[轉錄][外絮] Miami's Three Kings Already Talking …

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1CEBN1ZS ] 作者: pttQQQ (pttQQQ) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Miami's Three Kings Already Talking About Winning Titles 時間: Sun Jul 11 02:02:39 2010 Miami's Three Kings Already Talking About Winning Titles 熱火三帝已經在討論冠軍 MIAMI -- They held a championship celebration in Miami Friday night before they even had their first practice together. 週五晚上,在他們三個第一次上場練球前,就在邁阿密舉辦了冠軍慶祝趴. Presumptuous, perhaps. Unbelievable expectations, for sure. 太狂妄了嗎? 也許是. 令人無法置信?! 的確! Dwyane Wade, LeBron James and Chris Bosh -- the Three Kings of Miami -- paraded onto a makeshift stage at American Airlines Arena with all the hype and hoopla reserved for champions, complete with fireworks and laser lights, together predicting a team of dynastic proportions. 邁阿密三王在美國航空球場舉辦了一場盛大Party,場面激情就像是冠軍宴會 華麗的煙火與雷射燈光,完全是慶祝球隊王朝的規格. "Arguably the best trio to ever play the game of basketball,'' Wade bragged boldly to a crowd that was restricted inside to 13,000 adoring fans, and another 10,000 outside watching on a jumbo screen. "It's going to be Hollywood here.'' Wade對著滿場的觀眾放肆的誇耀 "在這裡的,是有史以來最強大的三巨頭!" 在場內有著13,000名粉絲,而還有10,000名粉絲在外面看著大螢幕, "這裡簡直就像是好萊塢" It was dubbed "Summer of 2010 Welcome Event,'' celebrating the arrival of James and Bosh, to play alongside Wade, providing the Heat with the most anticipated NBA team in many years. 這場盛宴命名為"Smmer of 2010 Welcome Event",慶祝兩王來朝,歸順炎帝. 使熱火未來數年都是NBA最值得期待的球隊. All three unrestricted free agents received nearly identical contracts (six years, but slightly less than the maximum starting salary of $16.6 million) Friday after the Heat completed sign-and-trade deals with both Cleveland and Toronto -- the former teams of James and Bosh, respectively -- that also should allow them to retain power forward Udonis Haslem and sign sharpshooting free agent Mike Miller. 這三個自由球員獲得了幾乎一樣的合約,並因為他們些微的減薪, 使得球隊還能簽下 Haslem 和 M.Miller It was even more reason to celebrate the expected and dramatic shift of power in the NBA. Oddsmakers have the Heat as favorites over the two-time defending champion Los Angeles Lakers. 這次暑假戲劇性的發展,使熱火打敗二連勝的湖人,成為最受歡迎的球隊. "We're here to win championships. We're not here to sell jerseys, to pump our ratings,'' Wade said during a press conference afterward. "We didn't make decisions like this (to come together) for any other reason. Our goal is to win championships. And I think we're up for the challenge.'' Wade說 "我們是來這裡贏總冠軍的,我們不是來賣球衣或是洗數據的" "我們以前沒有過有這樣的機會.我們的目標是獲得總冠軍,我想我們都能面對這個挑戰." Although neither James nor Bosh has won an NBA title -- and Wade has only one from 2006 -- they did nothing but promote the idea that this union is expected to produce multiple titles. James is 25, Wade 28, and Bosh 26, all in their prime athletic years. James and Wade are considered two of the three best players in the league. James 和 Bosh都兩手空空,而 Wade也僅在2006獲得一枚冠軍戒指 -- 他們什麼都還沒做,不過已經有了連霸數年的打算. James 25, Wade 28, Bosh 26, 都正值他們球員生涯的巔峰期. James 和 Wade 被認為是聯盟前三頂級球員中的其中兩個. "Not one, not two, not three, not four, not five ... (championships),'' James told the crowd. "Of course the expectations will be high. They should be.'' James對這群眾說, "一個冠軍? 兩個? ... 五個? 都不是! 各位觀眾 六支冠軍!" "這個期許也許太高了,但也應該如此" They made it clear this is all about winning championships, about carving legacies like Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen did in Chicago; like Larry Bird, Kevin McHale and Robert Parish did in Boston; and like Magic Johnson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and James Worthy did with the Lakers. 