[鬍子] 大鬍子杜先生的網誌又來啦

看板Monkeys作者時間13年前 (2011/06/23 13:52), 編輯推噓63(6307)
留言70則, 60人參與, 最新討論串1/1
竟然多了[鬍子] 這個發文鈴XDDDDD 照慣例,加油添醋亂七八糟翻,有誤請指正 XD 這次內容有點多哩( ′-`)y-~ 而且比較難 ===================================================================== http://ppt.cc/FT(@ Taipei, Jhongli, and ready to start the 2nd Half. Go Lamigo! 台北、中壢玩一玩 做好準備邁向第二季~~~ Lamigo 加油!! This past week went by fairly quickly although we only had two games at home. Mondays are usually off days in this league. This past week we only had games scheduled for Saturday and Sunday so we practiced at our home stadium Tuesday through Friday. Practice can be very different from the US. We open up with a 10-15 minute run around the warning track. Following that is a team stretch which also includes plyometric work. We then throw with the pitchers while the position players baserun. Once the position players are done running the bases, they get loose, while the pitchers will take ground balls in foul territory along the warning track. There is always something going on. There is no time to waste while at the ballpark. Pitchers will then get their pitcher fielding practice in as well as work cut offs, relays, bunt defenses, and backing up bases. Following all of that we break for lunch and set up for batting practice. 上個禮拜過的還真快,因為只有兩場比賽嘛,而且都是在自家主場喔。 周一是種花聯盟的休兵日,而這周賽程又只在六日,所以二到五都是在自家球場練球。 跟在米國的訓練大不相同,我們通常先用10~15分鐘的時間在warning track慢跑, 緊接著是團隊伸展操,其中包含一些增強式訓練(一種肌力鍛鍊)。 當野手們練跑壘時,投手們就丟丟球, 當他們跑壘練習結束後,他們會做一些肌肉放鬆, 投手就在warning track旁的界外區接一些滾地球。 江講!!! 很妙的是,大家總是有事情做 XD, 在球場的時候,從來沒有一分一秒,或是任何一寸土地是閒置的。囧 當這些結束後,投手們做守備練習(PFP), 還有"咖抖"啦、接力傳球啦、短打防守、策應等等。 當這些結束後,就是午餐休息時間啦,吃完飯就得準備打擊練習了。 In the US batting practice is always disliked the most by the pitchers because no one enjoys shagging balls for hours. It is a little different here in Taiwan. They have over 300 balls to hit during batting practice which fill up three large crates. They also set up two cages on the field to multitask and get more work in. One side of the mound will be a pitching machine, while the opposite side will be a coach or player throwing live BP. Not many people shag balls because of the amount they have. A handful of pitchers will come out of the locker room in rounds and throw or hit a couple balls towards the middle of the field to help the clubhouse staff pick up the balls at the end. 在米國的時候,我們投手最賭爛打擊練習了。因為沒人想跟這麼多球鬼混好幾個小時。 不過台灣這邊有他們自己的玩法。 在打擊練習時,通常要打超過300顆球 =口= 每次都看到那滿滿的三大桶。 而且他們還會在球場擺上另外兩大桶,讓大家可以練別的東西(才不會閒著XD)。 投手丘一側擺著投球機,另一邊就是教練或是牛棚。 