[外電] Jackson leaving on low note as Lakers swept away

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Jackson leaving on low note as Lakers swept away Jackson的教練生涯以湖人遭到橫掃告終 The fun is over for Phil Jackson and his five kids. Phil Jackson與他的五個孩子的快樂時光結束了。 They've spent the last 20-plus years treating the NBA playoffs like a private party, according to their dad. So with Jackson retiring after this postseason, and with his Los Angeles Lakers on the brink of elimination, four of them flew to Dallas for Game 4 of a second-round series against the Mavericks. 根據禪師的說法,他們在過去20多年的季後賽就像在辦私人派對一樣。 他今年將要退休,湖人又面臨被淘汰的邊緣,因此他的其中四位兒女飛 到達拉斯來欣賞對戰達拉斯小牛的第四戰。 Decked out in yellow hats with Roman numerals marking Jackson's 10th and 11th championships, hoping he could somehow pull out No. 12, they instead witnessed perhaps the worst game of his playoff career - an ugly blowout loss to the Mavericks, completing Dallas' sweep. 他們戴上黃色的帽子,上面用羅馬數字寫著10與11,象徵了Jackson的 第十座與第十一座冠軍,同時還抱持希望能拿到第12座。但他們可能 目睹了禪師教頭生涯最慘的一敗,被小牛痛電遭到橫掃。 Jason Terry tied a playoff record with nine 3-pointers and the Mavs advanced to the Western Conference finals with a 122-86 victory Sunday that ended the Lakers' run toward a third straight NBA championship. Jason Terry砍進平季後賽個人單場最高的9顆三分,小牛以122-86 擊敗湖人挺進西區冠軍戰,也終結了湖人三連霸的美夢。 "It felt good tonight, but we know we're only halfway home," center Tyson Chandler said. "We've got eight wins, but we need eight more. That's our ultimate goal." Tyson Chandler表示:"今晚感覺太棒了,但我們知道目前只走到一半。 我們拿到了八勝,還有八場要贏,這是我們的終極目標。" Jackson knows that better than anyone. A Hall of Famer since 2007, he leaves with a record 11 titles, and only 10 series losses. Take away Red Auerbach, who won nine championships, and Jackson won more titles than any two coaches combined. He won six championships with Michael Jordan, three with Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal, and the last two with Bryant leading the way. 而Jackson比任何人都更了解這一點。他在2007年入選名人堂,退休時 囊括11座冠軍,只輸過10個系列賽。如果不算Red Auerbach榮獲的九座 冠軍杯,Jackson比其他任兩個教練加起來贏個還多。他與Michael Jordan 攜手拿下六次冠軍,三次帶領Kobe Bryant和Shaquille O'Neal稱王, 最後兩次與Kobe重返榮耀。 The 65-year-old Zen Master had to be talked into coming back this year. He was lured by the chase for a 12th title, bundled neatly as four three-peats, but he knew it would be tough with a team worn down by three straight years of playing into mid-June. 65歲的禪師今年被說服再帶一年,來爭取個人的第十二枚冠軍戒指, 並且恰好的達成個人生涯第四度的三連霸。但他知道這支球隊在連續 三年打進總冠軍戰後,已經體力透支了。 "(That) puts a lot of strain on the basketball club from all angles: personalities, spiritually, physically, emotionally, and getting charged up for game after game and assault after assault when you go in and play a team," Jackson said. "It was a challenge bigger than we could beat this year." 他說:"這讓這支球隊相當疲憊,不管是人員上、精神上、身體上、 情緒上,一場又一場比賽過後的體力恢復,帶領一支球隊也不斷的 遭受抨擊。今年要來爭取衛冕是個更大的挑戰。" Jackson has retired before, only to come back. This time, he said he means it. "In all my hopes and aspirations, this is the final game that I'll coach," he said. "It's been a wonderful run." 禪師退休過,也復出了,他說這次他是有意的。