[閒聊] Wade's twitter

看板MiamiHeat作者 (崩潰的火迷)時間12年前 (2012/02/19 17:42), 編輯推噓19(19011)
留言30則, 19人參與, 最新討論串1/1
5個小時前,約美東晚上11點,Wade又讓球迷們 Q&A 20分鐘 Jigga Man,kanye,RossRT @SwaggaKingDude: @DwyaneWade whu is your fav. Rapper Q:你最愛的RAP歌手是? A:Jigga Man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6nlBgFYnp8
(這位歌手似乎也叫 Jay-Z... sry 不太熟) Kanye West http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsO6ZnUZI0g
Rick Ross http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a35rNEBNiO4&feature=fvst
I obsess to much about my lines RT @jgarcia1122: @DwyaneWade ever think about acting? I think you could be a good actor..what you think? Q:你想過當演員嗎? 我想你一定會是很棒的演員.. 你的看法呢? A:我的工作已讓我夠忙囉 (暫時沒去想這塊) I haven't shot many. Only 10. So I had fun hitting tht one RT @airsickk: @DwyaneWade how did that 3 pointer feel last night? Q:昨晚投進那顆三分感覺如何? A:我三分出手數不多,只有10次,所以投進那顆很興奮 Receiver. RT @indyjoi: @DwyaneWade If you played in the NFL, what position would you like to play? Q:如果你去打美足,你想打哪個位置? A:接球員 Depaul. Becuz thy shoulda recruited me harder. There lost RT @mattyfine: @DwyaneWade who was your favorite team to place against in college Q:大學時期最喜歡跟哪一隊對打? A:Depaul University (芝加哥一所私立的天主教大學) 因為他們早該把我招募進去的,但他們卻錯過了 Becuz you said iam:))RT @ChelseaGraham3: @DwyaneWade Why are you so amazing? Q:為什麼你那麼帥呢? A:因為你是說我帥的呀 :)) Probably not born. If my parents changed there decisionRT @aron_smestad: @DwyaneWade where do you think you would be if "the decision" never happened? Q:如果沒有「the decision」,有沒有想過你現在會在哪裡? A:我可能就不會出生了吧,如果我父母改變主意 (他在耍冷..) Becuz they are her fans;)RT @Lovealittlee: Why you never show ya girl fans any love @DwyaneWade ?? Q:為什麼你都不愛你的女球迷呢..? (哼) ← 女球迷發問的 A:因為...她們是她的粉絲 (什麼東西.. 看不懂在說什麼 打太極拳?) Your not following close.he name isn't jeremy anymore its LinsanityRT @cinthyapbeato: @DwyaneWade what's you take on the Jeremy Lin craziness in NY? Q:最近Jeremy Lin在紐約刮起一陣林來瘋,你怎麼看待? A:你沒好好follow最新消息厚! 他已經不叫「jeremy」了,他現在是「Linsanity」了 (又繼續磨豆漿..) Yes iam RT @ceeccee: @DwyaneWade are you still flushing non-flushable baby wipes?? Q:你還有在使用濕紙巾嗎? A:嗯 對呀 Back in the days when he had a hair lining. That's why we laugh so muchRT @maicarlos: @DwyaneWade what do you & @KingJames talk about when you guys are on the bench? Q:你跟LBJ在板凳區休息時在聊什麼呀? A:我們在笑.. 以前LBJ還有髮線的事 Being a father first RT @Meatless_Ball29: @DwyaneWade If you were to die tomorrow what would you want everyone to remember most about you? Q:如果明天你就要死,你希望眾人記得你什麼事? (女球迷問的) A:希望他們最先想到.. 我是個父親 Don't stop. Keep shooting. Its help make mj and kobe the greatest haha @DJcreso: @DwyaneWade I've been struggling with my shot recently, any tips? Q:Wade~ 最近我投籃變得不太準,有沒有什麼訣竅可以偷教一下? A:別停,持續出手,大量出手會使你成為最偉大的 MJ & Kobe 哈哈 (偷酸就對了?) I can't put it into words RT @DwyaneWade1fan: @dwyanewade how does it feel playing in front of thousand day in and day out!?????? Q:這麼多天以來..在數千位觀眾面前比賽的感覺是什麼? (id號稱Wade頭號粉絲的人發問) A:我無言.. 不知道怎麼回答你 It hasn't happened yet RT @yofinz55: @DwyaneWade most memorable shot in your career? Q:說說你印象最深的投籃? A:這還沒發生喔~ The hardest part of the job. RT @ortizjoanna: @DwyaneWade is it hard to be away from your family since you travel so much?? Q:對你家庭而言,你不常待在家會不會很難顧家,因為你常在外奔波 (女球迷問的) A:這是工作最辛苦的一部分 It was 82 today and were in Feb.RT @HollyBHunt: @DwyaneWade I just moved to Miami. What is your favorite thing about living here? Q:我要(搬)去邁阿密囉,住在哪有沒有什麼你最喜歡的事? A:今天氣溫華氏82度,二月氣溫差不多都這樣(天氣溫和) Enjoying every min becuz it goes by so fast. The ups and downs RT @Kid_Liburd: @DwyaneWade what's the most important thing in your NBA life Q:什麼是你在NBA最重要的事? A:盡情地投入在比賽的每一分鐘,因為這樣的光景飛逝如梭 人生總是一波三折,並不是每天都在過年 As many more as my oldest son let meRT @Ceacretcrush: @DwyaneWade how many more years are you going to give the league Q:你覺得你還會在聯盟待幾年呢? A:視(9歲)大兒子的狀況 You better hurry. Kodak is on its way outRT @LegitStephanie: @DwyaneWade When are We Gonna Meet and Have a Kodak Moment??? #DREAM Q:我們哪時候可以一起拍照留念呢??? 夢想.. A:那妳要趕快唷,柯達已經快倒了 (註:Kodak Moment是柯達宣傳廣告的口號,不過後來柯達已經申請破產了) OMG OMG OMGRT @RSiman58: @DwyaneWade what was the first thing you thought after you won the nba title? Q:贏總冠軍的瞬間,第一件事是讓你想到什麼? A:oh my god... 唸三次 Lucky RT @mattyms: @DwyaneWade I just got a fish, can you please name it? It would be an honor........ Q:我得到一條魚,你能幫我取個名字嗎? 這會是很大的榮幸 A:叫「Lucky」吧 My 20mins are up. Thanks for the great questions as always. Sorry I couldn't answer em all 好了,20分鐘到了...沒能回答到的就說聲抱歉囉~ 結果過不久有個人亂入 YOUuuuuuuuuuuRT @MamaWade3: MamaWade @dwyaneWade whose your favorite girl???? Q:誰是你最愛的女人???? A:妳妳妳妳妳妳妳呀~ 再補充一些小事 The Cartoon Network 分別頒給 Wade 「That's How I Roll」 (這就是我的型) 跟LBJ 「He Got Game」 (單挑) 兩個獎項 http://instagr.am/p/HK01AWEMhB/ (註:單挑這部電影有Ray Allen飾演,尼克死忠球迷Spike Lee導演) Bosh跟曼聯球星 Michael Owen 合照 http://instagr.am/p/HLRYKUwYnx/ (Bosh怎麼看起來像蠟像..) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: liugayo 來自: (02/19 17:53)

