[外絮] Randolph's once-rocky career finds stable foo in Memphis

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※ [本文轉錄自 Grizzlies 看板 #1DiZuMz7 ] 作者: derwy (叨位) 看板: Grizzlies 標題: [外電] Randolph's once-rocky career finds stable foo in Memphis 時間: Sat Apr 23 10:48:50 2011 By Fran Blinebury http://ppt.cc/EO59 (這是第一戰打完後的文章..) He used one hand to rub that lump that still rose up from one side of his head, the other to adjust the icepacks on both knees,then pulled out the Cheshire cat grin to drop the big hammer. 他一隻手摸著頭上腫起來的地方,而另一隻手扶著兩腳膝蓋上的冰袋,向世人宣告 "Our goal," said Zach Randolph, "is to shock people." 我們的目標...是震撼人們! As if the Grizzlies hadn't done enough of that already by getting a grip on the first playoff win in franchise history with their 101-98 upset of the top-seeded Spurs in Game 1. 灰熊在季後賽第一場比賽戰勝了頭號種子-馬刺,拿下隊史季後賽首勝 But what's 10,000-volts-of-electricity shocking to so many is the man the Grizzlies have chosen to keep turning the lights on in the interior of the lineup. The last details are all that need to be worked out on a new four-year contract that could pay Randolph up to $71 million with incentives. 但真正像一萬伏特的電流讓人震撼的是灰熊在這時候和他們這個內線先發確定了新合約。 合約細節還未公佈,據說是4年總值7100萬,含激勵條款。(結果就是這樣..) "He's our foundation player," said Memphis coach Lionel Hollins. Hollins 說:他是我們球隊的基石! That's not to take anything away from high-scoring forward Rudy Gay, who is spending the playoffs with his surgically repaired shoulder in a sling, or from steadily improving point guard Mike Conley. 這不代表主力得分手 Gay 和穩定成長的 Conley 不是 But when you think of the Grizzlies and what they have become, it's a workmanlike, bruising, blue-collar style that comes to mind, much like the town they represent and what Randolph embodies. 只是當你想到灰熊已經成為一支技術純熟並有著籃領氣息的球隊時,這就是軟豆腐帶來的 It is almost as if Z-Bo and Memphis were destined to come together; a city that takes more than its share of hard knocks and this player who can't ever seem to outrun raps against his character. Z-Bo 和 Memphis 好像是命中注定的一對: Memphis-一座經歷苦難的城市﹔Z-Bo-一個曾製造不少問題的麻煩小子 "A lot of people have a past and a lot of people eventually make choices to do the right thing and go in the right direction," Hollins said. "What I don't understand is why so many people aren't willing to give second chances." Hollins 說:很多人都有一段過去,而他們最終選擇做正確的事,往正確的方向前進。 為什麼不給他第二次機會... Randolph, a talented big man who can score from so many seemingly impossible angles, was labeled as a bad teammate in his peripatetic travels from Portland to New York to the L.A. Clippers. Hollins got to know him from spending summers coaching Randolph in summer basketball in Las Vegas. 軟豆腐是個很有天賦的大個子,他幾乎可以在任何位置得分。 但在他的職業生涯中,從阿拓到尼克,然後再到快艇,他身上都有著爛隊友的標籤。 Hollins 夏天在拉斯維加斯指導了軟豆腐,從那時候開始慢慢了解他 So when the Clippers won the 2009 Draft lottery and were going to take Blake Griffin with the No. 1 pick, he was ready to move. 所以當快艇用09年選到狀元郎-B.Griffin 時,他知道機會來了 "I told management there was a player I thought we could get who could make us solid, make us legitimate," Hollins said. "Oh, I had to do a selling job, maybe my best ever." Hollins 說:我告訴管理層,我認為有個球員可以讓我們球隊變得更硬、陣容更好! 唉唷~這可能是我這輩子做過最好的推銷喔... Then he had to sell Randolph on the idea that just because he was a solid 20-point, 10-rebound performer throughout his NBA career, none of those stats meant anything unless he did them as part of a team. 教練推銷軟豆腐的原因是他那能穩定貢獻20+10的數據? 除非他成為球隊的一部分,否則這樣的數字毫無意義... "I asked him, 'What have you ever won doing it your way?' "Hollins said. Hollins 說:我問他“你的數據幫助球隊贏球了嗎?” Now Randolph is no longer the proverbial black hole from which sunlight and the ball never escape. His 2.2 assists a game this season were a career high. His points and rebounds are up, too, just like the Grizzlies' win total. Who would have thought the kid who always seemed to find himself on the periphery of trouble either at home in his native Marion, Indiana or as part of Portland's so-called "Jail Blazers" could become a leader? 現在的軟豆腐,不再是球隊的黑洞了。本季2.2個助攻是生涯新高!得分和籃板也有提升, 也增加了灰熊的勝場數。誰能想到,一個曾經在場外麻煩不斷的人,能成為球隊的領袖? (Jail Blazers耶...年少輕狂的時代...) He could have played out his contract for another few weeks. He could have become a free agent at the end of the season. But after 10 seasons of wandering and just a few months shy of his 30th birthday, Randolph has a place that finally feels like home. 本來在賽季結束後將成為自由球員的軟豆腐,在這找到了溫暖的家 "I definitely want to be here," he said. "They love me in this community. I love them ... I didn't want to sign somewhere else." 他說:我當然想留在這!這裡的人愛我~我也愛他們!我只想待在 Memphis! He pays the electricity bills for some needy Memphis residents and plays Santa Claus at Christmas. He's engaging in conversation, has a smile that could warm a cold night, the same one he flashed as he connected with a grade school full of AIDS patients on an NBA Basketball Without Borders trip to Johannesburg, South Africa in 2004. 他為那些貧困的曼菲斯居民支付電費,在聖誕節扮演聖誕老人。04年參與NBA無國界活動到 南非時,他用積極的對話和他那傻呼呼的笑容,來溫暖那些不幸感染AIDS的小朋友... Randolph knows he'll never be able to run away from the darker sides of his image, so he has worked hard to change it. 軟豆腐知道他無法抹滅從前那糟糕的過去,所以他必須努力地去改變人們對他的看法。 "People that thought different didn't know me," Randolph said. "If you ask the New York Knicks organization, the Los Angeles Clippers organization, I didn't have a problem there. They loved me and everything's good. I had a problem in Portland. Sometimes change is good. Maybe my time was up." 軟豆腐說:人們對我那不同的看法,是因為他們不了解我,如果你問快艇、尼克的團隊, 我在那沒有問題。他們喜歡我,而且我們的合作非常愉快。我只是在阿拓時惹 了一些麻煩。有時候改變是好的,也許現在正是我改變的時候。 Now maybe this is his time in a place and for a franchise that has craved respect and validation. 這也許是他生涯第一次在一個城市得到尊重,第一次找到了歸屬感。 "I like these young guys," he said. "I like Rudy. I like Mike. I like playing with these young guys. They like to play hard. They want to learn. They want to win. They want to get better. Me and Marc complement each other so well." 軟豆腐說:我喜歡這群年輕人,我喜歡跟他們一起打球,他們打球肯拼肯學,他們想贏,  想不斷變得更好!而我和小Gasol是互補得這麼好! Somebody asked him if all the Grizzlies are building around this core could get them into the championship conversation one day. 有人問他如果灰熊圍繞這個班底打造陣容是不是有一天能成為被討論總冠軍的選擇? That's when the grin came out and the hammer came down. One day? "Let's just see what happens in the next game," Randolph said 讓我們看看接下來會發生什麼吧... More shocking things have happened. -- 為什麼會這麼長...= = 04/24 (日) 緯來體育台 07:30 馬刺 v.s. 灰熊 -- 文章代碼(AID): #1Dib2K-i (NBA) [ptt.cc]

