[外絮] For the Ages: Roy Raises Blazers fro …

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He put his head down into their chests. 在Terry最後一記三分出手彈出籃框後,拓荒者的球員來到了中圈圍著Roy。他將他的頭埋 到隊友們的胸前。 "Honestly I don't know what I was feeling," Roy said of the post-game scrum. "It felt really good. And when they were grabbing me I just needed to embrace someone. It was one of those feelings where I was happy to have their support." "我真的不清楚我現在的感覺是如何,"Roy在賽後表示。"我感覺非常棒。"而當他們擁抱我 的時候,我也想要擁抱他們。這種感覺就像是我很高興能得到他們支持一般。" Still in the afterglow of a historic, jaw-dropping and almost ubelievable turnaround, indeed it is difficult to file such a momentus event properly in the history of a storied franchise, not to mention a player in the middle of his own wholeheartedly dramatic career of wicked peaks and macabre valleys. 再回來看看還這一個歷史性的餘輝,令人瞠目結舌的,幾乎難以置信的逆轉,的確即便是 在傳奇球隊的歷史上恐怕也很難找出這樣的片斷,更不要說這是一位處於全心投入自己戲 劇性生涯--危險的巔峰與可怕的低谷之間的球員。 Where this miracle belongs in the Trail Blazers' 40-year history is not for me to say. But of the modern era, Saturday's Roy-led comeback is undoubtedly the crown jewel. 而這個奇蹟在拓荒者40年的歷史中的地位如何,我無法決定。但是,我可以告訴你在現在 的時代中,星期六中Roy領銜的逆轉無疑就像是皇冠上的明珠一般。 I've been covering the team since before Roy was drafted, and I've been in this building for some of the most astounding moments—the dismantling of the Jail Blazers, an impressive draft followed by a young team winning games they shouldn't have, Roy's own 35-foot turnaround three at the buzzer to sink Yao Ming's Rockets in overtime and so many other steely-eyed game-winners down the strech, Roy's own Willis Reed-esque return to the 2010 playoffs eight days after knee surgery, his first post-surgery comeback thriller against the Nuggets this season, and of course, the amazing collapse of the Spurs that led to Nicolas Batum's marvelous game-winning tip with 0.2 seconds on the clock. 我在Roy被選近來後就一直跟隨著這支球隊,我經歷過了這棟建築中一些最令人震驚的事情 —從拆解中的拓荒者監獄,到難忘的選秀,隨之的是一支持續贏得不該贏的比賽年輕球隊 ,Roy的35呎逆轉壓哨三分在加時時間裡將姚明和火箭擊敗,此外在這一段時間裡還有很多 眼神堅定的致勝球員,Roy於在膝手術8天後回到2010季後賽 如同Willis Reed的重返一般 ,在季中手術後第一場比賽中讓金塊感到顫栗,當然還包括那場Batum在最後0.2秒點進神 奇的進球讓馬刺徹底崩潰的比賽中的表現。 Saturday's 23-point return from the dead tops them all. 星期六從絕望中的23分逆轉讓他們都站上了高峰。 And not because it's the playoffs, or that it saves the series (at least for now), or because Portland overcame a deficit heretofore unmatched in the post-season. 而這一切無關季後賽,也無關是否保持一線生機(至少目前如此),也無關拓荒者克服季中 迄今的財政失衡的赤字。 Roy's play is a testament to gritty determination, how not only a team, but a player all but counted out by the media, his opponents, and even at times his teammates and perhaps himself, ulitmately refused to buckle. Roy kept faith in himself when no one else did, then went out and actually acheived what no one else had—knees be damned. Roy的發揮是其明證他堅毅部拔的決心,不僅是要通過這支球隊來證明,還要通過自己來證 明,證明被媒體、被他們的對手,甚至有好幾次被他的隊友也許還包括他自己所提到過的 ,死戰到最後拒絕退後的決心。Roy在無人看好下依然對自己保持信心,站了出來同時竟然 取得了其他人無法達到的成就—而這一切都發生在他膝蓋受傷之後。 Regardless of what follow in Roy's career, be it long or cut short, this moment will always be with him—in the face of impossible odds, he toppled through them all. 無論在羅伊接下來職業生涯中會出現什麼樣的後繼,是長或是縮短,這一刻將永遠伴隨他 —在面對不可能的逆境,他終將會一一度過。 