大家不都一直跟球鬼混,畢竟他們已經搬了那麼多桶出來囉。 有一群投手會從休息是出來輪班, 幫忙把球丟到球場中央,好讓工作人員結束的時候方便撿球。 This past Monday I ventured alone into Taipei. I was a little nervous at first getting around and learning my way, but it ended up being pretty easy. I took a cab over to the high speed rail which got me in to Taipei in 20 minutes. Normally is an hour and a half drive by car. From there I got onto the MRT (local subway) and shot over to the Taipei 101 building. This is the 2nd largest building in the world. The architecture on it is amazing and beautiful. Inside the 101 building is a mall whose stores inside put Miami, New York, and Beverly Hills to shame. Every luxury designer clothing, jewelry, and watch brand is in there. I even found it a little uncomfortable window shopping. 這個禮拜一我展開了我的台北冒險之旅,喔耶! 其實我有點期待又怕受傷害, 畢竟這次我是自己單槍匹馬阿=w= (人家是歪果人嘛( ′-`)y-~)。 不過之後發現這真的是小菜一盤啦,顆顆。我坐小黃去搭高鐵, 坐高鐵到台北只要20分鐘耶,如果開車的話通常得花上一個半小時哩。 到了台北之後就轉捷運,咻~~~~的一下就到台北101囉,她可是世界第二高的建築物呢。 這樣的建築實在是太令人驚艷了。在101裡面有個小賣場,裡面的商店可是讓邁阿密、 紐約、甚至比佛利山莊都相形失色呢。 所有你想的到的奢華服飾、珠寶、與名錶都在這兒。 這麼高檔,甚至讓我逛起來有點不自在捏。( ′-`)y-~ After the mall I shot back on the MRT to the Longshan Temple area. I visited the night market briefly. For those of you not familiar the night markets open up around 4/5pm everyday and can last until late into the night. You can get a ton of fresh cooked seafood and local treats like a carnival. They are all served street style and prepared right in front of you. There are vendors all over selling trinkets, to clothing, to electronics repairs, to knock off hand bags and watches. 逛完不可免俗的101之後哩,又藉著捷運咻~~~~的一聲來的了龍山寺(也太愛去了吧XD)。 短暫的逛了一下這邊的夜市。家鄉的捧優們,你們可能不知道夜市長怎樣, 通常他們在下午四五點就會開始囉,而且持續到半夜喔。 到處都是一拖拉庫的新鮮海產和地方小吃,簡直像是佳年華一樣, 這些street-style的吃喝玩樂都幫你"傳"好了。 到處都是攤販,賣小飾品,賣衣服、修理電子產品啦、包包啦、手錶啦等等。 My final stop of the evening was in Ximen. This is known as the Soho of Taipei according to my teams owner Justin, and he was correct. When I exited the subway, the lights across the street lit up my eyes. The buildings all had neon and flickering lights. The crowd was a younger group of kids into the latest trends and fashion. I came across a ton of awesome sneaker shops which made me love this area even more. I’m sure I will be back over there to check more of the stores out. 最後一站是西門町,賈斯汀說這裡是台北蘇活區,我想他說的沒錯。當我步出捷運站, 滿街的燈紅酒綠把我給閃瞎了●_●。 到處都是閃爍的七彩霓虹燈,他的發明者是愛迪生, 這邊都是打扮時髦的年輕人。 我走訪了幾家很威的鞋店(<=根據他的推特,他是個鞋控無誤), 讓我更喜歡這裡了。我一定會再回來這邊挖寶的。 