02/19 17:46, , 1F
02/19 17:46, 1F

02/19 17:51, , 2F
Wade偷酸KOBE跟MJ 太靠北
02/19 17:51, 2F

02/19 17:52, , 3F
02/19 17:52, 3F

02/19 17:54, , 4F
02/19 17:54, 4F

02/19 17:55, , 5F
That's my style
02/19 17:55, 5F

02/19 17:56, , 6F
02/19 17:56, 6F

02/19 17:57, , 7F
乾 一頂水管就擋掉ㄌ...
02/19 17:57, 7F

02/19 17:59, , 8F
Kobe跟MJ 哈哈哈!!!!
02/19 17:59, 8F

02/19 18:07, , 9F
02/19 18:07, 9F

02/19 18:09, , 10F
02/19 18:09, 10F

02/19 18:11, , 11F
02/19 18:11, 11F

02/19 18:32, , 12F
02/19 18:32, 12F

02/19 18:33, , 13F
02/19 18:33, 13F

02/19 18:55, , 14F
02/19 18:55, 14F

02/19 19:17, , 15F
A:別停,持續出手,大量出手會使你成為最偉大的 MJ & KB
02/19 19:17, 15F

02/19 19:20, , 16F
應該是 別停,持續出手,這幫助MJ&KB成為最偉大的球員
02/19 19:20, 16F

02/19 19:47, , 17F
感覺意思就是那樣.. Kobe出手次數多 Wade一定都看在眼裡
02/19 19:47, 17F

02/19 20:02, , 18F
大量出手會使你成為最偉大的 MJ & Kobe 哈哈
02/19 20:02, 18F

02/19 20:18, , 19F
02/19 20:18, 19F

02/19 20:19, , 20F
02/19 20:19, 20F

02/19 20:58, , 21F
是因為你說我那麼帥的 跟我樣捏 > <
02/19 20:58, 21F

02/19 21:09, , 22F
溼紙巾那個我想超久的 不太懂到底在問什麼耶 願聞其詳
02/19 21:09, 22F

02/19 21:38, , 23F
02/19 21:38, 23F

02/19 22:09, , 24F
02/19 22:09, 24F

02/19 22:10, , 25F
flush = 沖馬桶的意思
02/19 22:10, 25F

02/19 22:14, , 26F
02/19 22:14, 26F

02/19 22:14, , 27F
02/19 22:14, 27F

02/19 23:20, , 28F
02/19 23:20, 28F

02/20 10:15, , 29F
He got game好看 片尾曲超好聽
02/20 10:15, 29F

09/11 01:48, , 30F
溼紙巾那個我想超久的 https://daxiv.com
09/11 01:48, 30F
文章代碼(AID): #1FGCFm8w (MiamiHeat)