒有去利用這個優勢。當進攻時間剩下 10 秒,如果他想投籃並拿個保險的兩分,他可以這麼做,而且那會是個好 選擇。但他沒有,反而是把球丟回給 Westbrook,我猜想 Westbrook 並 沒有預料到球會回到他手上,所以他猶豫了。 The next big play that Westbrook is getting hammered for is his three point shot down three basically in transition: 下個關鍵 play Westbrook 在落後三分的攻守轉換之情況下,丟了個糟 糕的三分球,被罵慘了。 (影片) Here, Westbook gets the basketball from James Harden, dribbles it up, and fires a three point shot, one that he airballs. Terrible decision and a terrible shot for sure. However, there are others to blame here as well, specifically coach Scott Brooks. 這裡,Westbrook 接獲 Harden 的傳球,運球到前場投了個麵包。這絕 對是糟糕的決斷與糟糕的投射。但是,還有其他人應該被罵,尤其是教 練 Scott Brooks。 Normally coaches don’t call timeout in these situations because the coach wants to catch the defense off guard. However, because of some extra pushing and shoving (in addition to an armbar), the play was blown dead and the ball was reset on the baseline. Any advantage was taken away right there. Instead of calling timeout, Brooks let his guys play. 正常來說教練不會在這種情況下叫暫停,因為他們希望控球後衛的防守 壓力能因此減輕(譯按:這裡金塊打全場防守,若雷霆有效突破,則通 常能創造出絕佳的空檔)。但是,金塊在此對持球者做了額外的壓迫。 這個 play 已經被守死沒有搞頭,球也被壓迫到邊線,沒有任何優勢可 以倚仗了。Brooks 並沒有叫暫停,而是讓他的球員們自己打。 Westbrook took a poor shot, yes, but were the Thunder in anything close to looking like a set? Not really now, Durant was standing in the corner defended, and nothing else was really going on. Westbrook 投了個很糟糕的球,是的,但雷霆看起來有任何像在跑進攻 的樣子嗎?也沒有吧。KD 站在底角被看管住,也看不出什麼其他可能出 現的進攻配合。 Their next possession trailing by four points the Thunder did call a timeout, and this is what they came up with: 當雷霆的落後來到 4 分時,他們叫了暫停,以下是他們的成果: (影片) Now is a three point make guaranteed for Durant coming out of a timeout? No (especially considering Durant tends to get shoved out of position late in games and the defense isn’t really getting into him hard up 4 vs. when up 3 – wanting to prevent the foul and such). Still, the Thunder were the best team coming out of timeouts, so why not call a timeout and give your guys a chance? 這是一個設計給 KD 的三分出手機會嗎?不(理由是 KD 在比賽末段容 易被推擠失位,且此時防守方因為領先四分,所以給 KD 的壓力不若領 先三分時強,因為他們不想犯規)。不過,雷霆還是聯盟中叫暫停後表 現最好的球隊,所以有機會的時候就叫個暫停吧。(譯按:本段翻譯有 不確定之處,還請指正。) -- 一點平衡看法。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/28 11:15, , 1F
04/28 11:15, 1F

04/28 11:15, , 2F
這篇很值得看 !!!
04/28 11:15, 2F

04/28 11:17, , 3F
04/28 11:17, 3F

04/28 11:17, , 4F
討論] Derrick Rose V.S Russell Westbrook
04/28 11:17, 4F
※ 編輯: sssfrost 來自: (04/28 11:18)

04/28 11:18, , 5F
[討論] Rose vs Westbrook
04/28 11:18, 5F

04/28 11:18, , 6F
04/28 11:18, 6F

04/28 11:18, , 7F
04/28 11:18, 7F

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04/28 11:20, , 9F
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04/28 11:20, , 10F
04/28 11:20, 10F
poning:轉錄至看板 Thunder 04/28 11:21

04/28 11:21, , 11F
sam369 :溪書很爛ㄟ
04/28 11:21, 11F

04/28 11:22, , 12F
第一名了 @@
04/28 11:22, 12F

04/28 11:22, , 13F
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04/28 11:29, , 22F
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04/28 11:29, , 23F
Westbrook : 大家好,我是 Westbook 可以叫我西書 ^^
04/28 11:29, 23F

04/28 11:29, , 24F
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04/28 11:29, , 25F
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04/28 11:29, , 26F
1樓XDD明明就東書 ZZ 方向都不會分
04/28 11:29, 26F

04/28 11:30, , 27F
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04/28 11:30, , 28F
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04/28 11:31, , 29F
小AB原來叫小A書 ?
04/28 11:31, 29F

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04/28 12:13, , 36F
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04/28 12:38, , 37F
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04/28 12:46, , 38F
我是覺得他最後關鍵時刻太腦衝 尤其那個15秒的麵包三
04/28 12:46, 38F

04/28 12:47, , 39F
分 但是怪到KD的前一個PLAY真的很沒道理
04/28 12:47, 39F

04/28 12:48, , 40F
打的爛就是爛 KD那麼準不給他投 自己亂丟個麵包
04/28 12:48, 40F

04/28 12:48, , 41F
04/28 12:48, 41F

04/28 13:14, , 42F
你要批人家也把文章讀懂再來批,他是一個 play 一個
04/28 13:14, 42F

04/28 13:15, , 43F
play 分開檢視的。第二個 play 他質疑的點是教練
04/28 13:15, 43F

04/28 13:16, , 44F
在前場機會不佳,且 KD 沒空檔的狀況下,怎麼不叫
04/28 13:16, 44F

04/28 13:16, , 45F
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04/28 13:26, , 47F
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04/28 13:41, , 48F
04/28 13:41, 48F

04/28 15:07, , 49F
樓上的 結帳了嗎?
04/28 15:07, 49F

04/28 18:11, , 50F
樓上剛念小學 不要怪他
04/28 18:11, 50F
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