[外電] about Dalembert

看板NBA作者時間13年前 (2011/03/24 14:16), 編輯推噓20(2004)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Kings 看板 #1DYk5QRo ] 作者: dOodoOhOw () 看板: Kings 標題: [外電] about Dalembert 時間: Thu Mar 24 14:14:47 2011 (國)王的男人 Dalembert,下季何去何從? http://www.sacbee.com/2011/03/23/3496801/dalembert-a-key-for-kings-but.html MILWAUKEE – It took Samuel Dalembert time to adjust to his role with the Kings, and the muscle strain in his left leg didn't make the transition any easier. Samuel Dalembert 花了不少時間融入在國王隊中扮演的角色, 而左腿的拉傷則讓這個過程更加艱難。 It also took some time for Dalembert, after years as a starting center, to work his way off the Kings' bench. 另外一方面,擔任了多年先發的 Dalembert 還必須從替補球員的角色開始努力。 Now a regular starter for the Kings, Dalembert is the defensive anchor that the team was looking for when he was acquired last June. 現在 Dalembert 已經坐穩了先發位置,並成為了國王自從去年六月以來便引頸企盼的防 守中樞。 Plus, he's providing some unexpected offense. 不僅如此,他更表現出了意料之外的進攻能力。 The Kings made it clear how they feel about Dalembert when they elected not to deal the nine-year veteran before February's deadline. There was interest from teams looking for a veteran big man or looking for financial relief after the season since Dalembert is in the last year of his contract. 國王並沒有在二月的交易期限之前處理掉 Dalembert 的合約,也說明了對這件事情的想 法。當時有數支球隊表現出了對於內線老將與薪資空間的興趣-Dalembert 的合約已經來 到了最後一年。 It was quite a change for Dalembert, who wasn't sure where he fit in earlier this season. He now speaks about the Kings needing to improve and play good basketball as the season winds down, despite their 17-52 record, but he's understandably noncommittal about next season. 對於 Dalembert 來說,這是一個很大的變動。他在季初時並不確定自己究竟將落腳何方 。現在他在球季進入尾聲的同時,認為國王隊即使在 17-52 的戰績之下仍然必須要試著 改進比賽。但不意外地,他似乎並不打算給出任何關於下一季的承諾。 "I just want to let everything play out," Dalembert said. "See what's happening and see what's going on. You never know what's going to happen." 「順其自然吧。看看現在的狀況,看看未來的狀況。你永遠不會知道接下來要發生的事。 」 A possible NBA lockout is one issue, and there's also the uncertainty of where the Kings will play next season since ownership is negotiating to move to Anaheim. NBA 可能面臨封館,而就算賽季照常,國王也還要面對可能遷移到 Anaheim 的問題。 "I try to do my part and let the business side happen," Dalembert said. "We'll see." 「我只是做好我份內的工作,商場的部分就隨他去吧。」Dalembert 表示,「看著辦囉。 」 Doing his part has meant helping on both ends of the court. In his last six games, Dalembert is averaging 16.7 points and 11.8 rebounds. For the season, he averages 7.6 points and 7.5 rebounds. 他所謂「份內的工作」包含了攻守兩端的成果。在過去的六場比賽之中,他平均拿下 16.7 分與 11.8 籃板。而在本季目前的數據上,他的平均則是 7.6 分 7.5 籃板。 Scoring is a bonus 得分算賺到 Dalembert points out that he's not an offensive player, and his teammates certainly aren't looking to turn him into Hakeem Olajuwon. Any points Dalembert gets are considered a bonus. Dalembert 指出他並不是一個進攻型的球員,而他的隊友們也很客氣地沒有要他變成大夢 (Hakeem Olajuwon)。他所拿下的分數都被當成是撿到寶。 "That's what we need Sam to do – block shots and rebound – those are his strengths," guard Marcus Thornton said. "The points will come, but every game here on out, we need him to block shots and rebound." 「我們需要他的地方-火鍋籃板什麼的-本來就是他的強項了,」國王隊後衛 Marcus Thornton 表示,「得分嘛,早晚會得的,只是我們最需要他的地方就是火鍋跟籃板。」 Coach Paul Westphal said pairing Dalembert with rookie DeMarcus Cousins in the starting lineup makes the Kings a better rebounding team. And, while playing them together doesn't instantly make the pick-and-roll or transition defense better, Westphal said those areas are improving as they learn to play together. 教練 Paul Westphal 說讓 Dalembert 和新人 DeMarcus Cousins 共同先發能夠讓國王變 成一支籃板能力更強的隊伍。同時,雖然目前對應擋拆 (pick-and-roll) 的防守並沒有 因此一步登天,但 Westphal 認為這些部分正在他們學習如何互相搭配的過程中逐漸改善 。 Praise from Westphal Westphal 的讚揚 And, Westphal said, Dalembert has done a good job of studying the offense and figuring out where he needs to be to contribute. 另外,Westphal 還說,Dalembert 十分擅於理解進攻,並找到能夠貢獻之處。 "I knew he could score and he's always had good percentages," Westphal said. "He's not a one-on-one kind of player you run your offense through, but that doesn't mean he doesn't score. 「我知道他能得分,而且他的命中率並不差,」Westphal 指出,「他並不是在執行戰術 的過程中擅長一對一的那種球員,但這不代表他不會得分。」 "He scores as a counterpuncher, and he can get his opportunities with the ball when the defense adjusts when he's not the focus offensively, and he's very good at that." 「他的得分就像是在默默等待著突擊機會*,他能在對手的防守忽視他的時候掌握住最好 的機會,在這點上他非常厲害。」 *原文為 counterpuncher,意指「反擊型底線型球員,他們比較傾向於採取防禦,比較不 傾向於採取主動攻擊。他們儘可能將所有的球都回擊回去,然後等待對手的失誤,試著依 靠對手的失誤來贏得這一分。(Wikipedia)」 Dalembert said he studied the offense more because he wanted to help the struggling offense. And his ability to put back offensive rebounds helps him score when no play is called for him. Dalembert 說他之所以認真地研究進攻是為了要幫助貧弱的得分。他的進攻籃板與二波得 分的能力也讓他能夠在戰術重點不是他的時候仍然能夠拿分。 Westphal said Dalembert is good enough to make a 12- to 15-foot jump shot so that he and Cousins aren't in each other's way on offense. Westphal 認為 Dalembert 的能力可以做出 12 到 15 呎的跳投,以便與 Cousins 在進 攻端擔任不重疊的角色。 "I work on my game, and coach sees I can do some things," Dalembert said. "It does give you confidence and opportunities to show what you can do on offense." 「我只是想辦法提升自己,而教練看到了我的能力,」Dalembert 說,「這讓人對自己更 有自信,也能在進攻端得到更多表現機會。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: dOodoOhOw 來自: (03/24 14:16)