他們表現的很清楚,就是要奪冠,如同那些傳奇球員所創造的一樣, 公牛的那個人和第二個人, 波士頓的 大鳥, McHale 和 Parish, 湖人的 魔術, 賈霸和 Worthy. This is about building something that lasts. "This is the biggest story, three guys in their prime years who didn't wait until they got older to get together. Wade said. "So bring it on. We accept it. We all know what's important and what's important is winning championships." Wade說 "這將會成為偉大的傳奇,不必等到垂垂老矣,在顛峰期時這三個球員就聚在一起." "我們帶來這一切,我們知道什麼是最重要的, None of them was worried about the business of filling the roster, which had to be gutted to make room for the three contracts of the star attractions. The only other player under contract today is backup point guard Mario Chalmers. Heat president Pat Riley did say that Haslem could be re-signed as early as Monday. And Miller won't be far behind. 他們不擔心如何填滿輪替名單,在這三王的帝氣之下,必有勇士會來歸順. Riley說 Haslem 和 Miller都已不遠, 只剩下替補後衛 Chalmers還沒搞定. According to an ESPN report, Riley is expected to talk Saturday with Lakers free agent Derek Fisher. He is hoping to fill his roster with low priced veterans who will sacrifice monetarily for the chance to win big. 根據ESPN報導, Riley週六將會和湖人老漁商談. Riley希望能找些願意為了戒指,犧牲小我的老將來填滿輪替名單. "You can't win in this league with one guy. Lebron proved it (in Cleveland). Chris proved it (in Toronto). Dwyane has one championship. He's desperate to win,'' Riley said. "I know what it takes to win. What it takes is really talented players who are tough and trust one another. We found three guys who are very talented, who are tough and will trust one another.'' Riley說 "看看 Lebron 和 Bosh 都他們的過去就知道,在這個聯盟單單靠自己是無法成功的, 典偉有過一次冠軍,但他那次也是贏的驚險萬分" "我知道該怎麼獲勝,需要的是真正有天份並且堅韌的球員,而且他們還能信任彼此, 剛好我這裡就有這麼一批球員,好便宜啊" As part of the show Friday night, they were lifted by crane through a cloud of smoke and onto the stage, which ignited the crowd that had been waiting more than an hour for their arrival. They danced on stage, slapping hands like they already had won. At least for now, everything sounded as good as advertised. 在觀眾等待了約一個小時之後,秀正式開場, 三王騰雲駕霧飛上舞台,他們在舞台上熱舞 揮手,彷彿已經獲得總冠軍一般, 至少到現在為止,一切看起來都是那麼的美好. All three expect to see their scoring dip as they share the ball more than they ever have. James averaged 29.7 points, Wade 26.6 and Bosh 24 last season. 他們都預期會一同分享球,而數據也會一同下降, 上季 James 29.7 pts, Wade 26.6 pts, Bosh 24. "We jumped in the water, so now it's time to swim,'' Bosh said. "We're not afraid of that. Everything is about winning. If it still was about numbers, we would have stayed where we were. When you win, accolades take care of themselves. I averaged my career best last season, and nothing happened. Sure, our numbers will go down, but wins will go up.'' Bosh說 "既然大家都一起跳下來了,那就一起游向前吧" "我們一點都不怕,如果我們還在意數據的話,那不如待回各隊, 上季是我生涯最佳的數據表現,但還不是什麼都沒發生. 的確,我們數據都會下降,但也會獲得勝利" James talked to Riley about possibly becoming the first NBA player since Oscar Robertson in 1962 to average a triple double over the course of a season. James 跟 Riley 聊到本季可能成為自1962年繼Oscar Robertson之後 第一個球季平均大三元的球員. "We don't expect anyone to just give it to us, but we want to out front. We want to give the Miami crowd a show every night,'' Wade said. "And every place will sell out when we come to town. We want the pressure. And we'll embrace it." Wade說"我們不需要別人施捨,我們要自己去爭取,我們要讓邁阿密球迷每晚都能欣賞 最精采的秀","而當我們到客場時,他們也都會滿場嚴陣以待.我們需要壓力, 並且能面對他們." 消息來源: http://ppt.cc/ld49 (NBA FanHouse) 內文好多,盡量翻了,可能有點不通順. 這個記者看來也不太喜歡三王. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/11 02:02,
07/11 02:02