If this all sounds hyperbolic and grand it should. The story seems ripped out from the pages of the American Dream—it's not one's first rise that matters, so much as the one that comes after he is sent back to the gutter. In the annals of sports, and basketball in particular, performances like Satruday's as rare as they come. 如果這一切聽起來誇張和盛大都是應該的。這個故事似乎是從American Dream而來—這裡 面包括的不僅是在一個人第一次崛起的事跡那回事,這後面還有更多的是被丟到排水溝的 。在運動史冊上,特別是籃球這一項,Roy在星期六比賽中的表現還是少見的。 Brandon Roy Post Game Comments vs Dallas http://0rz.tw/ffvTn Portland began the game shooting morbidly from the field. At half-time they'd slopped together a mere 35 points to Dallas' equally squalid 37. But as they returned from intermission, the Mavericks found their flow. 拓荒者在開賽階段的命中率有點囧。半場的時候他們和爛泥般的僅得了35分而小牛得到了 相近的37分。但是在中場休息後,小牛找到了他們的突破口。 In the third quarter, Dallas scored 30 points to the Blazers' mere 14. The Mavericks' lead swelled to 23 points. The series felt as good as done. 在第三節中,小牛拿下了30分而拓荒者只有14分。小牛將領先擴大到了23分。這一系列戰 看起來似乎已經來到尾聲了。 According to Roy, around this time coach McMillan was saying the same in the huddle. LaMarcus Aldridge needed a breather but, as Roy explained, McMillan said that the Blazers couldn't afford it. 據Roy的說,教練McMillan在球員圍成一圈的時候也說到了同樣的事情。Aldridge說他想喘 一下,但教練McMillan說拓荒者已經沒有退路了。 "Coach was basically saying, 'if we lose tonight we're done,'" Roy explained. "教練基本上是這樣說的,'如果現在放棄的話比賽就結束了,'"Roy表示。 Portland closed the otherwise ugly third on a 8-2 run, which breathed life back into the lungs of not only the Blazers themselves, but the Rose Garden crowd at large. 拓荒者打出了8比2的攻勢結束糟糕的第三節,不僅維繫了拓荒者球隊的生機,玫瑰花園的 歡呼聲也活過來了。 The fourth quarter, as Mavericks coach Rick Carlisle explained, became an almost "diametric opposite" of the third. Portland's defense tightened up, and it fueld their offense. 據小牛教練Carlisle的說法,第四節變成了"截然相反"的第三節。拓荒者加強了防守,壓 制了小牛的進攻。 As Aldridge explained, the Blazers took it in pieces—just play five straight possesions and try to get five stops. It worked. The lead was cut to 11. Aldridge thought, well, do it again. Through one strech Portland forced eight-straight Dallas misses. Aldridge表示,他們所要做的就是兩件事—連續五次將球權轉換成得分以及守下對方五次 的進攻。他們做到了。小牛的領先被縮小到了11分。那好吧,Aldridge想,我們在做一次 好了。拓荒者由一次防守成功延伸到讓小牛連續8球投失。 LaMarcus Aldridge Post Game Comments vs Dallas http://0rz.tw/jpXkh Roy's offense flared up late in the third. There were two seperate moments, he noticed: 1.) when he felt his shot getting hot, and 2.) when he knew he had to take over the game. Roy的進攻在第三節爆發。他提到到這樣的轉變來自於兩點:1)他的手感開始發燙,以及 2)當他知道他必須接管比賽。 The first came when Roy knocked down a shot from behind the arc. "I hit a three in the corner, and that was the most confidence I shot a basketball with in a long time," Roy said. "I just kind of put it up like, 'oh that's good.'" 第一點是在Roy投進了3分後。"我在角落投進了一顆3分,而這一球是我在很段時間裡投過 最有把握的一球,"Roy說。"我的出手就像是'噢,太棒了'這樣。" The second moment—when Roy assigned himself the role of assasin and only hope —came after converting a rare four-point play. 第二點則是—當Roy把自己定位於殺手的角色上且是唯一希望—在他完成隨後一個罕見的四 分打之後。 "A couple plays later I hit that shot that I got fouled," Roy remembed. "When I shot it I threw it up and I started looking towards ground to land. I looked up and it went in and I thought, 'this is going to be one of those finishes.'" "隨後我在被犯規中投進了一些球,"Roy回憶道。"當我將球投出後我就開始望向地板尋找 安全的落地。