[專欄] 兩個月、十六隊、一根大老...一座金盃ꄠ…

看板NBA作者 (強尼)時間15年前 (2009/04/17 14:07), 編輯推噓23(2304)
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http://0rz.tw/w2mdb The 82-game marathon is over. Here's a look at some questions for the two-month , 16-team NBA tournament known as the Playoffs as it begins this weekend: 本季長達82場賽事的馬拉松式正規賽程已落幕。看完18231篇後筆者實在按捺不住,在季後 賽開始前也提出十個大家可能會比較感興趣的問題: 1. Are the Cavaliers really the favorite to win it all? Judging by their record and the season LeBron James has put together, you'd have to think so. Mo Williams has fit in perfectly and the supporting cast knows its role. Something, though, just doesn't feel right. Despite one of the best regular seasons ever, Cleveland may be a year away, as crazy as that sounds, from bringing a trophy to title-starved Cleveland. While the Cavs appear destined to get out of the Eastern Conference for the second time in three years, expect the heavily motivated Lakers to be there waiting. More on that later. 1. 騎士隊果真是眾望所歸的總冠軍? 在看完這季小皇帝的帶領下騎士隊所打出的戰績以及表現,會這麼想的確是很合理的。想 當初沒有多少人看好的莫不傳竟跌破眾人眼鏡的成為天子身邊的紅人,而其餘的眾臣也都 認命的盡全力護駕。然而在小皇帝治國有方的表面下卻還是有一些說不上的怪異之處。雖 然開創了隊史以來的最佳盛世,但我還是斗膽認為今年騎士隊沒有辦法如願為饑渴已久的 克里夫蘭帶回他們垂涎的那根大老...那個總冠軍。如無意外騎士隊應該可以在三年內第二 度殺入總決賽,但在那裡等著他們的是同樣為了總冠軍而望穿秋水的小飛俠Kobe所帶領的 湖人隊。稍後將多加著墨於此。 2. Can anyone give the Lakers a challenge out West? Doubtful. The Jazz, on paper, may have been the team most equipped to put a scare into L.A., but they've fallen apart down the stretch and don't figure to pose much of a threat in the first round. From there the candidates are muddled and flawed. Playoff newcomer Portland gave the Lakers the most trouble during the season, but the Blazers may be out before getting a shot at Kobe Bryant and Co. The Nuggets -- bursting with athletes, plus the steady hand of Chauncey Billups -- could put a scare into L.A. if they keep their heads on straight. The Rockets are a possibility with defenders to hassle Kobe in Ron Artest and Shane Battier, plus Yao Ming in the middle. But the Spurs and Hornets are just too banged up, and the Lakers own the Mavericks. 2. 在西區到底哪一隊才有實力挑戰無敵的湖人呢? Ker ker no king,這問題你想知道就去問香蕉。理論上最能夠威脅湖人的便是他們第一輪 的對手猶他爵士隊,但爵士在正規賽的尾聲陷入了低潮,因此威脅性大減。這一季季後賽 的新面孔,年輕的拓荒者在本季對戰湖人時給他們帶來了很大的麻煩,但怕是怕他們還來 不及見到湖人就先領便當了。金塊隊有很多體能哥,再加上本季換來的Billups的穩定領導 下,是有機會去挑戰這西區的王者的。另外一個有潛力的挑戰者便是火箭隊,有著兩把大 鎖Artest與Battier充當武藏和小次郎,再加上坐鎮禁區的喵喵姚明,白洞,白色的明天正ꘊ 在等著他們! 馬刺與黃蜂的陣容殘破不堪...因此不列入討論範圍。什麼? 你說還有小牛? 別逗了,湖人的其中一個稱號就是"小牛支配者"。 3. Which of these big guys -- Kevin Garnett or Andrew Bynum -- figures to be healthy enough to contribute to a long playoff run? Garnett's status has to be considered iffy. He sat out the last nine regular- season games and 16 of the final 20. The knee strain suffered back on Feb. 19 continues to be a concern, no matter the positive spin. Boston has the luxury of a relatively stress-free first-round matchup (against the Bulls) to give KG more time to work his way back into the mix. But the C's need a healthy Garnett to anchor their defense in the conference semis and beyond. Watching how he ended the season, the Lakers' Bynum looks to be on track to take a bigger role as the postseason progresses. The 7-footer is finishing at the basket and running without pain. His defensive timing still isn't there and his stamina needs to improve, but the Lakers can continue to bring Bynum along at a steady pace. 3. 你認為真男人KG和小鯊魚Bynum這兩位誰能夠在季後賽時保持健康並對球隊有所貢獻? 真男人的健康狀況目前還是個未知數,正規賽的最後九場他都坐在板凳上,最後20場比賽 他也只打了4場。無論傷勢的復原情況如何,KG在2/19所受到的膝傷都將會是個大問題。幸 運的是超賽第一輪所面臨的對手(公牛)並不會給予他們太大的壓力,因此KG可以爭取更多 時間休養而早點歸陣。在分區準決賽以及更後面的比賽中超賽需要一個健康的真男人來維 持他們的防守強度。至於小鯊魚,在看過了最後的幾場比賽後,我想他是準備好了。這位 七呎長人很順利的奔馳在場上並持續的在禁區內取分。雖然他在防守方面的意識還不夠成 熟也可能需要跟黑色餅乾學習所謂的"鬥志",但湖人隊的眾人會慢慢的帶他進入狀況的。 4. Out of the Big Four (Cavaliers, Lakers, Celtics and Magic), which team is the most vulnerable? Book the Cavs and Lakers for the conference finals, so they're out of this discussion. That leaves Boston and Orlando. Assuming the Celtics are healthy -- and that's a big assumption -- the defending champs have the talent, experience and depth to make another title run. The Magic rely too much on the 3-point shot to be seriously considered a title contender. Dwight Howard is amazing, but don't expect Superman to carry Orlando past the semis. 4. 在今年的四大強權中(騎士、湖人、超賽以及魔術),你認為哪一隊最容易被爆出冷門? 我已經幫湖人跟騎士預約了分區冠軍賽了,所以我想他們就不在討論的範圍內。假設超賽 的健康狀況良好的話 -- 不過這假設會成立除非是你老爸變成了兔子,那麼這支試圖衛冕 的球隊在天賦、經驗以及深度、靈性等各方面都有著能夠助他們衛冕成功的水準。