[外電] Miami Heat: Best shooting team in

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http://tinyurl.com/pm5wsmq Miami Heat: Best shooting team in history? 邁阿密熱火:史上最準的球隊? By Tom Haberstroh ESPN.com MIAMI -- The Miami Heat squad we just witnessed win the NBA title may have been the best shooting team ever. 我們剛剛見證贏得了NBA總冠軍的這支隊伍-邁阿密熱火,很有可能是有史以來投籃最佳的 球隊。 Of course, it seems a bit opportunistic to come out and say that now, after 12 Heat 3-pointers splashed through the AmericanAirlines Arena nets during the title-clinching 95-88 Game 7 victory. But we shouldn't be surprised that they were able to pour it on against theSan Antonio Spurs in the clincher. 當然,現在說這種話感覺有點尚書大人,但看過投進12顆三分球後撂倒馬刺,在美航球館 以95-88奪得冠軍賽第7場比賽的勝利,也就沒什麼好驚訝的了。 Why? 何解? Because the Heat were the most efficient shooting team in NBA history during the regular season. And if this Heat squad leaves a mark in the history books, that should be its legacy above all else. 因為熱火本來在季賽就是聯盟歷史投籃最高效的球隊。如果熱火這個陣容能在青史留名, 這,應該是他們置於一切之上的註冊商標。 Sure, we could point to their historic 27-game win streak or the fact that they gave the decorated Spurs team its first-ever exit in the Finals without a title. 當然,我們還可以寫寫季賽27連勝傳奇,或者,擊墜強者馬刺「進入總決賽即奪冠」的神 話。 How about shooting? 但是談到他們的投籃? We've never seen anything quite like it. 這是前所未有的一件事。 Let’s put this in perspective. The Heat shot 49.6 percent from the floor, which on its own -- making just about half of their shots their entire season -- seems like an achievement in of itself. But using raw field goal percentage actually understates their historic shooting abilities this season all because of their reliance on the 3-ball. 我們來分析一下。季賽的熱火命中率就達到了49.6% -幾乎把他們一半的投籃都化為得分, 這是了不起的成就。但只看一般命中率數據,實際上會低估他們史詩級的投射表現,因為 還忽略了他們最重要且賴以立足的三分球。 To illustrate how remarkable the Heat were as a squad, we can call upon effective field goal percentage, which accounts for the simple fact that three points is more than two. The Heat shot 49.6 percent from the floor, but they effectively shot 55.2 percent if we give 3-pointers their proper due. 要凸顯出熱火的投籃超高水準,我們不得不引入「有效命中率」(EFG%)的概念,強調三分 效率高於兩分球的事實。熱火一般命中率是49.6%,看起來還好,但如果他們三分線上正常 發揮,他们有效命中率高達55.2%。 And that 55.2 percent effective field goal percentage? It’s the top rate in NBA history. 而55.2%有效命中率又怎樣呢?不怎麼樣,NBA有史以來第一而已。 But the most fascinating thing about that record is how they got there: by stealing a page out of the San Antonio Spurs’ book. Namely, by going all-in on corner 3s. 而且有趣的是,這紀錄搶走了馬刺的招牌看板,因為馬刺最精彩的拿手好戲,正是底角三 分的投射。 After winning the 2012 title over the Oklahoma City Thunder, the Heat weren't satisfied with their trove of 3-point shooters, although they already employed Shane Battier, Mike Miller, Mario Chalmers and even the 3-point shooting champion from the All-Star break,James Jones. While most called for the Heat to beef up their thin front line, Heat president Pat Riley instead targeted Ray Allen in free agency and pried him away from the Boston Celtics. 自2012年擊敗雷霆奪冠後,熱火一直沒有滿足三分射手爆棚的現況,儘管他們早擁有了 Shane Battier、 Mike Miller、 Mario Chalmers甚至三分球王James Jones,雖然絕大部 份聲音呼籲應先提升薄弱的內線,但總裁Riley還是堅持己見,從超賽引進自由球員- 雷槍 Ray Allen。 The reason? Allen’s masterful shooting, especially from the corners, could vault the Heat’s offense from just good to historically great. 理由呢? Allen精湛的投射,特別從底角發出的那道光,足以讓熱火進攻能力從優秀到歷史 偉大的級數。 Years ago, the Spurs’ brass realized that corner 3s not only stretched the opposing defense thin, but also were the most fruitful shot in the game because a design glitch meant that corner 3s were closer than any 3-pointer on the floor. For the past decade, the Spurs have anchored a 3-point specialist in the corner at all times and watched their star trios thrive with the vast space that corner-3 shooters provided. 近幾年,馬刺意識到底角三分的準投,不但能拉長隊手防線,使防守變更薄弱,也是場上效 益最高的得分方式,因為那位置是最接近籃框的三分地帶。過去十年來,馬刺也無時不備著 底角三分射手,為了善用三巨頭發威後,留出跟太平洋一樣大的空檔。 No, it’s not a coincidence that his past offseason, the Heat decided to double down on the Spurs’ specialty and pluck arguably the NBA’s greatest corner-3 marksman in history in Allen. 所以,當熱火休賽期間決定義,無反顧遵循馬刺的秘訣,招攬 NBA史上最偉大底角三分神槍 Allen,會是巧合? 不,絕對不是。 And when we think of one singular moment in the 2013 Finals, what will it be? That’s right, a corner 3. That Allen dagger from the right pocket in Game 6 with 5.2 seconds left. 