[討論] 老人打嘴砲~~~

看板Moto_GP作者 (開森阿)時間11年前 (2013/05/02 16:02), 編輯推噓23(23015)
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http://www.motogp.com/en/news/2013/kevin%20schwantz%20versus%20alberto%20puig 快速翻譯一下 The controversy began as Schwantz shared his candid opinion with publication L ’Equipe on the weekend of the recent Grand Prix of the Americas. Analysing Pedrosa’s current situation, Schwantz voiced his feeling that the Spaniard will never win the title in the premier class of the World Championship. Furthermore, he was particularly critical of Puig, Pedrosa’s manager and long-time advisor. Schwantz 發表了一下目前GP上的情勢... 他覺得Dani 謀顆零贏得世界冠軍啦....一輩子不可能啦! “Dani lacks nothing,” Schwantz said, “but he has too much – like Alberto Puig. Dani needs to reach another level by himself. He is like a child who cannot be freed because his parents are holding him back. I like Dani, but he ’s a rider who has been with Honda for eight years and not won anything. I would like him to prove me wrong, but I don’t think that will happen.” Schwantz說:就是你們都幫他"款便便"...所以他什麼都不會! 我喜歡小丹丹..但加入Honda八年來什東西也騎不出來...我希望它能證明我是錯的 但是那不可能啦~ He went on to praise the current MotoGP title holder, as well as the rookie who would go on to share the lead of the riders’ championship after the race in Austin. “Lorenzo is undoubtedly the favourite to be crowned world champion and his race in Qatar was just textbook,” 48-year-old Schwantz continued. “(Marc Marquez) has a wonderful personality and magnificent racecraft. I loved what he did in Qatar.” 在卡達 L99無疑的示範出一個世界冠軍該怎麼騎車 M99有著令人激賞的戰鬥力... Schwantz also added that he hopes to see Valentino Rossi claim a tenth world title, claiming that the world of motorcycling is in need of such a happening. However his statements on Pedrosa and Puig have already been responded to by both men in question, with the rider having branded the words as unfair: “Puig’s work is to find new talent and he has proven that he knows what he is doing and he does it honestly. Many of the riders he has helped have become champions or runners-up.” With regards to the comments directed at himself, Pedrosa claimed: “I recommend that you check my career statistics and then maybe we can talk. I may never have won the MotoGP World Championship, but have achieved things many others have not.” Schwantz說:希望老猴也能摸上來~拿第10個冠軍 dani說:我沒GP冠軍..但我以前很猛 Somewhat more blunt was Alberto Puig in the letter he has sent to Schwantz, published by several Spanish media outlets. The full communication reads as follows: Puig開砲 ‘With regards to the statement made by Mr. Kevin Schwantz over the weekend of the Grand Prix in Texas, I feel I should share my opinion on the matter which refers directly to myself. puig:我也來發表我的看法 From the sporting point of view, I will limit myself solely to statistics and the archives, so we are talking about 100% fact as opposed to opinions or the thoughts of somebody who was here years ago. Literally speaking, Mr. Schwantz commented that ‘Dani Pedrosa has not won anything in eight years’. Well, let us analyse that. For starters, bear in mind that Pedrosa has three world titles to his name (one in 125s and two in 250s) to the one of Schwantz in 500s. I have no doubt whatsoever, having been a 500 rider myself, that one single 500 title is more important than those of the other categories – that is true. However what you cannot do is detract from the three titles Dani has won in the intermediate classes. Dani and all riders throughout history have achieved World Championship titles in those categories. They were all great champions, regardless of the engine displacement they did it with, and they all deserve respect. 你說dani 8年什麼都沒有? Dani贏過125一次250兩次...你只有500一次 To cite some data, we could say that Pedrosa has a total of 45 Grand Prix victories, while the Texan is on 25 (so it is almost double). Of those 45 victories for Dani, 22 have been in the top class; added to that is the fact that Pedrosa is credited with 113 podium finishes – 72 in the MotoGP class to Schwantz’s 51 – and 55 fastest laps (35 of those 55 in MotoGP) to Schwantz’s 26. 數字大戰.... If we refer to this data - which is clearly in favour of Pedrosa – to say that Dani has not won anything in eight years is typical of someone who does not know what he is talking about and is very disrespectful. 他說Schwantz沒禮貌 Even so, Mr. Schwantz, Dani is still yet to win the title of titles – I will grant you that. But you also have to bear in mind the many adversities he has had to overcome during his career, not least in the way of injuries. I remind you that you were forced to pack up your career because of a very bad wrist injury; well, this particular rider has over time hurt most of his body, but is still giving it everything. 我保證dani還能贏世界冠軍 我提醒你因傷就退了...dani整組快壞光光了..但他還是再拼命 Mr. Schwantz, Dani has not yet won the title, but let me tell you something that you are not going to like but which does highlight your arrogance because this is how it happened. You have that title – which took you eight years since your first race in 1986 – but let me tell you that the reason is because Wayne Rainey crashed at Misano and had to stop competing that year, which meant you practically won the title by default. You were a great rider – super spectacular, too – but by looking just at the results, you always stood in the shadow of Eddie Lawson and then Wayne Rainey. So do not brag too much about being a champion because it is true that you only won it due to circumstances. Schwantz你的冠軍是靠別人misano摔車才得到的啦 所以你勝之不武啦.. 而且你永遠只能當Eddie Lawson 跟Wayne Rainey 的小弟啦 靠人摔車你才贏啦 You also mention that Dani should have pursued his career without having anybody constantly by his side (notably, without having me in the way). May I remind you that - during the era of the 80s and 90s when a certain Mr. Schwantz competed - while most riders would usually travel around Europe with a friend or companion, he would never take a step without having his parents (and that is both of them) by his side. The truth is that it was unusual at that time to be working in such a way and it rather gave off the image of a boy who needed his parents close to him all day long. When you consider his recent words about me, does this not beg the question: had he not had his parents by his side all day long, protecting him, might he have won more titles? Reflect on that, Mr. Schwantz. Schwantz 你是個哭著找媽媽的媽寶啦! Aside from that, I would say to you that since I retired from racing I have worked very hard on the subject of promoting riders; usually with Dani Pedrosa, but I have also helped and directed at certain times the careers of riders like Casey Stoner, Toni Elias, Alvaro Bautista, Marc Marquez and Julian Simon. And all of them, all of them, have become World Champions. 我專調教世界冠軍! You, Mr. Schwantz, have a riding school in Texas that for years has been offering help to upcoming riders. To this day, not one of them has managed to even qualify to come to race in Europe. Nothing at all. So, in that field, zero success. Schwantz 你開的駕訓班什麼屁都沒有 Mr. Schwantz, you probably don’t remember this particular episode because you have experienced many others like it, but I remember it clearly: In 1994, I was honoured to share the podium with you and Michael Doohan at Hockenheim – that original, fascinating and brutal circuit. Doohan got away a few laps from the end and I had the pleasure of fighting with you for second place on the podium. You beat me fair and square and you did it because you were so much better than I. But I remember that, at that race, my Honda was faster than your Suzuki and I thought I would be able to use your slipstream to pass on the long straights through the forest; that was until we reached the chicanes and the stadium section, under braking, when I was proven wrong. With just a few laps to go, I swore inside my helmet and then said to myself: ‘What a guy, he can brake so late!’ At the end of that race, on the podium, I felt a real respect and admiration for you – for a man who had just taught me how to brake right on the limit with a competition motorcycle. 我以前很崇拜你啦~你在Hockenheim 把我電的劈啪叫!! I sadly feel, having now read your article which I think is full of disrespect towards a great champion like Dani Pedrosa and many others who have achieved titles in the intermediate categories, that the respect I had for you on that day at Hockenheim in 1994 has now completely disappeared. 94年開始的崇拜就到這為止 Kevin, it was your moment and you won the 500 title, but even champions can be wrong and should know how to rectify things when they are required to. 踹共~出來道歉啦~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/02 16:24, , 1F
05/02 16:24, 1F

