[外電] Lebron受到馬刺「熱情」歡迎

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http://ppt.cc/T4sb 一樣,簡譯 ^^ SAN ANTONIO -- One thing can be said about the AT&T Center, the San Antonio Spurs' home arena that's set on a plain east of downtown between a golf course, Coca-Cola bottling plant and stockyards for the annual rodeos: You never know what sort of plague might attack next. 在馬刺的ATT場館,你永遠不知道會發生啥事兒! Be it bats swooping above the court, snakes in the locker rooms or extreme heat, there's always a potential surprise to shake up the combatants. 有可能是蝙蝠來襲,或是上演休息室有蛇,或是突然的熱浪, 似乎在這場館總是有不可知的事情來考驗打球的戰士們。 Ironically, the surprise that's hardest for LeBron James to handle is the heat, an issue he's confronted several times in his playoff career. Hot arenas can be James' kryptonite. When the air conditioning failed at the arena, it felled him in Game 1 of the NBA Finals, as the Spurs ran away from Miami 110-95. 諷刺的是,Lebron不幸地成為最受影響的那位,而抽筋也不是他第一次 遇到了。過熱的場館一直都是Lebron的可普耐石(超人梗)。 當場館的空調失效後,Lebron成為最直接的受害者。 "It was an unusual circumstance; I never played in a building like that," James said. "It was extremely hot in the building. Everybody could feel it, I was the one who had to take the shot." Lebron:「這是個很不尋常的狀況,我從來沒有在這樣狀態的建築裡面 打球過。這裡面超熱,我想大家都感覺到了。而我不幸的成為最受影響 的那位。」 This didn't affect everyone the same way. 當然這樣的情況對每個人的影響不同。 "It was right in my wheelhouse," Ray Allen said. 雷槍:「我打得頗爽。」 "I don't care. I'm from Texas, man. We couldn't afford air conditioning in high school," Chris Bosh said. 老包:「俺沒差。俺是從德州來的。俺的高中沒錢買空調~」 "It reminded me of the days at Cameron Indoor at Duke before they got AC," Shane Battier said. 八爺:「這讓我想起Duke的Cameron Indoor場館在還沒買空調前的樣子。」 "It felt like I was playing in the European Championship. We never have AC in Europe so it didn't bother me at all," Tony Parker said. 趴車:「我感覺我又回歐盟打球了。歐洲場館都沒有空調的, 所以對我而言沒差。」 (註:歐洲很多國家的公共建築只有暖氣而不見得有冷氣, 主因是氣候使然) James can do things no one else in the NBA can. He is the envy of his peers for his extreme athletic gifts. But there is no doubt he harbors this particular weakness and it has surfaced in the playoffs before, when spring turns toward summer around the country. He's battled this for years. Lebron可以做很多別的NBA球員做不到的事。他的同儕常常欣羨他那 無以倫比的天賦。但是明顯的他的體質也有容易抽筋的弱點。 而這件事在以前的季後賽就發生過,季後賽也通常是春轉夏的時節。 他已經為此奮鬥多年。 The most memorable occurrence was in Game 4 of the 2012 Finals against the Oklahoma City Thunder, when he was forced off the floor several times with leg cramps before hitting a crucial 3-pointer. But there have been other times in playoffs past as well. 最有名的就是2012 G4的表現。抽筋三分! There was a time when James used to carry around a gallon jug of water during the postseason, sipping from it throughout the day. Lebron曾經在季後賽中總要帶一加侖的水整天跟著, 在有比賽的那一天內他隨時都會喝水。 "Playoff sweat is different from regular-season sweat," he said back in 2011 when he was using that method. Lebron在2011曾經說過他為啥要帶著一加侖水: 「季後賽的流汗量跟季賽無法相比。」 James said he made sure to proceed with his normal routine to store up fluids leading up to the game. When the temperatures reached near 90 degrees on the court in the second half, he reached a critical mass. Lebron賽後說他賽前該做的防備都有做-賽前讓身體儲存足夠的水量。 