而當我抬起頭看到球進的時候,我想'這將會是壓倒小牛的其中一顆進球。'" "Shots kept goin' in," Roy continued, "and I just kept telling myself, 'keep takin' 'em, keep takin' 'em.'" "球一直進網,"Roy接著說,"而我也不斷告訴我自己,'再來一顆,再來一顆'" He did, and after a barrage of pull-up and step-back jumpers, knifing dives through the lane and long distance archery, Roy had piled up 18-points in the quarter. His final shot, a runner in the lane from straight on at the foul-line banked in. He didn't call it. 他做到了,在經過一連串拔桿和後退跳投,犀利切入禁區和3分出手後,Roy在第四節飆出 了18分。他最後一記出手,直奔禁區然後在罰球線上將球投進。這顆進球出乎他的意料。 Shawn Marion had a hand in Roy's face, and the Portland guard believed the shot now to be un-makeable. His plan then became to throw it at the rim and hope to grab his own miss. Instead, the ball hit the backboard and bounced in. "I would never try to bank that," Roy laughed. Marion的手貼到了Roy的臉上,而這時拓荒者的得分後衛認為想要將這球投入似乎變得不太 可能。他的計劃是將球投到籃框然後希望能夠有機會自己搶到投失的籃球。然而籃球打到 了籃板然後彈了進去。"我沒有試著想要這樣子的投進,"Roy笑道。 It was just one of those nights. 這只是當晚的其中一顆進球。 The running bank put Roy and the Blazers up two with :39 seconds remaining. Dallas broke the Blazers' defense, freeing Jason Kidd for a wide-open three-pointer. He missed wide right. 這一球讓Roy和拓荒者在比賽剩下39秒的時候逆轉為領先兩分.接著小牛突破拓荒者的防守, 幫Kidd拉出了一個3分的出手空檔。但是Kidd沒有投進。 On their final possesion the Blazers sought to run down some clock. Finally, with three seconds remaining, Roy missed an attempt from deep. The Mavericks corralled the rebound and fed Terry, who was racing down the the other end. Seeing Andre Miller steps away, the Dallas guard saw daylight, pulled up to the three-point line and elevated, only to miss the potential game-winner. 在拓荒者的最後一次球權中他們尋求將時間消耗掉。最後,在鐘響前3秒,Roy在3分線外的 出手不進。小牛搶到籃板然後傳到給Terry,他已經跑到球場的另一邊了。在看見Miller位 在幾步之外,小牛的後衛取得了空間,在3分線外拔起出手,但最終卻了成為勝利者的機會 It was just one of those nights. 這只是當然其中一顆不進的球。 Afterwards, Dallas coach Rick Carlisle place the blame squarely on his shoulders for failing to switch defensive schemes and get a handle on Roy. Down the stretch, Roy saw few double-teams. 賽后,小牛教練Carlisle不含糊的將未能更換防守陣型和放縱Roy的責任扛到自己身上。 在比賽的最後時刻,Roy幾乎沒有面對到包夾。 Rick Carlisle Post Game Comments vs Portland http://0rz.tw/SL23q And so this first round series begins anew—the best of three games. While it will surely be sweeter if Roy’s once-in-a-lifetime comeback ends up being that spark that turns the tides and puts Portland in the second round for the first time in a decade, nothing can take away from what Roy did Satuday. The victory will remain his forever. No matter what happens, it cannot be in vain. 因此在三場精彩的比賽後—這系列戰又重新回到起點。而當然如果Roy這種一生一次的逆轉 帶起的火花最終帶領拓荒者在系列戰中反超並且讓拓荒者10年來第一次殺入第二輪的話一 切看來會更加的美好,沒有什麼東西可以抹去Roy於星期六的表現。這場勝利會永遠伴隨他 。不管發生什麼事情,它都不可能是白費力的。 Of course, Roy himself was a little more subdued on the subject. But he was confident. 當然,Roy本身是放低姿勢的。但是他有信心。 "I didn't think that this would happen," Roy said. "But it was a great day for me and our team. We evened out the series 2-2. I think we've got some pressure on them now." "我不認為這會發生,"Roy說。"但對我和我們的球隊來說這是偉大的一天。我們將系列賽 比分扳成了2比2。我想我們已經帶給他們一些壓力了。 ============================================================================== Imagine if he was healthy. Brandon Roy 18pts in 4th qtr COMEBACK vs Mavs http://0rz.tw/l4dRW ============================================================================== -- 有錯請指正Orz 本來昨天要翻完的 拖到今天... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: sinrong:轉錄至看板 BLAZERS 04/26 01:52

