[外電] 杜德偉屁股受傷,但他說第六場比賽之前就會沒事了

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Dwyane Wade on hip injury: 'I'll be good for Game 6' 杜德偉屁股受傷,但他說第六場比賽之前就會沒事了。 http://0rz.com/bAfPOs DALLAS - Dwyane Wade avoided the details of an injury he suffered during Thursday night's Game 5 of the NBA Finals. 達拉斯--Dwyane Wade拒絕透露他在周四晚上在總冠軍戰第五戰中所受到的傷勢細節。 The Miami Heat superstar injured his hip during a collision with Dallas Mavericks forward Brian Cardinal in the first quarter. Wade returned to the locker room twice and did not start the second half. 熱火隊的巨星Wade在比賽第一節與小牛隊的前鋒Cardinal發生碰撞造成臀部受傷, Wade回去更衣室兩次,第二節開打了也還沒回來。 "It was unfortunate that I had to leave the game, but I came back and I finished it," he said. "I'll be fine Sunday. ... No problem at all. I'll be good for Game 6." Wade說:"我真是不幸,竟然會中途離場,但是我克服了疼痛並且回到場上了。" "到了禮拜天我就沒事了,第六場照樣生龍活虎。" 真不愧是生化人= = The veteran guard steered clear of making excuses, despite admitting that he was not 100 percent. 這位經驗豐富的後衛是不會找藉口的,儘管他承認現在無法發揮百分百的身手。 "I'm smart enough to play the game without obviously being 100 percent," he said. "That's all I did when I came back. I wanted to help us get back in this ballgame, and I was able to be effective in a sense." 他說:"無法發揮百分百的身手使我更加運用智慧去打球, 我回到場上時就會全力以赴,我想幫助球隊回到正軌, 我有感覺當我在場上時會發揮一定的功效。 Wade finished with 23 points on 6-of-12 shooting, 15 of those points coming after the injury. Wade今天投12中6得了23分,當中有15分是在受傷後捲土重來得到的。 None of the Mavericks seemed to be feeling sorry for the player that was so effective during the 2006 Finals when the Heat defeated the Mavericks in six games. 小牛的球員以及球迷們似乎沒有為Wade受傷感到難過, 想必是這位開外掛老兄在06年冠軍賽打敗了小牛。 "When he came back in the game, he came back aggressive," Jason Terry said. "So I don't know if he was hurt or what. To us it doesn't matter. He was on the floor. He got opportunities. He drove to the basket. So he's a tough cover. If he's out there, he's a threat." JET說:"他帶著他該有的侵略性重新回到場上了, 不管他有沒有受傷,一旦回到場上時,他會抓住機會切到籃下, 他是個難纏的對手,他所站的那個點都會成為威脅。" Rick Carlisle gave his shortest response during the media session when asked about Wade's injury. The Mavericks coach quickly pointed out that Mike Miller drilled consecutive three-pointers while filling in for Wade to open the second half. 對於Wade的傷勢,卡帥給予媒體一些回應,他說Wade的替補Mike Miller 在頂替Wade的這段時間連續投進了兩顆三分球。 "I mean, (Wade) was still driving it good and getting to the free throw line," Carlisle said. "I'm not sure what happened to him. The guy that started for him hit two threes that started the half. Didn't look like they lost a whole lot." 卡帥說:"我說阿,Wade的切入依舊犀利,並且會為自己製造上罰球線的機會, 我不知道他是怎麼搞的,當Mike Miller投進兩顆三分球時, 他們看起來似乎沒有受到很大的損失(在Wade不在期間)。 Wade不在期間比數真的沒什麼拉大耶,真不愧是小牛劇場XD 本來還有點擔心Wade的傷勢有沒有大礙, 結果沒想到他竟然在賽前訪問時模仿我們Dirk感冒, 還在那邊笑,而他的小跟班也有樣學樣,實在是不可取!!!!!!!! 剩下一場了,大家加油,離夢想不遠了。(打工仔大大簽長約的日子也不遠了)(誤) Let's Go Mavs!!!! Beat the Heat!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/10 21:39, , 1F
06/10 21:39, 1F

06/10 21:41, , 2F
06/10 21:41, 2F

06/10 22:07, , 3F
06/10 22:07, 3F

06/10 22:49, , 4F
其實他回來後 我們才把分數拉開 = = 只有LBJ的熱火
06/10 22:49, 4F

06/10 22:50, , 5F
les感覺定位更明確了 = =
06/10 22:50, 5F

06/10 23:05, , 6F
謝謝 打工仔真是好人
06/10 23:05, 6F

06/10 23:24, , 7F
06/10 23:24, 7F

06/10 23:44, , 8F
06/10 23:44, 8F

06/11 01:05, , 9F
06/11 01:05, 9F

06/11 01:15, , 10F
我懂樓上的梗 一修和尚的OP
06/11 01:15, 10F

06/11 02:11, , 11F
我覺得他只是瘀青而已 裝逞強
06/11 02:11, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1DyXiCKG (Mavericks)