但是當場館溫度上升到90F時,他也到了臨界點惹。 As soon as he felt the humidity gathering in the building in the first half, James knew he was in trouble. He tried to load up on fluids at halftime, and there was a bag filled with lids from various drinks next to his locker after the game that provided the evidence. He changed his uniform, and the team's trainers applied ice to his head and neck to attempt to cool down his core. 當他發現場館濕度和溫度都上升,他知道事情要糟。 他在中場時灌了不少液體,這從他休息室旁一堆用過的蓋子可以得知。 他換了球衣,而訓練員也不斷提供冰塊嘗試降低他的核心溫度。 But it was too late. 但是一切為時已晚。 "It's something you try to prevent, I got all the fluids I need to get ... I lost all the fluids I was putting in the last couple of days," James said. "It was inevitable for me tonight." Lebron:「抽筋是一直我在避免的事,所以我總是讓身體儲存大量液體。 但是今天的狀況讓我瞬間流失了過去兩天補充的水分,今晚對我而言, 抽筋是完全不可避免的。」 James pulled himself out of the game three times in the second half, twice needing timeouts to stop the action. Eventually he was done for good with cramps all over his body with four minutes to play in a two-point game. Lebron在下半場自己要求出場三次,兩次都需要靠暫停。 最終在抽筋襲擊了他全身之後,他終於不行了,在還剩4分鐘,輸兩分 的時候下場。 After he briefly returned to the floor and scored the last of his 25 points, James' legs immediately locked up. 當他最後一次回歸球場時,他再一次上籃後,腿部馬上抽筋。 "My muscles spasmed 10 out of 10," James said. Lebron「我百分之百的肌肉都在經攣」 Ever since James said he thought the Heat's arena was a little too warm during the 2012 Finals, the team has made sure to blast the air conditioning whenever it starts to get warm in Miami. For some games, before fans fill up the bowl, it becomes legitimately cold in the arena during the playoffs. 在2012的冠軍賽Lebron曾經反應過他認為熱火場館有點太熱後, 熱火確保這件事不會再發生。現在季後賽在熱火場館開賽前, 你可能會感覺到有點冷就是這原因。 Back in 2007, during a playoff game in Detroit on the first truly warm day of the season in the upper Midwest, the Palace of Auburn Hills didn't have its air conditioning sufficiently turned up. James ended up needing to get intravenous fluids before he left the arena after the game. James required an IV at least one other time following a playoff game when playing with the Cleveland Cavaliers. 回到2007,有一次季後賽在底特律奧本山球館時,那球館的冷氣也是開的 不夠強。Lebron賽後必須要打點滴才能離開球館。 在騎士隊時據我所知還有另外一次季後賽比賽 Lebron要靠點滴來維持充足體液。 "It sucks at this point in time in the season," James said. "It's frustration and anger." Lebron「這感覺糟透了,尤其是在季賽的這個階段。 這讓人感到挫折與憤怒。」 (註:看他板凳上的表情完全可以感受到他的憤怒或是不甘) James and the Heat were all quick to point out the air conditioning snafu did not make a difference in the outcome of the game. The Spurs completely eviscerated the Heat's defense in the fourth quarter, making a remarkable 14 of 16 shots, including all six 3-point attempts. 即便如此,Lebron和熱火在談完空調後也馬上不吝給予馬刺該得到的尊重。 並且說明空調不是輸球的主因。 馬刺在第四節總共投16進14,包含6-6的三分球。 Not having James, especially to chase Danny Green around as he did earlier in the game, was certainly a significant factor. Green scored 11 points in the fourth quarter after James was forced out. But it was the Spurs' overall mastery of ball movement and the Heat's slow rotations that decided the outcome. 但是沒有Lebron,尤其是這場主要的小綠防守者,還是成為一個關鍵。 