[外電] Wade pushes Pistons closer to the end

看板MiamiHeat作者 (sad)時間18年前 (2006/05/30 19:38), 編輯推噓14(1401)
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有錯請指正,謝謝 http://0rz.net/011ps 摘要: Wade超強,活塞完蛋了。 Wade pushes Pistons closer to the end 活塞隊已經被Wade推到懸崖邊了 Detroit Pistons coach Flip Saunders calls the Heat's Dwyane Wade "the most dynamic player in the league right now." He ought to know. Certify it as an eyewitness account. And count it as a surprise that Saunders has dared look at Wade at all rather than cover his eyes in abject horror. 底特律活塞隊總教練Flip Saunders以"當今全聯盟最具活動力的球員" 來形容Dwyane Wade。他說的是對的, 因為他今天用驚恐的眼神見證了一切。 The Pistons, with the NBA's best record back in the regular season that no longer matters, find themselves at the edge of elimination today, pushed there by Wade. 活塞隊,儘管在例行賽打出全聯盟最佳的戰績, 但現在已經不重要了, 因為他們已經被Wade逼到淘汰的邊緣。 The Miami Heat, so often sputtering and lurching throughout the regular season that no longer matters, now is on the edge of jubilation and of franchise history, carried there by Wade. 而邁阿密熱火隊,即使在例行賽中打的跌跌撞撞的, 但現在他們只差一步就可以慶祝他們隊史的第一次總冠軍賽, 靠的當然是Wade。 The fingerprints on the Heat's 89-78 Game 4 playoff victory Monday night cannot be mistaken. No forensic science is required. No Miami, CSI. Trace the triumph -- and what looks like this Eastern Conference finals series -- to the Heat's remarkable young No. 3. 你決不會搞錯熱火隊以89比78贏得第四戰的致勝關鍵, 不必出動犯罪現場-邁阿密影集中的警探來鑑定勝利原因, 一切都是因為那個光芒萬丈,穿著3號球衣的年經球員。 If you were at the downtown arena for this one, you saw that the white-clad legion inside included beloved former Dolphins quarterback Dan Marino. 如果你當時有在現場看球的話, 你會發現現場為熱火加油的白色軍團之中, 坐著前邁阿密海豚隊的當家四分衛-- Dan Marino (金凱瑞電影王牌威龍中的那位)。 "I'm just part of the crew," Marino shouted into the din before the game. "我是跟著鄉民進來看熱火的" 賽前 Marino在一片嘈雜聲中告訴記者。 A huge ovation arose when his face was shown on the scoreboard video screen. 講是這樣講,當他的臉出現在計分板的螢幕上時, 還是引起一陣熱烈的掌聲。 Later Monday, the only pro athlete South Florida has seen come along who might be as great as Marino would take over the game in the customary manner -- with heroics custom-ordered, right when needed. 在比賽中,這個將來極有可能成為像Marino一樣偉大球員的年輕人, 受到南佛羅里達州所有球迷的矚目, 他以全面接管比賽的表現來回報觀眾, 而且就在球隊需要他的時候。 Wade had had a chillingly silent third quarter, with zero field-goal attempts and three points all on free throws, and of course that was when the Pistons climbed even, erasing almost all of the noise in the building, erasing what once was a 14-point Heat lead. Wade在第三節不尋常的沉默令人不禁冒出一身冷汗, 他連一次嘗試出手都沒有,只靠著罰球得到三分。 活塞隊當然會利用這個機會扳回比分, 將熱火隊曾經有的14領先化為烏有,也讓全場球迷鴉雀無聲。 Then came what used to be Marino's time on the football field and now is Wade's on the court. 接下來的發生事就像Marino在球場上所做過的豐功偉業一樣, 只是現在站在場上的是Wade。 The fourth quarter. When it matters. 第四節才是決勝關鍵。 Wade would score 12 points in the fourth as the Heat breathed life into the arena and into its championship hopes. He was the spark, unmistakably, for a 32-14 run that shut down Detroit. Wade在第四節攻下12分為球場注入了一股生氣, 也為爭奪總冠軍注入不少希望。 帶領熱火隊打出32比14的比數順利擊敗活塞。 "They were doing a job forcing me off the ball [in the third]," Wade said afterward. ``Then I decided to take over a little bit. We fought back, and we took it from there.'' "他們努力讓我(在第三節)無法拿到球", Wade說:"當下我決定更積極掌控比賽, 我們成功反擊,並奪回比賽的主導權" Wade finished with 31 points on 8-of-11 shooting and 15 of 19 from the free-throw line. He added six rebounds and five assists. Wade整場比賽攻下31分, 包括11投8中的高命中率以及罰球19投15中, 另外還貢獻了6籃板與5助攻。 It's pretty stunning when those kinds of numbers begin to seem ordinary. 儘管這些數據仍然十分耀眼, 但看在球迷眼裡,似乎都已經習以為常了。 One Wade shot was a driving layup that sank through the net as Wade was landing on his back. One was a fallaway jumper as he nearly fell backward into his own bench. Highlight reel stuff. Expected now. 