[外絮] about Don Nelson

看板NBA作者時間13年前 (2011/03/24 14:52), 編輯推噓12(1202)
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Don Nelson hints at conflict over Biedrins http://goo.gl/85DnK Former Warriors coach Don Nelson slipped in a handful of noteworthy tidbits amid an hourlong interview that covered the breadth of his career Monday night on "Chronicle Live" on CSN Bay Area. 前任勇士教練 Don Nelson 在週一晚間接受 Chronicle Live 專訪時爆了一些關於他職業 生涯的小八卦。 In his most provocative comment, Nelson seemed to say he was fired primarily for asking center Andris Biedrins to shoot his free throws underhanded. Biedrins shot an NBA-worst 16 percent in 2009-10, Nelson's final season. 在他最刺激的一段評論中,Nelson 似乎認為他被炒掉的主要原因是要求中鋒 Andris Biedrins 挑戰蹲馬桶罰球。在 09-10,Nelson 的最後一個球季中,Biedrins 的命中率 是 (譯註:天有異象鬼哭神號的) 16%。 "I got fired when I asked him to (shoot underhanded)," Nelson said, and there was no follow-up question. Nelson maintained that he had Rick Barry lined up to instruct Biedrins. 「我叫他這樣做之後就被炒了,」Nelson如此表示,而 (主持人) 並沒有進一步提問。 Nelson 說他指定了 Rick Barry 來接任指導 Biedrins 的位置。 That was part of Nelson's most extensive public comments since being fired in September and his only statements since breaking his silence Feb. 3 with Ralph Barbieri and Tom Tolbert on KNBR. During Monday's interview, he left open the possibility of coaching again and didn't pull any punches about his career. 這是自從 Nelson 在九月被炒了之後最一語驚人的公開發言之一,也是自從二月三號與 Ralph Barbieri 及 Tom Tolbert 首度在 KNBR 上破冰以來唯一的發言。在週一的採訪 中,他並未反對再次執教,也沒有再對他的生涯繼續開砲。 During his 31 seasons and an all-time best 1,335 wins, Nelson's unique mind was polarizing. His legacy is seen partly as one of innovation and partly as one that emphasized style over substance. 在他過去的 31 個球季與史上最強的 1,335 勝生涯中,Nelson 的想法一向是極度地特立 獨行。他的故事是一種充滿創新的傳奇,也是一種視華麗重於實質的體現。 In Nelson's estimation, point guard Stephen Curry has taken a step back from his rookie season, and guard Monta Ellis didn't want to accept the responsibilities of a point guard but is playing more like one than in his previous five seasons. 他認為,控衛 Stephen Curry 比菜鳥時期還爛,而 Monta Ellis 則是不願意接下控衛責 任,卻又比前五年打得越來越像控衛。 "I'm not planning to (coach anymore)," said Nelson, 70. "I love Maui. ... I'm torn a little bit. I've had a couple of feelers already, just to check me out and see how I'm feeling. I don't think that I will (coach again), but you never say, 'never.' " 「我沒有計畫 (要繼續當教練),」70 歲的 Nelson 表示,「我愛 Maui (夏威夷的一個 島)。...我有點崩潰。是有幾個人在試探我啦,看看我狀況怎麼樣。我不覺得我會 (繼續 當教練),但永遠不要說 never。」 Other quotes of interest: 其他的趣味發言: -- "I made the dumbest trade in my history when I traded (Mitch Richmond) for Billy Owens." 「我 (用 Mitch Richmond) 把 Billy Owens 換來是我人生中最智障的一次交易。」 -- "I begged the (ownership) to keep Chris Webber and let me go ... and I could have been in San Antonio and had Tim Duncan." 「我跪求 (老闆) 把 Chris Webber 留下來,讓我走...如果是這樣的話我就在 San Antonio 當 Tim Duncan 的教練了。」 -- "I thought we should trade Patrick Ewing and whoever else it took to get Shaq (O'Neal, when Nelson was coach) in New York. The next day, someone told Patrick Ewing, and that was the end of my career there." 「我當時想我們可以把 Patrick Ewing 跟隨便一個什麼東西換掉把 Shaq (O'Neal) 搞來 紐約。隔天就有人把這件事情告訴 Patrick Ewing,然後我也不用幹了。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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