[外電] Mavericks celebrate championship

看板Mavericks作者 (黃金右腳)時間13年前 (2011/06/17 12:40), 編輯推噓31(3109)
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Mavericks celebrate championship 小牛進行了總冠軍的慶祝活動 DALLAS -- After their victory parade snaked through the sun-baked streets of fan-frenzied downtown Dallas, and before moving the party inside the chilled American Airlines Center for a final championship send-off, NBA Finals MVP Dirk Nowitzki, owner Mark Cuban, coach Rick Carlisle and the rest of the Dallas Mavericks delighted thousands of fans with an impromptu appearance from the balcony overlooking the arena's south end known as Victory Plaza. 日光灑落在街道上,路上滿是瘋狂的小牛球迷,達拉斯的市中心舉行了 奪冠大遊行。在前往American Airlines Center舉辦最後的派對之前, NBA決賽MVP得主Dirk Nowitzki、球隊老闆Mark Cuban、教練Rick Carlisle與其他小牛的隊員們與成千上萬的球迷一起享樂,還有很多人 從陽台探出頭來共襄盛舉。遊行的終點是球場南邊的Victory Plaza。 As the crowd cheered wildly and rushed forward to get a closer glimpse of their 2010-11 NBA champions, Cuban, with a microphone in one hand and cradling the championship trophy in his other arm, thanked the throng for their undying support. As he continued to engage them, the crowd sent up chants of "MVP! MVP!" to their shaggy-haired superstar Nowitzki, who raised his massively long arms spread-eagle style high into a pristine blue sky. 球迷們瘋狂的歡呼著,並且一直往前擠,希望能看清楚這支2011年的總 冠軍球隊。Cuban一隻手拿著麥克風,另一隻手抱著冠軍獎盃,感謝群眾 們一直以來不斷的支持。在他持續與大家講話的時候,群眾卻反覆的叫 著"MVP! MVP!"來呼喚這位頭髮亂糟糟的超級巨星Nowitzki。Dirk把他長 長的雙臂舉向空中,就像是展翅的老鷹一樣。 Cuban passed the mic to Nowitzki, who was wearing a white championship "Raise the Banner" T-shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his shoulders and a grin that seemed to stretch from each end of the packed plaza. Cuban(不情願的?)把麥克風傳給Dirk,他穿著白色的冠軍紀念T恤,上 面寫著"Raise the Banner"(類似搖旗吶喊的意思),他把雙手的袖子 捲到肩膀上,他笑的很開心,嘴巴的兩邊好像快碰到這擠滿人潮的廣 場的兩端了。(也太誇張XD) The cheering grew louder as the man of the hour requested the crowds help in belting out an old favorite: "We are the Champions." Dirk要大家一起唱這首他喜愛的老歌"We are the Champions."時群眾 的歡呼聲又更嘹亮了。

