[外電] Kobe not counting out Lakers despite …

看板Mavericks作者 (黃金右腳)時間13年前 (2011/05/07 18:29), 編輯推噓26(2604)
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Kobe not counting out Lakers despite 3-0 deficit 儘管湖人處於0-3落後,Kobe仍未放棄。 Kobe Bryant knows the deal. His Los Angeles Lakers are down 0-3 to the Dallas Mavericks and none of the 98 NBA teams facing that deficit have ever come back to win a series. Kobe Bryant知道這個事實,他所率領的洛杉磯湖人目前0-3落後給 達拉斯小牛,而且NBA史上在七戰四勝制的系列賽中,以0-3落後的 98支球隊全數遭到淘汰,無一倖免。 Yet Bryant also knows his team has won the last two championships, and reached the finals three straight years. And that his soon-to-be-retired coach has won a record 11 championships and has never been swept in his 20 years on the sideline. Kobe同時也知道他們是要尋求三連霸的球隊,也已經連續三年進軍 總冠軍戰。而且他們快要退休的教練已經贏了11座冠軍,在他執教 的20年裡從來不曾被橫掃過。 Bryant also realizes how close his team is to leading this series 2-1. They blew a 16-point lead in the opener, losing only in the final seconds, and on Friday night they fell apart down the stretch again on the way to a 98-92 loss. Kobe也知道他的球隊差一點就可以以2-1領先了,他們在開幕戰浪 費了16分的領先優勢,在最後關頭輸球。而今天的比賽他們又在 最後關頭崩盤,以92-98敗陣。 So, with all that in mind, he made this declaration following the Game 3 defeat: "I think we're still going to win the series." Confidence, eh? Well, he also prefaced that line by laughing and saying, "I might be sick in the head or crazy." 所以,在這些考量之下,他在第三戰落敗之後依然表示:"我認為 我們還是能夠贏的系列賽。"很有信心是吧,不過他也笑了並且補 充道:"我可能頭腦怪怪的或是瘋了。" The Lakers have mostly themselves to blame for being in this predicament. Leading by seven with 5:05 left, and having controlled the game throughout the second half, they got sloppy on defense. They gave Dirk Nowitzki, Jason Terry and Peja Stojakovic wide open shots, and that turned things around in a hurry. 湖人落到這個田地,大體而言得怪他們自己。他們在最後5分05秒 還領先,下半場也完全掌控了比賽,他們的防守卻開始懶散。他們 給了Dirk Nowitzki、Jason Terry和Peja Stojakovic大空檔的投 籃機會,這讓戰情急轉直下。 A 20-7 closing run jump-started by 3s from Nowitzki and Stojakovic put the Mavericks on the verge of not only winning this series, but pulling off a sweep. Dallas can move to the Western Conference finals for the first time since 2006 with a victory at home on Sunday. 由Dirk與Peja的三分彈帶起的一波20-7的攻勢讓小牛不僅有機會 贏得系列賽,甚至是有機會橫掃。小牛只要在台灣時間禮拜一的 主場作戰獲勝,就可以自2006年以後首次進軍西區冠軍戰。 "We're not good enough to relax or take the pedal off the metal," Nowitzki said. "You don't want to ever give a champion life, so hopefully we can have the same effort and the same crowd and a great game on Sunday." Dirk說:"我們還不能放鬆或是踩煞車,你不會想給衛冕冠軍任 何機會,所以希望我們在下一場能拿出一樣的努力,並且有一樣 的觀眾來加持。" The Mavericks scored 32 points in the fourth quarter, the most by either team in any period this series. Bryant said the Lakers helped by making "some of the dumbest defensive mistakes I've seen us make all year." 小牛今天第四節灌進32分,是兩隊這個系列賽單節的最高得分。 Kobe說湖人犯下很多他整年看到最蠢的防守失誤。 "We're disappointed," said Lakers coach Phil Jackson, who has never been down 0-3 in a series, much less been swept, in 20 years as an NBA coach. "We feel like Games 1 and 3 we controlled the pace of the games. They were better at finishing the games than we were. But we still believe we're going to win the next game and we'll go from there." 在20年的NBA執教生涯中從來沒有居於0-3落後,更沒有被橫掃過 的湖人教練Phil Jackson說:"我們很失望,我們感覺第一戰跟第 三戰都掌握了比賽的節奏,但他們就是能夠漂亮的收尾,比我們 做的還好。但我們還是相信能贏得下一戰,而且就從這裡開始。" Nowitzki and the Mavericks want to get this over with as soon as possible. This veteran-filled club would love to avoid another long round-trip flight and to start resting up for the next series. Dallas would be the home team in the conference finals, regardless of whether Oklahoma City or Memphis advances. Dirk以及小牛儘可能的想趕快結束這一切。這支充滿老將的球隊 當然不想再去一趟洛杉磯,而是希望在家準備下一個系列賽。如 果小牛進軍西區冠軍戰,不論對手是奧克拉荷馬雷霆或是曼斐斯 灰熊,小牛都將擁有主場優勢。 For a franchise that's perennially underachieved, and is still trying to overcome blowing a 2-0 lead in the 2006 NBA finals, ending this series Sunday also would send a great message about their chances of winning their first title. It also would avoid any chance of yet another postseason disaster. 