[討論] 跳高48吋的練武奇才

看板Mavericks作者 (小豬的呣呣)時間7年前 (2017/06/26 19:48), 7年前編輯推噓18(18019)
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標題:跳高48吋的練武奇才?小牛新秀DSJ for Real 在今年選秀前,到湖人試訓,傳說跳出了歷史等級的48吋最大起跳度的Dennis Smith Jr. ,過去幾天應該也沒多少人把這句話當真,頂多當成鄉野傳奇,搞不好是選前放的消息, 抬抬自己身價,所以大家看看也就過了。不過好勝心強的DSJ在選秀結束,確定加入小牛 之後,總算也願意自己揭密了。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYBNG1B8I-o
今天早上視頻流出,媽阿!跨下接360度,OK,不要驚慌,去年Boston Celtics的新秀 Jaylen Brown也幹過,咱門來複習一下。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7ETUl8B_OM
根據體測數據: Jaylen Brown 身高6-6.25 穿鞋6-7.5 翼展7-0 最大摸高8-7.5 Dennis Smith 身高6-2 穿鞋6-3 翼展6-3 最大摸高8-1 所以我們簡單的算,兩人站立的最大摸高差6吋。 Jaylen Brown 16-18歲的時候測試,他的最大跳躍高度約39.5到42吋之間。 所以用數據來做換算,39.5到42吋加上6吋,結果就是45.5吋到48吋之間。 看來DSJ這個48吋應該是確實的,而且比較起來, DSJ助跑的距離短上許多阿,真是嚇死人的爆發力。 至於DSJ之前經歷過的ACL手術,首先看一下下面這一段話: As you read about ACL surgery you will see references to many different techniques. Our thoughts about how to fix an ACL are changing. Surgery to replace a torn torn ligament have evolved A LOT over the past 5-7 years. Older methods did not place the ligament where nature intended it to be. Many sports docs are very knowledgeable about these latest technique modifications. This is an area of much interest. You should feel open to talk with your surgeon about what type of reconstructive surgery they perform. ACL手術確實在這5-7年之間突飛猛進,技術的進步不可同日而語,目前普遍使用的方式是 類似於棒球的Tommy John手術,利用自體或異體的方式移植接近長度與寬度的韌帶過來做 橋接。 We need to use something to reconstruct your new ACL with during surgery. See our video discussion below on graft choices. We have two broad options: 1. Allograft – tissue from a cadaver, and 2. Autograft – tissue from your own body. The literature surrounding the use of allografts, especially in young patients has demonstrated a failure rate approaching 40% in some series. Bottom line, unless there is a strong reason why you can not use your own tissue (autograft) then you should probably not use allograft. In the autograft category we have two main choices- a portion of your hamstring tendons, or the center of your patella tendon. Both grafts work well and stand the test of time in a properly performed surgery. A patella tendon graft certainly hurts more, but that may be worth it in certain individuals. Research is starting to show that a hamstring harvest in women may not be a good thing for a high level athlete. Women tend to be quadriceps dominant… so the front of their thigh is stronger than the back where the hamstrings are. It stands to reason that we do not want to make them even more quadriceps dominant by harvesting their hamstring tendons. In some people, especially elite athletes, a hamstring graft can produce weakness. While barely perceptible to most, some will notice the difference. Over my career the pendulum has swung from patella tendon grafts to hamstrings and it appears to be swinging back once again to patella tendon grafts. Have a long discussion with your physician.. question why they suggest a certain graft. This is especially true if considering ACL surgery with an allograft. 上段文章中也做出了說明,一般來說異體移植有40%的機率可能會排斥,自體移植沒有問 題,大部分取自腱肌腱的一部分,或髕骨肌腱的中心,對菁英運動員來說,腿筋移植可能 會產生問題,可能會感受到不適,大多數的人幾乎不知道,但有些人會注意到差異。目前 移植的擺錘已經從髕骨腱移植到腿筋,並且似乎再次回到使用髕骨腱移植。 不過呢!有趣的來了,咱們討論的這位Dennis Smith Jr.是天生的練武奇才,他多別人一 條阿,所以就完美移植,不只不需要考慮移植之後適應的問題,因為不論長度寬度韌性, 幾乎一模一樣,就像打電動DSJ天生就是多別人一條命,那自動接關只是剛剛好,而且因 為他兩邊都多一條,所以現在拿掉一條,他另一邊還多一條可以用阿,就算再出一次狀況 ,還是可以無損接關,根本就是不公平嗎! Yet while undergoing surgery, Smith received some surprisingly good news. Doctors found an extra ligament in his knee, something only 20% of humans have. The extra ligament would allow him to recover faster than originally thought, with the initial timetable for recovery being up to ten months. Smith would go on to see the injury as somewhat of a stroke of good luck, though, calling it “one of the best things to happen to me before college.” DSJ其實正式比賽已經不那麼跳了,自從斷掉ACL之後,多多少少還是有自覺要保護自己, 做為一個同樣受過大傷的籃球愛好者,這天生多幾條命接關真是可遇不可求,好真希望自 己也是練武奇才阿,不過誠摯的建議DSJ灌籃大賽就不用了,沒事可以上籃就不要灌籃, 多打幾年才是王道阿,學學你頭上那個阿北,人家打了20年了阿。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Mavericks/M.1498477683.A.9AF.html