07/11 02:02,
07/11 02:02

07/11 02:03,
07/11 02:03

07/11 02:04,
07/11 02:04

07/11 02:04,
他們能否成史上最強我不知道 但應該會成史上最杜爛
07/11 02:04

07/11 02:04,
07/11 02:04

07/11 02:04,
看到喇叭詹那句話我只想到:各位觀眾 六支煙
07/11 02:04

07/11 02:04,
管他幾打幾 都打到湖人落賽
07/11 02:04

07/11 02:04,
兩個金身 的確....
07/11 02:04

07/11 02:04,
史上最強三巨頭!? 嗯 80年代湖人塞爾提克都是五巨頭
07/11 02:04

07/11 02:05,
07/11 02:05
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/11 02:05, , 1F
07/11 02:05, 1F

07/11 02:05, , 2F
just for fun
07/11 02:05, 2F

07/11 02:06, , 3F
盡早轉文是正確地!!! 最近總版有熱火的文章就趕快轉 XD
07/11 02:06, 3F

07/11 02:07, , 4F
07/11 02:07, 4F

07/11 02:08, , 5F
世足還沒開始 害的我一直要陪他們玩
07/11 02:08, 5F

07/11 02:09, , 6F
其實晚點轉也沒差 多看推文增添樂趣
07/11 02:09, 6F

07/11 02:10, , 7F
07/11 02:10, 7F

07/11 02:11, , 8F
最近低調點 雖說主菜很豐盛 配菜都還沒找齊呢...
07/11 02:11, 8F

07/11 02:11, , 9F
07/11 02:11, 9F

07/11 02:11, , 10F
07/11 02:11, 10F

07/11 02:11, , 11F
我就不信還酸的出來= =||
07/11 02:11, 11F

07/11 02:12, , 12F
嘴巴說不要....身體很誠實~ 看了好多酸文 真的很醜陋
07/11 02:12, 12F

07/11 02:14, , 13F
靠 樓下刪了
07/11 02:14, 13F

07/11 02:14, , 14F
正要噓下面那篇~就被砍了...超快= 口 =
07/11 02:14, 14F

07/11 02:15, , 15F
來去睡覺了 ~_~
07/11 02:15, 15F

07/11 02:15, , 16F
釣魚釣到自己崩潰 搞什麼 自討沒趣
07/11 02:15, 16F

07/11 02:16, , 17F
07/11 02:16, 17F

07/11 02:17, , 18F
老實說 我是不帥 你找C8
07/11 02:17, 18F

07/11 02:18, , 19F
07/11 02:18, 19F

07/11 02:18, , 20F
安安 我在這
07/11 02:18, 20F

07/11 02:18, , 21F
07/11 02:18, 21F

07/11 02:19, , 22F
你找我是找錯人了 說真的...
07/11 02:19, 22F

07/11 02:51, , 23F
先說 C8 我不是甲甲 洩洩
07/11 02:51, 23F

07/11 03:04, , 24F
卡特迷愷愷來亂個屁 不反串會死 啊不是說熱火版有你的文
07/11 03:04, 24F

07/11 03:09, , 25F
有拉 一年多前的火火元老吧ㄏㄏ
07/11 03:09, 25F

07/11 03:10, , 26F
喔喔你這麼說我去搜尋還真看到 不過他算啥火迷
07/11 03:10, 26F

07/11 03:10, , 27F
會因為這種事就開始酸熱火 他只是個卡特迷 偶爾關心熱火罷
07/11 03:10, 27F

07/11 03:13, , 28F
07/11 03:13, 28F

07/11 03:16, , 29F
XDD 可能我真的很難想像會因為這種事酸熱火 或不支持熱火
07/11 03:16, 29F
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