[外電] Mavericks have a chance to be the first

看板Mavericks作者 (不在喔)時間14年前 (2010/11/14 18:21), 編輯推噓17(1701)
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Mavericks have a chance to be the first 小牛隊將有機會成為第一個打敗黃蜂的球隊 With Saturday night's blowout win in New Orleans over Portland, the Hornets remained undefeated, meaning the Mavericks will get not one but two chances to be the first team this season to beat the ultra-surprising Hornets. 在星期六的晚上 黃蜂以極大的差距打敗拓荒者 他們仍保持不敗 這代表著小牛隊有兩次機會成為這個球季 第一個打敗黃蜂的球隊 The teams meet in Dallas on Monday and in New Orleans on Wednesday in an odd bit of scheduling. 因為奇怪的賽程 這兩支球隊將在達拉斯碰一次面 然後星期三又在紐奧良碰頭 Coach Rick Carlisle correctly pointed out after Friday's win over Philadelphia that the record that New Orleans brings into the two-game set really doesn't matter. 卡帥指出對上七六人的數據 對於即將對上黃蜂的兩場比賽並不是很重要 "I got to make sure we're ready to play because if they're undefeated they come in with huge momentum and if they come in with one loss they're going to be (mad), so they're going to step on the floor playing hard either way,'' he said. 卡帥:我必須確認我們準備好了!!! 因為如果她們還沒輸過球 他們將會充滿了士氣 但如果他們輸了第一場 他們也許會發狂 不論怎樣 這都會是艱難的兩場比賽 On the other hand, the Mavericks have won three in a row and now have a legitimate reason to think they can be the first to take down the 7-0 Hornets, who by the way are playing some salty defense under new coach Monty Williams. 另一方面 小牛也是處在一個三連勝的狀態 並且認為小牛能夠阻止在新教頭下徹底的防守七連勝的黃蜂 "Momentum is something that we been talking about getting,'' Carlisle said. "We have a little now and we want to keep it going. They're the only undefeated team left. We're going to have to be ready. I've watched them and it's no fluke. They're good. It's a team that's going to be tough to deal with.'' 卡帥說:我們常討論要更有士氣 我們現在有一點點並且想要持續下去 他們現在是唯一還沒有吞下敗績的球隊 這一點都不僥倖 他們很棒 但我們會準備好然後讓他們吞敗~ http://0rz.tw/hy0t1 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/14 18:24, , 1F
11/14 18:24, 1F

11/14 18:35, , 2F
星期二來個四連勝 星期三來個五連勝吧!!!!
11/14 18:35, 2F

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11/14 19:19, , 5F
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11/14 19:48, , 6F
讓他們破處吧!! 我今天竟然看成黃風輸了 眼殘ˊˋ
11/14 19:48, 6F

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11/14 20:00, , 8F
讓他們破處吧!! 靠咱們的機基連線!!
11/14 20:00, 8F

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11/14 21:45, , 14F
[新聞]勇猛小牛 鐵蹄驅散黃蜂群
11/14 21:45, 14F

11/14 22:16, , 15F
[新聞]勇猛小牛 鐵蹄驅散黃蜂群
11/14 22:16, 15F

11/15 02:21, , 16F
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11/15 11:56, , 18F
破他們處 中他們的出 (無誤)~~~
11/15 11:56, 18F
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