[外電] rumor?

看板Mavericks作者 (POP先生)時間15年前 (2009/02/22 23:17), 編輯推噓15(15010)
留言25則, 15人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
http://tinyurl.com/dd2sv5 Kidd looks like a keeper It seems Jason Kidd will end his NBA career right where it started - in Dallas - according to a league source. Kidd had been the subject of trade rumors this season and is making $21.3 million in the final year of his contract. But the source said the Mavericks and Kidd are happy with their working relationship and the team would like to re-sign him to a more economical extension. The concern for the Mavericks in re-signing the 35-year-old Kidd is making a deal that won't damage their hopes of being a major player in the 2010 free agent market. Kidd would be expected to have a lesser role in the future as the Mavs groom their point guard of the future. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/22 23:19, , 1F
到底會便宜多少呢? 中產可以嗎xd
02/22 23:19, 1F

02/22 23:20, , 2F
不過話說 現在小牛已經是沒了KIDD就會一團亂的球隊了
02/22 23:20, 2F

02/22 23:21, , 3F
02/22 23:21, 3F

02/22 23:21, , 4F
不敢想像Barea成為先發控衛XD 他還是替補瘋一瘋就好
02/22 23:21, 4F

02/22 23:21, , 5F
02/22 23:21, 5F

02/22 23:23, , 6F
希望可以扶正一個PG 而不是JET JET專心得分就好
02/22 23:23, 6F

02/22 23:24, , 7F
可惜鴨子當PG 我實在不敢想 還有誰能接PG
02/22 23:24, 7F

02/22 23:27, , 8F
02/22 23:27, 8F

02/22 23:27, , 9F
Wright是sg= =...
02/22 23:27, 9F

02/22 23:28, , 10F
留下來吧 現在的小牛再沒KIDD就...........
02/22 23:28, 10F

02/22 23:29, , 11F
只能從別隊挖了 這季交易時間過了 就看夏天囉
02/22 23:29, 11F

02/22 23:34, , 12F
02/22 23:34, 12F

02/22 23:39, , 13F
02/22 23:39, 13F

02/23 00:47, , 14F
02/23 00:47, 14F

02/23 08:31, , 15F
02/23 08:31, 15F

02/23 09:50, , 16F
02/23 09:50, 16F

02/23 10:00, , 17F
現在還有錢去簽蛇人Moore嗎 不然要練小蛋皮阿
02/23 10:00, 17F

02/23 10:23, , 18F
02/23 10:23, 18F

02/23 11:10, , 19F
02/23 11:10, 19F

02/23 11:14, , 20F
02/23 11:14, 20F

02/23 11:15, , 21F
02/23 11:15, 21F

02/23 11:16, , 22F
02/23 11:16, 22F

02/23 12:25, , 23F
這樣的或許是暫時的方法 JJ真的有種黏球的fu @_@
02/23 12:25, 23F

02/23 19:13, , 24F
老師的TO很多嗎? 還好吧 @@
02/23 19:13, 24F

12/11 21:55, 5年前 , 25F
Wright是sg= https://daxiv.com
12/11 21:55, 25F
文章代碼(AID): #19eMo6xX (Mavericks)