[外電] Terry has a big claw to show for his effort

看板Mavericks作者 (有瑋)時間13年前 (2011/05/26 23:50), 編輯推噓17(1817)
留言26則, 20人參與, 最新討論串1/1
As he sat in his locker answering questions about the Mavericks' Western Conference finals victory over Oklahoma City, Jason Terry had a huge bandage wrapped around his right forearm. "I think I hurt it on that last dunk," he said. "I was trying to rip the rim down." Terry was joking, we think. But he clearly had to have some attention to the arm. He's been an ironman when it comes to playing through pain and with at least five more days before Game 1 of the NBA Finals, Terry doesn't expect any problems from the arm. 季後賽打到現在板凳暴徒JET真的超重要!!!! 希望JET的手臂可以好好休息且在總冠軍賽維持高檔阿!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/26 23:51, , 1F
靠要 灌了一顆沒分數的受傷
05/26 23:51, 1F

05/26 23:52, , 2F
05/26 23:52, 2F

05/26 23:53, , 3F
05/26 23:53, 3F

05/26 23:53, , 4F
05/26 23:53, 4F

05/26 23:56, , 5F
05/26 23:56, 5F

05/26 23:56, , 6F
應該是還好而已啦!還能畫唬爛說笑= =
05/26 23:56, 6F

05/26 23:56, , 7F
05/26 23:56, 7F

05/26 23:57, , 8F
希望這是疑兵之計 而不是宣告要烙賽
05/26 23:57, 8F

05/26 23:57, , 9F
05/26 23:57, 9F

05/26 23:57, , 10F
05/26 23:57, 10F

05/26 23:58, , 11F
05/26 23:58, 11F

05/27 00:02, , 12F
05/27 00:02, 12F

05/27 00:03, , 13F
05/27 00:03, 13F

05/27 00:04, , 14F
逗過頭了 結果是下來擺滑翔姿勢弄到
05/27 00:04, 14F

05/27 00:06, , 15F
幹 這不噓不行 蠢到爆了
05/27 00:06, 15F

05/27 00:10, , 16F
05/27 00:10, 16F

05/27 00:15, , 17F
兵不厭詐 這是戰爭
05/27 00:15, 17F

05/27 00:27, , 18F
以JET高齡又矮小的後衛而言 他的打法感覺也沒啥退化
05/27 00:27, 18F

05/27 00:27, , 19F
希望明天公牛贏 讓JET多休息幾天!!!
05/27 00:27, 19F

05/27 00:28, , 20F
05/27 00:28, 20F

05/27 00:46, , 21F
今天那個姿勢看起來應該還好 沒有很誇張
05/27 00:46, 21F

05/27 02:06, , 22F
05/27 02:06, 22F

05/27 02:07, , 23F
你旁邊還有Marion啊 傳給他灌也可以@@"
05/27 02:07, 23F

05/27 03:07, , 24F
因為灌籃受傷看起來應該是打打嘴炮 只是可能手臂真的
05/27 03:07, 24F

05/27 03:07, , 25F
需要時間去休息 別太操阿!!! 板凳救火超重要的!!!
05/27 03:07, 25F

05/27 08:48, , 26F
05/27 08:48, 26F
文章代碼(AID): #1DtdRSpw (Mavericks)