05/02 16:25, , 2F
05/02 16:25, 2F

05/02 16:38, , 3F
史旺資也沒說錯~~兩人都對 哈哈 所以都是嘴砲阿
05/02 16:38, 3F

05/02 16:59, , 4F
老人嘴砲XDDDDD 真的很激情XD
05/02 16:59, 4F

05/02 16:59, , 5F
史旺資:只要我不摔車 誰還敢說能在賽場上贏過我
05/02 16:59, 5F

05/02 17:00, , 6F
05/02 17:00, 6F

05/02 17:00, , 7F
05/02 17:00, 7F

05/02 17:00, , 8F
看Dani在250狂贏 真的很期待阿= =+ 雖然上來也很不賴
05/02 17:00, 8F

05/02 17:00, , 9F
05/02 17:00, 9F

05/02 17:09, , 10F
05/02 17:09, 10F

05/02 17:42, , 11F
05/02 17:42, 11F

05/02 20:05, , 12F
Puig 被刺中死穴 ...
05/02 20:05, 12F

05/02 20:47, , 13F
D26就是幾乎每一年都要傷個幾場 然後他的機會就飛了...
05/02 20:47, 13F

05/02 21:12, , 14F
小丹尼沒能拿冠軍 時間點真的是很大的關係
05/02 21:12, 14F

05/02 22:00, , 15F
05/02 22:00, 15F

05/02 22:11, , 16F
05/02 22:11, 16F

05/02 22:12, , 17F
05/02 22:12, 17F

05/02 23:08, , 18F
05/02 23:08, 18F

05/02 23:08, , 19F
05/02 23:08, 19F

05/02 23:36, , 20F
05/02 23:36, 20F

05/02 23:56, , 21F
老了就剩張嘴 果然是真的 XDDDD
05/02 23:56, 21F

05/03 00:03, , 22F
05/03 00:03, 22F

05/03 00:04, , 23F
05/03 00:04, 23F

05/03 00:29, , 24F
Schwantz:其實大家能拿世界冠軍 也都靠我摔車
05/03 00:29, 24F

05/03 00:35, , 25F
05/03 00:35, 25F

05/03 00:43, , 26F
05/03 00:43, 26F

05/03 01:12, , 27F
05/03 01:12, 27F

05/03 01:27, , 28F
看清楚阿 是Puig = =+
05/03 01:27, 28F

05/03 09:18, , 29F
我也覺得今年Dani要讓出一哥的位子了 唉
05/03 09:18, 29F

05/03 11:20, , 30F
覺得biaggi都比deni有看頭多了 deni總是不夠硬
05/03 11:20, 30F

05/03 11:33, , 31F
應該說比叔還會放話打嘴砲 哈比人就惦惦的
05/03 11:33, 31F

05/03 14:09, , 32F
沒有Puig 確實有可能會好很多 來人快把他給斬了(咦?)
05/03 14:09, 32F

05/03 17:07, , 33F
M99? 不是93嗎? @@
05/03 17:07, 33F

05/04 03:49, , 34F
P26真的很強 但拿不到冠軍是事實... 來證明給我看吧!
05/04 03:49, 34F

05/04 06:16, , 35F
05/04 06:16, 35F

05/04 06:16, , 36F
05/04 06:16, 36F

05/04 12:06, , 37F
05/04 12:06, 37F

05/04 17:29, , 38F
05/04 17:29, 38F
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