[外電] Rick Carlisle deserves credit, too

看板Mavericks作者 (愛睏~~~)時間13年前 (2011/06/10 20:02), 編輯推噓21(21011)
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其實是 Game 5 之前的文章,不過難得講到卡帥 http://ppt.cc/Olsx = http://espn.go.com/blog/dallas/mavericks/post/_/id /4679581/rick-carlisle-deserves-credit-too Rick Carlisle deserves credit, too DALLAS -- Mavericks coach Rick Carlisle has professed his love for this team, more so than any team he's ever coached. The Mavericks just love what he's doing. 小牛教頭 Rick Carlisle 之前說他愛這支小牛隊勝過之前他帶過的其它球隊, 而小牛隊也愛他。 Dirk Nowitzki is going to get the lion's share of the credit if the Mavericks win the first championship in franchise history -- and rightfully so -- but the job Carlisle has done can't be marginalized. 小牛今年如果奪冠的話顯然 Dirk 老大居首功,不過卡帥的功勞也該記上一筆。 "At this stage when you look at all the champions, their coaches have always pushed the right buttons and they've put their players in a position to win," Jason Kidd said. "Hopefully, he keeps pushing the right buttons." 「到了這個階段,當你回顧之前的冠軍隊伍可以看出,他們的教頭都有按對按鈕... 他們有把球員放到對的位置」Kidd 說「但願卡帥能一直把必殺技按出來。」 (Kidd 你是在酸 Scott 還是法禿...) Either the Mavericks or the Miami Heat will take a 3-2 series lead in the NBA Finals with a win Thursday night at American Airlines Center. The Mavs would seem to have momentum after winning Tuesday night, a game in which Carlisle juggled the starting lineup (J.J. Barea for DeShawn Stevenson) and the rotation. 小牛和熱火兩隊在星期四晚上會有一隊取得 3-2 領先,小牛在贏了星期二的 G4 後 看起來很有機會。在 G4 中卡帥調整了先發(用 JJB 取代 Stevenson) 和輪替。 Carlisle's moves don't end there. The Mavs have kept LeBron James in check with multiple defensive looks (and LeBron's help), sprinkled in the zone defense at opportune times and won two games despite not shooting the ball well throughout the series. 卡帥的調度不僅如此。小牛在 G4 用多種防守策略(還有 LBJ 自己的幫忙)壓制住 LBJ 的表現,以及適時地使用區域防守,靠這兩點即使命中率不佳還是在系列戰中 取得兩場勝利。 "He's doing a phenomenal job," Jason Terry said of Carlisle. "He's done that throughout these playoffs. He knows his team. He knows the beat of this team. And then when we need a spark, he's willing to make the adjustment and make a change. It's just very gutsy, it's very classy and again he's doing a phenomenal job." 「他的調度很傑出」Terry 談到卡帥「整個季後賽都很傑出,他了解他的球隊, 他了解這個球隊的節奏。當我們卡住時他願意做出調整。他很有膽識, 也做得很漂亮。他的調度真的很傑出。」 Carlisle said before Wednesday morning's shootaround that he loves the "crazy guys" on his team. He was talking about the outspokenness of Terry and Stevenson, and their tendency to spout out bulletin board material. But most of the Mavs, Nowitzki and Kidd especially, keep it on an even keel." 卡帥稍早在練習前說他喜歡隊上那些瘋狂的傢伙。他指的是 Terry 跟 Stevenson, 他們愛放話讓媒體有很多東西可以寫。不過其它小牛隊員特別是 Dirk 跟 Kidd 大部份時間都很低調。 "We take the character of our coach," Kidd said. "We don't show a lot of emotion. We just go out there and play. He's kind of closer to the vest, but he's shared his feelings. We're a group of guys that go out there and play hard for him." 「什麼樣的教練帶什麼樣的球隊」Kidd 說「我們就跟金凱瑞一樣不外露太多情緒, 就是打好我們的球。他是很深藏不露的傢伙,不過他會跟我們分享他的感覺。 我們是一個團隊,我們會為了他而奮戰。」 Carlisle isn't the first coach to get the Mavs to the Finals. Even though this is Carlisle's first Finals as a head coach, Terry said the vibe of this team is different than the Avery Johnson-led squad five years ago. 卡帥不是第一個把小牛帶到總冠軍戰的教頭,儘管今年是卡帥第一次以教頭身分 來到總冠軍戰,Terry 說球隊的氛圍跟五年前 Avery Johnson 帶隊時不同。 "Mentally tougher team," Terry said. "The leadership on this team is obviously the reason why. Coach Carlisle has obviously prepared tremendously for this moment and I think you see it in his preparation. To a man we're much better with our talent and we're mentally tougher." 「心理素質上更堅強」Terry 說「很明顯地領導能力是主因。為了這一刻, 卡帥準備地非常充份,我想你從他所做的準備可以看出來。 他讓我們的才能發揮得更好,讓我們心理上更頑強。」 The toughness has the Mavericks two victories shy of the ultimate NBA glory. 就是這份頑強現在讓小牛只差兩勝就能到達 NBA 榮耀的頂點。 "He pushes us to the limit," Stevenson said of Carlisle. "With our team and the players we have, we have veteran players where we understand it's a goal and the goal is bringing back a trophy and we don't have guys that are looking for individual stats." 「他把我們逼到極限」Stevenson 談到卡帥「用我們目前的陣容。我們有許多老手, 我們了解最終目標就是要把冠軍盃帶回去。我們隊裏沒有洗個人數據的人。」 (Stevenson 你就是一定要酸就對了 XDDD) The Mavs of 2006 wilted under the pressure of Dwyane Wade, whistles, South Beach partying and hotel changes. Terry suggested that Johnson's relative inexperience as a coach also played a part. 2006年的小牛受到種種因素影響最終輸掉總冠軍,包括 Wade, 裁判吹判, South Beach partying (??), 飯店的異動等。 Terry 覺得小將軍執教經驗不足也是原因之一。 "Avery was like us," Terry said. "It was our first time. We overachieved. Our failures up to this point have prepared each one of us for this moment. I think that's why Rick is prepared this time around and I think all of us as players have been prepared to handle that adversity." 「Avery 當時就跟我們一樣嫩」Terry 說「那是我們的第一次,可以說當時我們 的表現超出預期。以往的失敗讓現在的我們準備得更充份,不論是卡帥或是 我們球員都已對逆境做好準備。」 Terry and Nowitzki are the only players left from the previous Finals team. Terry did stop short of saying Carlisle has done a better coaching job than the Little General. "Can't really evaluate," Terry said. "The only way you're going to say that is if we win it all." Terry 跟 Dirk 是唯二2006年陣容中還留在小牛隊的球員,在被問到卡帥跟小將軍 哪個帶得比較好時他頓了一下 「這個嘛... 很難講耶」Terry 說「如果今年我們贏得總冠軍的話就可以說了吧」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/10 20:02, , 1F
06/10 20:02, 1F

