[外電] 邁向下一個總冠軍- Pat Riley訪談(2/4)

看板MiamiHeat作者 (快樂的潛水夫)時間12年前 (2012/07/03 22:05), 編輯推噓3(300)
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http://tinyurl.com/83nank7 (原文) Pat Riley:準備好邁向下一個總冠軍 http://ww1.hdnux.com/photos/13/66/04/3105036/3/628x471.jpg
(圖片) Riley與老將Juwan Howard的相知相惜對望 Forty days and nights of rain have washed this land Jesus said the money changers in this temple will not stand Find your flock, get them to higher ground Flood waters rising and the kingdom's on fire Riley likes the storm. Needs it. He is truly terrible at being satisfied. He doesn’t trust the calm. He wants the water rising and the kingdom on fire, and he’ll make it so even as everyone is floating and feeling safe, especially if everyone is floating and feeling safe. Riley很享受也很需要這種身處暴風圈的感覺,相對於平凡的生活,他更喜歡恐懼給他帶 來的滿足感。體驗過水深火熱,他才能比一般人更懂得如何平心靜氣。 “I'm past Thursday night,” he says. “It is over. We’ve got the draft coming up.” 「我所有一切都已經隨著歡慶派對過去了,對我來說,已經結束了,我們現在注意力要集 中在即將到來的選秀上。」Riley說。 So you aren’t like Wade, who has printed up Team No Sleep T-shirts while careening between South Florida parties? 難道,他不喜歡穿著 Wade 團隊設計的印有Team No Sleep口號的T恤,在南佛羅里達的派 對狂歡嗎? “I’m going to put out Sleep Management T-shirts,” Riley says. “We’ve got a championship in our back pocket. Just one. One of the things you don’t want to do after it is in your back pocket, you don’t want to start reminding everyone how you did it. That is the start of the team on the demise. I remember when we won in 1987, best year we ever had with the Lakers, Mychal Thompson was our Shane Battier. We won the championship, had a great night, celebrated, a really great night, and he was in the weight room at 7 a.m. the next morning. I remember that 25 years later. You don’t want to get too drunk with your success. You don't want to waste a lot of time telling everyone how you mastered it. Simply, euphorically, quietly, enjoy it. That is hard for the contemporary generation today to understand." 「換做我的話,我可能不會選『球隊夜未眠』作為口號,我大概會印上什麼『睡眠管理』 的話吧,我們曾經得到一個總冠軍,但也只有一個。通常情況下,拿過一次冠軍都會懈 怠,而那將會是球隊墮落的開始。」Riley說。 「我大概記得1987年我帶著湖人 奪冠後,大家也過了一個瘋狂夜晚,可是,第二天一大早 ,當我到球館後,我立刻就看到了Mychal Thompson-- 像我們的Shane Battier的角色球員 ,他已經開始在健身房裡重力訓練了。這一幕我牢牢記了25年。你不能讓酒精把你的成功 徹底毀掉,不要把時間都浪費在和他人誇耀輝煌過去。單純、喜悅、沉潛、享受,這些對 於新一代也許很難理解。」 Come on, Pat. You sound like an old man telling those partying kids to get the hell off your lawn. Let them enjoy it. “I will ... for a week,” he says. “We will. Party. Celebrate. They’ve already had three all-nighters. It is absolute joy. They should totally immerse themselves in the good feeling. Share it with family and friends and everyone who stuck with you. Enjoy the golden glow for another week. 拜託,也許你會覺得Riley也太掃興了,想說:放他們去盡情享受吧。 「我……也許會放寬一周吧。一定有數不完的派對、慶典,我們有三個夜貓子,肯定玩的 很瘋狂,沉浸在歡樂中也不是什麼壞事,去將這歡樂分享家人、朋友及任何人,共度這個 黃金燦爛的一周。」Riley說。 But it can’t be a party every night all offseason with someone slapping you on the back. They’re beyond famous now. I hope we deal with it how Mychal Thompson did. LeBron met with [Hakeem] Olajuwon last offseason to improve his game. Is he going to do something like that again this year? Is Wade going to do something about his health now that he’s 30? Maybe think of a different night-to-night approach? Is Chris, God bless him, he’s our center? Our best lineup, the one we go to war with, is with him at center. Is he going to be OK with that now that he has won? Now our guys have to get better in the head, and they need to know how to handle and defend the championship, and win more. I'm going to wait about a week, and then I'm going to send them letters and reminders.” 「不過,你也不可能天天都狂歡地過整個休賽期,否則會有人在背後鞭打你的。這些傢伙 並非名過其實的球星的,我會期盼他們最終回歸到像Thompson那樣地練球。去年,Lebron 為了加強自己,特地拜會了Olajuwon,精進他的低位技能,今年他說不準會再做些什麼。 Wade現在也30了,為了維持體能,也許他也會夜夜練什麼獨門秘訣。Chris也一樣,老天, 他現在是我們的中鋒,最出色的內線球員,他也必定努力去保住現在他所獲得的一切。我 們隊員必須讓頭腦清醒,逐步去了解該付出多少才能衛冕。我會等一星期後,然後才會給 他們寫信提醒他們練球的事。」 He laughs at himself, softening as he approaches 70. “Maybe two weeks,” he says. 說完Riley自己也忍不住笑了出來,年近70的他隨後又補充一句: 「要不然,兩星期後?」 2/4 待續 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/03 22:11, , 1F
07/03 22:11, 1F
※ 編輯: l2l 來自: (07/03 22:12)

07/03 23:01, , 2F
「要不然,兩星期後?」 XD
07/03 23:01, 2F

07/04 00:51, , 3F
還說呢 06年奪冠以後 第二年打成什麼樣子阿 XD
07/04 00:51, 3F
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