Re: [新聞] HOOP Mock Draft Top 10

看板NBA作者 (強尼)時間15年前 (2009/04/18 02:18), 編輯推噓17(17050)
留言67則, 18人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※ 引述《gaiaesque (一貧如洗(¯^¯ ))》之銘言: : : 1. : Sacramento Kings Blake Griffin PF 22.7ppg, 14.4rpg, 1.2bpg : : When it comes to the number one pick in this year’s NBA Draft there is no : point in even discussing the teams ‘needs’. What every team needs is a : future franchise player and potential superstar. That player in the draft : this year is Blake Griffin. Considering the guy’s athleticism and work ethic : he has a chance to be a top ten player in the NBA someday, and is most : certainly going to be the fastest player from this year’s class to become an : all-star caliber player. : 當我們要來討論今年NBA選秀的第一順位時,通常會被列入考慮的各球隊之不同需求這次 將異於往常的不會具有太大的意義。我們都知道每支球隊都想要一位未來能夠成為球隊 核心的球員,而這位球員若同時還具有成為超級球星的潛力那麼真可謂是十全十美。很 明顯的,今年的球員中具有上述兩種特質的便是Blake Griffin。他擁有出色的體能以及 良好的職業道德,這幾乎保證了他有朝一日一定會成為NBA的前十大明星球員,且這梯中 他將會是以最快速度表現出巨星水準的一位新秀。 : 2. : Washington Wizards H.Thabeet C 13.6ppg, 10.8rpg, 4.2bpg : : A lot of people are going to think that the second pick is too high to pick : the giant Thabeet. I would agree, and that’s why I think the Wizards may try : to trade down to the 3rd or 4th pick to take Thabeet. The Wizards have made : it clear they are going to give it another shot with Arenas, Butler, and : company if they can stay healthy next year. They have always been seeking a : defensive presence to anchor the paint and a 7′3〃 athletic beast like : Thabeet is just the guy to do it. 我知道很多人認為將Thabeet這位巨人放在第二順位是過於高估他了。我本身也是這麼認 為,所以我想巫師可能會將第二順位的選秀權跟擁有第三或第四順位的球隊來做交易, 雖然順位變的後面了些但他們應該還是能夠如願選到Thabeet。巫師已表明了若現今以 Arenas和Butler為首的這支球隊能夠保持健康,那麼他們明年將再獲得一次證明自己的 機會。巫師總是在尋覓能夠幫助他們捍衛禁區的長人,而Thabeet將會是他們的解答。 : 3. : LA Clippers Ricky Rubio PG 9.8ppg, 5.7apg, 1.9spg : : Rubio is the best point guard prospect in this draft. He has eyes on the back : of his head and has shown in Euro and World play that he has substance to go : with that flash. He’s still young, but his experience playing in Europe : should ready him for playing in the league. You might be thinking “the Clips : already have Baron Davis at the point”, but then on sober second thought you : ’ll realize he rarely plays more than half a season. Plus the Clippers have : always craved a solid point guard for the future. Remember Livingston? 在這梯選秀中Rubio是前景最被看好的控球後衛。他就像是腦後也長了一對眼睛一樣總是 能夠傳出絕妙的助攻,而在歐洲甚至世界級的比賽中他也證明了他的真材實料。雖然他 還是個年輕小夥子,但在歐洲打球的經歷應該已足夠讓他準備好進入NBA。你當下可能在 想 "快艇不是已經有Baron Davis了嗎?",當若你更加仔細的去思考這個問題你就會發現 Davis很少能打超過半個球季的球。再加上快艇一直渴望有一個未來能夠當家的優質控衛 ,還記得當年的Livingston嗎? : : 4. : OKC Thunder James Harden SG 20.1ppg, 4.2apg, 5.6rpg : : Harden is probably the most well rounded player in this upcoming draft. He’s : a stat stuffer, he does it all. The Thunder are starting to put together the : youngest yet most talented core in the entire league. With Westbrook at the : point, Durant at SF, and Jeff Green at PF, the perfect fit for Harden would : be with this young crew of superstars that might take the league by storm in : 2-4 years. Harden大概是這梯中球風最全面的球員了。任何在球場上的事他都能夠參上一腳,而他 的數據也十分亮眼。雷霆隊現在已開始圍繞聯盟中最年輕且最有天賦的核心球員們來打 造球隊。在以Westbrook打控衛,Durant打小前鋒以及Green打大前鋒的情況下,若 Harden能夠成為雷霆核心的一部份將會是一件好事,而這道閃電也將在2-4年內挑戰聯盟 中的所有球隊。 : : 5. : Minnesota Timberwolves Jordan Hill PF 18.3ppg, 11.0rpg, 1.7bpg : : Hill is super athletic, freakish really. A lot of NBA teams drool all over : guys with this kind of athleticism and forget about their lack of : fundamentals and skills. Sort of reminds me of Tyrus Thomas in that he’s : super athletic so teams will be all over his potential and forget about his : shortcomings. Hill has limited post moves and often turns the ball over to : good defenses. But based on pure potential with his size, strength and speed : he’s one of the top picks regardless. Hill除了體能勁爆之外,他還有一些奇特之處。很多球隊都為這類擁有優異體能的球員 所吸引,卻忽略了他們基本功不夠扎實的缺點。他讓我想起了Tyrus Thomas,當年也是 因為他的體能實在太過出色,擁有強大潛力的特點掩蓋了他其他的一些缺點。