06/17 12:53,
06/17 12:53
The scene epitomized perhaps the most unassuming face of any professional sports franchise -- at once goofy, spontaneous, classy and gracious. His unpolished singing voice crackled from out of the plaza speakers as thousands of Nowitzki's closest friends joined him, sans music, in a moving, mutual serenade. 這個場面的縮影或許是職業運動史上最謙虛的一張面容,有點傻傻的, 同時又是那樣的優雅與和藹。他五音不全的歌聲透過音響傳遍了整個廣 場,廣場裡這些他最好的球迷朋友們和他一起唱著,沒有背景音樂,在 行進中大家彼此唱著最甜美的情歌。(想到這場景就好感動Q__Q) Then the band that had been playing in the plaza for those fans that didn't join the estimated 200,000 on the parade route, provided the familiar and stirring instrumental as the sing-a-long reached a magical crescendo. 接著為這個廣場演奏而沒有參加這場預估有20萬人左右的遊行的樂隊, 奏出了這熟悉又激動人心的樂曲,大家的唱歌聲不可思議的漸強著。 "It's unbelievable," Nowitzki had said earlier before boarding his float with teammates Jason Terry and Jason Kidd. "If it hasn't sunk in yet, it will now. ... We're on the top of the world now so it feels amazing. For 13 years I've waited for this moment. It's amazing and we're all going to enjoy it." Dirk在登上遊行花車之前對Jason Terry還有Jason Kidd說:"這太難 以置信了。即使之前我還沒有辦法完全相信,現在也會了。我們登上 了世界的頂點,這感覺太不可思議了。我等這一刻等了13年,這太神 奇了,我們都該好好享受這一切。" Fans filled the streets and sidewalks all along the roughly mile-long route between the convention center and the arena. Franchise founder Donald Carter and his wife, Linda, for whom he started the club as gift, were in the lead vehicle, a white convertible. 球迷們擠滿了街道與人行道,人群在會議中心與球場間蔓延了將近一 哩。球隊的創始人Donald Carter與他的妻子Linda在領頭的白色敞篷車 上,這個球隊是Donald送給他妻子的禮物。 "Fantastic," Carter said. Carter說:"太讚了。" In a waiting area at the start of the parade, Cuban clutched the championship trophy as entertainer Jamie Foxx, who is from the Dallas area, joined the fun. Most wore the "Raise the Banner" shirts and other championship gear. Cuban tweeted several pictures from the holding area. 在遊行起點的等待區,Cuban抓著獎盃,與達拉斯出身的藝人Jamie Foxx 一起享受歡樂。很多人穿上"Raise the Banner"的T恤,或是其他的冠軍 紀念衣服。Cuban在那邊照了很多項並且放到推特上。 At the end of the parade, those who rode along said they were overwhelmed by the turnout -- people as far as they could see. 到了遊行的尾聲,一些一路跟著遊行隊伍的人被觀眾人數嚇到目瞪口呆, 人實在超多的。 "I'm numb," said Donnie Nelson, the team's president of basketball operations. 小牛隊的營運總裁Donnie Nelson說:"我嚇呆了。" The crowd was peaceful unlike the scene in Vancouver following the end of the Stanley Cup finals on Wednesday night, and the commotion during a Cowboys championship parade in 1993. 群眾相當的平和,不像是昨天溫哥華在球隊輸掉史坦利盃冠軍之後的場面, 也沒有像1993年牛仔隊的冠軍遊行結果引起暴動。 Dallas police said the biggest problem was a fight that resulted in three arrests. There also were 145 minor medical treatments, mostly because of heat that approached 90 degrees. Nine people were taken to hospitals for heat exhaustion. 達拉斯警方表示最大的問題就是有人打架導致3人被捕,也有145人接受治 療,多半是因為氣溫來到華式90度(約攝氏32.2度)的關係。9個人因為熱衰 竭送醫。 Once inside the arena filled to near-capacity with most fans wearing blue, Cuban, the coaching staff and the team gathered on a raised, square stage erected at center court under the giant video board. Temporary seating was set up around the stage and Carter, who Cuban presented with the Larry O'Brien Trophy during the ceremony after Game 6 in Miami, and his wife Linda, wearing a blue vest bearing a patch of the original team logo, were among those seated in the first row. 球場裡面幾乎坐滿了穿著藍色衣服的球迷們,Cuban與其他隊職員們聚在 舞台中央大螢幕下方臨時架起的方形舞台上。臨時的椅子也被擺放在舞台 周圍。Cuban在邁阿密的第六戰結束後把O'Brien金盃獻給了Carter,他與 太太Linda坐在第一排。Linda穿著藍色背心,上面配有球隊最初始的隊徽。 Carlisle opened the proceedings by thanking the fans and telling them, "You're looking at the best basketball team on the planet." And then he continued, "Also, the best basketball player on the planet, Dirk Nowitzki." Carlisle的發言揭開序幕,他感謝球迷並告訴他們:"你們支持的是這個 星球上最強的籃球隊,還有這個星球上最強的籃球員,Dirk Nowitzki。" Nowitzki again showed just how human and relatable he is as he wiped away tears upon hearing the compliments. Dirk再度展現他人性與容易動容的一面,他聽到這樣的讚美時用手抹去 了眼框的淚水。 Mavs TV play-by-play broadcaster Mark Followill introduced each player, who then took a seat next to radio play-by-play broadcaster Chuck Cooperstein and the Larry O'Brien Trophy perched on a table. 小牛當地電視台的轉播員Mark Followill介紹了每個球員,然後他於廣播 的轉播員Chuck Cooperstein身旁就座。而Larry O'Brien金盃被安置在桌 子上。 