[情報] 五月天CNN新聞中文翻譯

看板MayDay作者 (kizy)時間7年前 (2017/06/08 14:01), 7年前編輯推噓57(5700)
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*以下內文跟推文只限PTT五版使用, 請勿以任何形式,全部或部分轉載,發布,報導* ---------------------------------------------------- 恭喜五月天登上CNN新聞網!以下是我自己不專業的翻譯,分享給板友 ^^ CNN原文連結: http://cnn.it/2sFz783 Mayday: This band can sell out 10 shows in one city By Marian Liu, CNN 五月天: 這個樂團能在一個城市完售十場演出 記者: CNN Marian Liu Hong Kong (CNN) Few rock bands can sell out 10 shows, in one month, in the same city.But for Mandarin-language rock band Mayday, it's typical. The Taiwanese five-piece -- dubbed the "Asian Beatles" by the music press -- packed the Hong Kong Coliseum with 10,000 screaming fans for their near consecutive ten night run. 香港 (CNN) 很少有搖滾樂團能在一個城市, 一個月內, 完售十場演出, 但對華語搖滾樂 團「五月天」來說卻是家常便飯。被娛樂媒體稱為"亞洲披頭四"的台灣搖滾樂團, 在香港 紅勘幾乎是連續10晚的演出, 擠滿了十萬名尖叫著的粉絲。 "We've known them half our lives," said Crystal Wu, 26, who traveled with three friends from mainland China for the show, to see the band for the sixth time, after previously catching them at sold out London and Los Angeles shows. "We relate to their spirit," she added. 26歲的Crystal Wu說「我們知道他們(五月天)半輩子了。」她和來自中國大陸的三位朋友 一起(因五月天演唱會)旅行。之前參與了倫敦和洛杉磯完售場後, 這是他們第六次參加五 月天演唱會 。她補充說 「他們的精神引起我們的共鳴。」 Each year, since 2007, Mayday -- who have just celebrated their 20th anniversary -- have played a series of shows in Hong Kong in May, adding more and more shows each year, hoping to take over the whole month. 剛慶祝完他們20周年, 五月天自2007年後,每年五月都在香港有一連串的表演, 而且一年 比一年多, 期待能持續一整個月 。 This year, the band's Hong Kong dates are followed by shows in mainland China in July and August, Malaysia in October, North America -- including dates in San Jose, New York and Toronto -- in November and Singapore in December. 今年五月天在香港表演完後, 接著是七月八月到中國大陸, 十月在馬來西亞, 十一月在北 美 - 包括聖荷西, 紐約, 多倫多, 接著十二月在新加坡。 Live shows In recent years, their Hong Kong dates have become famed as marathons of music, with each show typically lasting upwards of three and a half hours with multiple encores, costume changes and lasers. This year, between songs, they broadcasted mini-movies, caricaturing each band member as a superhero fighting a monster. 現場演出 近年來,他們香港演出場次成為著名的音樂馬拉松, 每場都接近3.5小時再加上數次安可, 更換服裝, 和雷射(燈效) 。今年, 在歌與歌之間, 他們放映微電影, 將每位團員漫畫化, 變成對戰怪物的英雄。 During most of the songs, fans stood up, frantically waving blue wands. 大部分的歌, 歌迷都會站起來, 盡情地揮舞著藍色螢光棒。 The night before the last show, Taiwanese actor Richie Jen and Hong Kong singer Edmond Leung were in the audience and joined Mayday onstage. 在倒數第二場的演出, 台灣演員任賢齊和香港歌手梁漢文也是底下觀眾,並上台和五月天 一起演出。 Live shows act as the band's glue, said frontman Ashin, fusing them together: "Although each person has his own life and project, once we are onstage, we try our best." 主唱阿信說現場演出就像是樂團的黏膠, 將團員焊在一起:「雖然我們每個人都有自己的 人生和副業/計畫, 一旦我們站上台, 我們就全力以赴」 Mayday primarily sings in Mandarin and Taiwanese, with some English sprinkled in. Songs are catchy and addictive, happy-go-lucky, pop-infused anthemic rock, akin to U2 or One Direction, And with titles like "Party Animal," "Cheers" and "Here, After Us," they project the innocence of a younger generation, with all its accompanying hope and heartbreak. 五月天主要唱中文和台語歌,也會有些許英文。(他們的) 歌曲都很動聽, 容易記住, 令人 上癮, 無憂無慮, 有流行樂元素, 激勵人心般的搖滾樂, 有如 U2 或 One Direction。