[外絮] 接近的比賽對目前的 Pacers 足夠了

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※ [本文轉錄自 ChicagoBulls 看板 #1DiQPdOR ] 作者: eertllams (Tree666) 看板: ChicagoBulls 標題: [外電] 接近的比賽對目前的Pacers足夠了 時間: Sat Apr 23 00:01:41 2011 http://tinyurl.com/3qhmcn3 by Bob Kravitz Bob Kravitz is a columnist for The Indianapolis Star. Kravitz: Close might have to be good enough for Pacers Let's be honest about this: Moral victories are just going to have to suffice for now for the Indiana Pacers. Going toe-to-toe with the Chicago Bulls, forcing them to execute perfectly in the final moments night after excruciating night, will just have to be enough for a group going through the most agonizing growing pains imaginable. 讓我們誠實的面對這些: 幾乎要到手的三場勝利將足夠滿足目前溜馬隊了 在昨晚 勢均力敵的競爭中, 溜馬整晚都帶給公牛難堪 直到最後公牛執行的完美一擊 在經歷過這些難熬的成長苦痛 這些都足以讓一個球隊大大成長 This is who the Pacers are right now: a half-formed lump of clay, a young, incomplete team that desperately needs a low-post presence who can take over late-game situations. 這是現在的溜馬隊: 是個半成品, 也是個還不完整的球隊 缺少一個俱低位單打能力 能在比賽後段控制的球員 We saw it in Game 1. And Game 2. And Game 3. As Mike Dunleavy said after Thursday night's 88-84 Game 3 loss, "It's been Groundhog Day.'' 我們看了第一場 第二場 跟第三場球 就像昨天Dunleavy賽後說得: 如同一再重複的乏味劇碼 Sorry, but Reggie Miller, one of the league's greatest closers ever, isn't walking through those Conseco Fieldhouse doors any time soon. 很抱歉 聯盟最佳的終結者大嘴米勒 近期都不會走進 Conseco球場來 Time is the best remedy for what ails this franchise. 時間是最好治癒 困擾這個球隊的解藥 Here was a scene from the postgame locker room that captured the essence of a team still fighting through an ungainly adolescence. Roy Hibbert, who just hasn't taken advantage of a good matchup with Joakim Noah in this series, stood in the corner and groused about how he wasn't getting the ball often enough in the low post. 昨天賽後休息室的一小角 你可以看到這些年輕球員 仍然在爭執 在這個系列賽一直沒有對Joakim討到便宜的Hibbert站在角落 他抱怨 他沒有在低位拿到足夠的球 Next to him, veteran Dahntay Jones sat in his chair and, overhearing Hibbert, shook his head. "He's young,'' he said. "He'll learn. They'll all learn. It's a progression. But we've grown a lot these last few weeks.'' 在他旁邊的Jones坐在椅子上 聽到這番Hibber的話 搖了搖頭說: 他還年輕 他會學到的 他們都會 這是一個成長的過程 這幾個禮拜以來 我們都成長了很多 The lesson is, you can't complain about a lack of low-post touches when you shoot a mushy 3-for-12 and take zero free throws. Hibbert is the most likable personality on this team and has shown flashes, but he's got to be tougher if this team is going to break through in the years to come. 這個課程就是 --- 當你只有12投3中 而且還沒有半個罰球 你最好不要抱怨你沒有低位持球的機會 從Hibbert的個性跟表現 就可以代表目前的這個球隊的情形 但是在幾年之後 溜馬要有很大的突破 他必須要強硬起來 (當然不是Foster那種) If we didn't know before, we know now: Larry Bird -- or whoever is running this team -- needs to find an athletic big man who can draw double teams or go hard to the basket and head to the free throw line. (Another perimeter scorer would be nice, too.) 如果我們之錢都不清楚 那我們現在瞭解了: 大鳥 還是那個制服組的哪位 我們需要 一個活動力的高大球員 他可以吸引雙人包夾 或是很堅決的打進籃下 並站上罰球線 (增加另外一個外圍得分手也不錯) "We're taking good, big steps, but to take that next one, we've got to have a low-post threat we can go to on a consistent basis,'' Jones said. "Not someone who makes plays on good nights, not occasionally, but a lot more than occasionally. I think we have guys who are capable, but they're still growing into their roles.'' Jones說:我們做得很好 我們進步很多 但是進步到下個層級 我們需要一個 能持續在禁區帶給對方壓力的球員 不是一個偶爾幾個晚上有好發揮的人 我們需要的不僅是偶爾發揮 我認為我們有具備這種能力的球員 但是他們必須成長成那樣的角色 In the playoffs, teams are just too good at taking away the first -- and often the second -- option. All night, the Pacers offense was a still life, a bunch of guys standing around like they were waiting for a bus. There were seven assists in the first half. There were a paltry four in the second half. 季後賽得對手實在是太強了 他們會箝制你的第一個 甚至第二個攻擊選擇 整個晚上 溜馬的攻擊都很平淡 一堆人站在那裡 好像在等公車 上半場有七個助攻 下半場僅有四次更是少得可憐 In the first two games of the series, the Pacers had success on pick-and-rolls and moving the ball back out to the screener for open shots. In Game 3, Pacers interim coach Frank Vogel noted that the Bulls pre-rotated; that is, they rotated over a third defender to cover the screener. The way to beat that is to move the ball, make the skip pass, find the open man who has been left alone by the vacating defender. 前兩場比賽 溜馬的pick n roll戰術很成功的輪轉球 製造空檔投籃 但是第三場 Vogel發現 公牛也適時的輪轉防守球員 那就是 防守溜馬pick n roll的兩名公牛球員之外 第三名公牛的防守者會上前幫忙被擋掉的球員 (像是D. Rose) 要怎樣破解公牛這樣的協防 就是增加球的移動 找到那個沒有人守的溜馬球員 Didn't happen. 不過 這樣的傳球 並沒有發生 Right now, the Pacers are taking graduate-level courses when they haven't yet finished their freshman requirements. 現在溜馬好像 在修研究所的課程 但是卻還沒有拿到大一的必修課程學分 The Pacers' final offensive possession was a microcosm of this series, one that left Danny Granger shaking his head after the game, muttering how he was left with what he called "a double-pump (3-pointer) with two guys in my face.'' 溜馬最後的那波攻擊 就是整個系列賽的縮影 在賽後Granger說出當時的情形 關於 他如何在兩個防守球員都貼在臉上的情況 出手三分 Granger got the ball off a screen but was trapped by two defenders. The Bulls didn't win 62 games by being dumb: They know Granger is the only real option, having scored eight of the Pacers' final 10 points. 在有掩護的情況下 Granger拿到球 但隨後落入一個兩位防守球員的防守圈套 拿下62場季賽勝利的公牛隊不是白痴 他們知道最後10分拿下8分的Granger 是他們唯一的攻擊選擇 With two defenders in his face, he gave it up to Darren Collison, who should have attacked the basket and tried to make something happen. Maybe it was the ankle and maybe not, but he mistakenly gave it back to Granger, whose 3-point prayer didn't, well, have a prayer. 在兩個防守球員的貼身防守下 Granger把球傳給了Collison 他應該要攻擊籃框的 也許是他的腳傷 也是不是 或是他太累了 所以他判斷錯誤的把球傳回給Granger 可惜他的三分球嚐試沒有應聲入網 Another night, another heart-wrenching loss, but still . . . is there another NBA city where fans of the team trailing 3-zip feel better about their team than they do in Indy? It's not much solace, but this group is playing it out, and at this point, isn't that all anybody wanted? 又是一個讓人心痛的輸球夜晚 不過有那一個城市的球迷會在0:3的落後 還會像Indy的球迷感到鼓舞? 球迷並沒有太難過 球隊打得很好 這不就是大家希望的? More than that, the Pacers have grabbed an apathetic city's attention. Thursday night, it felt, looked and sounded like a playoff game, even if there were a lot of Bulls fans. 更重要的 週四晚上 溜馬在打了這場不折不扣的的季後賽後 也抓住了這個冷漠城市的注意了 雖然場中還是有不少的公牛球迷 This may turn into the most competitive sweep -- or five-game series -- in NBA playoffs history. Get this: In the first three games, the Bulls have never led by more than seven points. 這可能會是NBA歷史上 最激烈的橫掃 或是 最激烈的五場系列賽 因為前三場球 公牛從來沒有領先超過7分以上 "We're so close,'' Paul George said quietly. George說:我們很接近! For now, close is just going to have to be good enough. 至少現在 想辦法拉近彼此差距就很足夠 -- 文章代碼(AID): #1DfmgPwm (NBA) [ptt.cc] 作者 QQren (QQ) 看板 NBA 標題 [邀稿] 季後賽賽況置底文 時間 Thu Apr 14 22:54:14 2011