In sit-down interview style, Cooperstein opened the stage for each player. Terry told Brad Davis and Rolando Blackman, the only former Mavs with their numbers retired, to move over: "There's new jerseys coming to town," he said. 用坐下來訪問的方式,Cooperstein與每個球員對談。Terry告訴唯二兩位 在小牛退休球衣背號的Brad Davis與Rolando Blackman的球衣要移一下了, 他說:"有新的球衣來囉。" Center Tyson Chandler, the defensive force who Nowitzki said changed the course of the Mavs with his arrival, might have had the line of the afternoon. Cooperstein asked Chandler, a free-agent-to-be on July 1, if he's ready to win a second title. 中鋒Tyson Chandler帶來的防守能量是Dirk說改變小牛的關鍵,他今天做 出了承諾。Cooperstein問今年7月1號將成為自由球員的Chandler,他是不 是準備好帶給小牛第二座冠軍。 "I hear they do things big in Dallas," Chandler said, "so if we do it big, it can't be just one." Chandler說:"我聽說達拉斯的東西都做的很大,所以如果我們要做的夠 大,就不能只有一個冠軍。" Then Chandler tore a page out of LeBron James' book. Chandler held up his hand and counted off, "Two, three, four, five." 然後Chandler偷偷模仿了一下LeBron James,他舉起他的手並且數著: "二連霸、三連霸、四連霸、五連霸。" Nowitzki was the last player to address the assembly, and again emotions probably got the best of him as the 7-foot native of Wurzburg, Germany, who was still wearing his scruffy beard, mixed metaphors in describing his elation. Dirk是最後一位受訪的球員,這位來自德國Wurzburg的七呎長人的又變 的很感性,他的鬍子還是不太整齊,他用了一些比喻來說明他的興奮之 情。 "We've had a lot of ups and downs," Nowitzki said. "This is the top of the iceberg and it feels amazing." Dirk說:"我們經歷過許多的起起伏伏,現在我們站在冰山的頂端,這感 覺真是奇妙。" He said his decision to stay last summer to re-sign with the Mavs and not take his talents and championship quest elsewhere started and ended with Cuban. 他說去年夏天他決定與小牛續約,而不前往別隊效力以爭取冠軍的動力都 是來自Cuban。 "He said, 'We're in the same boat. We're in this together,'" Nowitzki said. "We agreed to give this another shot, bring some veterans here and get it done with class." Dirk說:"他對我說:'我們再同一條船上,我們的立場一樣。'我們同意再 試一次,聚集一些老將並且完成這個任務。" Nowitzki again wiped away tears as an unusually choked-up Cuban stood on the stage with microphone in hand, but unable to speak. Carlisle stood up and tried to help him out. Carlisle, who managed to convince Cuban to be content in the background during the two-month championship run, spoke up for his boss. Cuban拿著麥克風,難得的在台上哽咽的說不出話來,同時Dirk又拭淚了。 Carlisle上台幫助他,卡帥說他對於Cuban安靜的在這兩個月的季後賽期間 保持安靜默默支持著球隊很滿意,他公開的讚揚他的老闆。 "There is a difference between success and fulfillment," Carlisle said. "Mark has obviously had success. The thing you have to understand is to him it doesn't matter the cost. To him it's to bring this moment to you." 卡帥說:"成功與美夢成真不太一樣,很顯然Mark擁有成功。但你要知道, 為了把這一刻帶給你們大家,花多少錢對他來講在所不惜。" When Cuban steadied himself to speak, he told a favorite story of when he ran into Nowitzki at a local bar. Cuban had just reached a deal to buy the team, but the news had yet to break. Cuban said he approached Nowitzki, who had known of Cuban only as a loudmouth fan, and offered to buy him a drink. Cuban整理好情緒準備講話,他講了他最喜歡的故事,就是他跟Dirk在 當地的酒吧相遇的往事。Cuban才剛達成協議買下球隊,連新聞都還沒 播。Cuban說他去找Dirk並請他一杯飲料,Dirk只知道他是一個很愛放 話的球迷。 "Dirk shook his head and walked away," Cuban said. Cuban說:"Dirk搖搖頭然後就走了"。 The next day Cuban was introduced to the team as its new owner. He and Nowitzki made eye contact. 隔天Cuban被介紹成為球隊的新老闆,他跟Dirk的眼神交會。 "He shook his head again. That's been our relationship ever since," Cuban joked. Cuban笑著說:"他又搖頭了,這就是我們一直以來的關係。" Cuban finished the festivities by telling the fans he has always promised to be opportunistic and always try to win. He then asked if they remembered what he said after clinching the Western Conference championship. Cuban在這個慶祝活動結束時,他承諾大家他會把握所有的機會來贏球。 他問大家是不是還記得他在球隊闖過西區冠軍戰所講的話。 In unison, the arena echoed: "We ain't done yet." 全場球迷一致的回應他:"We ain't done yet." http://sports.espn.go.com/dallas/nba/news/story?id=6667655 附上原文網址 裡面還有兩段影片 很好笑~~ 對於Cardinal還有Marion的舞技嘛...不予置評XD 第一次翻外電翻到想哭 (又長又難翻也是一個原因XD) 大家講的話都好讓人感動 連Cuban的講不出話來了 這次的奪冠真的是美夢成真啊~~ 大家好好休息吧 這個暑假不知道還要放多久 奪冠遊行完大家就要各奔東西囉 接下來就是訓練營再見啦 不免俗的 Let's Go Mavs!! -- "We had no champions on this team," Mavs center Tyson Chandler said. "And we walked away with a team full of champions." -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/17 12:46, , 1F
Let's Go Mavs!!
06/17 12:46, 1F

