[外電] 是時候該擔心Wade的狀態了嗎?

看板MiamiHeat作者 (=\)時間11年前 (2013/05/14 03:34), 編輯推噓19(1904)
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原文 http://ppt.cc/tOjE 極簡不負責翻譯 Is it time for the Heat to be concerned about Dwyane Wade yet? It seems like a fair question in a vacuum, but of course, we don't operate in a vacuum. Actually, we’ve been here before. And Wade has made us look like morons for doubting him. 這其實是個好問題,不過我們也被Wade的狀態搞昏了很多次, Wade讓我們這些專家有時候看起來像個傻子。 If you remember in last season's playoffs, Wade looked like a shell of his former self in Game 3 of the Eastern Conference semifinals, scoring five points on 2-for-13 shooting from the floor against Indiana. Team doctors drained fluid from his troublesome left knee before the game to try to alleviate the discomfort, but the Heat fell behind 2-1 to the Pacers. It was commonly said that Wade was done and the Heat were done. 如果你記得去年此時,同樣的問題也被大伙提出, 很多人看到Wade對溜馬G3的表現後都大膽結論熱火完囉,Wade完囉~ Wade then averaged 24.1 points, 6.1 rebounds and 4.7 assists for the rest of the playoffs, and the Heat won the 2012 championship. 然後Wade在之後的季後賽場次打出24.1ppg, 6.1rpg, 4.7apg的全能 表現並且幫助熱火得到冠軍。讓大伙臉都被打腫了。 As if we didn’t learn our lesson the first time: Doubts about Wade's effectiveness were raised again during this past regular season. And sure enough, Wade made those concerns look foolish and premature after a torrid shooting tear, registering a preposterous 55 percent conversion rate after the All-Star break. 所以說如果人們還沒學到第一次教訓, 本季初類似的論調又跳出來了,然後Wade又再度打大火臉了: 在明星賽後以55%的高命中率結束球季。 Fooled us twice, shame on us. 愚弄我們兩次,只能說是我們蠢了。 And now Wade is at it again. 但是Wade現在又來了... Playing through a balky knee (is there an echo in here?), Wade has averaged just 13.3 points per game in the playoffs, which is just below Reggie Jackson and a smidge above Omer Asik. He’s shooting 45.8 percent from the floor, down from 52.1 percent during the regular season. His player efficiency rating (PER) has plummeted from 24.0 in the regular season to 17.5 in the postseason. Once again, Wade's play is begging us to doubt him again. 帶著一條腫腿打球的結果,Wade目前季後賽平均得分只有13.3分, 這比Reggie Jaclson還低,比阿喜略高。 他的命中率也不甚佳,只有46%, 低了季賽平均將近6%之多。 他的PER也從季賽的24降到17.5。 所以說,Wade又再次讓外界有質疑他的機會了。 So what do we do with this information? Do we just move right along and pretend that it isn’t happening? 基於前兩次的經驗,我們是不是應該裝作沒有這回事發生, 以免再度被打臉咧? Of course not. Wade very well could put up 40 points in Game 4, but that shouldn’t stop us from analyzing what has been plaguing Wade so far. What exactly is happening? 當然不。Wade的確有可能在G4就拿個40分打大家臉,不過我們也有 權利去分析Wade到目前為止出了啥問題(挺)。 Unhealthy knee, unhealthy game 不健康的膝蓋,不健康的比賽 If Wade’s bruised right knee, which caused him to miss Game 4 against the Milwaukee Bucks in the first round, is limiting his game, it shows. Heat coach Erik Spoelstra has been praising Wade for his shot discipline after Wade took just seven shots in Game 3, but that discipline hasn’t carried over in other areas. Wade’ s turnover rate has jumped from 13.2 percent of his possessions ending in a turnover in the regular season to 19.8 percent in the playoffs. In other words, Wade fumbles the ball every fifth time that he finishes a play. That's not good. 如果Wade的膝蓋讓他在第一輪miss了G4,那似乎這一輪的確顯示出 他有被此影響。Spo被問到這類問題時總是公式化的回答 Wade是為了球隊犧牲了自己的數據,Wade並沒有被傷病影響。 正如同Wade G3只出手了七次,你的確很難在七次出手中看出什麼鬼。 但是我們從其他的角度去看,可以看出傷病的影響。 就看看失誤率吧,Wade在季賽的失誤率是13%,季後賽大幅跳躍到20%, 也就是說當球權在Wade手中時,有五分之一的機會會以失誤做結。 這可不是什麼好事。 And those turnovers are telling. If you watch the film, you’ll notice that Wade hasn’t been able to slalom his way to the basket like he normally does. Instead, he has routinely stopped short in the midrange area for either an off-balance jump shot or a jump pass to the perimeter where he airmails it directly to a Chicago Bulls defender. 而從失誤這數據中出發,你在去看看比賽內容, 就會發現Wade的失誤在於他沒辦法像之前一樣往籃框前進, 他總是太早停球,然後投個中距離,不然就是跳傳,直接傳給公牛。 