[外電] 邁向下一個總冠軍- Pat Riley訪談(4/4)

看板MiamiHeat作者 (快樂的潛水夫)時間12年前 (2012/07/03 23:34), 編輯推噓16(1602)
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http://tinyurl.com/83nank7 (原文) Pat Riley:準備好邁向下一個總冠軍 http://tinyurl.com/6q42eax (圖片) 拿到總冠軍後,Riley緊緊擁抱Chalmers You use your muscle and your mind and you pray your best That your best is good enough, the Lord will do the rest You raise your children and you teach them to walk straight and sure You pray that hard times, hard times, come no more You try to sleep, you toss and turn, the bottom's dropping out Where you once had faith now there's only doubt You pray for guidance, only silence now meets your prayers The morning breaks, you awake but no one's there They’ve been through a lot together over a decade, Riley and Wade. Wade was taking student loans for diapers at Marquette, and he did a lot of his growing up here, taking pride in being a Dad even while going through a messy and public divorce. Riley與Wade師徒二人在一起已經度過了快十年光景。Wade從離開馬奎特大學之後,就一 直在Riley身邊學習。 在 邁阿密 ,他經歷了成長所必經的一切,結婚生子甚至離婚,都 是在Riley眼皮底下做的。 Funny thing about that 2003 draft. Riley was going to take Bosh. But the Heat fell a draft spot by winning the last game of a meaningless regular season, Toronto took Bosh, Miami had to “settle” for Wade, and Riley would have them both soon enough. Wade bringing Bosh to Riley. 不過,有件趣事沒多少人知道,其實在2003年選秀時,Riley更想挑選Bosh。 只可惜,那 一年,熱火一不小心打贏了例行賽最後一場,結果暴龍憑藉更爛的成績拿到了更好的籤位 ,第四順位挑了Bosh,熱火只好「不得已」選了Wade。更有趣的是,多年之後,Wade親自 將Bosh帶到了Riley眼前。 Riley helped teach Wade to walk so straight and sure that, in 2006, as Riley called plays, Wade improvised, doing whatever the hell he wanted so often en route to the championship, that Riley finally threw up his hands and asked him in a huddle, “How can I help you? Tell me how I can help.” Wade won that championship, and he has been so grateful for how this organization and city has treated him over the last decade that he brought James and Bosh here instead of bolting for his hometown of Chicago when free agency beckoned. 2006年,Riley曾親手教導Wade如何在奪冠道路上走得更遠。那時候, Riley在場邊運籌帷 幄,他喊戰術,Wade立刻在場上完美執行。 最終他們聯手拿到了球隊第一座總冠軍獎杯。 那段時間,Riley總是通過各種各樣的方式告訴Wade,「我該如何幫你?告訴我你需要什麼 幫助。」可以說是Riley的耐心,成就了今日的Wade。 否則,Wade也沒有足夠的把握說服 Lebron和Bosh加盟,而自己更是堅定了不以自由球員身分回到家鄉芝加哥的信念。 Riley was completely unsurprised that Wade decided earlier this season to finally defer to James with uncommon self-awareness for a star. The Van Gundys say that the hardest thing to coach is an aging superstar because the mirror so often lies to them, but Riley says he didn’t even have to nudge Wade out of James’ way. That kind of decision had to be made by Wade himself for it to come without resentment. 對於Wade季初願意釋放了自我中心意識,把球隊獨大地位讓出,甚至把更多明星光環給予 James的過程,Riley是一點都不吃驚。Van Gundy兄弟都曾說過,世上最難的事,莫過於 執教那些年歲漸長的超級明星,他們能力退化,但卻自負依舊,絕不會承認鏡中的自己早 已不再年輕。 但Riley甚至無需調解Wade和Lebron之間的矛盾,Wade他自己知道該無怨地 做出什麼樣的調整。 “What Dwyane did was normal for him,” Riley says. “He didn’t have anything to lose. He’s got skin in the game, and he’s had it for a long time. He is one of the most beloved players in the history of this city. He’ s invested. He’s gotten all the pats on the back and awards and money and fame. It is easier to serve your teammate who hasn’t gotten the one thing he wants. When you do that, in the end, you are going to be the winner, too. Whatever he gave up, because the team needed it, it is one of the great things that great team players do. Magic did that all the time, gave up his game for someone else. What Dwyane did came very naturally to him. It wasn’t a pain to him. He’s smart enough to know what was needed.” 「Dwyane做的事情對他來說很正常,他其實早就無欲則剛了,他懂得深入比賽精髓,而且 長久力保不失。他也是邁阿密這座城市球迷們最為喜歡的球員之一,他備受尊榮。」 Riley說:「他老早荷包賺滿滿,金錢、名譽都不缺。一個不會爭奪名利的球員,才能得 到隊友的信任,團隊運作才能舉重若輕。而當你做了這樣的讓步,那麼,到賽季結束的那 天,你一定會是贏家。Wade放棄了很多東西,貢獻的全部都是球隊需要的,他充分詮釋了 什麼叫做偉大的團隊型球員該做什麼樣的決斷。Magic Johnson過去職業生涯放棄了很多, 只為了達成球隊的勝利,而Wade承襲了Magic的這種特質,也因為如此,整個過程對他來講 沒什麼掙扎,他非常聰明,很清楚自己該做什麼。 」 Wade and Bosh and James have all admitted that, when they were on that introductory stage prancing, they all thought the championships would come easier. But Riley says he never thought that way. He has won enough to know just how hard it is. 一年前,站在邁阿密的歡迎儀式大舞台上,Wade、Lebron以及Bosh都曾經承諾要彼此無私 ,只是,當時的他們都認為冠軍會手到擒來。 唯有Riley不這麼想,拿過了這麼多冠軍戒 指,也更清楚其中艱辛。他明白,奪冠絕非易事。 “Was this one of those old Laker teams or Celtics teams or Jordan teams? No, it wasn’t,” he said. “When we stripped it down and had only Joel Anthony and Mario Chalmers, and we added the three guys and [Mike] Miller and [Udonis] Haslem and a lot of minimums, we knew we were going to have to make due for a while. Getting Shane Battier was a coup. Even though he didn’t play well during the year, he has a DNA and a way about him that makes everything better. He was right on time. It is almost like all the things during the regular season were just getting ready for that moment. When he got there, he wasn’t going to blow it.” 「這支球隊能跟老湖人、老塞爾提克,或跟Jordan的球隊一概而論嗎?當然不行!當我們 湊齊了Lebron、Wade和 Bosh後,球隊裡僅剩 Joel Anthony和 Mario Chalmers了。後來, 我們才又簽下了 Miller、Haslem以及其他的底薪球員。」Riley回憶道。 「那之後,我們又經歷了許多波折。可以說,得到 Shane Battier極為關鍵。當時他狀態 其實並不好,但他天生就是那種團隊球員,可以讓球隊任何事情變得更順利。回想他爆發 的時機恰到好處,彷彿我們在例行賽所做的一切,都是為了他的時刻而生。站到球場上, 三分球連發,搞定一切! 」 Riley laughs, ever greedy, always insatiable. “And that last game Miller had,” he says, referencing Miller’s 7 for 8 from three in Game 5, “he would have had that 15 or 20 times this year if he ’d been healthy.” Riley笑了,充滿貪心的喜悅,和永不滿足的笑容。 「還有,最後一場比賽,Miller的三分球8投7中!如果他要是整年健康的話,這種事情他 一季應該能做個十五、二十次吧。」 The ground is no longer rocky, just soaked with champagne, all the obstacles cleared from the path. There will be a parade on it today. 路面從此不再那麼坎坷難行了,當喝完香檳收拾好心情,熱火不久又再將清除障礙,開啟 新的旅程。 不過,別忘了,今天還有個慶功遊行呢。 4/4 完 -- 油頭總管不愧是經歷過大風大浪,連拿總冠軍也這麼輕描淡寫。 也許要這般淡定自若的帶兵哲學,才能讓三王折服於他西裝褲腳下, 心甘情願的聚首邁阿密吧。 從熱火上一個總冠軍...到接下來每一個總冠軍, 我們除了驚嘆三王的場上超級表現的同時, 我們也可能在見證聯盟最偉大總管的道路。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/03 23:37, , 1F
07/03 23:37, 1F

