[心得] 再一發 自翻 五月天如煙歌詞英文版

看板MayDay作者 (azure)時間14年前 (2009/10/15 16:44), 編輯推噓19(1906)
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譯得我皺紋都多咧 大家ENJOY 翻的時候忍不住心生感慨 想哭哭 真討厭 我是硬漢!! 我坐在床前 望著窗外 回憶滿天  Sitting by a bed I look out of a window Footage of my life is flashing in front of my eyes 生命是華麗錯覺 時間是賊 偷走一切 Life is a fancy feast of illusion Time is the thief who stole everything I’ve ever had 七歲的那一年 抓住那隻蟬 以為能抓住夏天 When I was seven I caught a cicada Holding it in my hand convinced that I had caught summer along with it 十七歲的那年 吻過他的臉 就以為和他能永遠  By the time I was seventeen I kissed him on the cheek Believing things would last forever between us 有沒有那麼一種永遠 永遠不改變 擁抱過的美麗都 再也不破碎 Is there something that would last forever Something that would never change The beauties I used to hold in my arms would never fade away 讓險峻歲月不能在臉上撒野 讓生離和死別都遙遠 有誰能聽見 Time shall never leave a trace on our face No one shall ever say good bye or adieu Can someone hear me 我坐在床前 轉過頭看 誰在沉睡  I sit by the bed and then turn over Someone is deeply asleep 那一張蒼老的臉 好像是我 緊閉雙眼 Is that me That old weary face Eyes shut tight 曾經是愛我的 和我深愛的 都圍繞在我身邊 I am surrounded by people who love me and those I loved 帶不走的那些 遺憾和眷戀 就化成最後一滴淚 Just let all my regrets and unattended business turn into the very last drop of tear that will ever drip down my cheek 有沒有那麼一滴眼淚 能洗掉後悔 化成大雨降落在 回不去的街 Is there a trop of tear that could wash away my regrets That could turn into a shower of rain and fall onto the street that I could never go back to 再給我一次機會 將故事改寫 還欠了他一生的 一句抱歉 Just give one more chance so I could rewrite my story So I could tell him sorry the “sorry” I should have told him long ago 有沒有那麼一個世界 永遠不天黑 星星太陽萬物都 聽我的指揮 Is there a world where it never gets dark Where the stars and the sun as well as the flora and fauna would do exactly as I say 月亮不忙著圓缺 春天不走遠 樹梢緊緊擁抱著樹葉 有誰能聽見 Where the moon is always full spring is always around Branches hold tight onto the leaves Can someone hear me 耳際 眼前 此生重演 是我來自漆黑 而又回歸漆黑 Right besides my ear Right in front of my eyes Like a movie My life is replaying From the darkness I came To the darkness I shall go back 人間 瞬間 天地之間 下次我 又是誰 The world This very moment The universe Who would I be the next time 有沒有那麼一朵玫瑰 永遠不凋謝 永遠驕傲和完美 永遠不妥協 Is there a rose that would never wither that is always proud and perfect that will never compromise 為何人生最後會像一張紙屑 How could we end up like an insignificant piece of paper 還不如一片花瓣曾經鮮豔 We are not even qualified to be compared to a petal For petals have all once been brilliant and bright 有沒有那麼一張書籤 停止那一天  Is there a bookmark I could use to stop time So that I could have stopped time on that day 最單純的笑臉和 最美那一年 The most innocent smiling face The best year of my life 書包裡面裝滿了蛋糕和汽水  My backpack could have been packed with cake and sodas 雙眼只有無猜和無邪 讓我們無法無天 If you could have looked me in the eyes Innocence and childlike naivete is all that you would have found No rules shall be followed 有沒有那麼一首詩篇 找不到句點 青春永遠定居在 我們的歲月 Is there a poem that I could find no period to Youth takes up permanent residence in our neighborhood 男孩和女孩都有吉他和舞鞋 笑忘人間的苦痛 只有甜美 Guitar and dancing shoes are given to him and her We could laugh about and put behind everything we’ve been through Everything is sweet and beautiful 有沒有那麼一個明天 重頭活一遍 讓我再次感受曾 揮霍的昨天 Is there a tomorrow where I could relive me life Where I could again have ample time on my hands 無論生存或生活 我都不浪費 不讓故事這麼的後悔 I would make the most out of everything simply living or being alive So that I could have no regrets in my life 有誰能聽見 我不要告別 Can someone hear me I don’t want to say good bye 我坐在床前 看著指尖 已經如煙 I sit by the bed looking down lingering around my fingertips is a thin layer of fog -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/15 16:51, , 1F
10/15 16:51, 1F
※ 編輯: precocious 來自: (10/15 16:59)

