[外絮] Whiteside想綽號、跟Lebron競爭snapchat

看板MiamiHeat作者 (愛久見人心)時間8年前 (2016/03/24 17:54), 編輯推噓5(500)
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Whiteside mulls nickname, Snapchat competition from LeBron   白邊反覆想了很多綽號,也評論了一下 LeBron 最近想轉戰的snapchat At times like these it is remarkable that Hassan Whiteside can find time for double-doubles. There is, after all, so much more that requires the attention of the shot-blocking Miami Heat center. Particularly . . . the nickname issue. One already has been vetoed by a team captain. No, Dwyane Wade said during a recent Snapchat, "Block Mamba" is not acceptable "Kobe got that," Wade said of treading too close to Kobe Bryant's "Black Mamba."   白邊近期經常高效的打出雙十表現,他花很多心思在想綽號   其中一個被隊長打回了,Wade最近用Snapchat說:「黑曼巴不適合,Kobe在用了」 So the search continues, with Whiteside confiding that he has not settled on a definitive nickname as the possibilities continue to stream across social media. Amid the silliness, Whiteside actually went out of his way before Tuesday night's victory over the New Orleans Pelicans at Smoothie King Center to emphasize that he has not settled on "Agent Block." "Nothing yet," he said in advance of Wednesday night's game against the San Antonio Spurs at AT&T Center. "Haven't picked one. I'm still thinking."   於是白邊又繼續為自己找新的綽號   還沒定案以前,他開始透過社群媒體聽網友的意見   想法容易動搖的白邊,聽了一群外國鄉民的意見   在上一場比賽贏了鵜鶘後,又強調他還沒有打算要取"火鍋特務"(Agent Block)   今天對馬刺的賽前,他說:「還沒決定好要挑哪一個,我還在想」 But "Block Mamba" is out. That is not going to be it. "Block-ula" however has grown intriguing. "I like that," he said. "It rolls off the tongue." He has seen and heard them all, but said he basically still is in the primary portion of his personnel election period.   其中一個提案是"Block-ula",他說:「這我喜歡,唸起來很饒舌」   "Block-ula"大概是典自吸血鬼電影吧 http://i.imgur.com/I34ue6Y.jpg
"Block-topus is still on the list," he said. "And 'Great Wall,' the announcers like that one. I've seen Mr. Dunk-a-ble. I've seen Lego Man because I'm built with blocks. There's a few of 'em."   接著繼續說:「"Block-topus"也在備案當中,還有轉播員喜歡的"Great Wall",   我還看過有人提議"Mr. Dunk-a-ble"、"Lego Man",因為我是火鍋堆積而成的   ,除此之外還有以下這些...」(blocks雙關"火鍋"、"積木") Such as: -- Wilt-side (自比張大帥?)       -- Block-side.   -- The Rejection Section   -- Great Whiteside -- Block-zilla "Yeah, Lego Man, go with that," rookie forward Justise Winslow chimed in from the adjacent locker. Whiteside, though, said he's not sure there is enough clarity with that one.   Winslow在lock room的一旁送上一句:「嘿對,樂高人,就取它吧!」   白邊還是鼻要 Besides, there is another pressing issue: LeBron James' Twitter hint that he may be joining Whiteside on Snapchat, with Whiteside considering himself the NBA's ambassador of the social-media video app. "The throwdown is in place," said Whiteside, who was back at it on Snapchat following Tuesday's victory, with clips featuring teammates Josh Richardson and Goran Dragic. Whiteside said it only makes sense for James to follow in his footsteps.   另一則談話則是 LeBron 的twitter風波,其中暗示可能會加入白邊在用的Snapchat   白邊認為他是 NBA 的社群影片app大使   週二對鵜鶘贏球後,白邊用Sanpchat自拍一段 Rook 2跟抓雞的影片   他說這是拍給 LeBron 看的,讓他懂這個app的用途 (兇手是你?) "He's smart," Whiteside said. "I've been telling him to join the team. I think it'll be big. I don't know if he'll be able to compete for my title for Snapchat king in the NBA." Earlier this season, in a piece for The Players Tribune, Winslow noted: "Hassan is absolutely beasting it this season, and has been one of the most productive players in the entire league. Transcendent performance, night after night. But enough about his Snapchat." Actually, the Snapchat standard has been set by Whiteside's Snapchat guru DJ Khaled. "No, no, he can't challenge Khaled," Whiteside said of James. "He can probably pass me. But he can't challenge Khaled. Khaled's just another level."   白邊說:「他(LeBron)很有慧根,我曾跟他說過這個app,我覺得這玩意遲早會流行   我不知道他能不能挑戰我這個聯盟 Snapchat之王」   球季前些日子,Winslow曾在一個球員論壇寫道:「白邊這季真的是頭怪獸,他已經 是全聯盟最有產能的球員之一,每個晚上都有出色的表現,他的Snapchat更是如此」   事實上,白邊會玩snapchat是拜師於另一位嘻哈DJ Khaled   白邊對LeBron轉戰Snapchat的評論:「他不可能挑戰 Khaled 的,他有機會超越我, 但是他(的人氣)贏不了 Khaled,Khaled 等級更高」 Whiteside did concede that James is likely to grow more Snapchat followers. "I don't know if it's going to be as an entertaining as mine, though," he said, "but it might be more follows." One advantage Whiteside has are regular Snaps featuring his dog, Aries. "LeBron's got to bring a Giraffe to beat me there," he said.   白邊對 LeBron 的高人氣有自知之明   不過還是想說:「不曉得他會不會像我這樣玩得這麼開心,不過應該會越來越多人 跟著用」   白邊的優勢之一就是平時很愛拍他的狗(賣萌),他建議 LeBron:「他想擊敗我就   帶上一頭長頸鹿吧」    本文引自 sun-sentiel.com http://goo.gl/dnvuuv   平時看書豪的新聞,很多人應該心裡都在想「練球好嗎!?」   沒想到我們家白邊玩手機也玩滿兇的 平時看他用twitter、instagram會轉推一些自己帥氣的比賽短片、評論   今天看文才知道他還會玩Snapchat   應該很多人不知道Snapchat是什麼吧,順便做個介紹   Snapchat大概是三年前開始風行的app 很多人喜歡用instagram放照片,後來用量大了之後就給facebook收購了 而Snapchat的優勢在於它可以上傳即時影片給朋友看   聊天內容、自拍影片都可以設定閱讀時間,類似閱讀後10秒刪除 或是沒人閱讀後就刪   介面非常單純,沒有留言的功能,純粹透過follow觀看人家錄的短片   facebook本來也想收購,不過Snapchat不賣 反正後來facebook也自行開發了直播的功能   暫存的功能很方便,不過也有人想辦法把影片存下來   白邊玩的影片也有人剪輯起來放在youtube   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ag4zat8Je64
  剛才為了研究我也去下載了 看到白邊今天賽前在馬刺主場的lock room 找傳說中的蛇   http://i.imgur.com/xeE4ZQZ.jpg
  熱火官方也會放一點點賽前消息   http://i.imgur.com/sFI7cUm.jpg
  wade   http://i.imgur.com/bGE9e7f.jpg
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