[外電] Sefko: How Mavericks can carry on an …

看板Mavericks作者 (3333333333333J)時間13年前 (2011/01/06 18:28), 編輯推噓7(702)
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Caron Butler is gone. He's not going to help this so-far grand season any more, at least not beyond moral support from the bench. The ruptured patella tendon in his right knee was surgically repaired Tuesday, and Butler is out for the season. So now what? How do the Mavericks replace 15 points per game and Butler's grit that was every bit as important as his offensive production? "It's a blow," team president Donnie Nelson said. "Those are some big shoes to fill." It's going to be a challenge for the Mavericks to plug the void. They were already having trouble scoring points, even with Butler, averaging 90 points in the last four games. The attitude of Butler's teammates, coaches and fans going forward can't be one of a pity party. The league isn't going to send any sympathy cards, much less sympathy wins. "He's such a big part of what we do," said forward Brian Cardinal. "The fans just see what he does on the court. They don't see the work he does in the locker room, in the weight room, all across the board. It's a tremendous loss. "I feel bad for Caron. He's as devastated as anybody, because he knows what we have going here and what we're capable of. He wants to win the championship as much as anybody. "But you can't have the poor-me mind-set." Butler had surgery Tuesday morning. The procedure, performed by Mavericks physician Dr. T.O. Souryal, reattached the ruptured patella tendon, which runs from the kneecap to the tibia (shin bone). While Butler will miss the rest of this season, he should be 100 percent before training camp begins in October. The big unknown is what the Mavericks will do in the interim. Since they don't have any player capable of increasing his scoring average 15 points (save for perhaps Roddy Beaubois, who still is a long way from returning), the road to recovery will begin with defense. If the Mavericks play it like they have in the first 33 games, they won't suffer a huge drop-off because they'll be in virtually every game. If teams can't score a lot, it's impossible for them to bury you. That brings us to Tyson Chandler. And Brendan Haywood, too. But mostly Chandler, who has the ability to play 30 minutes and alter shots and basically clog up the interior of the opponent's offense. At the other end, somebody is going to have to add something to the attack. Which brings us to Chandler, again. Of all the Mavericks, he's the offensive threat with the highest ceiling. Jason Terry already averages 15-plus points. He's not going to go much higher consistently. Shawn Marion might raise his average some, but Chandler – averaging 8.8 points before Tuesday – is the one who has a legitimate chance to see his average go up by perhaps four to six points. The Mavericks need this to happen. So does Chandler. His numbers have been climbing with Dirk Nowitzki out. They should continue to do so without Butler. He had 14 points in the win over Portland, which is a nice start. There are other issues the Mavericks must overcome, of course. Butler was a rock when it came to not taking any guff on the court. "We've got to become tougher," Mavericks coach Rick Carlisle said. "That's one of the things when you're down key personnel. "Right now, this is a real opportunity. It may sound a little crazy, but finding ways to get better when you're down a few key guys is how great teams become great." ============================================================================== Sefko認為我們現在最大的問題是如何填補CB平均15分的洞。 本季當CB在的時候小牛進攻火力已經有點貧乏了!何況是現在他報銷了! (過去四場比賽平均只得92分。) Beaubois有可能可以回來增添進攻火力,但離他歸隊還有一段時間。 文章中提到JT平均得分是15分,他的貢獻很難再增加多少。 Marion有可能是另一個平均得分會上升的,但最有可能的還是Tyson。 Tyson本季8.8分,Sefko預計他可能會增加4~6分的平均得分。 而這剛好符合了上一場對拓荒者的比賽,他得了14分,是個好的開始。 http://0rz.tw/fN4XD (原文連結) -- 七拾五式改百拾四式荒咬四百貳式罰詠貳百拾貳式琴月七百七式獨樂屠百貳拾八式九傷 百貳拾五式七瀨外式砌穿九百拾式鶴摘外式龍射百貳拾七式八靖外式奈落四百壹式罪詠 百拾五式毒咬外式虎伏百壹式朧車外式轟斧百八式驅闇炎裡百八式大蛇薙百外式百合折 百貳拾七式葵花參百拾壹式爪擳外式夢彈百八式八酒杯千百貳拾七式都牟刈百拾式鉈車 禁千貳百拾壹式八稚女外式頭椎七百貳拾式炎重外式轟槌百式鬼燒裡百拾五活零技之礎 百活天神之理貳百拾貳活神速之祝詞除活錚錚貳百拾貳活祝詞天瑞裡面壹活三賴之布陣 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: dmdjjj 來自: (01/06 18:37)

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