小綠在Lebron下場後獨得11分。 但是當然馬刺的快速球權流動和熱火的慢速輪轉是輸球主因。 "We're well-conditioned athletes; these are the circumstances that we have," Allen said. "I would've loved to have won the game and had a great story to tell, but we don't have that. These are the things you have to overcome to win championships." 雷槍「我們都是訓練量好的運動員,這些狀況是大家都有的。我當然希望 能贏得比賽以後可以跟我孫子說嘴。但是我們沒有做到。這些狀況 是我們要贏得冠軍賽所必須要克服的。」 James was to start receiving heavy doses of fluids Thursday night and will continue through the weekend to prepare for Game 2 on Sunday. The NBA's head of operations, Rod Thorn, said after the game the league expected everything to be in order by Sunday night. Lebron從今晚開始就會開始儲存足夠液體準備週日的比賽。 聯盟運作組長Rod Thorn則說他預期禮拜天場館會正常。 Bosh needed two showers after the game. He sweated so profusely after speaking to the media in the sweltering Heat locker room that his first one had been rendered useless. By midnight, though, cool air was coursing through the building, leading to mentions of conspiracy that were only half in jest. 老包在賽後洗了兩次澡,因為被訪問完後他又溼了,只好再去洗一次。 不過詭異的是,到了接近午夜,場館的空調就恢復運作,整個場館 也涼爽了起來。所以有些記者開始問起陰謀論。 James, however, should not assume the building will be chilled for Game 2 or for any road playoff game for the rest of his career. He's gotten this message before, but it has become clear he's going to have to dedicate himself to managing hot conditions going forward. Just as he's remedied other playoff stumbling blocks, like an unreliable jumper and post game, he'll now have to focus on this. 不論如何,Lebron從現在開始都不應該期待在客場比賽能有多涼爽。 他必須要克服這種熱當的情況再度發生。就像他克服他的其他眾多 「心魔」一樣。 "I have to put myself in position where I can be out there for my team," James said. "Sitting on the sideline ... is not good for us and not good for me." Lebron「我必須要有辦法讓我在比賽末段也能上場才行,坐在場邊讓我 感覺很廢,對我的球隊和我自己都不好。」 ============================= 其實這場球因為空調的原因,對兩隊自然都有影響, 只是從內容而論,看得出來對熱火影響是更大。 我很同意darren和一些推文說的:看似相同的因子,對兩隊影響不同 至於來亂的甚至舉出聯考的例子則讓人感到可笑。 簡單地說,這空調完全是非籃球相關的意外,就像Lebron說的, 他做足了平常防止抽筋的準備,但是這種意外卻可以讓他做的防範依然不夠 這不代表在如果知道會這麼熱的情況下,他沒辦法做好準備。 同樣的,如果今天你是個容易受到熱力影響的考生, 你就會有更多面對酷暑考試時作出該有的準備減少溫度對你的影響, 但是這是在完全可知的情況下作出的「準備」 今天的情況屬於未知和意外,怎麼會跟這狀況相同呢? 再來文章也說了,Lebron是易抽筋體質,所以他也總是賽前補充足夠量的水分, 讓抽筋發生的可能性最小化。但是今天因為空調所以讓他這樣的準備顯的不足, 這樣要算在他訓練不夠還是意志力不夠?酸文的點根本可笑。 提到意志力,發燒感冒堅持去做事情相信在台灣耐操的各位一定都有過相同經驗 MJ發燒38.5度依然可以比賽是一回事,抽筋是肌肉鎖死,你要如何靠意志力打開? 今天I. Thomas的推特還寫即使是MJ也不可能一面抽筋一面比賽,酸LBJ的閉嘴 說抽筋可以靠意志力克服的要就是運氣好沒有運動時抽筋過, 要就是為酸而酸 最後回到比賽,這場比賽即使Lebron沒抽筋造成第四節只打五分鐘, 也大概是50-50。馬刺不是溜馬,進攻在什麼狀況下都幾乎不會當機, 而且少一兩個人影響也不會跟熱火一樣大。 加上馬刺全員習慣這種調度(時間平均分擔),這也跟熱火略有不同。 很多人說所以馬刺比較強因為全員皆兵.... 這同樣是邏輯怪異的說法,因為兩隊建隊方針不同,戰術的使用也因此不同 熱火的確是圍繞在LBJ為樞紐的打法,LBJ下場時只有有限的戰術 馬刺則是近幾年來有多套的打法和戰術,是靠球員配合活用, 而不論孰優熟劣,兩隊就是這兩年來最強的兩隊, 不代表球員配合戰術才是強的表現,戰術少一個球員就不會打的就弱 當然馬刺如此的優點是他們可以讓「球員」的不穩定因素減少到最小 (常看到如果馬刺三巨頭狀況不好,Pop也不吝讓他們坐第四節板凳) 如果要把這些都算進去說馬刺最強,那就是吧,事實也是,過去15年 他們球隊戰績的確是NBA最強無誤。 只是話說回來,要這樣比,冠軍賽也不用打了不是嗎? 這系列賽兩隊我都頗喜歡,所以說實話對輸贏的反應不會有前幾輪大 (前幾輪我會覺得該贏未贏就很ooxx,就像G5打溜馬) 這兩隊就是55波。雖然我希望熱火贏,但是如果輸在籃球本質上, 那真的無話可說,但是G1 AC變成主角,就讓人略有不甘。 我想球迷都想看好的比賽,反迷則只喜歡看討厭的球員輸 空調造成兩隊沒辦法以最好狀態來完成比賽我覺得對球迷而言就是遺憾 而如同很多外電說的,馬刺場館在最高質量的比賽裡出這包,應該感到羞恥。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MiamiHeat/M.1402080219.A.A89.html