06/17 12:49, , 2F
06/17 12:49, 2F

06/17 12:53, , 3F
可配合 #1D-itFjw 中的影片一起看 太感人了Q__Q
06/17 12:53, 3F

06/17 12:53, , 4F
06/17 12:53, 4F

06/17 12:53, , 5F
全場觀眾最後一起喊Thank you Mark. Cuban好窩心
06/17 12:53, 5F

06/17 12:55, , 6F
06/17 12:55, 6F
※ 編輯: DM24Tim 來自: (06/17 12:55)

06/17 13:02, , 7F
06/17 13:02, 7F

06/17 13:03, , 8F
06/17 13:03, 8F

06/17 13:04, , 9F
Let's Go Mavs!!
06/17 13:04, 9F

06/17 13:06, , 10F
我早上看到影片 還想說這真的是Dirk唱的嗎XD
06/17 13:06, 10F

06/17 13:09, , 11F
06/17 13:09, 11F

06/17 13:09, , 12F
06/17 13:09, 12F

06/17 13:10, , 13F
06/17 13:10, 13F

06/17 13:10, , 14F
Dirk的唱歌實力在每年的聖誕節就已經見識過了 (?)
06/17 13:10, 14F

06/17 13:19, , 15F
06/17 13:19, 15F

06/17 13:23, , 16F
婀 我以為影片是新聞內容的段落XD
06/17 13:23, 16F

06/17 13:28, , 17F
老闆跟卡帥是感性時間 聽不懂還是覺得很感動
06/17 13:28, 17F

06/17 13:33, , 18F
06/17 13:33, 18F

06/17 13:33, , 19F
真難聽XDDD Dirk好像很久不彈吉他改打鼓了
06/17 13:33, 19F

06/17 13:45, , 20F
06/17 13:45, 20F

06/17 13:51, , 21F
冏 用REAL就可以了 請忽略我上面的推文
06/17 13:51, 21F

06/17 13:52, , 22F
06/17 13:52, 22F

06/17 14:15, , 23F
06/17 14:15, 23F

06/17 14:38, , 24F
有 "Thank you Mark" 的那段影片嗎?? 都沒看到咧!!
06/17 14:38, 24F

06/17 14:39, , 25F
#1D-itFjw 第一個影片的最後面~
06/17 14:39, 25F

06/17 14:46, , 26F
06/17 14:46, 26F

06/17 16:00, , 27F
We ain't done yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
06/17 16:00, 27F

06/17 16:02, , 28F
06/17 16:02, 28F

06/17 16:03, , 29F
06/17 16:03, 29F

06/17 16:03, , 30F

06/17 16:11, , 31F
06/17 16:11, 31F

06/17 16:40, , 32F
他整個最後很嬌羞 還被JET推XDD
06/17 16:40, 32F

06/17 16:49, , 33F
Let's Go Mavs!!
06/17 16:49, 33F

06/17 16:55, , 34F
06/17 16:55, 34F

06/17 17:05, , 35F
06/17 17:05, 35F

06/17 19:36, , 36F
06/17 19:36, 36F

06/17 20:25, , 37F
我看了整場的NBA Live!! ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿
06/17 20:25, 37F

06/17 23:06, , 38F
06/17 23:06, 38F

06/17 23:17, , 39F
06/17 23:17, 39F

06/18 00:46, , 40F
We ain't done yet!!!
06/18 00:46, 40F
文章代碼(AID): #1D-jh1y8 (Mavericks)