[轉錄][外絮] 暑期市場第五天相關消息

看板Mavericks作者 (我會一輩子愛著你的 小su)時間14年前 (2010/07/06 17:19), 編輯推噓1(100)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1CCasexv ] 作者: sampsonlu919 (笑容後的我其實並不快樂) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 暑期市場第五天相關消息 時間: Tue Jul 6 05:24:52 2010 由於今天沒有太引人矚目的動態 所以就把這些消息整理在同一篇文章好了 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.騎士:最有希望簽回LeBron? Executive Sees Cleveland As Leader For LeBron http://tinyurl.com/LeBron-would-stay 一位不願具名,但坦承近幾天有與James會面的球隊高層透露 他感覺LeBron還是會留在騎士 而關鍵可能在於:他們是最知道如何與LBJ打交道的球隊 The Bulls appeared to be the leading contender for LeBron James a week ago, but the Cavaliers are risen to the top of the leaderboard in recent days. "My gut tells me Cleveland," an executive in the James chase told Yahoo! Sports. "From what I hear now, it his decision alone. No outside influences." The Cavaliers reportedly best knew how to deal with James. "It didn't take long to realize you're dealing with 25-year-old kids," one source said of James and his entourage. Cleveland executives are still on edge, but privately feeling far more confident now than they did weeks ago. Mavericks Still Hoping To Meet With LeBron http://tinyurl.com/Mavs-still-want-LBJ 不過還是有球隊希望能透過先簽後換的方式得到LBJ,如小牛隊 The Mavericks remain hopeful that they'll be able to meet with LeBron James, even though they could only acquire him via sign-and-trade with the Cavaliers. James has already met with Cleveland, New York, New Jersey, Chicago, Miami and Los Angeles. Sources with knowledge of LeBron's thinking have maintained for months that Dallas can't be dismissed as a dark-horse contender to land him thanks to player-friendly owner Mark Cuban and stars like Dirk Nowitzki and Jason Kidd. LeBron's Movie Won't Shoot Until Next Year http://tinyurl.com/LBJ-movie-delay 另外,根據娛樂權威媒體"綜藝日報"的報導 LBJ本來今年暑假預定要拍電影處女作"Ballers" 但這部電影要等到明年才會拍攝 Filming of LeBron James' movie entitled 'Ballers' has been delayed until next year, according to a Variety report. James was intending to miss Team USA activities this summer to shoot the movie. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.尼克:想要Amare+Lee雙塔 http://tinyurl.com/Amare-with-Lee-in-NYK 紐約時報記者Howard Beck透過推特 透露尼克不排除簽回David Lee,與可望加盟的Stoudemire組成雙塔 If the Knicks miss out on other top-name free agents, they could re-sign David Lee to pair with the expected addition of Amar'e Stoudemire. "Also, Knicks have not ruled out a Stoudemire-Lee pairing, if they miss on the other big FAs," Howard Beck of the New York Times wrote on his Twitter page. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.塞爾提克:對續留Ray Allen保持樂觀 Celtics Optimistic Ray Allen Will Return http://tinyurl.com/27b4f4h 原因不外乎兩個 a.Pierce續約 b.River也會繼續執教 The Celtics are optimistic that they'll be able to re-sign Ray Allen, according to Marc J. Spears. Boston agreed to a four-year, $61 million deal with Paul Pierce recently, which they believe will help them retain Allen. Doc Rivers' decision to return as coach of the Celtics for the 2010-11 also leads many to believe that Allen will return. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.暴龍:打算動用中產條款挖人 Raptors 'Close' To Signing Player For MLE http://tinyurl.com/Tor-to-use-MLE 雖然聯盟沒有透露暴龍想簽誰 不過多倫多星報的Doug Smith倒是列出了以下可能的人選 a.Matt Barnes b.Ronnie Brewer c.Shannon Brown d.J.J. Redick 這四人如果加盟暴龍,下季的年薪可望從5百萬鎂起跳 除非球隊不打算將中產條款可運用的金額用完 The Raptors are still waiting for Chris Bosh to make a decision, but they haven't completely stopped all other operations. Toronto is "close" to reaching an agreement in principle with a free agent for some, if not all, of the team's mid-level salary cap exception. No names have became immediately apparent, according to league sources. The NBA's mid-level exception is worth more than $5 million, but teams can offer less to players. Doug Smith of the Toronto Star lists Matt Barnes, Ronnie Brewer, Shannon Brown and J.J. Redick as potential targets. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.湖人:還是希望漁夫回隊 Lakers Want Fisher To Take Pay Cut http://tinyurl.com/2a2b2u3 不過湖人只願意開出1年250萬的條件,這等於是要Fisher降薪 Fisher希望的合約是2年1千萬 The Lakers want Derek Fisher to agree to a pay cut in order to return to Los Angeles. Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo! Sports writes that the Lakers reportedly want Fisher to take a one-year deal worth as little as $2.5 million. The Los Angeles Times has reported that Fisher wants a two-year, $10 million deal. The Lakers have agreed on a four-year, $16 million deal with Steve Blake last week. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.金塊:甜瓜是非賣品 Nuggets say Anthony won't be traded http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=5356389 儘管雙方談續約並不順利 金塊的高層依舊堅決表態,不會在暑假將Anthony交易出去 這也等於否認了近來市場上的其他流言 Carmelo Anthony will be a member of the Denver Nuggets next season -- whether he accepts the team's offer of a contract extension or not. With speculation that Denver may trade their All-Star forward growing over the past week, a high-ranking Nuggets official said the club has no intentions of moving its best player. "There is no way we are trading Carmelo Anthony," the official said. "We're 100 percent certain of that." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 先寫到這邊,等一下也歡迎其他版友的補充 -- 每週好片推薦 1.哭泣的藍衫 The Crying Jersies上映時間:2010-06-18 法國鬧劇級大師"多明尼克"息影之前最後力作 故事描述一位一事無成的國家隊教練,在世界杯上不僅無法控制球員 讓球員們在場上就像遊魂般毫無生氣,也讓所有球迷,甚至總統徹底傷心 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/06 05:27,
07/06 05:27