而 歌曲像是 "派對動物" "乾杯" 和 "後來的我們", 則投射著年輕一代的純真, 充滿了希望 與心碎。 (接下來這段我認為和本版沒直接關係,所以略過翻譯,有興趣的板友可以點最上方連結去 看原文) Generations of audiences "Their lyrics are cheerful and realistic," said Henry Ho, a 20-year-old Hong Konger, who was introduced to Mayday by his girlfriend, Heidi Shek. The 19-year-old only had one word for why she liked Mayday -— "attractive." 不同世代的聽眾 因女朋友Heidi Shek而認識五月天的20歲香港人Henry Ho說「他們的歌詞很開朗,也 很寫實。」19歲的Heidi只有一個形容詞來解釋為什麼她喜歡五月天 — "有魅力" It is this relatability that continues to draw in a youthful fanbase -- a significant portion of which are almost half the band members' age -- 20 years into the band's career. 而正是這種引起共鳴的能力, 讓五月天在歷經20年音樂生涯, 還能繼續吸引許多小他們一 半年紀的年輕粉絲。 "Young people bring their parents and parents bring their young kids," said Mayday's guitarist Stone, 41. "We cross generations" he added. 五月天41歲的吉他手石頭說「年輕人會帶著他們的父母, 父母也會帶他們的小孩 (來聽演 唱會)。」石頭補充說「我們跨越了世代。」 Stone and his bandmates are in their 40s, but despite their grueling touring schedule, look much younger. Talking to CNN before their last show in Hong Kong, they were fresh-faced and earnest, even embarrassed about their "concert clothes," all black outfits with skinny black pants. They've played together since high school, through military service, solo projects, getting married and raising families. 石頭和其他團員們都40多歲了, 但儘管巡演場次是這麼的累人, 他們看起來都比40歲年輕 許多。他們在香港尾場演出前夕接受CNN訪問, 團員氣色都很好,很真誠, 甚至對他們全黑 及緊身長褲的演出服感到有點不好意思。他們從中學就在一起玩音樂了, 歷經兵役, 個人 作品, 結婚成家。 Five members, one stage "Since we have been together for so long, we know each other very well," said Tsai Shen-yen, known as "Masa." "We often just pay attention to one's virtue instead of their shortcomings." 五位團員, 一個舞台 蔡昇晏/瑪莎說「因為我們在一起很久了, 所以我們非常了解彼此。我們經常注意對方的 長處過於缺點。」 Drummer Liu Yen-ming, nicknamed "Guan You," is the oldest at 43 and takes on the patient parental role. He has the best temperament, says Stone, so they all like making fun of him onstage. 43歲的鼓手劉諺明,小名"冠佑",是最年長的,擔當有耐心的長輩角色。石頭說冠佑脾氣最 好,所以他們都會在台上捉弄他。 Stone, or Shi Chin-hang, is very thoughtful, said guitarist Masa, and pays attention to the details the rest overlook. 貝斯手*瑪莎說石頭/石錦航心思細膩,會注意到我們遺漏的細節 。 (*註:原文有筆誤,寫成吉他手瑪莎) Bassist Masa is the most playful and energetic, said guitarist Wen Shang-yi, or "Monster." Monster, in turn, is very sentimental, said Masa. 吉他手溫尚翊/怪獸說貝斯手瑪莎是最活潑有趣, 精力充沛的。瑪莎則說怪獸非常多愁善感。 Finally, frontman Ashin, is "the soul of the band," said Guan You. He's always working, figuring out how to improve the next show. 冠佑說主唱阿信是「樂團的靈魂人物。總是在工作, 想這如何讓下次演出更好。」 At 41, Ashin, or Chen Shin-hung, is also the last single member of the band. The rest are married, but vow to "take care of him," said Guan You. 41歲的阿信/陳信宏是樂團裡唯一單身的成員, 其他人都結婚了, 不過冠佑說他們都一定 會「好好照顧他。」 As for the future, they hope to last another 20 years. "We hardly believe we have been together for 20 years," said Masa. "We don't want break this relationship." 至於未來,他們希望能再走個20年。 瑪莎說「很難相信我們已經在一起20年了, 我們不希望打破這段關係。」 ------------------------------------------------- 很開心今年分公司就會開到北美了,希望能順利成為社員之一! #Mayday20th -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MayDay/M.1496901710.A.EB0.html ※ 編輯: kizy (, 06/08/2017 14:03:27 ※ 編輯: kizy (, 06/08/2017 14:06:54

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文章代碼(AID): #1PEEXEwm (MayDay)