04/26 01:52, , 1F
進板下到 先END再看
04/26 01:52, 1F

04/26 01:52, , 2F
04/26 01:52, 2F

04/26 01:54, , 3F
04/26 01:54, 3F

04/26 01:56, , 4F
04/26 01:56, 4F

04/26 01:58, , 5F
04/26 01:58, 5F

04/26 01:59, , 6F
推 不過顏色好刺眼
04/26 01:59, 6F

04/26 02:00, , 7F
04/26 02:00, 7F

04/26 02:01, , 8F
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04/26 02:17, , 15F
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04/26 02:20, , 16F
04/26 02:20, 16F

04/26 02:27, , 17F
幫小牛迷崩潰一下好了 我是優質湖人迷
04/26 02:27, 17F

04/26 02:32, , 18F
04/26 02:32, 18F

04/26 02:46, , 19F
04/26 02:46, 19F

04/26 02:47, , 20F
虛的是在虛什麼 人家的精神不該被尊敬嗎 只會虛
04/26 02:47, 20F

04/26 03:07, , 21F
有人崩潰囉 Roy如此令人激賞的表現 不推嗎?
04/26 03:07, 21F

04/26 03:09, , 22F
以前年輕的球星(如3J VC/TMAC AI/代課老師)常常因為
04/26 03:09, 22F

04/26 03:10, , 23F
球隊老大問題而破裂 不過現在這一代球星似乎特別愛
04/26 03:10, 23F

04/26 03:11, , 24F
包夾 Roy 沒用啦 他是會傳球的王牌
04/26 03:11, 24F

04/26 03:12, , 25F
合體(大貓/Roy 西河/KD)
04/26 03:12, 25F

04/26 03:40, , 26F
進來時我真的也嚇到了= = Roy必推
04/26 03:40, 26F

04/26 04:12, , 27F
04/26 04:12, 27F

04/26 04:50, , 28F
桶他吧 發言就只知道挑釁。
04/26 04:50, 28F

04/26 05:34, , 29F
04/26 05:34, 29F

04/26 05:35, , 30F
04/26 05:35, 30F

04/26 06:02, , 31F
04/26 06:02, 31F

04/26 06:03, , 32F
It was just one of those nights.意思比較近於
04/26 06:03, 32F

04/26 06:04, , 33F
04/26 06:04, 33F

04/26 06:06, , 34F
04/26 06:06, 34F

04/26 06:27, , 35F
看他比賽完接受訪問時候眼睛似乎有點泛淚 超感動
04/26 06:27, 35F

04/26 07:37, , 36F
04/26 07:37, 36F

04/26 07:48, , 37F
04/26 07:48, 37F

04/26 07:53, , 38F
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04/26 09:09, , 41F
04/26 09:09, 41F

04/26 09:15, , 42F
04/26 09:15, 42F

04/26 09:27, , 43F
T^T Roy必推
04/26 09:27, 43F

04/26 09:33, , 44F
04/26 09:33, 44F

04/26 09:37, , 45F
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04/26 09:46, , 46F
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04/26 09:46, , 47F
04/26 09:46, 47F

04/26 14:27, , 48F
推推~ 沒看完 眼睛有點花
04/26 14:27, 48F

04/26 14:27, , 49F
04/26 14:27, 49F

04/26 17:32, , 50F
04/26 17:32, 50F
※ 編輯: sinrong 來自: (04/26 20:35)

04/27 00:05, , 51F
04/27 00:05, 51F
文章代碼(AID): #1DjRIdnl (NBA)