[外電] Miami Heat,Andray Blatche could fit well

看板MiamiHeat作者 (快樂的潛水夫)時間12年前 (2012/08/05 12:46), 編輯推噓14(1402)
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http://tinyurl.com/952vp54 Miami Heat, Andray Blatche could fit well by Diego.Quezada on Aug 4, 2012 8:44 PM EDT ESPN's Marc Stein tweeted Saturday that the Miami Heat and San Antonio Spurs have expressed "exploratory interest" in the 6-foot-11 free agent Andray Blatche, whom the Washington Wizards recently amnestied. Yahoo! Sports' Marc Spears reported that Miami had interest in acquiring Darko Milicic three weeks ago. Milicic was also amnestied this year. 熱火和馬刺對6呎11寸自由球員Andray Blatche表達「試探性興趣」,這球員前陣子被巫師 特赦。熱火三週前才對今年被特赦的Darko Milicic也曾經有興趣。 Apparently, Pat Riley is looking for whatever help he can find to bolster his power rotation. Riley has struggled to find more than stopgap solutions at center since the 2010-11 season, though. He drafted Dexter Pittman and signed Erick Dampier, Eddy Curry and Ronny Turiaf, but none of them played meaningful minutes late in the season. Chris Bosh is Miami's best center, but the Heat will need big men who can soak up minutes in the regular season to keep Bosh fresh for the playoffs. The Heat already have Joel Anthony, but still probably need one more player. 顯然油頭還在尋找強化陣容的力量,他正積極尋找比之前更好的中鋒人選,自2010-11球 季以來,熱火的中鋒包括選秀來的Dexter Pittman、後來陸續簽了Erick Dampier、 Eddy Curry和Ronny Turiaf,但沒一個能在關鍵時間派得上用場。 Chris Bosh反而是熱火最好中鋒了,但熱火需要一個內線能夠在例行賽吸收掉時數,好讓 Bosh維持能量在季後賽拚戰。熱火已經有Joel Anthony,但還不夠必須多加人手。 On paper, Blatche looks like a good fit. He's long and athletic, can hit a jumper and can rebound well. He'll turn 26 later this month, and averaged 17 points and eight rebounds just two seasons ago. But on the court, Blatche doesn't always put in a lot of effort; he sometimes settles for 20-footers and jogs back on defense. The Washington Post even reported that Blatche ate nachos in the locker room before a game against the Heat, looking more like someone getting ready to watch an NBA game than play in one. 看書面報告 Blatche好像很適合熱火: 他夠高,而且運動力十足,跳投和籃板都有一定水 準,這個月才剛滿26歲,兩季前還得過平均17分8籃板的成績。 但是場上他總被認為不夠努力,總是安於中距離跳投和慢步回防。華盛頓媒體甚至報導過 有次對熱火比賽前他還在更衣室吃玉米片,不像是準備上場的球員,反像個要坐場邊看球 的觀眾。 The Heat are known to look for players who fit the team culture. Some even that Miami passed on the chance to draft Perry Jones III in the 2012 NBA Draft because of his nonchalant attitude. The Heat's recent draft picks -- Norris Cole and Pittman -- went to college for four years. However, sometimes the right team can make a player work hard. Boris Diaw was overweight and disinterested with the Charlotte Bobcats last year, but played pretty well for the San Antonio Spurs. Additionally, it's a safe bet that Rashard Lewis will play with more intensity for Miami than he had for the Wizards. 普遍認為熱火想找的是能融入團隊的球員,甚至有人推測熱火今年選秀時跳過Perry Jones III 不選,就是因為他態度消極,熱火近年選來的新秀球員-- Norris Cole和Pittman 好歹都在大學磨練了四年。 然而,有時候好的隊伍可以讓一名球員更認真。Boris Diaw在山貓過胖而沒隊伍中意,但 後來卻在馬刺找到第二春。另外,熱火簽Rashard Lewis也被視為安全牌,肯定了他會打得 比在巫師好。 Along with Blatche, another one of the former Washington "knuckleheads" -- JaVale McGee -- had his moments as a Denver Nugget and since parlayed that nice play into a contract that will pay him well. George Karl and Andre Miller helped get McGee play smarter, and the team sent him to work with Hakeem Olajuwon in the summer. Perhaps Pat Riley, Erik Spoelstra, Alonzo Mourning, Bob McAdoo and Miami's veterans can do the same for Blatche and help him hone his talents. 與Blatche有相同際遇的,另一個前巫師球員"腦殘" JaVale McGee,他已在金塊找到新的 舞台,球團運用一個優渥合約去敦促他表現更好,教練George Karl和前輩Andre Miller讓 McGee變得更聰明,這夏天球隊還專程送他去跟大師Hakeem Olajuwon學習。也許,Riley 、Spoelstra、Alonzo Mourning、Bob McAdoo及熱火的眾前輩可以對Blatche施一樣的法, 好好磨練他的天賦。 At the very least, this experiment would have far more promise than the Eddy Curry tryout. Although Curry lost a lot of weight, he was still too slow-footed to play effectively for Miami. Blatche is a talented basketball player and could help the Heat if he comes on with his mind in the right place. 至少,這實驗的價值將會遠遠超過當時Eddy Curry試訓的承諾,縱然Curry已減重很多,但 對熱火來說還是太慢了。Blatche是一個天賦不錯的球員,如果他能把心思放在正確的地方 ,應能對熱火有所幫助。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/05 13:31, , 1F
這一隻 也是當年熱火可以選 卻跳過的球員
08/05 13:31, 1F

08/05 13:43, , 2F
08/05 13:43, 2F

08/05 13:55, , 3F
08/05 13:55, 3F

08/05 14:00, , 4F
08/05 14:00, 4F

08/05 14:02, , 5F
WTF.. 原文還真的翻腦殘阿
08/05 14:02, 5F

08/05 18:19, , 6F
LCD: 菜逼八 吃玉米片不會請學長喔
08/05 18:19, 6F

08/05 18:57, , 7F
LBJ賽前也吃一百個壽司 玉米片真的還好...
08/05 18:57, 7F

08/05 19:47, , 8F
08/05 19:47, 8F

08/05 21:09, , 9F
吃玉米片也在說嘴..如果他是吃完上去拿20 10
08/05 21:09, 9F

08/05 21:10, , 10F
08/05 21:10, 10F

08/05 23:17, , 11F
Blatche:跟熱火打又贏不了 吃玉米片當觀眾就好了
08/05 23:17, 11F

08/05 23:20, , 12F
Blatche:跟熱火打看三王打球多爽 放鬆吃玉米片阿
08/05 23:20, 12F

08/06 00:11, , 13F
Blstche:紅襪都可以喝啤酒吃炸雞了 吃玉米片又怎樣
08/06 00:11, 13F
※ 編輯: l2l 來自: (08/06 00:23)

08/06 01:20, , 14F
Riley:你有想過你的未... 算了 你要玉米片嗎?
08/06 01:20, 14F

08/06 01:48, , 15F
08/06 01:48, 15F

08/06 02:04, , 16F
鳥人 體力OK的話 這隻適合熱火嗎
08/06 02:04, 16F
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