07/03 23:39, , 2F
推WADE,今年的他 功不可沒
07/03 23:39, 2F

07/03 23:41, , 3F
推RILEY 再推Wade 再推lbj 再推bosh 再推每一個heat
07/03 23:41, 3F

07/03 23:41, , 4F
07/03 23:41, 4F

07/03 23:41, , 5F
07/03 23:41, 5F

07/03 23:43, , 6F
07/03 23:43, 6F

07/03 23:43, , 7F
07/03 23:43, 7F

07/03 23:43, , 8F
07/03 23:43, 8F
※ 編輯: l2l 來自: (07/03 23:45)

07/04 00:04, , 9F
07/04 00:04, 9F

07/04 01:03, , 10F
推Wade把Bosh帶來了 三王都是功不可沒 真正作到了無私
07/04 01:03, 10F

07/04 01:25, , 11F
推 Team~
07/04 01:25, 11F

07/04 01:52, , 12F
推 Team~
07/04 01:52, 12F

07/04 02:07, , 13F
謝謝油頭 謝謝miami heat!!!
07/04 02:07, 13F

07/04 02:24, , 14F
不要再討論誰比較重要 所有人都很重要
07/04 02:24, 14F

07/04 02:58, , 15F
推文看來沒有人在說誰比較重要 很多人早就被鞭過無數次
07/04 02:58, 15F

07/04 08:35, , 16F
one two three Team!!!
07/04 08:35, 16F

07/04 09:35, , 17F
Wade 哭惹
07/04 09:35, 17F

07/04 14:39, , 18F
07/04 14:39, 18F
文章代碼(AID): #1Fyn4Nfq (MiamiHeat)