至於魔 術隊的進攻大半都是倚靠三分亂射,這樣是很難將他們與其他三隊相提並論的。魔獸雖然 imba,但他始終不是真的超人,沒辦法帶領魔術闖過分區準決賽,更不用談拯救地球了。 5. Is this the year Houston finally gets out of the first round? For a franchise that hasn't advanced past the opening round since 1997, this could be the streak buster. The Rockets are stout defensively and possess a high basketball IQ -- two qualities that will serve them well in the Playoffs. Yao and Artest never had a chance to get it going with Tracy McGrady, but Houston has come together around a group of hard-working role players led by Battier, Luis Scola and Carl Landry. 5. 今年姚明是否終於能夠洗刷他"姚一輪"的污名並帶領火箭闖進第二輪? 火箭是隻很衰小的球隊,自1997以來就沒有在季後賽的第一輪闖關成功過,不過我想今年 該是將這不光榮的紀錄劃下句點了。他們的防守十分的強硬,並且大家都擁有很高的籃球 智商(...Artest, 後衛群?),而這兩項特質將讓他們在季後賽無往而不利。雖然季初聲勢 浩大的三巨頭(Yao, Artest, TMac)組裝失敗,但在Battier、Scola和Landry的帶領下火箭 的苦工及板凳們各司其職,使得火箭本季有望高飛。 6. Why are the Pistons so cocky? Yes, they've won it before. And it wasn't that long ago when Detroit was a staple in the East finals. But these Pistons are a shell of their former contending selves. Billups is in Denver. Coaches Larry Brown and Flip Saunders have long since left. Detroit had a losing record this season, Allen Iverson is on the shelf, and LeBron and the Cavs are a freight train. Sorry 'Sheed, we expect only one team to play hard. Just try and keep the towels on the bench. 6. 請問一下,活塞到底是在屌三小? 你要知道,他們好歹也是贏過總冠軍的隊伍,且這幾年來他們是分區冠軍賽的常客。不過 現在的活塞徒具其形,卻已失去了以往的競爭力了。Billups被送去了金塊,Brown跟 Saunders也已經離開好一陣子了。這季的活塞有了以往不會出現的連敗紀錄,而戰神又被 他們束之高閣,最重要的是他們對上的是小皇帝與他的騎士隊。希蛙,請你節哀順變,大 家都看好騎士,乖乖把毛巾拿在手上不要亂扔方為上策。 7. Can Dwyane Wade beat the Hawks by himself? Wade did a fair imitation of the one-man act in 2006, but that Heat team had considerably more talent than this one. The Hawks parlayed last year's surprising first-round seven-game series with Boston into the East's No. 4 seed and the home-court edge over Miami. Atlanta has the defenders to throw at D-Wade, starting with Josh Smith and Joe Johnson, plus superior depth. Wade alone is enough to steal a couple of games in this series, but his postseason won't last past seven games. 7. 炎帝可憑一己之力大啖一頓紅燒鷹翅膀嗎? 在2006的時候Wade確實是展現了一夫當關的氣勢,但當時的熱火隊比現今的有實力多了。 老鷹隊延續了去年與超賽鑿戰至第七場的氣勢今年順利的拿下了東區第四種子,且在此系 列賽中佔有主場優勢。鷹王Joe Johnson以及J-Smooth都是防守Wade的適合人選,再加上 他們絕佳的板凳深度,Wade或許可憑一己之力在系列賽中取得幾場勝利,但燃燒殆盡後 晉級的將會是振翅高飛的老鷹們。 8. Which of the Spurs is most likely to step up in place of Manu Ginobili? The obvious answer is nobody if you're not counting Tim Duncan or Tony Parker. No doubt the other two cogs of the Spurs' celebrated trio have taken their games to another level at times, but finding another gear for the Playoffs may be a stretch. Duncan, after all, has been plagued by sore knees since the All-Star break. As for the rest of the roster, look to Roger Mason Jr., Michael Finley and Ime Udoka trying to squeeze into Ginobili's irreplaceable sneakers. Each brings something to the table -- Mason (late-game heroics), Finley (veteran know how) and Udoka (much-needed athleticism). 8. 妖刀‧馬努報銷後,誰能夠有效的填補他的空缺呢? 除去TD以及Parker外,這很明顯是個無解的問題。雖然馬刺知名三巨頭的其中兩位依舊保 有著他們掌控比賽的能力,但為了季後賽而找出合用的偽‧妖刀‧馬努依舊是最令馬刺 頭大的問題。大家想必都還記得最近Popovich憐惜TD傷勢而將他換下場的事件。環顧馬刺 陣中,Roger Mason Jr.、鐵牛以及Udoka或可分工來填補馬努的空缺。Mason擁有決定比賽 勝負的大顆心臟,鐵牛是有經驗的老將,而Udoka則是體能充沛的小夥子。 9. What lower-seeded team is most likely to pull a first-round upset? Since we're scratched Miami off the list in Question 7, expect the East to play out according to plan. That brings us to the West. The Jazz, no chance. The Rockets, Mavericks and Hornets aren't going in intimated by their respective matchups. Stealing one on the road in Games 1 or 2 would swing home-court advantage and set up a possible six-game upset. Of the three, Dallas has the most momentum on its side and is quite familiar with the Spurs. 9. 在第一輪的對戰中哪一個組合最有可能爆出冷門? 在前面我們討論過了熱火的機會並不高,隨之我們把整個東區移出討論範圍外。就西區來 說的話,爵士八成會GG。火箭、小牛以及黃蜂並不畏懼他們的首輪對手,只要能夠在前兩 場客場中偷得一勝,那麼主動權便回到他們手中,並有可能在六場內買單。而這三者中又 以小牛的氣勢為最高,且他們對於馬刺也非常的熟悉。 10. Is there a better potential Finals matchup out there than Lakers-Cavs? Can you think of one? If this June is the beginning of a Magic-Bird run for years to come for Kobe and LeBron, the NBA and its fans are in for something special. 10. 每個人都預測總冠軍將會是湖人vs騎士,油梅油新的說法~? 你想一個來聽聽看阿。我認為六月將會是Kobe和Lebron之間宿命性對決的一個起始點,就 如同過去的Magic Johnson和Larry Bird一樣。若果真如此,那麼這幾年NBA的球迷們將有 眼福了! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/17 14:09, , 1F
04/17 14:09, 1F

