[外電] 熱火該簽敗男嗎?

看板MiamiHeat作者 (=\)時間10年前 (2014/01/10 07:58), 編輯推噓18(1919)
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本來覺得挺不賴,看完以後的確覺得好像也不見得有多少幫助... 原文 http://ppt.cc/tWzD Heat president Pat Riley has a thing for really tall reclamation projects. 油頭喜歡難度很大的重建計劃。 The soft spot becomes understandable once you realize that he has coached several current or future Hall of Fame centers in his lengthy NBA career. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Shaquille O'Neal, Patrick Ewing and Alonzo Mourning all have manned a frontcourt with Riley roaming the sideline. So when LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh combined forces to play in Miami, and Riley needed a big man, he sought out several who were down on their luck and tried to rehabilitate them into a key cog in the Heat machine. 這個性癖好其實是很容易理解的,因為在他執教或是掌權的時代, 他有調教過那麼傳奇級的大隻玩具,賈罷,大歐,猩猩和星星等等。 所以當LCD出現時,他也從不間斷的在找大隻菇滿足他們。 Zydrunas Ilgauskas. Erick Dampier. Eddy Curry. Ronny Turiaf. Chris Andersen. Greg Oden. 目前已經累計有大Z,蛋皮,肥咖喱,屠夫,鳥人和大鳥人。 Most of the reclamation projects haven't panned out. Some did. One still is a work in progress. Is Andrew Bynum the next Riley reclamation project? 大部份的重建計劃都失敗了,有些成功。還有一個正在重建中的。 所以敗男會是油頭下一個重建目標嗎? Does Bynum fit? 問題是,敗男適合嗎? The Heat have been tossed around as a logical destination for Bynum and his services. After being waived by the Chicago Bulls upon arrival following his trade from Cleveland, Bynum is a free agent who can sign with any team of his choosing. 很多觀察家都把熱火放進會熱逐敗男的對象之一。 Of all the suitors -- and there are eight of them, according to ESPN's Chris Broussard -- Miami seems to have garnered the most curiosity in and around the league. They are the two-time defending champions after all. How much talent could they possibly need? 在所有號稱八支球隊裡面,熱火話題性最高。 Let's pause here and throw some cold water on the Bynum-to-Miami hype. For one, the Heat already have their hands full with Oden and fellow league castoff Michael Beasley. Though Beasley came to the Heat this offseason under vastly different circumstances than Oden, the Heat have had to juggle not one, but two reclamation projects as it is. Adding Bynum would be a Riley heat check and possibly an Erik Spoelstra nightmare. 不過在你看片看得正爽時,我不得不按暫停潑你一盆冷水讓你冷靜冷靜先。 第一,熱火在拿下兩個福袋後,已經忙得不可開交,即使其中一個 B-easy目前看來進度不錯,但是Oden還是得花整個教練團很多心力 在其中。油頭如果再拿第三個福袋,就只是在試試手氣, 對Spo來說則可能會忙得焦頭爛額。 Secondly, Bynum has looked rough this season. On the whole, this is what you'd expect from a 7-foot, near-300-pounder who hadn't played basketball in a year after multiple knee injuries. The only consistency is inconsistency. Twice he has put up 20 and 10 with multiple blocks, looking like the skilled All-Star we saw in LakerLand. Other nights he shoots 0-for-11 and barely saunters back on defense, functioning as the worst version of himself. 第二,敗男本季打得不好。當然持平來說,一個300棒的大個兒一年多沒打球 你能期待什麼呢?他的確曾經打過幾場20-10-2鍋的好比賽, 但是他也有打出絕世好劍過 (投11進0)。 On balance, Bynum has not been destructive. He has an above-average 15.4 player efficiency rating and he's putting up 15.1 points and 9.5 points per 36 minutes, rates which are commensurate with Roy Hibbert, though Bynum's scoring rate has been fueled by high usage rather than high efficiency. Like Hibbert, Bynum's shooting percentages are lower than you'd expect for a big man of gargantuan size, shooting 44.1 percent in his past 10 games (and that includes his 0-for-11 stinker against the Detroit Pistons). 不過總體而言,敗男並不是很差的。他的PER是聯盟平均。 她每36分鐘可以拿下15-9.5。這個效率基本上跟西伯特相當。 當然敗男的得分來自於他的高使用率,有別於西伯特的高效率。 不過如同西伯特一般,敗男的投籃命中率在大個兒裡也是很可悲。 