[PS3 ] 不用破解狗可破解所有版本PS3固件的工具下月發布!!

看板Modchip作者 (ToRo)時間13年前 (2010/12/30 10:48), 編輯推噓3(302)
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Sony's PS3 Security is Epic Fail   This morning was the big unveil at the Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin, and it did not disappoint. Here is a brief synopsis for those that missed it.   The first few minutes of the conference were spent explaining the state of security on other consoles (Wii, 360, etc). Following this, the group went on to explain the current state of affairs on the PS3. First, explaining Geohot's memory line glitching exploit from earlier this year. The team then went on to explain the current PS3 security bypasses, such as jailbreaking and service mode/downgrading.   Approximately a half hour in, the team revealed their new PS3 secrets, the moment we all were waiting for. One of the major highlights here was, dongle-less jailbreaking by overflowing the bootup NOR flash, giving complete control over the system. The other major feat, was calculating the public private keys (due to botched security), giving users the ability to sign their own SELFs Following this, the team declared Sony's security to be EPIC FAIL!   The recent advent of these new exploits means current firmware is vulnerable, v3.55 and possibly beyond. It will be very difficult for Sony to fix the described exploits.   The team then displayed the website http://fail0verflow.com/ were we assume will host examples of the new exploits and further details. They stated that easy to use tools would be coming next month. 翻譯: 一開始的幾分鐘用在了解說wii和360 當前的安全防禦狀態上。然後,小组繼續解說關於 ps3的安全防禦。 首先,小組分析了今年早些時候Geohot發現ps3安全漏洞, 然後 小組解釋了目前各種破解ps3方法的原理。(包括各種狗,降级等) 大約半小時過後,小組發現新的漏洞,最主要的信息是: 加密狗無破解的溢出NOR閃存啟動,從而完全控制系統。其他主要的壯舉,被公私鑰計算 (由於拙劣的安全性),使用戶能夠登錄自己SELFs在此之後,小組宣布索尼的安全是 EPIC的失敗! 結論就是:小組完全攻破了ps3安全系統 當前PS3所有的固件都可以攻破,包括3.55版本還有可能以後版本。sony想防堵這個漏洞 是非常困難的!! 研究小組隨後顯示的網站 http://fail0verflow.com/,我們假設將主辦的新的攻 擊和進一步的細節。他們指出,易於使用的工具將在下月到來。 只能先觀望 如果真的發出不用工具破解 真的方便很多!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/30 10:54, , 1F
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文章代碼(AID): #1D6_BZAX (Modchip)