When healthy, Wade can hang in the air and use those jump passes as a weapon even though players everywhere are taught never to leave your feet to make a pass. But recently, Wade hasn’t shown the requisite lift to make it an effective counter. The result is gobs of turnovers off of jump passes that make youth coaches everywhere cringe. 當健康的時候,即使跳傳這東西是大多數教練不以為然的傳球方式, 但是卻是Wade的武器之一。 但是Wade現在不夠健康,腿沒有力支撐他的續航力,自然也沒辦法 靠這套不自然的傳球功夫傳到正確的位置去。 Usually, Wade doesn't need those jump passes to be successful. He has made a living in the pick-and-roll where he can step around defenders and use his lightning-quick agility to maneuver his way to the rim. But that’s not the case anymore. Wade has scored a measly 14 points on 31 pick-and-roll plays this postseason, according to Synergy Sports video tracking. His efficiency on that action (0.452 points per play) ranks dead last in the playoffs among players with at least 25 pick-and-roll plays. Translation: Wade’s greatest strength has been reduced lately to a weakness. 另外一個數據就是Wade的PR成功率,Wade生涯是最好的PR手之一, 因為他如閃電般的速度使然。 然而在季後賽的Wade,PR率卻是全NBA季後賽球員裡最低的。 每一次PR,他只能得0.452分。大囧。 也就是說因為他的膝蓋,讓PR成為他的武器變成他的弱點。 No longer finding freebies 沒辦法站上罰球線 Without a dependable pick-and-roll game to catch his defender off-balance, Wade has watched his trips to the free throw line vanish. This postseason, he has tallied one more free throw than Chris Andersen, even though Andersen has played 102 fewer minutes. Moreover, Wade has failed to reach the free throw line in two of the three games this series. 或許跟他的PR率不在高效有關,Wade現在沒辦法造成防守者犯規。 目前他罰球數才領先鳥人一球,即使鳥人比他少打了102分鐘。 Wade在公牛這個系列賽甚至有兩場根本上不了罰球線。 Want to guess how many free-throw-less games he previously registered since LeBron James and Chris Bosh teamed up with him in 2010-11? 這個數據有多扯,讓我們來看看下面這個數字: 在三巨頭合體後,Wade 0 罰球數的場次: Two (not counting injury-shortened games). That’s it. 兩場。 Wade remains one of the great foul-drawers in NBA history and it's one of the reasons he's a terror to guard even at age 31. Taking away Wade's free throw game is like removing James' ability to pass the ball. Wade的吸引犯規也是他的強項之一,現在他也沒了這武器。 這就像是LBJ突然不會傳球了一樣,影響很大。 Taking a detour 改變打法 Wade has compensated for his lack of agility off the dribble by cutting to the rim and getting easy looks that way. In fact, 80 percent of his buckets in the restricted area this postseason have been assisted, whereas that number was just 57.1 percent in the regular season, according to NBA.com’s stats tool. This is when it helps to have that LeBron guy around. Wade這季無球跑切效率不錯,他在籃下的被助功率在季後賽高達80% 比他季賽的57.1%高出甚多。這可說是有LBJ在同隊的好處。 Yes, we have to credit Wade for finding an effective detour off the ball, but the Heat can’t afford to watch Wade transform into Avery Bradley on the offensive end. Why? Because the road to a championship will get only harder. The Bulls' defense ranked fifth in defensive efficiency this season, but the four teams ahead of them? That would be the Pacers, Grizzlies, Spurs and Thunder. Two of those four could be next if the Heat get past the Bulls. 是的,我們必須要給這項改變的Wade掌聲,但是同時間, 熱火也不能讓Wade打得像個AVery Bradley一樣只會靠無球跑切得分。 為什麼呢?因為公牛的防守今年只排聯盟第五, 前四呢? 溜馬,灰熊,馬刺和雷霆 也就是說非常有可能熱火下兩輪的對手都在這四隊之中。 So you can blame the stingy Bulls defense for Wade’s struggles, but just know that it probably won’t get easier for the Heat here on out. The Heat have been able to absorb his ineffectiveness against a depleted Bulls squad thanks to Norris Cole and Ray Allen picking up the slack. 所以你可以把Wade數據的下滑歸咎於公牛的防守, 但是別忘了冠軍之路只會越來越難走,防守只會越來越強硬。 熱火現在靠著Cole和雷槍抵消了Wade沒效率的表現, 而這是因為對手是個人手短缺的公牛。 But going forward, the Heat need vintage Wade to show up. And if history repeats itself, it's only a matter of time before he does. 而熱火要走得更遠,他們需要Wade回復一定的身手。 而如同我們的被打臉史一般,或許Wade會在該打臉的時候就出手的。 =========================================================== 心得: 這篇文章看標題可能會被一堆Wade迷噓,我也一直不認為Wade的傷勢 有比去年此時糟。而且我認為Wade有所保留是因為 公牛的打法太機車,不止Wade,LBJ G3其實打得也很保留。 但是文章說的也沒錯,溜馬灰熊等輩不會比較軟, 到時候不可能因為怕受傷就打得保留,那可贏不了比賽了。 另外文章同時也提出了一些數據,像是失誤率大幅上升和擋切成功率太低 還有上不了罰球線的問題等等,並不是完全不值一晒的觀點。 基本上我對Wade的狀況還維持樂觀就是,如同文章結尾說的, 希望是囉。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/14 03:39, , 1F
05/14 03:39, 1F