直到今日,在2013決賽場上我們想到最神奇的時刻是什麼?沒錯,一個底角三分,離G6 比賽結束剩5.2秒時,刺穿了馬刺心臟。 It rescued LeBron James, who had just turned the ball over twice, from an avalanche of pent-up criticism from around the world. Just after Allen and his teammates watched the yellow rope surround the court for the Spurs' potential title, the corner 3 breathed life back into a Heat team that had just about flat-lined. 這解救了 LeBron James,他不久前才誤丟了兩球,正當來自世界各地的批評如雪球般崩潰 而來,正當Allen和他的隊友看著黃色警戒線拉起,為了迎接馬刺的頒獎典禮之時,這底角 三分適時出現,讓熱火起死回生。 For the series, the Heat gave the Spurs a taste of their own medicine, making an astounding 29 3-pointers from the corner, more than twice the total of the Spurs (14). It’s the most corner-3 makes in the Finals on record, beating out the -- you guessed it -- San Antonio Spurs in the 2004-05 season (24 makes). All in all, the Heat shot 51.8 percent from there, compared to the Spurs’ 37.5 percent conversion rate. How 'bout them apples? 總決賽系列賽中,熱火以馬刺之道還施彼身,他們投中29個底角三分,超過馬刺14個的兩 倍。29個底角三分也是有紀錄可考的總決賽系列賽最高紀錄,而之前的最高紀錄保持者正 是馬刺,2004-05總決賽他們投中24個。不過整體來看,熱火的底角三分準星51.8%,馬刺 只有37.5%,孰高孰低?一目了然。 Of course, the Heat’s torrid shooting campaign in 2012-13 extended beyond the corners. James shot a career-high 56.5 percent from the floor while shooting above 40 percent from downtown for the first time in his career. Both Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh set career highs in field goal percentage as well. 當然,熱火2012-13全賽季炙熱的投籃手感也不限於底角,James創下了生涯新高56.5%的命 中率、超過40%的三分命中率,而另兩大巨頭Wade和Bosh也雙雙創下個人命中率新高。 “We wanted to be a dual threat,” Heat coach Erik Spoelstra said of his season after Game 7. “The first thing we wanted to do was attack and establish that type of game for our best players. But the pace would create a symbiotic relationship, and it worked great all year.” 熱火教練Spoelstra在G7後談論整球季:「我們想創造一支雙攻擊重心的球隊,首先我們想 以不斷攻擊攻擊為起點,再讓我們最棒的球員打出他們的節奏,但這步調讓全隊都培養出 和諧與共的團隊關係,因而讓這季成就偉大。」 And then you have Chris Andersen, whom the Heat picked up off the scrap heap in January. Of the 3,851 instances that a player has shot at least 50 field goal attempts in the playoffs, no one made a higher percentage of them than Andersen. His 80.7 percent conversion crushed the all-time record of 69.6 percent set by Antoine Carr in 1986-87. 而且他們有了Chris Andersen。一月才加盟熱火的他,卻成為在季後賽歷史至少出手50次 的3,851人次中,沒人命中率比他更高,Andersen以80.7%的命中率打破了Antoine Carr在 1986-87創下的69.6%的紀錄。 But the most memorable shooting performance of Game 7 belongs to Battier, who made six 3-pointers on the night after being benched for his previous Game 7 against the Indiana Pacers due to a spell of cold shooting. 但最令人難忘投籃表現不外乎是G7的Battier,他投進了6個三分球,洗刷自東冠對溜馬以 降冰冷手感的詛咒。 “I believe in the basketball gods,” Battier said at the postgame podium. “ I felt they owed me big-time.” Battier後來在賽後頒獎台上說:「我始終相信籃球之神們,我覺得他們會還回欠我的一個 big-time。」 The Heat beat the Spurs, but they also beat them at their own game. In Game 7, the Heat made four of their eight corner 3s, two coming from Finals MVP James and the other from Battier. 熱火擊敗馬刺,也用他們自己的風格做到了,G7中,熱火底角三分8投4中,兩個來自James 兩個來自Battier。 The Spurs drew up the blueprint of spreading the floor for a star trio and attacking from the corners. But as we saw in Game 7, and all season long, it was the Heat who perfected it. 透過三巨頭牽制對手來傳導底角遠射攻擊,是馬刺勾勒了這藍圖。但是,正如我們在冠軍 賽G7以及整個賽季所看到,讓這個偉大概念發揚光大的,是熱火。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/22 15:06, , 1F
I believe in the basketball gods
06/22 15:06, 1F

06/22 15:36, , 2F
06/22 15:36, 2F

06/22 15:39, , 3F
06/22 15:39, 3F

06/22 16:36, , 4F
這翻譯挺hk OR 26的 底角三分球 CONNER 3PT 底線三分球
06/22 16:36, 4F

06/22 17:04, , 5F
06/22 17:04, 5F

06/22 17:05, , 6F
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06/22 17:05, , 7F
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06/22 17:08, , 8F
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06/22 18:01, , 9F
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06/22 19:20, , 10F
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06/23 01:34, , 11F
06/23 01:34, 11F

06/23 09:28, , 12F
不像先前的太陽或國王這種傳統射手兵團 但就是能創紀錄!
06/23 09:28, 12F
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