[外電] Countdown: How will they finish?

看板Mavericks作者 (黃金右腳)時間12年前 (2011/12/22 19:55), 編輯推噓9(903)
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Countdown: How will they finish? 小牛本季戰績預測 Prediction time. And, wow, how do you predict how this revamped Dallas Mavericks team will finish a 66-game regular-season schedule over 123 days when the full squad didn't even play one preseason game together? 達拉斯小牛將要在123天內完成66場比賽,但是他們還沒有以完整陣容 出賽過,小牛本季的戰績會如何呢? In fact, the Mavs didn't even finish off the roster until Sean Williams signed Wednesday. Training camp opened Dec. 9, yet Lamar Odom and Vince Carter didn't arrive until a few days later, and Delonte West after that, so coach Rick Carlisle has had his full unit for all of about a week. Add to it that illness kept Brian Cardinal from practicing one day, Brandan Wright from playing in the first exhibition game and Jason Terry and West from playing in the second. 事實上,小牛今天在簽下Sean Williams之後陣容才調整完畢。訓練營在 12月9日展開,不過Lamar Odom跟Vince Carter都在幾天後才加入練習, Delonte West更晚才來。所以教練Rick Carlisle只有大約整整一週是全 隊一起練球,況且,Brian Cardinal因為生病休息一天,Brandon Wright 因此沒在第一場熱身賽上場,Jason Terry跟West也因此沒打第二場。 Then there's still the shock factor involved in the deflating losses of Tyson Chandler, J.J. Barea, DeShawn Stevenson and also Caron Butler. Odom has his own shock factor to overcome in no longer playing for the Los Angeles Lakers, where he won two titles and played the last seven seasons and probably figured he'd play seven more. 另外讓人震驚的是小牛的衛冕陣容解體了,包括Tyson Chandler、J.J. Barea、DeShawn Stevenson與Caron Butler相繼離隊。Odom也很讓人震 驚的與連續兩年拿下冠軍的湖人鬧翻,離開了他待了七年的球隊,他原 本以為他還會在湖人再打七年呢。 And what about Vince Carter? Can this guy still get it done? With that, Dallas Mavericks, get out there and defend your title. 那Vince Carter呢?他還能打出該有的水準嗎?伴隨著這麼多的問題, 小牛踏上了他們的衛冕之路。 Could things be any zanier with the season opener quickly approaching on Christmas Day against the -- by comparison -- remarkably stable Miami Heat? 聖誕節的開幕戰迫近了,小牛將要與陣容幾乎沒有變動的邁阿密熱火 舉行比賽,事態還能更糟嗎? The Mavs might be in flux, but as defending champions they know there will be no sympathy. Hey, it's a jungle out there. 小牛目前陣容很不穩定,但是他們是衛冕冠軍,沒人會同情他們,外 面的世界是很險惡的。 "The constant this year is going to be that the teams we play are going to have the increased edge because they're playing the champions," Carlisle said. "I went through this in 1986-87 -- the year after we won the title in Boston. We saw how it was. Every night it's a championship game. I can talk about it all day long and try to get the guys ready for it. But until the games start coming, we won't really know what it's about. And it's going to add to the challenge. But that's part of it." 卡帥說:"今年每一隊都會針對我們而來,因為我們是衛冕冠軍。我在 1986-87球季經歷過,前一年我在波士頓奪冠,我們見證過一切,每天 晚上都像在打冠軍戰。我每天都在講這件事,試著讓隊員們能夠準備好 迎接挑戰。不過不到開季,我們都不會知道這是什麼感覺,這會是個挑 戰,這是比賽的一部分。" The Mavs' two preseason losses to the Oklahoma City Thunder, who like the Heat did not undergo major changes -- in fact no changes at all -- did lend credence to the notion that Dallas won't get off to a roaring start. The first 15 games will be played in 23 days and includes matchups against Miami, Denver, two against Oklahoma City, San Antonio, Boston, the Lakers and the new-and-improved Clippers. 小牛連續兩場熱身賽輸給奧克拉荷馬雷霆,他們跟熱火一樣幾乎沒有 變更陣容,其實雷霆的陣容完全沒便。這讓大家更確定,小牛的開季 將不會很順,他們的前15場比賽要在23天內打完,包括要對上熱火、 金塊、兩場對雷霆、馬刺、塞爾提克、湖人還有大幅增強的快艇。 And, oh yeah, 12 of those games are back-to-back sets. 喔對了,裡面還有12場是B2B。(6組) "Of course, we’ve got to get a feel for where the new guys are going to be at and situations and stuff like that, but for the most part we just walk in and play ball," forward Shawn Marion said. "There’s always going to be some waves. At the same time, you’ve got to be able to take the good with the bad and learn from it." 前鋒Shawn Marion說:"當然,我們得適應新成員該扮演什麼角色,不 過其實我們只要上場並且打球就夠了。事情不會那麼順遂,你必須保持 優點,然後從缺點中學習。" So, let's get on with the predictions. 以下是專家的預測。 