03/24 14:17, , 1F
03/24 14:17, 1F

03/24 14:17, , 2F
Sammy !!!!!!!!!!!!!! (尖叫)
03/24 14:17, 2F

03/24 14:20, , 3F
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03/24 14:23, , 4F
Sammy 推~
03/24 14:23, 4F

03/24 14:23, , 5F
03/24 14:23, 5F

03/24 14:24, , 6F
03/24 14:24, 6F

03/24 14:28, , 7F
全額中產的話回七六人就可以了 XD
03/24 14:28, 7F

03/24 14:28, , 8F
03/24 14:28, 8F

03/24 14:29, , 9F
到底熱火全額中產簽不簽的到籃板機呢 拭目以待
03/24 14:29, 9F

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03/24 15:01, , 14F
03/24 15:01, 14F

03/24 15:04, , 15F
大覽伯最帥的一場是去海地賑災 比賽前才跑進場
03/24 15:04, 15F

03/24 15:20, , 16F
國王都特地丟洗衣店 準備把大懶伯留下來了...
03/24 15:20, 16F

03/24 15:23, , 17F
03/24 15:23, 17F

03/24 15:30, , 18F
03/24 15:30, 18F

03/24 15:31, , 19F
錢是不太缺 有個大約過 我猜他要去出的起中產的強隊
03/24 15:31, 19F

03/24 15:52, , 20F
國王有鳥權 預計要執行 這差別可不小
03/24 15:52, 20F

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03/24 15:54, 21F

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03/24 16:46, 22F

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03/24 18:21, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #1DYk6iIQ (NBA)