[情報] Quatararo"漸漸習慣"YAMAHA賽車的種種問

看板Moto_GP作者 (沒長角的羊)時間3年前 (2020/09/17 12:56), 3年前編輯推噓7(705)
留言12則, 9人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
先上原文: https://www.autosport.com/motogp/news/152180/quartararo-getting-used-to-yamaha-p roblems 內文: 雖然這位Petronas SRT車隊的車手宰制了賽季初在Jerez賽道的比賽,但他仍然不認為今年 的YAMAHA賽車是一輛「好騎的車」。 經歷在Brno/Red Bull Ring三連戰中只獲得20個積分,Quatararo明白這個月在Misano的賽 事會對YAMAHA的賽車有利一些,但還是擔心賽車的問題不會因此消失。 儘管(Quatararo)在Misano確實有非常好的節奏,卻在正賽中摔車。 在週二的測試中,Quatararo測試了新的車架、後搖臂、排氣管以及新的電控設定。 (這裡的原文是new chassis、swingarm、exhaust and electronics set-up,我不確定翻 得正不正確,有錯請指正) 但他表示這些對他遇到的引擎問題以及"某部分的車架"(原文:"in part, chassis")毫無幫 助。不過他也承認他已經漸漸適應在這些問題的干擾下騎乘。 針對Autosport詢問有關新的部件及設定對他在八月份的比賽中遇到的問題是否有幫助,在 禮拜二的測試中成績排在第九位的Quatararo表示:"很不幸的,沒有"。 "there was totally two different things: we are struggling with the engine, and was in part [the] chassis, and the electronics [set-up] we [tasted] was trying t o compensate a little bit for the problem that we have" "其實這完全是兩回事(應該是說他們遇到的問題跟他們測試的部件是兩回事),我們在引擎 以及一部分的車架上相當掙扎,而我們測試的電控設定則是試圖補救一點回來" "But it's nothing that is really improving that we wish." 但這對我們所期望的改變一點幫助也沒有 "We are trying to do our best, trying to manage, and honestly I'm starting getti ng used [to riding with the problems]." 我們試著盡最大的努力,試著去掌控它,而老實說,我已經漸漸習慣(騎著一台有問題的車) "Of course, I am not riding like at Jerez, but I'm getting used and it's difficu lt, also in this track." 當然,我沒辦法像在Jerez時那樣騎,但我正在習慣,這很難,在這條賽道也是 "But I'm happy because we tried a few things that helped, but not really changed the problems." 其實我很高興,因為我們在試著做一些有用的事,雖然這無法徹底解決問題 Quatararo說明了他如何習慣Yamaha的問題並解釋他現在騎法已經和當初在Jerez不同 "So, I think that I'm struggling more than the other [Yamahas] because Maverick [Vinales], Franco [Morbidelli], Valentino [Rossi] have much more experience than me in MotoGP." 我覺得我比其他幾位Yamaha車手還要掙扎,因為Maverick、Franco、Valentino都比我更有 經驗。 (不是啊,我記得Morbidelli也才比你早一年好嗎,而且去年你還屌虐他來著?) "For sure they had some issues, some similar problems." 當然他們也有一些類似的問題 "Last year everything was perfect. We made seven podiums, the bike was so good, we didn't have any issues on the bike." 去年一切都很完美,我們獲得了7個頒獎台,車子狀態很好,我們對於車子沒有任何疑慮 "And now I need to adapt. So, I was struggling a lot, but riding in a different way, managing with the gas, with my body." 但現在我必須適應,所以我非常掙扎,但得用我的身體去轉換騎乘方式、控制油量。 "I can't really explain exactly how I'm doing on the bike, but I'm riding in a d ifferent way to Jerez." 我沒辦法很好的描述我做了什麼,但我正在用與在Jerez不同的方式騎車 "So, it's not really easy to adapt." 嗯,真的不太容易去適應 "But last week we had an unbelievable pace in practice, unfortunately we had a c rash [in the race]." 但上週我們在練習賽中有著令人難以置信的好節奏,可惜我們在卻正賽中轉倒了 "But our pace was really good and today [Tuesday] again our pace was really good ." 單我們狀態真的很好,今天(週二測試)也是 -------我用手機打的,不知道分隔線要多長------- 原文大部分都是臘肉講話的節錄,我猜可能是與記者對話的紀錄,把記者的話刪掉只留下他 的部分,所以整體有點語無倫次甚至在跳針的感覺,但大致要傳達的就是Yamaha的車就是這 樣了,目前想進步只能靠車手去適應並做出調整 小弟我還很菜,專業名詞部分還請各位大佬們指點 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Moto_GP/M.1600318565.A.E1A.html

09/17 13:22, 3年前 , 1F
swing arm 是指後搖臂
09/17 13:22, 1F
已修正 謝謝~

09/17 14:26, 3年前 , 2F
09/17 14:26, 2F

09/17 14:26, 3年前 , 3F
09/17 14:26, 3F

09/17 14:51, 3年前 , 4F
09/17 14:51, 4F
※ 編輯: Ruination ( 臺灣), 09/17/2020 16:18:57

09/17 18:54, 3年前 , 5F
09/17 18:54, 5F

09/17 19:51, 3年前 , 6F
09/17 19:51, 6F

09/17 20:49, 3年前 , 7F
本田: Y牌難騎? hold the beer.
09/17 20:49, 7F

09/17 21:21, 3年前 , 8F
各家車隊看起來都有自己的問題要解決 也導致現在百家
09/17 21:21, 8F

09/17 21:21, 3年前 , 9F
爭鳴 反而更好看了啊XD
09/17 21:21, 9F

09/18 08:24, 3年前 , 10F
09/18 08:24, 10F

09/18 20:59, 3年前 , 11F
看了頭兩站以為今年是他的年了 最近幾站看起來還希望不
09/18 20:59, 11F

09/18 20:59, 3年前 , 12F
09/18 20:59, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1VOknbuQ (Moto_GP)