Hill的低 位進攻技巧還不夠成熟,且在較為強硬的防守下常常會發生許多失誤。不過基於他的 體型、力量以及速度而擁有的強大潛力,他毫無疑問的還會是前幾順位的料。 : : 6. : Memphis Grizzlies Brandon Jennings PG 7.6ppg, 1.6apg, 1.2spg : : If I had to pick “the most talented” player in this year’s draft it would : far and away be Brandon Jennings. This guy is a pure point guard in every : sense. He is one of the most imaginative players, and loves to distribute the : rock. Although playing professionally in Europe should give him an advantage : at being “NBA Ready”, a lot of teams will question his drive, defense, shot : selection, and careless turnovers. Playing in the NBA may just rejuvenate : Jennings focus for the game however. 如果要我在這梯中選出一個擁有最佳天賦的球員,那麼非Jennings莫屬。他擁有純正控 衛所需的每一種特質。他擁有少見的創造力,並且十分樂於送出助攻。雖然在歐洲職業 籃球比賽中打滾過的他看起來應該是已經為進入NBA做好了準備,但多數球隊還是會質疑 他的切入、防守以及出手選擇等各方面的能力。進入NBA打球應該可以讓Jennings重新 把精神全神貫注在比賽中。 : : 7. : G.S. Warriors Tyreke Evans PG/SG 17.1ppg, 3.9apg, 5.4rpg : : There is still a lot of uncertainty about Monta Ellis and the Warriors, but : with so many talented guards in the draft this year, the Warriors will no : doubt be looking at taking Tyreke Evans at the 7 spot. Evans has been a star : well known to NBA Scouts since he was still in his early years in High : School. Evans can play both the 1 and 2 spots as he has great ball handling : ability but is also an excellent scorer. Sometimes criticized for his shoot : first mentality, Evans can get to the free throw line at will, and sort of : reminds me of a Gilbert Arena’s type guard when he’s on his game. 在勇士和Monta Ellis之間還有許多待釐清的事情。而雖然這梯擁有許多出色的後衛, 勇士毫無疑問的將會選擇在第七順位挑走Tyreke Evans。早在他的高中生涯時Evans的 名聲便已經廣為NBA球探所知。Evans是個可以打1、2號位置的雙能衛,他擁有高超的運 球技術以及傑出的得分能力,不過他以投籃為優先選擇的球風偶爾會為人所詬病。他在 比賽中能夠依照個人意願而站上罰球線的能力讓我想到了Gilbert Arenas。 : : 8. : New York Knicks Ty Lawson PG 16.6ppg, 6.6apg, 2.1spg : : Ty Lawson is a winner. The New York Knicks have been everything but a winner : for the last few years. They will undoubtedly want a guy like Lawson who : works his ass off, plays solid defense, and can score and pass with the best : of them. Not many people will be looking at Lawson in the top ten of their : draft, but i’m sure his NCAA Championship will bump his status. Ty Lawson是個贏家,而尼克隊在過去幾年中什麼都當過了,就是沒當過贏家。他們一定 會需要像Lawson這種擁有拼戰精神並且能打出強硬防守的球員,更何況他在得分以及助 攻方面也並不差。很多人在前十順位中不會將他們的目光放到Lawson身上,不過我相信 他NCAA總冠軍的頭銜一定會為他的評價再加上一些分數。 : : 9. : Toronto Raptors Stephen Curry SG 28.6ppg, 5.6apg, 2.5spg : : Would it be too corny if Stephen Curry played for the Toronto Raptors like : his Dad? I doubt it will make a difference, as the Raptors are sure to want a : scoring guard of Curry’s caliber. The guy can flat at put the ball in the : bucket at will. He’s a great outside shooter, and although his 3pt % dropped : a bit this year, he was getting to the line a lot more showing his speed, and : played the point more showing his passing abilities. 不知道Stephen Curry若跟他老爸Dell Curry一樣都為暴龍隊效力會不會很沒創意。但無 論有創意與否,暴龍都一定會想要收下Stephen Curry此種等級的SG。只要他想要,皮球 幾乎都會順著他的心意入網,他是一位神射手。而雖然今年他的三分命中率有了略微的 下降,但他也憑藉著他的速度而增加了站上罰球線的機會,同時他也展現出了他在傳球 方面的功力。 : : 10. : Milwaukee Bucks Demar DeRozan SG/SF 13.9ppg, 5.7rpg, 1.5apg : : DeRozan finished the year very strong, and shot the ball consistently well : all year. He has excellent form and shooting mechanics. Match that with his : athleticism and all sorts of NBA clubs will be looking to land this guy past : the top ten. His ball handling abilities leave something to be desired, but he : ’s an adequate defender and rebounder. In the NBA where quality consistent : shooters are at a premium, this guy just has too much potential to fall out : of the top ten in this year’s draft.  DeRozan為今年做了一個很有說服力的結尾,且他整年來的投籃效率都維持在一個高檔的  狀態。雖然他擁有非常棒的出手姿勢,但若同時將他的體能列入考慮的話,大部分的NBA  球隊會將他排除在前十順位之外。他的運球技巧還有進步的空間,但在防守以及籃板方  面的表現尚可算是中規中矩。在現今的NBA中優質的高效率射手已經是彌足珍貴,再加上  他尚待開發的潛力我想今年他還是可以擠進前十順位的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/18 02:20, , 1F
我一直都記得Livingston 尤其是受傷那一幕
04/18 02:20, 1F