年年失望的小牛,依然希望能走出在2006年總冠軍戰2-0領先被 逆轉的傷痛。在下一戰就終結系列賽的話,小牛就可以向大家 宣告他們有機會贏的隊史第一做的總冠軍,當然也可以避免另 一個季後賽悲劇的發生。 "We don't want to open the door for them because then it will be hard to close," forward Shawn Marion said. 前鋒Shawn Marion表示:"我們不想趕他們一條生路,不然會 很難收拾。" Missing the suspended Ron Artest, Jackson gambled with a starting lineup featuring 6-foot-10 Lamar Odom at small forward, alongside 7-footers Andrew Bynum and Pau Gasol. The Lakers logically pounded the ball inside with great results. Even Bryant started getting into the paint, making his first layup of the series. 在Ron Artest遭到禁賽的情況下,禪師賭上6呎10吋的Lamar Odom當做先發小前鋒,與7呎的Andrew Bynum和Pau Gasol組 成強力的前場。湖人理所當然的狂攻禁區,連Kobe都往禁區 打了,並且首次在系列賽上籃得分。(真的假的...) Perhaps Artest's absence caught up to them at the end. Jackson acknowledged "there was some fatigue factor in there." He also admitted that his super-sized lineup was much better protecting the paint than defending the 3-point line. 但或許Artest的缺陣還是帶來了影響,Jackson承認有些人 因此比較累。他也承認他的超高陣容防守禁區比外線還來的 好多了。 And there was that Nowitzki fellow. Dallas' superstar scored 32 points, making 12 of 19 shots. With the Lakers' big guys crowding the lane, he went back to his roots and got comfortable behind the 3-point line, burying 4 of 5. He only attempted four free throws, but made them all. 但有一個叫做Nowitzki的傢伙。這位小牛的超級巨星攻下 32分,投19中12。當湖人的大個子在堆疊在禁區的時候, 他回到他最舒服的三分線外,投5中4。他只獲得四次罰球 機會,但是全投進了。 "Just about everything that happened down the stretch was a direct result of him either scoring the ball or making a play to get somebody a shot, or make a pass for an assist for a 3 or a 2 or whatever it was," Mavs coach Rick Carlisle said. 小牛教練Rick Carlisle說:"在最後關頭他的所有作為都對 球隊有所貢獻,不管是得分或是作掩護讓其他人投籃,又或 是傳球給其他人得兩分或三分。" A record Dallas crowd of 21,156 - most wearing royal-blue giveaway T-shirts that read, "The Time Is Now," with the Mavs logo in place of the basketball on top of the championship trophy - went through the usual chants of "De-fense!" and "Beat LA!" without much impact through the first three quarters. With the game on the line, they got to their feet and helped the home team sustain its final push. 達拉斯的進場觀眾有21156人,大部分穿著今天免費發送的 皇家藍T恤(其實字面上的意思是略帶紅色的深藍色,但我覺 得這顏色不太像,而且應該是有榮耀或是稱王的意味在)。 上面寫著"The Time Is Now(就是現在了)",還附有小牛的 隊徽,就放在冠軍金盃上面那個圓球處。前三節他們一置的 高喊"De-fense!(防-守!)"還有"Beat LA",但沒有什麼作用。 直到第四節的關鍵時刻,他們全都站起來了,並且在他們的 加持之下小牛最後加足馬力逆轉獲勝。 Terry scored 23, including some of the points that helped ice the victory in the closing minutes. Stojakovic scored 11 of his 15 in the final quarter. Jason Kidd added 11 points and nine assists. Terry攻下23分,包括一些最後奠定勝基的得分。Peja也在 第四節攻下全場15分當中的11分。Jason Kidd也得到11分9 助攻。 Bynum had 21 points and 10 rebounds. Odom scored 18 and Bryant scored 17. He had only four points in the final quarter. Gasol had 12 points and Shannon Brown provided a spark off the bench with 10. Bynum攻下21分10籃板。Odom得了18分。Kobe得到17分,他 在最後一節只拿到4分。Gasol得到12分。Shannon Brown從 板凳殺出攻下10分。 "We have a decision to make, whether it's our time or somebody else's time," Odom said. "How do you want your story to play out?" Odom說:"該是做決定的時候了,是我們的時代還是其他人 的,你們希望故事接下來怎麼發展?" Notes: Since the last time the Lakers were swept (1999), they have pulled off seven sweeps. That includes against Kidd and the Nets in the 2002 NBA finals. ... Dallas has been up 3-0 twice before. In 2006, the Mavericks went on to sweep the Grizzlies. In 2003, they needed seven games to eliminate Portland. ... Bryant passed Shaquille O'Neal to move into third place on the career postseason scoring list. With 5,263, he trails only Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (5,762) and Michael Jordan (5,987). 一些紀錄: 上次湖人被橫掃是在1999年,他們在之後橫掃對手7次,包括 在2002年總冠軍戰掃掉了Kidd與紐澤西籃網隊。 小牛也曾經以3-0領先過兩次。在2006年小牛橫掃了灰熊,在 2003年他們被波特蘭拓荒者逼到第七戰。 Kobe在季後賽的總得分來到5263分,超越Shaquille O'Neal 來到史上第三,他只落後得到5762分的Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 還有得到5987分的Michael Jordan。 系列還沒結束 小牛還須努力 系列賽相關訊息(比賽時間、轉播等等)請參照置底 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/07 18:33, , 1F
05/07 18:33, 1F