06/26 19:53, , 1F
06/26 19:53, 1F

06/26 19:54, , 2F
推好文感謝大大 他腎上腺素上升感覺還是爆扣一波XD
06/26 19:54, 2F

06/26 20:07, , 3F
他的360好噁 整個像有彈簧一樣
06/26 20:07, 3F
※ 編輯: dan2312 (, 06/26/2017 20:12:20

06/26 20:12, , 4F
06/26 20:12, 4F

06/26 20:15, , 5F
他打杜克大學那場 最後一扣超猛...
06/26 20:15, 5F

06/26 20:58, , 7F
06/26 20:58, 7F

06/26 21:13, , 8F
超猛 不過希望別用體能打球 …
06/26 21:13, 8F

06/26 21:22, , 9F
能像威少就太猛了 希望不要被聯盟壞習慣傳染 好好
06/26 21:22, 9F

06/26 21:22, , 10F
06/26 21:22, 10F

06/26 21:38, , 11F
推 來到小牛卡帥會把他調成不光靠體能打的球員的
06/26 21:38, 11F

06/26 22:15, , 12F
06/26 22:15, 12F

06/26 22:16, , 13F
06/26 22:16, 13F

06/26 22:18, , 15F
06/26 22:18, 15F

06/26 22:32, , 16F
06/26 22:32, 16F

06/26 22:39, , 17F
06/26 22:39, 17F

06/26 22:40, , 18F
很多事情 所以就往下掉了
06/26 22:40, 18F

06/26 23:46, , 19F
06/26 23:46, 19F

06/26 23:47, , 20F
夏聯應該就有機會看到 如果有時間我會考慮剪
06/26 23:47, 20F

06/26 23:47, , 21F
06/26 23:47, 21F

06/26 23:49, , 22F
06/26 23:49, 22F

06/27 00:47, , 23F
06/27 00:47, 23F

06/27 00:49, , 24F
06/27 00:49, 24F

06/27 00:49, , 25F
CP3 看來他還是希望成為團隊第一的控衛
06/27 00:49, 25F

06/27 00:50, , 26F
連結:https://goo.gl/kJ98iJ (37秒處)
06/27 00:50, 26F

06/27 00:55, , 27F
如果DSJ能變成決策弱化 體能強化的CP3 那我牛可找到
06/27 00:55, 27F

06/27 00:56, , 28F
06/27 00:56, 28F

06/27 08:12, , 29F
06/27 08:12, 29F

06/27 10:30, , 30F
06/27 10:30, 30F

06/27 10:51, , 31F
06/27 10:51, 31F

06/27 10:51, , 32F
06/27 10:51, 32F

06/27 12:47, , 33F
還是要學習不用體能打球 看看Rose太慘了 期待卡帥會
06/27 12:47, 33F

06/27 12:47, , 34F
06/27 12:47, 34F

06/27 17:43, , 35F
06/27 17:43, 35F

07/10 11:34, , 36F
"a failure rate approaching 40%" - 原文有指出這
07/10 11:34, 36F

07/10 11:34, , 37F
07/10 11:34, 37F
文章代碼(AID): #1PKFHpcl (Mavericks)