[外電] Five years later, Dirk, Dallas are d …

看板Mavericks作者 (小牛總冠軍!!!!)時間13年前 (2011/06/01 00:30), 編輯推噓17(17017)
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Five years later, Dirk, Dallas are different 五年過去了,Dirk、小牛跟五年前不再一樣。 MIAMI -- Honest as ever, Dirk Nowitzki isn't afraid to look right into the camera and admit that he really didn't expect to be here when the season started. 就像往常一樣,Dirk面對鏡頭不會感到害羞, 也大方承認球季開始時,根本沒想過今年會走到總冠軍! South Beach for the NBA Finals? 在炙熱的南灣打總冠軍賽,如何? With the Dallas Mavericks granted coast-to-coast permission to rent the Cowboys' famed mantle of America's Team while they're matched up with the villainous Heat? 小牛會在這橫跨東岸到西岸的大賽中, 以牛仔正義的身分來跟代表邪惡一方的熱火來對抗嗎? Nowitzki couldn't have even fathomed a fantasy like that when he agreed to that new $80 million contract at Mark Cuban's house in July. Dirk去年七月在Cuban家中簽下新合約時,壓根沒想不到這種劇本! "I didn't think that it was gonna be in the first year right away that we'd be back in the Finals," Nowitzki said, recalling the night he told his emotional boss he'd be staying for four more years. Dirk:"之前,我沒有想過再換約後的第一年就能重回總冠軍賽。" 回想那一個夜晚,Dirk告訴他那激情的老闆他想在達拉斯再待上4年。 Expectations were modest back then in Big D. Like everyone else on the NBA map, Nowitzki and Cuban watched with envy and dread as LeBron James and Chris Bosh fled to Miami to join Dwyane Wade and form a potential superpower: Team Free-Agent Summit. 當初只期望能讓達拉斯變得更強。 就跟所有注意NBA的人一樣, Dirk跟Cuban也是忌妒又害怕得看著LBJ跟Bosh前往熱火,跟閃電俠組三巨頭。 Nowitzki's phone, meanwhile, didn't ring once from outside the 214 area code. 而這階段,從來沒有任何其他人打電話給Dirk。 Apparently so convinced that they had no shot at prying him away from Cuban and the only team and town Nowitzki has ever known in his American life, none of the league's other 29 teams dared to put a call in. 很明顯的,大家都相信Dirk不會離開Cuban, 而達拉斯也是Dirk在美國生活中的唯一,聯盟中其他29支球隊, 沒人敢打他的主意。 "Zero," Dirk said over the weekend. "Nobody." Dirk:"一通電話都沒有,真的沒有任何人打電話給我。" The stark contrast between the star who stayed and the three stars who hooked up on the shores of Biscayne Bay is one of the primary subplots of the 2011 Finals, which begin Tuesday night at Miami's AmericanAirlines Arena with either James or Nowitzki poised to win his first ring. The other biggie: Nowitzki and his Mavs are back on the big stage after five long years, too thrilled to protest the fact that they've been forced to return to the demon-infested scene of the most painful week in franchise history to try again for their first-ever championship. 一個球星選擇留下, 另外三個選擇在邁阿密Biscayne海灣上合體,真是強烈的對比, 這也是今年總冠軍賽, 除了Dirk跟LBJ誰會戴上生涯第一枚戒指之外的次要情節之一。 (Bosh:人家也是第一次啊! 眾老將:大家都是第一次....) 一位偉大的球員和屬於他的球隊,睽違五年的煎熬,終於再次回到這舞台上, 過度得激動,讓大伙沒辦法反抗五年前的事實, 小牛再次的回到歷史上,充斥著惡靈與哨音,最痛苦的地方, 再次為了隊史第一座金盃努力! "I look at it this way: I would have played anybody in the Finals," Nowitzki insists. "If you look at the last five years, how we struggled … it's been so hard to get back to that stage that I would have played anybody -- wherever -- at this point. Dirk強調:"在總冠軍賽,我將無所不在。       如果回憶過去五年的時光,你會發現我們有多掙扎...,       要重回到這舞台是件不容易的事情,       所以在這時候,我不會有所保留!" "So it happens to be Miami again, and we'll take it." Dirk:"正好又遇到邁阿密,所以我們接受他們的挑戰!" The only pushback coming from Nowitzki lately is his dismay with the notion that he's only just arrived this postseason as a prime-time playoff performer. That's the narrative Nowitzki rejects, pointing to his standing alongside the Hall of Fame trio of Hakeem Olajuwon, Elgin Baylor and Bob Pettit as the only players in league history to average 25 points and 10 rebounds in their playoff careers. 再次回到總冠軍賽,對於超級巨星Dirk來說, 唯一讓Dirk沮喪的事情是才要準備大展身手! Dirk拒絕談論為啥他能跟三位名人堂前輩一樣在季後賽有著25分10籃板的好表現。 "It's almost a little funny to me to see how people are all of sudden saying I'm a changed guy," Nowitzki said. "I've been averaging 25 and 10 for 10 years in the playoffs, so it's not like this just came overnight." Dirk:"這真得是讓人發笑,竟然有人說我突然變身超級賽亞人!     十年來,我一直都在季後賽保持著平均25分10籃板的表現,     並不是突然有的好表現,OK?" The differences between 2011 Dirk and 2006 Dirk -- who couldn't prevent the Mavericks' implosion as they inched to the brink of a 3-0 Finals lead over the Heat -- are far more subtle than stark. To pinpoint the five changes that matter most to Nowitzki's game and his basketball fortunes in his 13th NBA season, this is how they break down 2006的Dirk--那個無法阻止小牛與對熱火的3-0優勢擦身而過的人, 但今年的Dirk不一樣了! 更仔細的說明Dirk五年來的改變好了, 就是Dirk更能接管比賽,再加上他已經打了13年NBA的比賽了! http://0rz.tw/NWzwp 有些地方怪怪的,就麻煩大家幫我看看吧QQ 等了好久,明天終於有比賽了!!! (迷之聲:欸欸~你有課耶= =) -- ◣▄▂▏ ∕ ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█◣ 小牛今年總冠軍!!! ◢█▇▆▅▄▃▂▁ ▋╴/ ▊ ◢ ◢ ◢ ▇▇ ▇▇ ◢ ▊ ◣◥ ───◢▉◢▉ ◢ █▊  ̄╲ ███▊ ◤◢▉ ◤ ▅▅ ▌◢ ◣ \ ▏ ﹨ GO ◤█◤ ▁◥▋ ▉◢ !! ◣ 、◥ ▋█▋▎ ◥ █◤ █◣ █ φHERTONG -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/01 00:36, , 1F
我要上班,主管不准我請假 Q_Q
06/01 00:36, 1F