04/18 02:21, , 2F
04/18 02:21, 2F

04/18 04:43, , 3F
04/18 04:43, 3F

04/18 06:41, , 4F
04/18 06:41, 4F

04/18 07:22, , 5F
辛苦了 推一個
04/18 07:22, 5F

04/18 07:56, , 6F
04/18 07:56, 6F

04/18 09:24, , 7F
現在一樣也是啊 DeRozan今年三分球命中率才1成6 他身價有
04/18 09:24, 7F

04/18 09:25, , 8F
回升只是因為他在球季末段讓人看到潛力 球季初他連怎麼運
04/18 09:25, 8F

04/18 09:26, , 9F
用他的身體素質都有問題 我更不知道這篇作者的射手之說是
04/18 09:26, 9F

04/18 09:26, , 10F
04/18 09:26, 10F

04/18 09:39, , 11F
DeRozan的中投進步很多 倒是防守還是不怎樣 移位不太行
04/18 09:39, 11F

04/18 09:41, , 12F
話說Taj Gibson如果選到會是不錯的藍領球員
04/18 09:41, 12F

04/18 10:14, , 13F
看Blake Griffin vs Michael Beasley
04/18 10:14, 13F

04/18 10:15, , 15F
感覺Griffin中距離滿少的耶 藍下到是很猛
04/18 10:15, 15F

04/18 10:55, , 16F
04/18 10:55, 16F

04/18 12:36, , 17F
翻的很好 ^^
04/18 12:36, 17F

04/18 13:46, , 18F
中距離比籃下好練多了 籃下才是王道呀
04/18 13:46, 18F

04/18 13:49, , 19F
第八位 太老嬸
04/18 13:49, 19F

04/18 13:55, , 20F
04/18 13:55, 20F

04/18 13:55, , 21F
ncb_a_griffinfamily_576.jpg 旁邊是Blake的哥哥 報6-7
04/18 13:55, 21F

04/18 13:57, , 22F
以他哥站前面又往前略傾沒站挺的高度來判斷 Blake應該只
04/18 13:57, 22F

04/18 13:58, , 23F
有6-8 頂多再高一點 這個高度剛好跟Boozer是差不多的 打
04/18 13:58, 23F

04/18 14:00, , 24F
PF嫌矮 不過體能是比Boozer勁爆像是丹佛的馬丁 高度不夠
04/18 14:00, 24F

04/18 14:10, , 25F
不是說他有中距離 這樣應該是身高像布瑟的啊罵
04/18 14:10, 25F

04/18 14:18, , 26F
體能彈性速度可能比較偏Amare 或K-Mart
04/18 14:18, 26F

04/18 14:47, , 27F
Boozer和Brand也是矮個PF打得很不錯的 再看看吧
04/18 14:47, 27F

04/18 17:14, , 28F
Brand不算矮內線 他穿鞋有6'9.5以上 照其他人的報法 可以
04/18 17:14, 28F

04/18 17:14, , 29F
04/18 17:14, 29F

04/18 18:11, , 30F
這是哪裡來的資料呢 如果是真的那比官資高上不少 官資6'8"
04/18 18:11, 30F

04/18 18:13, , 31F
兩吋有5公分 實在是有些多
04/18 18:13, 31F

04/18 18:38, , 32F
6'8是裸足的資料 DX體測歷史數據都有 很多Duke球員確實是
04/18 18:38, 32F

04/18 18:39, , 33F
報裸足的 例如Battier,Brand,JJ等