You can consider Bynum a brittle, poor man's Hibbert at this point. Bynum isn't nearly as focused and willing on the defensive end, but he's also limited in his mobility like the Indiana big man and would be forced to protect the basket area with his size, rather than stunting pick-and-rolls. According to SportVU tracking data, opponents are shooting just 37.6 percent at the rim when Bynum is within five feet, which is one of the best rates in the league for a big man. The sample size qualifications apply, but there's no denying that Bynum is really good at being large. 你可以把敗男想成窮人版西伯特。然而敗男在防守端並沒有那麼積極。 不過就如同西伯特一樣,他的體型和慢慢的移動力讓球隊只能讓他們 待在籃下而放棄去做擋拆防守。而正如同西伯特在籃下的嚇阻力一樣, 敗男讓對手在五尺內的投籃命中率低到37.6%。這在大個兒裡是頂級的。 當然這有點小樣本,但是你懂我的意思的,體型不會說謊,效用就是在那。 That element of Bynum's game could be problematic for the Heat because he's the last big you would want in Spoelstra's system, one that predicates itself on smothering pick-and-rolls with speed. There is no bringing Bynum into that scheme. There is only temporarily abandoning it and opting for Indiana's sag-to-the-basket defense. And that might not sit well with Spoelstra. 然而這樣的打法對熱火來講卻是很多問題的,基本上在熱火系統而言, 他們最不想用這樣拖慢速度無法輪轉的中鋒。 如果用敗男,那就表示熱火暫時放棄自己的打法,而跟著溜馬打慢。 這種打法基本上Spo一直很反對。 The talent is there, but it's hard getting past the fact that Bynum represents an ill fit with the Heat's pace-and-space system. Bynum could be Oden insurance, but he's not the same player. Bynum's value tilts on the offensive end whereas Oden, if remotely healthy, is more a rebounding defensive force better aligned for Hibbert duty in the playoffs. And it's worth wondering if Bynum would be happy coming off the bench in a specialist role as it's a good bet that Spoelstra won't forgo surrounding his star trio with sharpshooters. 敗男有他的天份,但是進攻上敗男也無法融入熱火pace-and-space 的系統。敗男的確可以是Oden的保險,但是他和Oden本質上還是不同。 敗男的價值在於他的進攻,而Oden則是防守,尤其是籃板的鞏固。 這點在對位西伯特時更顯重要。更別提敗男會安於只做固定球隊 固定人選時才上場的球員嗎? It's an ill fit on the books as well. After guaranteeing the contracts of Roger Mason Jr. and Beasley earlier this week, the Heat have no open roster spots and cannot waive a player without eating a contract. Yes, the Heat do still have the taxpayer's midlevel exception available, which, at full, would be $3.2 million for this season. After tax payouts, signing Bynum could cost upwards of $8 million the rest of the season because of the punitive tax structure. 敗男的薪資也將會造成熱火財政上的麻煩。 熱火的確有小中產,但是如果用小中產簽敗男,代表要花八百萬鎂。 Does that sound like a likely investment for a team that amnestied Mike Miller this offseason? 這聽起來並不像是剛把MM裁了的球隊會做的事。 It's also worth pointing out that the Heat typically do not outbid other teams with salary; they outbid other teams with opportunity. This is why the taxpayer's midlevel exception is an unlikely carrot. 另外一點是熱火這幾年來從來都不用錢買人,而是靠安利。 所以期待熱火用小中產簽敗男是不切實際的想法。 Remember, the Heat got Andersen on two 10-day contracts before he was signed for the rest of the season and re-signed him at a below-market deal at the minimum this offseason. And they signed Oden for the minimum as well. Ray Allen did not opt out and seek more money this offseason; he stayed under the player option. If the Heat decide to go after Bynum, expect them to play hard to get. 熱火用錢很摳門。 Ultimately, bet on Riley to bet on talent. As we've seen in the past, he's willing to take a gamble on a player looking for a rebirth. Given their capped-out status, it's hard to nab players like Bynum in the offseason for the championship run. The question is whether Bynum is willing to make the necessary sacrifices to make it work. And that goes for Spoelstra and his pace-and-space system, too. 最後,我認為油頭並不會錯失這個天份。從歷史觀之,油頭是喜歡賭一把的。 重點是,敗男會願意在沒有一個固定地位的球隊裡打球嗎?他願意犧牲嗎? 又Spo會怎麼用他也是諸多問號的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/10 08:18, , 1F
SPO可以把以前當助教的時經驗拿出來用ㄚ 有SHAQ有ZO
01/10 08:18, 1F

