[外電] 邁向下一個總冠軍- Pat Riley訪談(3/4)

看板MiamiHeat作者 (快樂的潛水夫)時間12年前 (2012/07/03 22:30), 編輯推噓3(301)
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http://tinyurl.com/83nank7 (原文) Pat Riley準備好邁向下一個冠軍 http://ww1.hdnux.com/photos/13/66/04/3105084/3/628x471.jpg
(圖片) 熱火總冠軍大合體照 Tend to your flock or they will stray We'll be called for our service come Judgment Day Before we cross that river wide Blood on our hands will come back on us twice Rise up shepherd, rise up Your flock has roamed far from the hills Stars have faded, the sky is still Sun’s in the heavens and a new day’s rising No one is immune from this shepherd’s tending. You can hear Riley’s voice in coach Erik Spoelstra’s tone and manner, and even the phrases Spoelstra has borrowed from his mentor. 沒人能夠抵抗住Riley的人格魅力,你可以很輕鬆地從教練Spoelstra的身上感覺到Riley 式的言談舉止,有時候,Spoelstra甚至會直接引用授業恩師的話。 Riley was pleased with how his protégé weathered the storms but even his praise is soaked in a warning as he says, “The King has a ring, and this young coach is on the way if he knows how to handle the fame.” 看到這種場景,Riley心裡甚慰,他對自己能夠培養出新的接班人,感到莫大的滿足。 「現在, 國王已經有了戒指,如果這年輕的教練知道如何處理名氣的話,他將從此走上 一片坦途。 」 Asked to place the run James just had in a historical context, Riley says, “ I would say that you don’t want to get into that at all. He simply won his first. That’s all.” Pressed, he adds, “There’s no doubt his performance throughout the playoffs is equal to any of them ever. We have a player who has the ability to go above his norm. And he had to. The best thing about him was, when the chips were really down, and we could have gotten taken out, he really showed everyone one of the great performances in history. But, from an individual standpoint, there is just so much more for him. Now he knows how to do it. Now there is no doubt. He has the formula. Let’s see what he does with it.” 當有記者問Riley,Lebron是否會因為奪冠而就此邁入新的歷史篇章,來請他定位時, Riley說:「我根本不會渲染你們說的這些東西,在我看來,他僅僅只取得了第一枚冠軍戒 指而已。 毫無疑問,Lebron在季後賽中的表現,足以和史上其他名宿相比。我們很慶幸能 夠擁有這樣一名傑出的球員,而他也做了他自己該做的事情。 當然,關於Lebron的故事最 動人之處在於,當人們都開始看扁他,認為他不行的時候,他用堪以載入史冊的偉大表現 顛覆一切。但是,站在另一個角度上來看,人們會對Lebron提出更高標準來要求他。現在 ,他知道如何面對這一切了,他正準備開創自己的時代,我們等著看就好。 」 Riley has won so many championships. He lured James initially by dropping all of his rings in front of him. Where does this one rank? Riley一生奪冠無數,當初在勸說Lebron加盟熱火時,他就曾祭出大絕:將自己的全部冠 軍戒指都放在他面前上讓Lebron逐一欣賞。 那2012年這一枚,在戒指堆中排名如何呢? “There is a damn novella with all of them,” he says. “Every one of them is a book — different characters, story lines, dramas, ups and downs. This was the most difficult, though, because, for two years, you simply couldn’t live a normal life. Your professional life affected every part of your normal life. You had to win. There wasn’t a choice. There was just desperation. It had an impact on all of us. Live and die every night because we wanted it so much for this city and these players. Any line of work, any job, one of the things we desperately need from work beyond food and a roof over our heads is self-esteem. Work is the place you get recognition. You develop a community, a network, your own nation where you live. But it iswork. And we’ve been through incredible adversity from the outside.” 「每一枚戒指都有很多故事可說,因為,每一枚像一本書,所承載的角色、故事、夢想和 劇情起伏都各不相同,所以,要排哪一枚重要先後順序真的很困難。過去兩年,我們沒有 過過正常的生活,」Riley說,「我們必須贏,沒有任何退路,所以不能有沮喪,那種感 覺對我們的影響是巨大,每一天,我們過著非死即生的日子。因為我們必須為了整座城市 和球員付出更多,每一道活,每一項工作,我們廢寢忘食的埋首尋找的,全都是自尊,即 使要努力獲得認同,開疆闢土,建立了一個屬於自己安身立命的王國後,還是得勇往面對 外來的重重艱難和考驗。」 Did you ever doubt? “No,” he said. That doesn’t sound very human. “I had my concerns,” he said. “It is the hardest thing you’ll ever do. You never know you are going to win the championship until you win it. But I felt like we had a hell of a team.” 那麼,Riley懷疑過這一切嗎?僅僅是一個簡單字「不。」聽起來像制式化的回答。 「我有我的顧慮,這是我職業生涯做過的最困難的工作,在奪冠之前,你根本不知道是否 會成功,但我有一種感覺,我們就是支一體的完美團隊。」Riley說。 3/4 待續 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/03 22:37, , 1F
07/03 22:37, 1F

07/03 22:59, , 2F
07/03 22:59, 2F

07/03 23:04, , 3F
07/03 23:04, 3F

07/03 23:14, , 4F
正中LBJ的要害 戒指
07/03 23:14, 4F
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