04/23 12:15,
04/23 12:15

04/23 12:17,
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04/23 12:17,
......幹 你怎知道
04/23 12:17
作者 sinxxxg (─═╤╧︻▄& ㄧζ~ㄑ﹫) 看板 NBA 標題 [新聞] 湖人挫黃蜂 系列賽 2:1 領先 球迷賽後載片解悶 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: arkod 來自: (04/23 12:42)

04/23 12:42, , 1F
阿扣你太狠毒了 XD
04/23 12:42, 1F

04/23 12:43, , 2F
04/23 12:43, 2F

04/23 12:43, , 3F
3篇了 想忘掉都難~
04/23 12:43, 3F

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04/23 12:43, , 5F
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04/23 12:43, , 6F
糟糕了 簽名檔 整個很流行
04/23 12:43, 6F

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推 dirk147862 :你這樣跟水桶我有什麼兩樣
04/23 12:47, 14F

04/23 12:47, , 15F
dirk147862 :你這樣跟水桶我有什麼兩樣...........
04/23 12:47, 15F

04/23 12:48, , 16F
DIRK大 至少你還活著阿XDD
04/23 12:48, 16F

04/23 12:49, , 17F
別介意啦~這裡誰沒看過謎片 你只是比較招搖一點而已
04/23 12:49, 17F

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dirk147862 :你這樣跟水桶我有什麼兩樣...........
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04/23 12:49, , 22F
版主太幽默了~~~原po別介意阿~ 小玩笑而已啦
04/23 12:49, 22F

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04/23 12:50, , 24F
dirk147862 :你這樣跟水桶我有什麼兩樣...........
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dirk147862 :你這樣跟水桶我有什麼兩樣
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推 dirk147862 :你這樣跟水桶我有什麼兩樣
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04/23 13:04, , 31F
好像還比水桶囧= =+
04/23 13:04, 31F

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dirk147862 :你這樣跟水桶我有什麼兩樣...........
04/23 13:14, 34F

04/23 13:33, , 35F
本來看完文章都要哭了!! 結果看到簽名檔跟推文XDD
04/23 13:33, 35F

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dirk147862 :你這樣跟水桶我有什麼兩樣 XDDDD
04/23 15:26, 38F

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04/24 01:38, , 40F
04/24 01:38, 40F
文章代碼(AID): #1DibYiLF (NBA)