06/01 00:36, , 2F
06/01 00:36, 2F

06/01 00:37, , 3F
06/01 00:37, 3F

06/01 00:40, , 4F
06/01 00:40, 4F

06/01 00:53, , 5F
快睡 明天要早起
06/01 00:53, 5F

06/01 01:04, , 6F
喔耶 好興奮
06/01 01:04, 6F

06/01 01:06, , 7F
系列賽以3-0領先 是指什麼意思ㄚ??
06/01 01:06, 7F

06/01 01:06, , 8F
06/01 01:06, 8F

06/01 01:08, , 9F
06/01 01:08, 9F

06/01 01:08, , 10F
06/01 01:08, 10F

06/01 01:10, , 11F
進一步說 小牛本可以贏下第三場然後取得3-0的優勢
06/01 01:10, 11F

06/01 01:10, , 12F
但他們卻在最後關頭自爆了 而Dirk沒能挽回
06/01 01:10, 12F

06/01 01:15, , 13F
拜託 明天一定要贏
06/01 01:15, 13F

06/01 01:16, , 14F
villainous Heat是指壞人之意,這段應該是拿西部電影
06/01 01:16, 14F

06/01 01:18, , 15F
來做比方,好人cowboy要來對抗惡棍 (對照"被全世界討
06/01 01:18, 15F

06/01 01:18, , 16F
06/01 01:18, 16F

06/01 01:41, , 17F
明天要考試哭哭 拜託一定要衝一波阿!
06/01 01:41, 17F

06/01 01:46, , 18F
06/01 01:46, 18F

06/01 02:21, , 19F
06/01 02:21, 19F

06/01 02:21, , 20F
06/01 02:21, 20F

06/01 02:24, , 21F
誰說的 小牛贏球會帶動你辦事效率
06/01 02:24, 21F

06/01 02:30, , 22F
06/01 02:30, 22F

06/01 02:39, , 23F
熱火 48分鐘 OUT !!
06/01 02:39, 23F

06/01 03:42, , 24F
06/01 03:42, 24F

06/01 06:27, , 25F
06/01 06:27, 25F

06/01 08:29, , 26F
中間那段"is...that"的句型 可翻作 再次回到總冠軍賽
06/01 08:29, 26F

06/01 08:31, , 27F
06/01 08:31, 27F

06/01 08:32, , 28F
06/01 08:32, 28F

06/01 08:33, , 29F
用以強調在Final DIRK會拿出更棒的身手)
06/01 08:33, 29F
感謝XD 但用沮喪好像還是怪怪的QQ ※ 編輯: LKN555 來自: (06/01 08:40)

06/01 08:38, , 30F
換種想法 其他球隊不想要司機的打法 才對他沒興趣??
06/01 08:38, 30F

06/01 08:38, , 31F
這樣也好 我們才有繼續看小牛隊的機會XDDD
06/01 08:38, 31F

06/01 08:44, , 32F
06/01 08:44, 32F

06/01 08:44, , 33F
06/01 08:44, 33F

06/01 08:50, , 34F
06/01 08:50, 34F
文章代碼(AID): #1DvHV3pN (Mavericks)