Finally, this week we have our two final make up games from the 1st half. We play Saturday and Sunday against the Elephants. Can’t wait for the 2nd half though. It was pretty cool to see how the fans and teams celebrate here when the Lions clinched the 1st half championship. Hopefully Lamigo will have a strong showing for the 2nd half. I hope to help us do that and we all thank you for the support. Thanks as always for reading and sharing my blog with your friends. 歡樂時光過的特別快,又到時間說掰掰 又到了節目尾聲,同時也到了球季的尾聲囉=w=,本周我們只有兩場上半季的補賽而已。 讓人又愛又恨,充滿話題性的猿象大戰又要登場啦, 本周六日請準時鎖定緯來體育台(當然能來球場更好啦)。 我好期待下半季喔,看到喵喵上半季封王玩的那麼瘋真的好酷喔~~(人家也要=w=)。 辣米糕第二季一定會有很棒的表現啦。希望我能幫助球隊跟喵喵一樣慶祝, 當然最重要的就是感謝各位球迷朋友的支持與鼓勵啦。 感謝大家總是閱讀並與朋友分享我的部落格。m(_ _)m Be sure to leave comments and questions. I love receiving any feedback. 請留下你們的評論或任何的問題,不要吝嗇喔=w=。我很享受大家的回應呢。 Follow me on twitter Click the link. http://twitter.com/#!/utbaseball30 歡迎來看我的推特喔 You can also watch highlights from my last game here ^http://www.youtube.com/user/starclanbaseball#p/u/6/oUDXKylfoNM^ 老樣子,還是要附個比賽高光低調XD ============================同場加映 鬍子攝影展=========================== 101 Building in Taipei 台北101! http://mlblogsdruckerscot.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/101.jpg
Cool equipment over here and office guys going over the schedule 很酷的手套 & 工作人員在為了schedule而傷腦筋 =w= http://mlblogsdruckerscot.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/img_0432small1.jpg
Team Weight room 重訓室 (爪爪立入禁止) http://mlblogsdruckerscot.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/img_0430small.jpg
Leeche fruit giving to us by our Team Owner Justin Thank you! Very delicious 感謝賈斯汀給我們的水果--江江江講~~~各位觀眾......荔枝 真素太好粗啦(滿嘴塞) http://mlblogsdruckerscot.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/img_0439small.jpg
Post game Spread at home 主場的賽後餐點 嘿嘿 (吱吱限定) http://mlblogsdruckerscot.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/img_0440small.jpg
Custom mitt given to me by Zett Zett給我的訂做手套 :D http://mlblogsdruckerscot.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/img_0444small.jpg
Interesting menu item in the City Hall train station food court 有趣的菜單--來自市府站美食廣場(鴨血肥腸Pork Intestines with Duck Blood) http://mlblogsdruckerscot.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/img_0456small.jpg
More cool equipment from my teammates 隊友們的酷手套 http://mlblogsdruckerscot.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/img_0469small.jpg
Downtown Ximen 繁華西門町 http://mlblogsdruckerscot.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/img_0461.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/23 13:53, , 1F
06/23 13:53, 1F