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06/10 20:09, , 5F
06/10 20:09, 5F

06/10 20:10, , 6F
對阿拓時 JJB狂被打點還是不換下去= =
06/10 20:10, 6F

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06/10 20:29, , 10F
這個卡萊爾是不是我們家以前溜馬那個 那他的意思
06/10 20:29, 10F

06/10 20:29, , 11F
他應該很討厭溜馬就是了 不過話說當時溜馬有小歐
06/10 20:29, 11F

06/10 20:30, , 12F
06/10 20:30, 12F

06/10 20:36, , 13F
2006年小牛到了邁阿密有開趴 去夜店玩 結果...
06/10 20:36, 13F

06/10 20:36, , 14F
South Beach partying是在酸Howard愛開趴吧?
06/10 20:36, 14F

06/10 20:36, , 15F
原來如此! XDDD
06/10 20:36, 15F

06/10 20:41, , 16F
那年不只JH啦 大家年少輕狂
06/10 20:41, 16F

06/10 20:41, , 17F
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06/10 20:49, , 18F
06/10 20:49, 18F

06/10 20:53, , 19F
卡帥今年季後賽的調度真的打了一堆小牛迷的臉 包括我
06/10 20:53, 19F

06/10 21:06, , 20F
我喜歡被他打臉 請用力打 打到總冠軍為止
06/10 21:06, 20F

06/10 21:07, , 21F
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06/10 21:12, , 22F
http://0rz.tw/LjFtP 情感糾葛連MARION也在其中!!XDD
06/10 21:12, 22F

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06/10 21:47, , 28F
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06/10 21:57, , 29F
DIRK 你怎麼這樣XD 啥時換我啦~~ >///<
06/10 21:57, 29F

06/10 22:33, , 30F
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06/10 22:39, , 31F
DIRK 和NASH互看那張真腐....
06/10 22:39, 31F

06/11 00:50, , 32F
Stevenson 你就是一定要酸就對了 XDDD
06/11 00:50, 32F
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