05/07 18:33, , 2F
推翻譯 大家不能鬆懈 KB這次來真的了 Let's Go Mavs!
05/07 18:33, 2F

05/07 18:34, , 3F
再贏九場就達成目標摟!! G4再下一城吧
05/07 18:34, 3F

05/07 18:35, , 4F
05/07 18:35, 4F

05/07 18:49, , 5F
05/07 18:49, 5F

05/07 18:50, , 6F
05/07 18:50, 6F

05/07 18:50, , 7F
Dirk的敵人是有歐肥的熱火 Kidd敵人是有歐肥的湖人..
05/07 18:50, 7F

05/07 18:58, , 8F
05/07 18:58, 8F

05/07 19:02, , 9F
05/07 19:02, 9F
※ 編輯: DM24Tim 來自: (05/07 19:19)

05/07 19:22, , 10F
05/07 19:22, 10F

05/07 19:28, , 11F
別鬆懈+1 比賽是贏了第四場才結束 現在頂多領先三節
05/07 19:28, 11F

05/07 19:34, , 12F
05/07 19:34, 12F

05/07 19:54, , 13F
05/07 19:54, 13F

05/07 19:55, , 14F
別鬆懈+1 別讓我回一起06惡夢
05/07 19:55, 14F

05/07 20:00, , 15F
今天有些缺點希望下一場能改掉 否則很難打
05/07 20:00, 15F

05/07 20:06, , 16F
KIDD 加油 小牛加油
05/07 20:06, 16F

05/07 20:13, , 17F
This time is now
05/07 20:13, 17F

05/07 20:15, , 18F
05/07 20:15, 18F

05/07 20:27, , 19F
05/07 20:27, 19F

05/07 20:28, , 20F
G4直接送他們放暑假吧 別檔我們的冠軍路 Go Mavs!
05/07 20:28, 20F

05/07 20:35, , 21F
他在最後一節只拿到4分。<-- 4分沒翻到
05/07 20:35, 21F
真的XD 謝囉

05/07 20:35, , 22F
05/07 20:35, 22F

05/07 20:43, , 23F
免費....好想要= =.....
05/07 20:43, 23F

05/07 20:51, , 24F
05/07 20:51, 24F
※ 編輯: DM24Tim 來自: (05/07 22:09)

05/07 22:24, , 25F
還是要買門票吧 xd
05/07 22:24, 25F

05/08 01:37, , 26F
05/08 01:37, 26F

05/08 01:37, , 27F
05/08 01:37, 27F

05/08 02:53, , 28F
05/08 02:53, 28F

05/08 02:53, , 29F
05/08 02:53, 29F

05/08 22:57, , 30F
05/08 22:57, 30F
文章代碼(AID): #1DnHy2aq (Mavericks)