06/07 03:08, , 1F
滿可惜的 感覺原本還有的打 看到LBJ的表情真的很悶
06/07 03:08, 1F

06/07 04:58, , 2F
06/07 04:58, 2F

06/07 08:13, , 3F
06/07 08:13, 3F

06/07 08:37, , 4F
06/07 08:37, 4F

06/07 08:37, , 5F
06/07 08:37, 5F

06/07 08:37, , 6F
06/07 08:37, 6F

06/07 08:37, , 7F
06/07 08:37, 7F

06/07 08:39, , 8F
06/07 08:39, 8F

06/07 08:57, , 9F
過了就過了 下一場大家都加油~ 當今問題還是bosh一直被td
06/07 08:57, 9F

06/07 08:58, , 10F
要位單打 結果有人補防 馬上被傳個三分空檔lol
06/07 08:58, 10F

06/07 10:56, , 11F
06/07 10:56, 11F

06/07 11:10, , 12F
扯Bosh 很好笑 你讓TD在籃下 拿到球 本來就這樣了
06/07 11:10, 12F

06/07 11:11, , 13F
06/07 11:11, 13F

06/07 11:12, , 14F
可以查一下 有球錯位Wade守到TD Wade也只能犯規了
06/07 11:12, 14F

06/07 11:17, , 15F
G1蠻可惜的 無法堅持到最後幾分鐘 只好下一場討回來了
06/07 11:17, 15F

06/07 11:47, , 16F
bosh最常對到td 我為什麼不能提到bosh @@?
06/07 11:47, 16F

06/07 12:22, , 17F
嗯 輸球都他的錯
06/07 12:22, 17F

06/07 12:28, , 18F
輸球贏球都不是一個人的事 熱火的外圍壓迫看來對馬刺影響有
06/07 12:28, 18F

06/07 12:31, , 19F
限 TD在好位子拿到球後 本來就難守了 你去看他得分的圖表
06/07 12:31, 19F

06/07 12:32, , 20F
TD的低位 不是那麼好守的
06/07 12:32, 20F

06/07 12:44, , 21F
TD的低位背框 要只靠一個人守 有其困難性
06/07 12:44, 21F

06/07 12:47, , 22F
你自己也是馬刺球迷 我想你比我更清楚
06/07 12:47, 22F

06/07 14:10, , 23F
我的語意並沒有全怪bosh阿 我只是覺得沒有必要做過多協防
06/07 14:10, 23F

06/07 14:10, , 24F
馬刺又不像溜馬只會單打 馬刺看到空檔就傳 就這麼簡單
06/07 14:10, 24F

06/07 14:20, , 25F
我就是覺得讓bosh自己去面對td 否則真的只是浪費團隊力氣
06/07 14:20, 25F

06/07 16:39, , 26F
越靠近籃框命中率越高 這個道理很難懂嗎
06/07 16:39, 26F

06/07 16:41, , 27F
TD在籃下要單打bosh 不協防 結果bosh一個犯規麻煩 就下去了
06/07 16:41, 27F

06/07 16:42, , 28F
06/07 16:42, 28F

06/07 17:18, , 29F
快發很可惜文阿 拜託啦
06/07 17:18, 29F
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