04/14 23:18,
出多少 樓上願意做?
04/14 23:18
《你不可不知的 100種 P幣使用方法》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: arkod 來自: (04/23 12:49)

04/23 12:49, , 1F
04/23 12:49, 1F

04/23 12:50, , 2F
純推bri大 XD
04/23 12:50, 2F

04/23 12:50, , 3F
04/23 12:50, 3F

04/23 12:51, , 4F
04/23 12:51, 4F

04/23 12:51, , 5F
期待老八 加油~~
04/23 12:51, 5F

04/23 12:51, , 6F
dirk大 應該很認真在看簽名檔 鬆了一口氣
04/23 12:51, 6F

04/23 12:51, , 7F
一堆人站在那裡 好像在等公車
04/23 12:51, 7F

04/23 12:52, , 8F
04/23 12:52, 8F

04/23 12:53, , 9F
溜馬要不是一直被裁判關鍵逼逼 也不會這麼慘
04/23 12:53, 9F

04/23 12:54, , 10F
04/23 12:54, 10F

04/23 12:56, , 11F
dirk147862 :乎 XDDDD
04/23 12:56, 11F

04/23 13:01, , 12F
dirk147862 :乎
04/23 13:01, 12F

04/23 13:01, , 13F
dirk147862 :乎
04/23 13:01, 13F

04/23 13:02, , 14F
04/23 13:02, 14F

04/23 13:34, , 15F
不見得是溜馬很有潛力 也許是公牛其實沒有那麼強吧
04/23 13:34, 15F

04/23 13:34, , 16F
溜馬真的令人驚艷!! 明年加油!
04/23 13:34, 16F

04/23 13:49, , 17F
dirk147862 :乎 XDDDD
04/23 13:49, 17F

04/23 13:55, , 18F
04/23 13:55, 18F

04/23 14:12, , 19F
經過這系列賽 我都快變溜馬迷了 希望他們至少可以
04/23 14:12, 19F

04/23 14:13, , 20F
04/23 14:13, 20F

04/23 17:59, , 21F
我也幾乎變溜馬迷了 我只希望至少可以打到第六場
04/23 17:59, 21F

04/23 17:59, , 22F
04/23 17:59, 22F

04/23 21:50, , 23F
04/23 21:50, 23F

04/23 21:51, , 24F
04/23 21:51, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #1Dibe_e6 (NBA)