[外絮] WADE他爹被趕

看板MiamiHeat作者 (窪塚不良介)時間12年前 (2012/03/15 22:06), 編輯推噓4(400)
留言4則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1FOVL0wG ] 作者: nagisanoff (MFFL!) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Dwyane Wade's dad ejected 時間: Thu Mar 15 21:57:16 2012 Dwyane Wade Sr., the father of Miami Heat guard Dwyane Wade, was ejected from Wednesday's contest at the United Center, according to an arena source. While seated in the 100 level, the elder Wade was asked by arena personnel to stop using profanity. He refused and was ejected, the source said. According to the venue's website, the United Center "intends to provide all guests with a safe, comfortable, and friendly environment. Our family atmosphere prohibits foul or abusive language, and any violation of these policies may result in ejection." The Heat declined comment on the matter. The Bulls defeated the Heat 106-102 on Wednesday. The younger Wade, a native of Chicago's south suburbs, had 36 points in the losing effort. Wade的爸爸因為在公牛主場罵髒話被驅逐出場 目前熱火拒絕評論此事 http://tinyurl.com/6mvgu8y 下次Wade會大爆發嗎 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/15 21:58, , 1F
沒收工就罵髒話 看吧
03/15 21:58, 1F

03/15 21:58, , 2F
罵髒話會被驅逐哦 XD
03/15 21:58, 2F

03/15 21:58, , 3F
03/15 21:58, 3F

03/15 22:00, , 4F
This is my house!!!!!!!
03/15 22:00, 4F

03/15 22:01, , 5F
不小心把ejected 看成ejeculated
03/15 22:01, 5F

03/15 22:02, , 6F
還以為Wade is dead
03/15 22:02, 6F

03/15 22:03, , 7F
罵髒話就驅逐出場 那west乾人家娘怎麼沒事
03/15 22:03, 7F

03/15 22:05, , 8F
03/15 22:05, 8F

03/15 22:05, , 9F
這樣就驅逐出場 那之前騎士主場打LBJ早沒人了吧
03/15 22:05, 9F

03/15 22:06, , 10F
借轉 謝謝
03/15 22:06, 10F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: xw668 (, 時間: 03/15/2012 22:06:27

03/15 22:13, , 11F
WADE爸: 我以為這裡是主場
03/15 22:13, 11F

03/15 23:08, , 12F
03/15 23:08, 12F

03/16 05:16, , 13F
Wade不是芝加哥人嗎? 從小經濟狀況很差的不是?
03/16 05:16, 13F

03/17 04:50, , 14F
WADE單親阿 先單媽媽在單爸爸
03/17 04:50, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #1FOVTacK (MiamiHeat)