07/06 06:22,
07/06 06:22
mjsp99:轉錄至看板 Nuggets 07/06 06:22

07/06 06:54,
尼克要組沒有守備的雙塔嗎= =
07/06 06:54

07/06 06:57,
Cavs 總管那天跟 james 談完出來被記者拍到振臂對空
07/06 06:57

07/06 06:58,
歡呼的動作... 應該是談得很順利心裡很爽..
07/06 06:58

07/06 07:14,
Shannon Brown領中產 哈哈哈 恭喜
07/06 07:14

07/06 07:14,
07/06 07:14

07/06 07:54,
07/06 07:54

07/06 07:56,
07/06 07:56

07/06 08:02,
07/06 08:02

07/06 08:49,
07/06 08:49

07/06 09:40,
尼克堅決走向無防守球風 其他29隊內線喜出望外
07/06 09:40

07/06 10:06,
07/06 10:06

07/06 10:14,
尼克現階段要的已經不是鋒線了 要一個後衛
07/06 10:14

07/06 10:23,
07/06 10:23

07/06 10:23,
07/06 10:23

07/06 10:29,
老漁的要求對比現在的薪資只是平盤 沒有更多喔
07/06 10:29

07/06 10:30,
治病不用錢嗎 美國醫療費很可怕啊!!!
07/06 10:30

07/06 10:45,
我笑了 湖人給莎莎500萬 漁夫2年1000萬不值?
07/06 10:45

07/06 10:46,
再說 2年也不是長約 明年也可以當到期合約交易掉
07/06 10:46

07/06 11:21,
07/06 11:21

07/06 11:49,
amare:好爽喔 我也簽兩千萬了 那甜瓜你可以不用來了
07/06 11:49

07/06 12:18,
07/06 12:18

07/06 12:29,
David Lee怎麼樣也不夠格叫"塔"吧...
07/06 12:29

07/06 17:19,
借轉 感恩!
07/06 17:19
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/06 22:40, , 1F
我不要 = =
07/06 22:40, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1CClKZXM (Mavericks)