06/23 13:57, , 2F
06/23 13:57, 2F

06/23 14:03, , 3F
06/23 14:03, 3F

06/23 14:05, , 4F
06/23 14:05, 4F

06/23 14:06, , 5F
06/23 14:06, 5F

06/23 14:07, , 6F
06/23 14:07, 6F

06/23 14:12, , 7F
06/23 14:12, 7F

06/23 14:14, , 8F
06/23 14:14, 8F

06/23 14:15, , 9F
06/23 14:15, 9F

06/23 14:19, , 10F
龍山寺的夜市難道是華西街?! 有吃蛇肉嗎?XD
06/23 14:19, 10F

06/23 14:23, , 11F
06/23 14:23, 11F

06/23 14:30, , 12F
06/23 14:30, 12F

06/23 14:46, , 13F
不知道他找到機車了沒 喜歡鬍子的分享
06/23 14:46, 13F

06/23 14:58, , 14F
06/23 14:58, 14F

06/23 15:16, , 15F
06/23 15:16, 15F

06/23 15:16, , 16F
06/23 15:16, 16F

06/23 15:19, , 17F
這個翻譯真是太讚了!!! 感謝原PO
06/23 15:19, 17F

06/23 15:25, , 18F
06/23 15:25, 18F

06/23 15:49, , 19F
06/23 15:49, 19F

06/23 16:00, , 20F
06/23 16:00, 20F

06/23 16:00, , 21F
06/23 16:00, 21F

06/23 16:03, , 22F
XDDDDDD 好有趣的一個洋將
06/23 16:03, 22F

06/23 16:35, , 23F
06/23 16:35, 23F

06/23 16:48, , 24F
Team Owner Justin? 劉老闆嗎??
06/23 16:48, 24F

06/23 16:53, , 25F
他的發明者是愛迪生~~~ (害我認真找原文..)
06/23 16:53, 25F

06/23 17:07, , 26F
06/23 17:07, 26F

06/23 17:08, , 27F
06/23 17:08, 27F

06/23 17:08, , 28F
我為我幼稚的翻譯向他道歉 m(_ _)m
06/23 17:08, 28F

06/23 17:09, , 29F
06/23 17:09, 29F

06/23 18:14, , 30F
06/23 18:14, 30F

06/23 18:19, , 31F
06/23 18:19, 31F

06/23 18:50, , 32F
06/23 18:50, 32F

06/23 18:51, , 33F
06/23 18:51, 33F

06/23 19:23, , 34F
06/23 19:23, 34F

06/23 20:01, , 35F
06/23 20:01, 35F

06/23 20:06, , 36F
球隊的擁有者 賈斯汀...??不只是翻譯吧
06/23 20:06, 36F

06/23 20:21, , 37F
06/23 20:21, 37F

06/23 20:27, , 38F
這個人根本是來working holiday的吧
06/23 20:27, 38F

06/23 20:33, , 39F
他似乎很喜歡漢體字 隊友手套有繡中文名
06/23 20:33, 39F

06/23 20:35, , 40F
06/23 20:35, 40F

06/23 20:45, , 41F
看到"愛迪生" 我很認真地在看原文XDDD
06/23 20:45, 41F

06/23 20:49, , 42F
06/23 20:49, 42F

06/23 20:58, , 43F
06/23 20:58, 43F

06/23 20:58, , 44F
06/23 20:58, 44F

06/23 21:01, , 45F
有好多我還看原文 以為他真的這樣說XD
06/23 21:01, 45F

06/23 21:20, , 46F
06/23 21:20, 46F

06/23 21:30, , 47F
06/23 21:30, 47F

06/23 21:30, , 48F
06/23 21:30, 48F

06/23 21:31, , 49F
06/23 21:31, 49F

06/23 21:55, , 50F
06/23 21:55, 50F

06/23 21:58, , 51F
06/23 21:58, 51F

06/23 22:54, , 52F
06/23 22:54, 52F

06/23 22:54, , 53F
06/23 22:54, 53F

06/23 22:54, , 54F
我也因為這句話狂笑 去找原文XD
06/23 22:54, 54F

06/23 23:31, , 55F
06/23 23:31, 55F

06/24 00:18, , 56F
06/24 00:18, 56F

06/24 00:24, , 57F
鬍子哥買了一台二手餔餔車XD 看起來有點老
06/24 00:24, 57F
http://twitpic.com/5fnkdi <===============照片 ※ 編輯: topjojo 來自: (06/24 00:26)

06/24 00:33, , 58F
好破的車喔XDDDDD 推鄉民翻譯法 XD
06/24 00:33, 58F

06/24 00:36, , 59F
比霸漢那台還爛= =
06/24 00:36, 59F

06/24 00:43, , 60F
06/24 00:43, 60F

06/24 01:08, , 61F
問一下 要是他被洗掉 那東西怎麼辦= =?
06/24 01:08, 61F

06/24 01:58, , 62F
06/24 01:58, 62F

06/24 11:27, , 63F
06/24 11:27, 63F

06/24 11:42, , 64F
才5000...小心排氣管掉下來 XD
06/24 11:42, 64F

06/24 12:03, , 65F
那荔枝看起來好像壞了= =
06/24 12:03, 65F

06/24 12:18, , 66F
06/24 12:18, 66F

06/24 12:31, , 67F
推  台灣這邊有他們自己的玩法XDDD
06/24 12:31, 67F

06/24 16:19, , 68F
06/24 16:19, 68F

06/25 15:57, , 69F
06/25 15:57, 69F

06/27 17:41, , 70F
06/27 17:41, 70F
文章代碼(AID): #1E0jIINj (Monkeys)