記得有一球飛身上籃,球應聲入網,Wade卻用背部著陸。 還有一球後仰跳投,Wade幾乎要飛回他的板凳上。 這些表現都可望出現在十大好球中 (晚上一定要來看重播 ^^ )。 Saunders cited three or four killer Wade baskets that separated the teams late. 賽後Saunders總教練說, 有三、四球Wade的投籃簡直是要了我們的命。 "Those are shots that are demoralizing," Saunders said. "He right now is on an unbelievable roll." "那幾球真是幾乎摧毀了我們的士氣", Saunders總教練說:"他現在的狀況真是令人難以置信的好。" We are increasingly accustomed to Wade's greatness, although this burst of it could not have been better-timed because it saved Miami's season and killed Detroit's. 雖然大家都快要把Wade的優異表現視為理所當然了, 但是最近他的爆發的時間真是再好不過了, 因為這拯救了熱火的球季並將終結活塞的。 The Heat wouldn't acknowledge that or the Pistons admit it, but it was true in a way that seems apparent in all but a strict mathematical sense. 不管兩隊願不願意承認,這就是事實, 只差不能用數學公式證明。 This series is over. Monday's winning team was going to take this thing and advance to the NBA Finals -- which for Miami would be a franchise first. The Heat will not squander its overwhelming, 3-1 series lead. Even with a loss in Game 5 in Detroit, Miami can close it out at home. 這個對戰組合可說已經結束了, 週一拿下勝利的球隊將會贏得系列賽並向總冠軍戰挺進。 對熱火來說這可是史上第一遭。熱火隊絕對不會浪費這個3比1的優勢, 即使他們輸掉在底特綠的第五戰, 他們也可望在回到主場時拿下結束這個系列賽。(低調啊,作者) Likewise, the Pistons cannot crawl out of this hole. Cannot beat Miami in three straight games unless they find a straitjacket that fits Wade and a way to get it on him. 同樣的,活塞隊已經無法從深淵中脫身了。 除非他們能找到守死Wade的辦法,最好把他手腳都綁起來, 否能活塞是無法連贏三場的。 The Pistons were done late in the second quarter. The series was slipping fast from them, along with their season. Late in the first half, Shaquille O'Neal had stolen the ball and dribbled the length of the floor for a layup and a double-digit Heat lead. 星期一的比賽中,活塞隊幾乎在上半場就已經輸掉這場球賽, 系列賽的勝利很快的也跟著溜走了。 上半場Shaquille O'Neal抄到球後自己運球最後還來個上籃得分, 為熱火拉開到了雙位數的領先。 Moments after Shaq's floor-length ballet, James Posey sank a three-point shot for a 42-28 lead, the biggest of the game. The white-clad crowd was raising the roof off the sucker. 緊接著James Posey又在三分線發炮, 比數來到最大的差距:42比28。 此時白熱化熱火球迷已經high到要把屋頂給掀了。 The series was as good as 3-1 in favor of Miami, at that point. 現熱火已經讓系列賽形成3比1的有利情勢。 The rest of the series would be perfunctory against a beaten, disheartened Detroit team rife with dissension and discord. Dallas or Phoenix awaited. 這個系列賽剩下的只是看活塞還能苟延殘喘幾場, 垂頭喪氣的他們現在全隊瀰漫的爭執與不合的氣氛。 現在只看小牛和太陽誰能出線了。 It looked like that at halftime. Then it didn't for a small while. And then one remarkable young player took over and it did again. 回顧比賽的過程, 曾經有一小段時間什麼也沒發生, 隨即一位才華洋溢的年輕球員跳出來, 又一次的接掌了比賽。 -- 我知道這個時候應該要低調, 不過外電作者不肯低調我也沒辦法 其實這篇還不是最不低調的 (煙) -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/30 19:50, , 1F
05/30 19:50, 1F

05/30 19:54, , 2F
05/30 19:54, 2F

05/30 19:56, , 3F
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05/30 19:56, , 4F
推 "我是跟著鄉民進來看熱火的"
05/30 19:56, 4F

05/30 20:08, , 5F
翻得好生動阿XD 我是跟鄉民進來看熱火的 <( ̄▽ ̄)/
05/30 20:08, 5F

05/30 20:38, , 6F
05/30 20:38, 6F

05/30 20:48, , 7F
有外電必推 感謝啊!
05/30 20:48, 7F

05/30 22:36, , 8F
05/30 22:36, 8F

05/31 00:15, , 9F
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05/31 00:17, , 10F
感恩 eowa大
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05/31 00:36, , 11F
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05/31 01:23, , 12F
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05/31 01:45, , 13F
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05/31 02:08, , 14F
連邁阿密CSI都出來了 這文章真是無所不用其極地詼諧啊
05/31 02:08, 14F

06/01 02:13, , 15F
06/01 02:13, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #14V2wmn3 (MiamiHeat)