[外電] Carlisle: Everybody is talking about our winning streak

看板Mavericks作者 (bone bone)時間13年前 (2010/12/13 16:30), 編輯推噓10(1003)
留言13則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Carlisle: Everybody is talking about our winning streak but to us, it's insignificant 卡帥:每個人都在談論我們的連勝,但對我們來說這一點意義都沒有! What has been the key to the Mavericks' great start to the season? 小牛在今年好的開季關鍵在於? Well, we've improved our defense; we have made it a priority and we're studying it every day. I know we're on a winning streak and that's something everybody is talking about but really, that is insignificant to us. We're really looking at how do we sustain this? How do we improve daily? And we're trying to trend up as the season goes along here. 我們改進我們的防守,我們將防守放在第一位並且每天努力著 我知道我們正處於一波連勝而大家也都在討論著 但對我們來說真的一點意義都沒有! 我們每天都在確認自己是否有沒有扮演好自己的角色? 有沒有每天改進? 而且我們試著要維持到球季結束~ One of your goals is to be one of the best zone defenses in the league, which is odd because many coaches fear using the zone. What is it about this defense that you've liked so much with how your team has executed the zone? 為什麼你這麼喜歡區域聯防? 其他教練根本不喜歡這玩意~ Well, probably, if I was going to be honest, I was always one of those skittish about the whole concept of zone because it always seemed to me like it lacked the kind of accountability you needed for it to be a successful defense and that it would erode your man defense. But what I found is that you got to spend time on the zone and it's a more difficult defense to play than man-to-man because it requires constant communication. Your responsibilities are changing all the time in terms of who is in your area and then you have a block out responsibility. 老實說我過去看不起區域防守 因為他讓我感覺缺少一種能成功防守的信心而且我覺得這有點娘 但現在我發現區域聯防因為需要溝通 所以比人盯人防守更有難度 你負責的人在比賽時一直變換 一下子他跳進你的防守區域 一下子他又跳出去了~ So, what we found is that by spending time on it and working on it, you can get better at it; plus, it plays into one of our real strengths, which is the length of our team. We have an experienced club and we got a group that understands player's tendencies pretty well from an individual scouting standpoint. The zone is a good thing to have, to mix things up, to change tempo and sometimes you can get hot with it and ride it for a quarter or something. Other times, you get ripped with it and you got to get out of it. But we found it to be a good weapon to have and so we take pride in it and we work hard on it. 我們發現花時間在區域防守的練習上 我們會越來越熟悉這套防守  另外這也讓我們的實力增強 我們是個有經驗的球隊並且我們有個能夠知道球員天分的個人球探報告 這區域防守的好處有改變比賽節奏  有時候還能讓你手風順一整節的比賽 有時候我們也可以不用區域防守 我們發現這是個好的武器所以我們練的很勤 As a coach, you like to have set plays and plans, but do you ever just send them out there and let Jason Kidd get the ball to Dirk Nowitzki? 身為一個教練你會設定很多戰術吧! 但你是否曾經在場上只告訴KIDD:球給老大!!! Well, one of the things we've really worked on and this is another area of focus is for us to be able to play out of 'flow' as much as possible. And that means no play calling; it's just spacing the court, having concepts that figure personnel and being able to be a ball movement team with a real element of unpredictability. Now, you got to have plays, you got to have things to go to for execution down the stretch when you need to do that but when you get into the playoffs, teams become so familiar with one another that you've got to be able to "play basketball" and we're working very hard on that element of the game. It's like the zone defense: it's work, it's communication, it's understand and it's trust. The players have to trust that the system is the right system and that the coaches have to trust that the players can execute and make the right decisions, so there's a lot that goes into it but again, it's another area we've worked really hard on. 我們經常操練戰術並且在場上也希望能夠照著戰術走 沒有指令的41號戰術只有在場上充滿不可預測性時會下達 現在我們必須讓戰術能夠在場上發生效用 否則到了季後賽 面對互相熟悉的球隊 你還是要打真˙籃球 這就像區域防守 溝通 理解 還有信任 球員們必須相信這套系統而教練也要相信球員能夠履行戰術並且最出正確的決定 所以現在我們又有很多事情要努力去做了~ (這段有點亂~0~ 有錯我再改~) The problem for the Mavericks lately has not been the regular season but the playoffs. With that said, how do coach in the regular season while keeping an eye on the playoffs and making sure the team is as prepared for it as possible? 這幾季小牛的問題都不在例行賽而是季後賽 我就直接問啦~ 教練要如何讓球隊做好季後賽的準備? Well, that's really what it's about. We're not taking anything for granted, in terms of we know we're going to be in the playoffs but right now, in the big picture, we're trying to be one of those contending teams and we're trying to become a great basketball team. Now, we're good right now and I think we're improving. 這真的是我們該去做的事情 我們並不認為有理所當然的事情 我們知道我們現在是在季後賽名單裡~但就只是現在 在偉大的願景裡  我們希望我們是支有競爭力的球隊 而我們也試著去成為一支偉大的球隊 現在我們很棒但我認為我們還有的改進的地方 http://0rz.tw/ltSX7 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/13 16:47, , 1F
12/13 16:47, 1F

12/13 16:50, , 2F
12/13 16:50, 2F

12/13 17:15, , 3F
12/13 17:15, 3F

12/13 17:30, , 4F
41號戰術 科科
12/13 17:30, 4F

12/13 17:47, , 5F
12/13 17:47, 5F

12/13 19:15, , 6F
12/13 19:15, 6F

12/13 20:57, , 7F
推 感謝翻譯
12/13 20:57, 7F

12/13 21:30, , 8F
說的沒錯.. 沒有冠軍 連勝到最後也是惘然
12/13 21:30, 8F

12/13 21:37, , 9F
12/13 21:37, 9F

12/13 21:51, , 10F
12/13 21:51, 10F

12/13 21:52, , 11F
最近都看到後衛飛到三分線去擋 上一場這樣就很危險
12/13 21:52, 11F

12/13 23:26, , 12F
嗯 所以進攻戰術就是 無招勝有招 這樣嗎 =.=
12/13 23:26, 12F

12/14 00:52, , 13F
12/14 00:52, 13F
文章代碼(AID): #1D1TckFN (Mavericks)