他說:"我熱切的 希望,這會是我所執教的最後一場比賽,這是段很棒的時光。" Assistant Brian Shaw, a former Lakers player, is considered a front-runner to take over. The bigger decisions for general manager Mitch Kupchak will be how to surround Bryant. He may want a younger point guard than Derek Fisher, who turns 37 before next season, and he may consider breaking up his tandem of 7-footers, Andrew Bynum and Pau Gasol. 助理教練也是前湖人球員Brian Shaw,被認為最有可能接下湖人主帥 一職。而總管Mitch Kupchak還有更大的決定要下,該要如何打造以 Kobe為中心的陣容。他或許希望可以找到比下個球季將滿37歲的Derek Fisher更年輕的控球後衛。也有可能拆散他們七呎雙塔Andrew Bynum 與Pau Gasol。 "We all know they always come back and get themselves back in the race," Jackson said. "The Lakers are going to survive." And Jackson will be rooting them on. 禪師說:"我知道他們會捲土重來,與其他球隊抗衡。湖人會活下去 的。"他也會為他們打氣。 "My companion and sweetheart is running the organization on the business side," he said, referring to Jeannie Buss, daughter of club owner Dr. Jerry Buss, "so I know I'll be involved somehow." 他說:"我的同事與愛人經營著這支球隊,所以我終究還是脫不了 關係。"他指的是Jeannie Buss,湖人老闆Dr. Jerry Buss的女兒。 Jackson's departure will be felt hardest by Bryant. "I grew up under him," Bryant said. "The way I approach things, the way I think about things - not only basketball, life in general - comes from him. It's a little weird for me to think of what next year is going to be like." 禪師的離去讓Kobe很難受。Kobe說:"我是被他帶大的,我待人接 物的方法,還有思考的方法,不僅僅是在籃球上,而是對我的整個 生命有很大的影響。對我來說明年會怎樣是我難以想像的。" Dallas will host either Oklahoma City or Memphis in the conference finals. The Grizzlies lead the Thunder 2-1 going into Game 4 on Monday night. The next round likely won't start before next Sunday, a layoff that could pay huge dividends for a roster filled with players in their 30s. 小牛則會在下一輪保有主場優勢,對手可能是奧克拉荷馬雷霆或是 曼斐斯灰熊。灰熊目前以2-1領先雷霆,明天兩隊將進行第四戰。 下一輪應該不會在台灣時間禮拜一以前開打,這讓小牛許多三十多 歲的老將們能夠有很充分的休息時間。 Then again, the Mavs might want to keep playing the way they're going. They tied a playoff record with 20 3-pointers, shooting 63 percent from behind the arc and 60 percent from the field (44 of 73) overall. 同時,小牛也會希望把好手感延續下去。小牛全隊今天砍進平季後賽 團隊單場最多的20顆三分球,命中率高達63%,這個系列賽的三分命 中率更是投73中44,60%。 They extended a franchise record by winning their sixth straight playoff game, a streak that began right after they blew a 23-point lead in Game 4 of their first-round series against Portland. 小牛也拿到隊史季後賽新高的六連勝,上一次他們輸球是在第一輪第 四戰於波特蘭的23分大崩盤。 While the crowd went bonkers all afternoon, they weren't doused in confetti at game's end. The organization held back to symbolize that this is only a step toward the bigger goal of winning its first title. 全場觀眾在這個下午都瘋了,但他們並沒有在最後灑下紙花。球團 不這樣作,象徵了今天只是在邁向隊史首座總冠軍更進一步而已。 "I'm going to enjoy this for a day," Dirk Nowitzki said. "I think I'm gonna have some pizza and cheat on my diet." Dirk Nowitzki說:"我會享受接下來的一天,我想我會買一些Pizza, 好好大快朵頤一番。" Terry made 11 of 14 shots for 32 points. J.J. Barea set a career playoff-best with 22 points and Peja Stojakovic added 21 points. None of those guys start. Terry投14中11攻下32分,J.J. Barea創下個人生涯季後賽最高的22分, Peja Stojakovic攻下21分。他們都不是先發。 "We've been doing it by committee all year long," said Nowitzki, who scored 17 points, his fewest this postseason. "There are a lot of guys who can make plays and make shots when it counts." Dirk只拿下本季季後賽最低的17分,他說:"我們這整年都有不同的人 跳出來,我們有很多人可以執行戰術,以及在關鍵時刻進球。" The Lakers blew big, late leads in Games 1 and 3, and came in talking about cleaning up their fourth-quarter performance. They never got that far. 湖人在第一戰和第三戰浪費了後半段龐大的領先優勢,而在第四節的 表現方面,他們完全被比了下去。 The second quarter proved to be one of the most spectacular in Mavericks history, thanks mostly to Terry. 今天的第二節將會被記載在小牛的隊史當中,多虧了Jet。 He was 5 of 6 from behind the arc that period, and the team was 7 of 8 - despite Jackson's repeated demands that his players run at them to try forcing them to dribble up for 2-pointers instead of 3s. The Mavericks had a run of 13-2 early in the quarter and a 10-1 spurt at the end. 他在那節三分球投6中5,全隊投8中7,儘管Jackson不斷要求他的球員 們不能放三分,寧願逼迫他們運到裡面投兩分球。小牛在這節的開端 打出13-2的攻勢,最後又用10-1來收尾。 Bryant couldn't bail out the Lakers. He made only 1 of 5 shots in the period and had two turnovers. His only basket came after shoving Barea away from him; the pesky little point guard got even right away, driving straight to the rim for a layup. Kobe也救不了湖人,他在第二節投5中1,還有兩次失誤。他唯一的 進球是把Barea推開才製造出空檔。這位小後衛馬上就討回面子, 直接殺到籃框底下上籃得分。 Bryant finished 7 of 18 for 17 points. Gasol's lost postseason continued, too; he had 10 points and eight rebounds. To make the loss even more embarrassing for the Lakers, Lamar Odom and Bynum were both ejected within a 45-second span of the fourth quarter for flagrant fouls. Kobe最後投18中7拿到17分,Gasol季後賽依舊難堪,只拿到10分 8籃板。讓這場敗仗更難堪的是,湖人的Lamar Odom與Bynum在最 後一節的45秒之內連連惡性犯規遭到驅逐出場。 NOTES: Teams trailing 0-3 are now 0-99 in NBA playoff history. The Lakers became the 60th to get swept. ... Before the game, Jackson was told the league was fining him $35,000 for comments he made Saturday that were critical of officials. "That's not fun having a feeling like I've been chased down the freeway by them," Jackson said. "But as Richard Nixon says, 'You won't be able to kick this guy around any more."' ... The lopsided loss continued a trend for the Lakers. Although they'd won nine straight series, their previous eliminations were by 39, nine, 31 and 13 points. ... The 39-point loss - to Boston in Game 6 of the 2008 Finals - was the only bigger blowout loss than this for Jackson, Bryant and the entire Lakers franchise. ... Nowitzki improved to 8-0 in playoff games against Gasol. 一些紀錄: 在NBA季後賽史上99支以0-3落後的球隊,全數遭到淘汰。而湖人 成為第60支被橫掃的球隊。 在賽前,Jackson因為批評裁判被罰了35000美金。他說:"一直 被人抓毛病的感覺真不好。"不過就像Richard Nixon(前美國總統) 所說的:"你不會再有機會欺負這些人了。" 湖人在關門戰慘敗已經成為趨勢了,儘管他們連續贏了九個系列賽, 他們前面幾次遭到淘汰分別輸了39分、9分、31分和13分。在2008年 總決賽第六戰慘敗給波士頓塞爾提克39分是對於Jackson、Kobe以及 湖人隊史的最慘敗仗。 Dirk目前在季後賽碰到Gasol是8勝0敗。 大家好好休息囉 可以先隔岸觀虎鬥了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/10 00:16, , 1F
05/10 00:16, 1F

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05/10 09:25, , 6F
原來那幾個是他孩子 我還以為是一般球迷
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05/10 13:16, , 7F
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05/10 13:16, , 8F
一開始以為是當地的湖人迷 結果原來是Phil的子女呀
05/10 13:16, 8F
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