10/15 17:02, , 2F
挖屋~你把意境和畫面都翻出來了耶 好厲害! (拍手)
10/15 17:02, 2F
※ 編輯: precocious 來自: (10/15 17:07) ※ 編輯: precocious 來自: (10/15 17:09)

10/15 17:17, , 3F
我怎覺得沒啥意義 不過辛苦了
10/15 17:17, 3F

10/15 17:22, , 4F
很棒阿 大家練練英文 又可以分享給國外朋友看 (給大拇哥)
10/15 17:22, 4F

10/15 17:51, , 5F
我也覺得很棒 這種事不是隨便一個人都能做的~
10/15 17:51, 5F

10/15 17:52, , 6F
而且能有機會讓外國人多認識 沒什麼不好:D 加油原po
10/15 17:52, 6F

10/15 17:59, , 7F
我甚至希望版主能M起來 精華區放翻譯版 這樣真的很好
10/15 17:59, 7F

10/15 18:00, , 8F
干五HYA NI一種永遠 永遠抹改變
10/15 18:00, 8F
※ 編輯: precocious 來自: (10/15 18:03)

10/15 18:07, , 9F
攬條櫃襖a咪壘lon 抹勾再pua ki
10/15 18:07, 9F

10/15 18:08, , 10F
很強耶 推
10/15 18:08, 10F

10/15 18:10, , 11F
挖ZE店米曾定 瓦逃KI垮 蝦郎DE捆
10/15 18:10, 11F

10/15 18:12, , 12F
HI 丟n 糙老A米n 甘乃洗襪 目珠KE KE
10/15 18:12, 12F

10/15 18:12, , 13F
 ̄▽ ̄||
10/15 18:12, 13F

10/15 18:20, , 14F
10/15 18:20, 14F

10/15 19:03, , 15F
10/15 19:03, 15F

10/15 19:15, , 16F
10/15 19:15, 16F

10/15 21:38, , 17F
Youth takes up permanent residence in our neighbor-
10/15 21:38, 17F

10/15 21:39, , 18F
hood 我喜歡這句 好生動喔!
10/15 21:39, 18F

10/15 22:07, , 19F
英文翻譯 每人看法跟用法不同 當參考啦!!!
10/15 22:07, 19F

10/15 22:11, , 20F
10/15 22:11, 20F

10/15 22:17, , 21F
10/15 22:17, 21F

10/15 22:28, , 22F
就是逐句翻譯呀!! 也是一種練英文的方法啦!!
10/15 22:28, 22F

10/15 23:03, , 23F
真的好厲害!!!! 翻夜訪跟如煙真的讓我目瞪口呆!!!
10/15 23:03, 23F

10/16 01:42, , 24F
10/16 01:42, 24F

10/16 11:21, , 25F
10/16 11:21, 25F
※ 編輯: precocious 來自: (10/16 13:23) ※ 編輯: precocious 來自: (10/16 21:28) ※ 編輯: precocious 來自: (10/17 01:15) ※ 編輯: precocious 來自: (10/20 18:09)
文章代碼(AID): #1Ark3f2s (MayDay)