04/17 14:10, , 2F
一樓在說JR Smith
04/17 14:10, 2F

04/17 14:12, , 3F
一根大老.. 害我以為是進版畫面 XD
04/17 14:12, 3F

04/17 14:14, , 4F
04/17 14:14, 4F

04/17 14:15, , 5F
還有一個問題:今年是奇數年!? 那.....
04/17 14:15, 5F

04/17 14:19, , 6F
04/17 14:19, 6F

04/17 14:37, , 7F
04/17 14:37, 7F

04/17 14:41, , 8F
04/17 14:41, 8F

04/17 14:44, , 9F
04/17 14:44, 9F

04/17 14:49, , 10F
這翻譯太讚了 比原文傳神 XD
04/17 14:49, 10F

04/17 14:50, , 11F
04/17 14:50, 11F

04/17 14:52, , 12F
04/17 14:52, 12F

04/17 14:54, , 13F
請問imba是啥 噗噗 = ="
04/17 14:54, 13F

04/17 14:55, , 14F
你的梗都是周星馳的 XD
04/17 14:55, 14F

04/17 14:58, , 15F
04/17 14:58, 15F

04/17 14:59, , 16F
imba = 不平衡 過強 (應該是)
04/17 14:59, 16F

04/17 15:08, , 17F
有笑有推 XD
04/17 15:08, 17F

04/17 15:15, , 18F
04/17 15:15, 18F

04/17 15:40, , 19F
04/17 15:40, 19F

04/17 15:47, , 20F
04/17 15:47, 20F

04/17 16:04, , 21F
04/17 16:04, 21F

04/17 16:05, , 22F
天賦、經驗以及深度、靈性等各方面 偷藏糗爺的梗
04/17 16:05, 22F

04/17 16:48, , 23F
04/17 16:48, 23F

04/17 19:31, , 24F
04/17 19:31, 24F

04/17 21:43, , 25F
*The Jazz, no chance.* 送原文一秒二十個F*ck!! >3<
04/17 21:43, 25F

04/17 21:45, , 26F
04/17 21:45, 26F

04/18 14:10, , 27F
紅燒翅膀 我喜歡吃
04/18 14:10, 27F
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