Jeff Caplan, ESPN Dallas beat writer Like everyone else, I expect the Mavs to have their issues early on as assimilation proves challenging. After the lockout, the roster reshaping was fast and furious and inconveniently intertwined with training camp. Carlisle has proven to be quite proficient in finding workable combinations and mixing and matching to suit different situations. He has a deep team at his disposal and he will find lineups that work. The big question is whether he can implore this team to discover a defensive backbone with Chandler now supplying one for Amare Stoudemire and Carmelo Anthony. My guess is probably not as strong as they will need, and that's going to produce a lot of shootouts, but in the end it won't be a team capable of repeating. Predicted record: 40-26 Jeff Caplan的預測:40勝26敗 就像其他人一樣,小牛的開季會充滿挑戰。在封館之後,小牛的陣容 作了很大的改變,直到訓練營開始了還是很混亂。卡帥證明了他很有 能力來用不同的陣容對不同的課題作出應對,他有深度很夠的陣容, 他會安排出最適當的先發。有一個很大的問題是他能不能彌補這支球 隊失去了Chandler的缺憾,拳王已經去跟Amare Stoudemire與Carmelo Anthony組隊了。我猜小牛不再會那麼倚重防守,這會讓今年出現很多 煙火秀,但到頭來小牛不具有衛冕的能力。 Tim MacMahon, ESPN Dallas beat writer A slow start should probably be expected from a team fitting in new pieces, especially after seeing the Mavs struggle in the preseason. There will be bumps down the road, too, as the Mavs make resting old legs a priority. The goal is to peak for the playoffs again. Predicted record: 40-26 Tim MacMahon的預測:40勝26敗。 可以預期的是小牛的起步會較慢,因為他們還需要磨合,這從熱身賽 就看的出來了。小牛也會把調整老將的體力那入考量,所以他們在客 場會碰上困難。但最終目標還是在季後賽稱王。 Marc Stein, ESPN.com senior basketball writer The Mavs won't slip as far without Tyson Chandler as you think. Especially not in the regular season because they've still got a lot of depth and versatility after the arrival of Lamar Odom -- one of the best players in league history with zero All-Star invites on his resume -- as a one-year bridge between Chandler and whoever Mark Cuban lands with all that cap space he's amassing. The streak of 11 consecutive 50-win seasons is going to perish thanks to the 66-game condensed schedule. The dropoff in rim protection minus Tyson, furthermore, will eventually punish Dallas in the playoffs. But this group can still get to the West finals. Bank on 41 wins for Dirk and his Mavs at worst. Predicted record: 41-25 Marc Stein的預測:41勝25敗 小牛在缺少了拳王之後不會像你想的這麼糟,在他們納入了聯盟當中 沒入選過明星賽的最強球員之一Lamar Odom之後,他的才能會讓小牛 的正規賽很受用,他處於Mark Cuban在失去拳王與明年追逐大咖的過 度期。小牛連續11的球季50勝以上的紀錄完蛋了,因為今年只有66場 比賽。小牛在防守上少了拳王會扣分,更會在季後賽痛擊小牛。不過 這支球隊還有機會打進西區冠軍戰,我預測小牛至少會有代表Dirk背 號的41勝。 Chuck Cooperstein, Mavs play-by-play voice After a bumpy start which will see them naturally struggle to assimilate their new pieces, the Mavericks will finish strong and will be a very entertaining team to watch. They will be like the Nellie teams of '02-'05, with a better defensive presence. But, like the Nellie teams (and every other Mavericks team besides 2011), they don't have the necessary presence in the middle to take them all the way. Predicted record: 43-23 Chuck Cooperstein的預測:43勝23敗 小牛在開季很自然的會因為磨合而走的不穩,不過他們會有很棒的收 尾,小牛會是很值得觀賞的一隊。他們會像是Don Nelson在02到05年 所執教的小牛隊,但有著更好的防守。但就像老尼的球隊一樣(其實也 只有2011年例外),小牛沒有夠好的中鋒帶他們走的更遠。 Jeff "Skin" Wade, co-host of "Ben & Skin Show" 103.3 FM ESPN and Mavs TV sideline reporter The Mavs will once again have a strong playoff run riding the shoulders of the Big German, but their age and demanding schedule prove too tough to overcome and they eventually run out of gas against a younger, hungrier team. But, it'll be a solid year for a franchise transitioning into their next phase with over $20 million in cap space in the summer of 2012 to build a squad for the few remaining years of Dirk's peak. The real trick is for Dallas to know for certain by the end of the season what they have in Roddy B, DoJo and possibly even Brandan Wright. Predicted record: 40-26 Jeff "Skin" Wade的預測:40勝26敗 小牛會再次靠著德國坦克的力量在季後賽颳起旋風,但他們年紀大了, 賽程又更密集,因此碰上更年輕或是更飢渴的球隊會追不上他們。但 是這只是過度期,明年小牛會多出20M的薪資空間,來替Dirk沒剩幾年 的巔峰期做好準備。小牛今年最重要的是看看波霸、Dojo和Brandan Wright能打出怎樣的水準。 66場的40勝大約等於82場的50勝而已 大家今年的得失心就放輕一點吧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/22 20:30, , 1F
版上應該要更多這種文的 = = 感謝翻譯
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12/22 21:08, , 5F
50勝的話相當於正常球季的62勝 小牛隊史只有07達成
12/22 21:08, 5F

12/22 21:33, , 6F
大家得失心可能要輕一點了 新陣容加上開季那些對手
12/22 21:33, 6F

12/22 21:34, , 7F
結果可能會蠻慘烈的 但是還是希望不要輸熱火
12/22 21:34, 7F

12/22 21:35, , 8F
看開點 反正這季0勝66敗 11年冠軍是小牛也不會改變
12/22 21:35, 8F

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