04/18 18:39, 33F

04/18 18:41, , 34F
04/18 18:41, 34F

04/18 18:42, , 35F
沒為什麼啊 身高也不是統一測量的
04/18 18:42, 35F

04/18 18:42, , 36F
04/18 18:42, 36F

04/18 18:43, , 37F
04/18 18:43, 37F

04/18 18:43, , 38F
04/18 18:43, 38F

04/18 18:43, , 39F
他報高薪水也不會比較多 官方身高看看就好
04/18 18:43, 39F

04/18 18:44, , 40F
04/18 18:44, 40F

04/18 18:45, , 41F
04/18 18:45, 41F

04/18 18:46, , 42F 當然相信選前體測的 除非球員
04/18 18:46, 42F

04/18 18:46, , 43F
04/18 18:46, 43F

04/18 19:23, , 44F
04/18 19:23, 44F

04/18 19:25, , 45F
04/18 19:25, 45F

04/18 19:31, , 46F
另外如果TD和小歐是6'11"話 那他差不多就在6'8"附近
04/18 19:31, 46F

04/18 19:48, , 47F
Brand我記得他裸足確實有足6-8 JJ裸足就有6-4 以NBA報法
04/18 19:48, 47F

04/18 19:49, , 48F
04/18 19:49, 48F

04/18 19:50, , 49F
04/18 19:50, 49F

04/18 19:51, , 50F
TD裸足應該是6-11所以他以前報七呎也不算虛報 而Blake我
04/18 19:51, 50F

04/18 19:52, , 51F
04/18 19:52, 51F

04/18 19:54, , 52F
Blake不曉得還有沒有機會再長高一點 畢竟長一吋算賺一吋
04/18 19:54, 52F

04/18 19:55, , 53F
但無論如何Blake的身高確實是瑕疵 防守時容易被放大所以
04/18 19:55, 53F

04/18 19:56, , 54F
TD的話有一說是裸足約6'10.5" 同樣是報7'的KG相比 他身高
04/18 19:56, 54F

04/18 19:57, , 55F
04/18 19:57, 55F

04/18 19:57, , 56F
04/18 19:57, 56F

04/18 20:00, , 57F
04/18 20:00, 57F

04/18 20:01, , 58F
其實目前TD的官方數據是6'11" XD
04/18 20:01, 58F

04/18 20:08, , 59F
Blake高中就是這個身高 應該不會再長
04/18 20:08, 59F

04/18 20:09, , 60F
04/18 20:09, 60F

04/18 20:51, , 61F
04/18 20:51, 61F

04/18 21:18, , 62F
三號不太可能吧 看看能不能養成Boozer就不錯了
04/18 21:18, 62F

04/18 23:13, , 63F
04/18 23:13, 63F

04/18 23:14, , 64F
04/18 23:14, 64F

04/19 19:06, , 65F
那資料到底是哪裡來的= =口說無憑吧
04/19 19:06, 65F

04/19 19:07, , 66F
像照片中的Malone 如果是6'9" 那很明顯RJ還矮了好幾公分
04/19 19:07, 66F

04/19 19:08, , 67F
04/19 19:08, 67F
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