01/10 08:18, , 2F
雖然說差很多zzzzzzzzzzzz 不過起碼都是大棒棒
01/10 08:18, 2F

01/10 08:46, , 3F
認同這篇 我覺得油頭會視Oden狀況決定要不要出手
01/10 08:46, 3F

01/10 08:50, , 4F
而且 我不認為熱火會用到小中產 不值得阿
01/10 08:50, 4F

01/10 08:54, , 5F
01/10 08:54, 5F

01/10 08:55, , 6F
01/10 08:55, 6F

01/10 08:56, , 7F
01/10 08:56, 7F

01/10 08:57, , 8F
推翻譯 我是傾向不應該簽 風險大而且他速度跟熱火搭不上
01/10 08:57, 8F

01/10 09:01, , 9F
01/10 09:01, 9F

01/10 09:04, , 10F
01/10 09:04, 10F

01/10 09:08, , 11F
感覺好久沒看見K大阿 一起靜候油頭消息ㄅ^_<
01/10 09:08, 11F

01/10 09:12, , 12F
用底薪簽才合理! 小中產太貴!
01/10 09:12, 12F

01/10 09:43, , 13F
01/10 09:43, 13F

01/10 09:47, , 14F
姑且不論拜男到底能打得怎樣 球季已經超過1/3了
01/10 09:47, 14F

01/10 09:48, , 15F
還有個oden沒融入陣容理調整 再來一隻會更頭痛
01/10 09:48, 15F

01/10 09:49, , 16F
個人覺得季前賽那場 加上球團的計畫 oden的表現非常
01/10 09:49, 16F

01/10 09:49, , 17F
01/10 09:49, 17F

01/10 10:20, , 18F
但是他也有打出絕世好劍過 瞬間遲疑隨之嘴角失守 XDD
01/10 10:20, 18F

01/10 11:01, , 19F
這個 性癖好
01/10 11:01, 19F

01/10 11:37, , 20F
01/10 11:37, 20F

01/10 11:56, , 21F
01/10 11:56, 21F

01/10 13:00, , 22F
01/10 13:00, 22F

01/10 13:18, , 23F
01/10 13:18, 23F

01/10 13:49, , 24F
01/10 13:49, 24F

01/10 14:03, , 25F
oden還在哦? 我以為退出求廠了
01/10 14:03, 25F

01/10 16:15, , 26F
01/10 16:15, 26F

01/10 17:30, , 27F
01/10 17:30, 27F

01/10 17:59, , 28F
XXXXX先叫LBJ收服他XD 到熱火不用一直上場當角色球員不錯
01/10 17:59, 28F

01/11 16:36, , 29F
01/11 16:36, 29F
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