05/14 03:42, , 2F
上不了罰球線完全是太沒愛 光看現在投票就知對他有多不公
05/14 03:42, 2F

05/14 03:47, , 3F
05/14 03:47, 3F

05/14 06:48, , 4F
05/14 06:48, 4F

05/14 07:10, , 5F
上不了罰球線跟他狀態毫無關係 LBJ也上不了
05/14 07:10, 5F

05/14 07:23, , 6F
哈哈 樓上有點太氣憤了
05/14 07:23, 6F

05/14 07:29, , 7F
推翻譯! 不擔心wade 相信他會調整的
05/14 07:29, 7F

05/14 07:55, , 8F
其實我覺得他季末受傷比去年差很多欸 來不及調回來
05/14 07:55, 8F

05/14 08:05, , 9F
05/14 08:05, 9F

05/14 08:35, , 10F
05/14 08:35, 10F

05/14 08:36, , 11F
今天又傷到膝蓋, 是滿讓人不放心的
05/14 08:36, 11F

05/14 08:42, , 12F
結果下半場連進兩顆中距離 lol
05/14 08:42, 12F

05/14 08:52, , 13F
05/14 08:52, 13F

05/14 10:01, , 14F
05/14 10:01, 14F

05/14 10:26, , 15F
05/14 10:26, 15F

05/14 11:48, , 16F
05/14 11:48, 16F

05/14 12:14, , 17F
Wade的傷目前無解 就算好了 或許下一場又用傷
05/14 12:14, 17F

05/14 12:16, , 18F
05/14 12:16, 18F

05/14 12:20, , 19F
05/14 12:20, 19F

05/14 12:49, , 20F
05/14 12:49, 20F

05/14 13:03, , 21F
的確令人擔心啊 今天雖贏了但...T T
05/14 13:03, 21F

05/14 13:20, , 22F
下一場就會打臉了 安啦!
05/14 13:20, 22F

05/14 16:28, , 23F
05/14 16:28, 23F
文章代碼(AID): #1HaK1X1T (MiamiHeat)